Father to Be Freed From Jail After Daughter Fails to Get GED

Story here. Excerpt:

"A judge says he will release a man who was jailed last week for failing to make sure his daughter earned her high school equivalency diploma.

Butler County Juvenile Court Judge David Niehaus' decision Friday would let Brian Gegner out of jail if his 18-year-old daughter Brittany attends a GED preparatory class and schedules the test before the next court date.

Gegner received a 180-day sentence for contributing to the unruliness or delinquency of a minor.

He had been ordered months ago to make sure his daughter, who has a history of truancy, received her GED — something that hasn't happened yet. His daughter has said it's not fair that her father was punished for her behavior."

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Male Circumcision Ineffective in HIV Battle According to Future HIV Therapy Report

Story here. Excerpt:

"Circumcision proponents, hailing from English-speaking countries, have been intensely lobbying world health agencies to adopt male circumcision as an additional HIV-prevention tool based on the release of three African randomized clinical trials reporting reduced HIV infections during their study periods.

Many sources of data contradict the claim that circumcision protects against HIV. The United States has one of the highest rates of circumcision and HIV infection in the developed world. European nations, which rarely practice circumcision, have very low rates of HIV. Numerous regions in Africa show higher rates of HIV in circumcised populations compared to uncircumcised populations.

For example, 2004 data from Lesotho show HIV infection of 15 percent for uncircumcised males and 23 percent for circumcised males. A 2007 study showed that, once commercial sex worker patterns were taken into consideration, circumcision status was irrelevant in HIV infection rates."

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New Zealand: Boys about to catch up with top scholars

Story here. Excerpt:

"Late maturity and competitiveness may explain why boys are narrowing the academic divide when it comes to Scholarship exams.

And the head of a successful all- boys college says single-sex education better serves boys because their self-belief is not dented by seeing girls win more awards.

Girls consistently outperform boys at all three levels of the National Certificate of Educational Achievement, but latest Scholarship figures show the top male pupils are fighting back."

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Cleared by DNA for rape, man tries to reclaim his life

Story here. Excerpt:

'James Woodard is slowly returning to life. He is starting over after spending 27 years behind bars. He was wrongly imprisoned and cleared by DNA.
He may be free, but he doesn't have his life back yet -- or even proof of his life. He crisscrosses the city looking for the birth certificate. Watch Woodard make the rounds

He can't open a bank account with a prison-issued I.D. He can't get a state I.D. card without a birth certificate or Social Security card. It's not easy starting over. Woodard calls it an "adventure."

Woodard was convicted of raping and murdering his girlfriend in 1981 and sentenced to life in prison. He was released on April 29, the 17th Dallas County inmate to be exonerated by DNA testing.
The Innocence Project is a national litigation and public policy organization, based in New York, dedicated to exonerating wrongfully convicted people through DNA testing. Its Texas branch has been instrumental in handling the Dallas cases.'

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UK: Breasts not for looking but pecs are okay

Story here. Excerpt:

'It is perfectly legal to ogle a man's chest but not a woman's breasts, according to an unusual ruling on what constitutes voyeurism by a panel of leading judges at the Court of Appeal yesterday.

Only women's breasts can be regarded as "private parts", whereas the male chest – even if the male in question has man breasts, or "moobs" as they are known – cannot, the judges say.

The distinction between the sexual status of the female and male chest area was made during the quashing of a conviction for voyeurism at a public swimming pool.'

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Amber alert issued for missing 10-month-old boy, taken from hospital by non-custodial mother

Story here. Excerpt:

"California police have issued an Amber Alert for a 10-month-old boy believed to have been taken by his mother from the Children's Hospital of Orange.

Officials believe Alakahi Thompson was taken by his mother, Ida Marybel Torres, on Wednesday night. Alakahi's father has legal custody of the child.
Torres is described as a 5-foot-4, 125-pound Hispanic woman with brown hair and eyes. She is believed to be driving a rented silver Chrysler Sebring with the California license plate 6AHA682.
Anyone with information as to the child and Torres' whereabouts are asked to call the Orange County Sheriff's Office at 714-744-7444."

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

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American housewives not-so-desperate after all: 1 in 3 having affairs

Article here. Excerpt:

'The survey, "Sex and the American Mom," revealed that 34% of these married moms is in the midst of, or has already had, an affair. Think of three married moms you know and ask yourself, "Which one is cheating?" We tried this and Colleen came up empty. Taylor could think of one or two, but not one out of three--that number seems staggering. Are we just naïve? In the dark? Out of touch? Which of our friends has managed to stray without anyone knowing (and when do they find the time and where they hell do they go?)?

Another somewhat mind-blowing result of this survey was that 77% of the respondents said they want more sex. That's more than three quarters of the 30,000 women asked who said they aren't getting enough. Again, we ask, who are these people? And are we to conclude that so many stray because they are not sexually satisfied?

