Popular Australian radio personaility gets apology on sex allegations

Story here. Excerpt:

'A WOMAN who accused colourful broadcaster Derryn Hinch of sexually assaulting her has made an unreserved public apology.

Maryann Martinek, a former business partner of Hinch's, made the allegations in 2006 directly to Hinch.

Hinch said she also asked for $50,000 or she would go to the police and make the allegations public.

But Hinch also reported the matter to police who later recommended that no prosecution should proceed.'

P.S. Derryn Hinch is one of Australia's top talk radio stars.

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Clearfield police say teen lied about church rape

Story here. Excerpt:

'Clearfield police said a teenage girl's claims that she was raped in the middle of a church parking lot in broad daylight are false.

In a statement sent to the Deseret News on Friday, Clearfield Assistant Police Chief Greg Krusi said laboratory test results and other evidence analyzed did not match up with the girl's claims about being attacked.'

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Mother jailed for 12 years after leaving 3-YO to starve to death

Story here. Excerpt:

"The mother of a three-year-old girl who starved to death showed more concern for the family's pet dog.

Tiffany Wright was left neglected and unloved to die alone locked in a squalid bedroom above the pub run by her mother and stepfather.

Yesterday Sabrina Hirst, 22, was jailed for 12 years after admitting the manslaughter of her daughter.
'Most members of the public will find it impossible to understand how you can treat your child this way.'

While Tiffany was dying upstairs, her mother was caught on CCTV in the pub expressing concern about one of her dogs not getting enough vitamins and not putting on weight."

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Millionaire businesswoman gets 11 years for enslavement

Story here. Excerpt:

'A millionaire businesswoman who inflicted years of abuse on her two housekeepers held as virtual slaves in her suburban New York mansion has been jailed for 11 years.

Varsha Sabhnani, 46, was convicted on 12 charges after her victims testified they were beaten with brooms and umbrellas, slashed with knives, and forced to climb stairs and take freezing showers as punishment.

One victim was forced to eat dozens of chili peppers against her will, and then was forced to eat her own vomit when she could not keep the peppers down, prosecutors said.'

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UK: Think tank slams paedophile paranoia culture

Article here. Excerpt:

'An independent think tank has today blamed the government's increasing reliance on "anti-paedophile" criminal record checks for making UK adults scared to have any contact with other people's children.

Civitas' report Licensed to Hug claims the checks have driven suspiscion of all adults, which has led in turn to a breakdown of communities. Afraid to tell off or even talk to misbehaving children, adults have become "deskilled" in dealing with younger generations, it argues.'

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Obama speech: Girls today know "women can do anything...better" than boys

Front and center on the home page of msnbc.msn.com you can watch a video clip of Obama's speech today at the big "unity" appearance with Hillary.

Obama says that because of Ms. Clinton, girls today know that "women can do anything that the boys can do... and do it better... and do it in heels!"

Who is writing Obama's speeches, which are getting stupider by the week?


Ed. note: Reported in MSM here. Also, you can hear the comments in question at the 6:30 mark of the video clip linked above.

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CNN Video: 3 teachers, 3 sex scandals

Video report here.

"Prime News" reports on a flurry of teacher sex scandals, one allegedly involving eight members of a school baseball team."

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Single mom tries to auction herself and her house on e-bay

File this under humor-- dark humor, but humor nonetheless. Excerpt:

'PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. — A struggling single parent and real estate agent is trying to sell her house and find a husband. She’s auctioning off both her home and herself in a package deal on eBay and Craigslist.
Her eBay auction ends July 2 and asks for a starting bid of 99 cents with a shipping cost of $500,000. The auction has not yet received any bids.

Traboscia says she has already been contacted by one man in Italy, who is arranging a trip to South Florida to visit her.'

Also covered here.

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Principal recovers memory, now affirms the 'pregnancy pact' story

The story that is destined just not to die... the latest chapter is here. Excerpt:

'BOSTON - The principal of a Massachusetts high school who said a group of students intentionally got pregnant stood by his comments Thursday, saying his information “was and is accurate.”

