Freedom for woman who kept trying to kill disabled husband

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman who tried repeatedly to kill her disabled husband was spared a prison sentence after a court accepted that she had been unable to cope with the strain of caring for him.

Shirley Watts, 61, first tried to strangle her husband, Michael, with a dressing gown cord on Christmas Day last year. Over the following three days she put a pillow over his face, held his head under water in the bath and put a running shower hose into his mouth.'

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RADAR ALERT: NY's Restraining Order Bill – Orwellian Law to Ensnare the Innocent

One of the founding principles of the U.S., espoused by Benjamin Franklin, is that it is better that one hundred guilty persons should escape than that one innocent person should suffer. Others such as Pol Pot believed the unjust punishment of innocent citizens is inconsequential so long as the guilty do not escape.1

A bill before the New York State Assembly, which reportedly has wide support, would require every individual subject to a restraining order to wear an electronic monitoring device so the state can track them at all times.2,3 Leaving aside fears of a coming surveillance state, the proposed legislation ignores a fundamental problem with DV restraining orders – the large number of them that are unwarranted.

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'Mentally ill' cannabis mother released by social services to stab two-year-old daughter to death

Story here. Excerpt:

'An Old Bailey judge today criticised social workers after a mother stabbed her young daughter to death days after a police doctor raised questions over her mental health.

Galtricia Ntsimbi, 23, was left to knife two-year-old Trycia Balhous five times before turning the blade on herself.
Ntsimbi arrived in London from Paris in late 2006 after splitting from her partner, who claimed she was "unhinged from reality."

He had reported his former lover's state of mind after he had seen her throw the baby against a wall and heard a knife banging on the floor. But French authorities refused him custody of the child and granted it instead to Ntsimbi.'

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Fire-bombs, mugging and gang warfare - just what has gone wrong with girls?

Story here. Excerpt:

'For several years, there has been a disturbing rise in the number of girls committing violent crimes at ever younger ages.

Last month, rival girl gangs used snooker balls in socks to batter each other in a mass brawl at a railway station at Shoreham, West Sussex.

In March, a 15-year-old girl was jailed for using a mobile phone to film two drunken teenage male friends beating a man to death in Keighley, West Yorkshire.

Last October, a gang of teenage girls stoned a 72-year-old woman and forced her into a busy road, leaving her with a broken nose and two black eyes.

There has also been a string of murders committed by girls, often sickeningly sadistic.

In 1999, for example, two 15-year-old girls murdered 71-year-old Lily Lilley, binding her mouth so tightly that her false teeth were pushed down her throat and giggling as they wheeled her body through the streets before throwing it into a canal.

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Daughter fails test, dad goes to prison

Story here. Excerpt:

'A northern Kentucky man is in jail today – serving a 180-day sentence – because his 18-year-old daughter failed a math test and didn't get her General Equivalency Diploma, or GED, as a previous court order required.

Brittany Gegner, the daughter, says if anyone should be jailed, it should be her.

"It's like I should, if anybody should be punished for this," Brittany told WCPO-TV in Cincinnati. "I would way rather me go to jail than my dad."'

It seems to me that anything that can be thought up to put a father/man in jail is being done. A father does not even have to commit a perceived crime to be put in jail anymore. Will this ever end? What's next I am afraid to ask?

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Gang of girls 'blew up house with home-made bomb over row about boy'

Story here. Excerpt:

'A gang of teenage girls may have blown up a house with a home-made liquid bomb, which killed a man in a neighbouring property, after arguing with another girl about a love rival.

Purple liquid was poured through the letterbox of the Victorian house before the an explosion destroyed three houses.

Their intended victim, Charlotte Anderson, was caught in the blast and was rushed to intensive care suffering with severe burns.'

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Woman gets only 15 years (with parole) for stabbing boyfriend to death

How can a woman who stabs her boyfriend to death...AND....has stabbed him on two previous occasions get charged with only 2nd degree murder? You got it...she says that he approached her in a "threatening" manner. A man would have gotten LWOP'd for doing the same thing to his girlfriend. By the way, in Nebraska she can get patrolled after serving only half of the lower term (3.75 years). Excerpt:

'Trial testimony indicated the pair had argued over Porter's desire to attend a party, a statement from the U.S. Attorney's Office said. Grant admitted stabbing Porter, saying he was approaching her in a menacing manner.

Evidence showed that the couple had a "turbulent relationship" and that Grant had stabbed Porter on two previous occasions and had threatened to stab him three other times, the statement said.'

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Feminists sharply divided between Clinton, Obama

Article here. Excerpt:

"No constituency is more eager to see a woman win the presidency than America's feminists, yet — despite Hillary Rodham Clinton's historic candidacy — the women's movement finds itself wrenchingly divided over the Democratic race as it heads toward the finish."