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Action alert to help father jailed because daughter failed to get her GED

The California Alliance for Families and Children today issued the following action alert:


This Monday we saw an incredible story thanks to Glenn Sacks' newsletter about a father in Ohio who was jailed for 6 months due to the failure of his daughter to pass a GED test. This was in spite of the fact the daughter was now an adult, 18 years old, and was staying with her mother for the past two years during her problems with school.

The story was almost too unbelievable to be true and the injustice overwhelming. After scanning the media, we could not find anybody talking about the story and its gross injustice -- we felt compelled to act. At 3 p.m. on Monday the California Alliance sent out a press release to all of the major news outlets calling for a national protest and removal of the judge from the case.

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Teacher Arrested for 'Cruelty' to Third-Grade Boy

Story here. Excerpt:

"The parents of a student at East Iberville School filed a complaint against 46-year-old Julie Landry of Plaquemine, accusing her of forcing their son to unclog a restroom toilet with his hands May 7th.

Landry has been placed on leave with pay."


Ed. note: Notice the quotes around the word 'cruelty' in the headline. Notice also how short the story is. Would it be like this if this had been a female student, and especially if it were a female student and a male teacher?

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National Groups Want Judge In GED Case Removed

Here's some more information on the father in jail because his daughter failed the GED. Excerpt:

"There's a new development regarding a Butler County juvenile court judge's controversial ruling.

Judge David Niehaus sentenced Brian Gegner to six-months in jail because his daughter didn't get her GED.

Two groups, the National Coalition of Free Men, and the California Alliance for Families and Children want the judge removed from the case."

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Man Claims Jet Blue Forced Him To Sit In Bathroom to Accomodate Uncomfortable Stewardess

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Manhattan man is suing JetBlue, claiming he was forced to sit in an airplane bathroom for hours during a cross-country flight.

Gokhan Mutlu was flying standby from San Diego to New York in February.

He says he had a seat initially, but was woken up 90 minutes into the flight. He says the pilot told him that he would have to give his seat up to a flight attendant, who had complained that her jump seat was uncomfortable.'

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FOXNews: 10 Sex Mistakes Women Make

Article here. Excerpt:

'You wanted it. So I’m giving it to you. When “The Top 10 Mistakes Men Make” ran a couple of weeks ago, readers were like: “Fair enough. But what about the mistakes women make?”

No worries, we’re not leaving the ladies off the hook. From getting sloppy with seduction to carnal constraints, women, too, make some errors with the erotic.

7. Trash-talking other women.

Sure, you think she looks like a prostitute. But guess what? He does too — and is most likely loving it. Putting down other women in front of him serves as no more than a sign of insecurity. And that makes you unattractive. Rather than worry about what another gal looks like, focus your energies on keeping his eyes on you.

8. Assuming you'll be monogamous.

You’re not monogamous till you have the talk. Having sex is no guarantee of anything, including reciprocal feelings, love, and a future. So don’t make any assumptions. Be honest about what you want. Don’t use sex manipulatively. Head games should stay below the belt.'

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NCFM speaks at Torrance High School on DV to rebut feminist presentation to students

On May 13, 2008, National Coalition of Free Men members Marc Angelucci, Harry Crouch and Fred Sottile (also the Los Angeles rep of Fathers4Justice) were invited speakers at Torrance High School in Los Angeles County, where they spoke before 30 members of the student body government about male victims of domestic violence and other issues. This was a counter to the presentation previously given to the students by a feminist domestic violence shelter organization that distorted the issue and falsely told the students 95% of domestic violence is male-on-female, a myth that is not supported by any current credible data at all.

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US: Anonymous rape tests are going nationwide

Story here. Excerpt:

'ELKTON, Md. (AP) - Starting next year across the country, rape victims too afraid or too ashamed to go to police can undergo an emergency-room forensic rape exam, and the evidence gathered will be kept on file in a sealed envelope in case they decide to press charges.
The practice is already followed at some health clinics, colleges and hospitals around the country and by the state of Massachusetts. But many other jurisdictions refuse to cover the estimated $800 cost of a forensic rape exam unless the victim files a police report.
"Of course we encourage reporting. That's what we would like. But when they're adamant they don't want to report—if we think, `She's going to walk out if she has to go through with this,'—that's when we offer it," Lenz said.'

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Labor Strike For Men's/Father's Rights: Do you really want to make a difference or just talk about it?

Many Men's rights organizations talk about how they are tired of the anti-male U.S. justice system along with it's family courts. But, non of them seem to have a likely solution to all this bullshit.

It seems like no matter what any man does even as a group, the lawmakers of this country (the U.S.) continue to pass more anti-male laws and continue to let feminism and misandry thrive in the media as well as the court system.

Here is my idea:

If men’s rights groups across the country where to plan a nationwide men’s labor strike as a move to persuade lawmakers and big media to stop badgering us while ignoring our issues, do you think it is worth a try? Many labor unions have had there members go on a labor strike in order to get wage increases, better benefits, etc. and plenty have been successful at it. Sometimes the threat of crippling a company, industry or region and hurting the bottom line of big business (which in turn may affect some politician’s pockets) is the only way to get someone’s attention.

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