In his first public statement since the controversy erupted earlier this month, Gloucester High School principal Joseph Sullivan said he does not specifically remember using the word “pact” but does not dispute it.
The principal said his only direct source of information about the intentional pregnancies was the former nurse practitioner at the health center. He said he also heard “verbal staff reports and student/staff chatter.”'

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Mother jailed after baby she left unsupervised died of drugs overdose

Story here. Excerpt:

"A mother whose baby died of a heroin and methadone overdose after she left him unsupervised to go on a drug binge was today jailed for five years.

Sabrina Ross, a former prostitute, would regularly pass out at her home in Bristol, leaving 14-month old son Rio well within reach of Class A drugs and their substitutes, a court heard."

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14-YO girl faces stat rape charges and gets private attorney's help pro-bono

Story here. The kicker is that she claims she was raped forcibly by the 13-year-old and now has a private attorney (as opposed to a public defender) representing her gratis. Excerpt:

'Then the girl says two friends left the room, leaving her alone with the boy who she says had been her friend up until then. She says he forced himself on her. The girl says she told her school counselor about it a month later.

"I wanted help because it was my first time and I was scared," she says.

The counselor went to police and before long this girl who was 14 at the time, was being charged with raping the boy who was a few months younger and still 13 years old. Kansas law says sex with anyone under 14, even if it's consensual, is rape. Deciding to actually prosecute a child in this situation is another matter.'

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UK: Elderly girl-gang victim confronts her attacker in court

Story here. Excerpt:

"Great grandmother Maisie was beaten, spat at and threatened with garden shears as she tried to stand up to layabout Duffy and her gang of hoodie thugs who had been drinking cheap cider.

As Duffy was named and shamed by a judge under the terms of an anti social behaviour order, widow Maisie compared the pictures of herself and her tormentor and condemned the scourge of violent teenage girls blighting the country.

Recent Home Office figures shows that girls between 10 and 17 committed 59,236 crimes last year, up 25% from 47,358 in 2004."

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UK: "Flooded kitchen" mother jailed for neglect

Story here. Remember this case? Excerpt:

"A mother who left her toddler son imprisoned and alone in a flooded kitchen for three days while she went out 'to party', was today jailed for 18 months.

Kelly Tollerton, a 23-year-old single mother of two, showed no emotion as the judge spoke of her 'deplorable and disgraceful' act in leaving her two-year-old child to scavenge for food in the bin and sleep on a pile of dirty laundry, while she spent the weekend with her boyfriend."

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Unearthing bones can also unearth family secrets

Story here. Women making false claime as to who the father of a child really is has been going on for a long time. Now, the military is deciding how to deal with that when finding lost, dead soldiers back from WWII when doing DNA to notify next of kin. Excerpt:

"Now, as the military develops new technologies that could identify fallen soldiers using similar kinds of DNA tests, it is facing the real possibility that bones unearthed from distant battlefields may also end up exposing family secrets from World War II. The tests could well uncover cases of false paternity that have been kept secret for decades."

Women have been doing this for YEARS! Yet they still are not held responsible! It goes to show to me at least that women cannot be trusted. Goes as far back as Adam and Eve.


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Female Teacher Convicted of Planting Threatening Notes Throughout School

Story here. Excerpt:

'Susan Romanyszyn was convicted of 11 counts of leaving threatening messages in the hallways of Longstreth Elementary School in the fall, when she was a teacher there, according to The Philadelphia Inquirer.

In October, 15 notes including the messages "You die today," "Bomb today" and "I have a weapon and a nife," were found at the school, The Morning Call reported. In addition, a fake bomb was found in a student's desk and nails were scattered in a faculty parking lot.

Romanyszyn is under house arrest at least until her sentencing in a month. The crimes carry a maximum sentence of 73 years in jail.'

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