"At breakfast forums, in op-ed columns, across the blogosphere, the debate has been heartfelt and sometimes bitter. Are the activist women supporting front-runner Barack Obama betraying their gender? Are Clinton's feminist backers mired in an outdated, women's-liberation mind-set?"

"We're squandering an opportunity to be seen as a voting bloc that turns elections," Feldt said. "Unless we are working together, in a strategically thought-out effort to vote in our own best interests, we are in danger of never having another election where people will say women can determine the outcome."

Ed note: Given that women make up an ever increasing majority of voters, how can one say women do not determine the outcome of elections?

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Arizona Teacher Gets Six Months in Jail for Sex With Student

dooquidis4ever submitted this article noting a lenient six-month sentence for a female high school teacher who was charged with 17 counts of sexual conduct with a minor. At least she won't be able to return to teaching again, as she gave up her teaching certificate as part of this plea deal - one which a male teacher no doubt would never have been offered.

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MSN Encarta: Boys vs. Girls Maximizing Your Child's Potential

Article here about segregation in classrooms based on gender.

From the article: "According to Gurian, at the elementary school level, for example, boys tend to lag in language arts (history, social studies and reading)."

From the article: "Many teachers also have caught on to the advantages of letting boys be boys, which means encouraging physical movement. Short of letting them run screaming through the school yard, teachers can assign boys tasks, such as passing out papers or cleaning the chalkboard. If you have an especially active son, ask the teacher if he can play with a softball while working at his desk."

From the article: "Girls especially benefit from the mixing of methods, and teachers can change things up in the classroom, encouraging writing, role-playing and other activities -- even in math classes -- to help girls absorb the material."

What's next? Back to white kids in one room and black kids in another? Which race would have to clean the chalkboard and pass out papers?

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Study: Stay-at-Home Mom Worth Nearly $117,000 a Year

Article here:

If a stay-at-home mom could be compensated in dollars rather than personal satisfaction and unconditional love, she'd rake in a nifty sum of nearly $117,000 a year.

That's according to a pre-Mother's Day study released Thursday by, a Waltham, Mass.-based firm that studies workplace compensation.

The eighth annual survey calculated a mom's market value by studying pay levels for 10 job titles with duties that a typical mom performs, ranging from housekeeper and day care center teacher to van driver, psychologist and chief executive officer.

This year, the annual salary for a stay-at-home mom would be $116,805, while a working mom who also juggles an outside job would get $68,405 for her motherly duties.

Ed note: No mention is made of what's men's unpaid work is worth. One can imagine that plumbing, auto repair, carpentry, painting, and landscaping work would add up pretty quickly too.

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MSN: "8 Things She Hates About You"

More and more double-standards in relationship articles show up when I log out of Hotmail.

From the article: "And we women can continue not telling you why we're mad, because we'll figure, "Hey, he should know already!" Besides, who said this would be fair?"

From the article: "If he wants to come on to me, he needs to ditch his gross dress socks and gym clothes and make an effort. Otherwise he ain't getting any."

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Men are losing jobs...what is happening to us?

Folks, I came across this story, surprisingly, on MSN.

As much as I hate saying it, perhaps it has to get real bad for men to prod us into the kind of revolt needed to force changes in our system. How much longer? Excerpt:

'They eat from the same dishes and sleep in the same beds, but they seem to be operating in two different economies. From last November through this April, American women aged 20 and up gained nearly 300,000 jobs, according to the household survey of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. At the same time, American men lost nearly 700,000 jobs. You might even say American men are in recession, and American women are not.

What's going on? Simply put, men have the misfortune of being concentrated in the two sectors that are doing the worst — manufacturing and construction. Women are concentrated in sectors that are still growing, such as education and health care.'

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Mom Regains Custody Of Pot Smoking Toddler

Story here. If a father had been videotaped encouraging his toddler to smoke pot, he would never be able to visit his kid again! Excerpt:

'The three adults were all smoking marijuana inside a Menomonee Falls home, but it wasn't the drugs that got them in trouble. It was what police found on one of their cell phones.

The cell phone video shows a 2-year-old boy taking a marijuana blunt and smoking. The video shows his mother's friends teaching him how to do it.

Weber is taking parenting classes, but she still has custody of the boy.

Weber's attorney says his client has maintained complete sobriety since her arrest last fall. "She is gainfully employed and has been doing everything in her power to better her life and the life of her son."'

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Washington U. takes heat about honoring Schlafly

Story here. Excerpt:

"Washington University's decision to bestow an honorary degree on conservative political activist and author Phyllis Schlafly has stirred outrage among some students and faculty.
Mary Ann Dzuback, the director of the women and gender studies department at Washington University agreed, said it was "grossly inappropriate" for the university to honor Schlafly with a degree.

"She's spent her entire career speaking against women in the workforce and for them remaining in the home," Dzuback said of Schlafly, who rose to prominence during the successful campaign against the Equal Rights Amendment in the 1970s."

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