Barbara Kay on how courts disenfranchise fathers

Article here. Excerpt:

'...In 90% of disputed custody cases mothers walk away with “primary care” (in effect sole custody) of their children because, deservedly or not, judges feel sorry for them and find a technical or legal opening to issue the judgment they have already made in their hearts.

The introduction to a book presently nearing completion, called "Deadbeat Judges: How Courts Disenfranchise Fathers", outlines the triple cause of the syndrome. In the absence of constitutional protection of parental rights, and masking their power-grab under the guise of “best interests of the child,” courts have usurped disputatious parents’ natural right to equal guardianship of their children. Add to that judges’ superannuated impulse toward chivalry for the perceived underdog — virtually always the mother in their eyes — bolstered by a legal culture dominated by third-wave, anti-father feminism.

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Asst. Principal Makes Boys Drink Urine

Yup. They played a childish prank, pouring urine down the water fountain drain, and the teacher made the boys drink out of the fountain. This is abuse, plain and simple. What proof did the teacher have? What if it was a girl who did it? Excerpt:

'A Banks county assistant principal is facing potential trouble. Parents say she went too far in disciplining several students. Reaction is strong following accusations from parents, an assistant principal at Banks County Elementary School forced several 5th grade boys to drink from a urine tainted water fountain.

One parent said, “I think it’s ridiculous that we trust these people with our children’s health during the day and they let something like this happen.”'

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NIMH-funded research project seeks contributors to DV study

Via email:

"I am doing a research study on male victims of partner violence. We are looking for male victims of heterosexual partner violence who sustained some kind of aggression within the previous year to fill out a confidential, anonymous, online survey about their experiences with partner violence, their health, and their experiences with seeking help for their partner violence victimization. Here is a copy of our IRB-approved advertisement for this study:

"Researchers at Clark University and Bridgewater State College are conducting a study on men who experience aggression from their girlfriends, wives, or female partners. If you are a man between the ages of 18-59 and have experienced aggression from your partner within the past 12 months, you may be eligible to participate in this study. We invite you to follow this link to the study webpage where you can complete an Internet survey about your experiences. Link:

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Scotland Toughens Rape Laws & Proof of Consent

Story here. Excerpt:

"Plans to toughen laws on rape, consent, spiking drinks and offensive e-mails and texts have been unveiled as part of an overhaul of sex crime legislation. Under the Scottish Government bill, consent would be defined in law, creating a broader statutory offence which includes male rape. There would also be new offences for sexually offensive e-mails and texts and spiking people's drinks.
As well as a broader definition of rape, the bill creates a range of statutory sexual offences and a definition of consent based on "free agreement", with illustrative scenarios. One of these scenarios would be where a victim was incapable of consent through alcohol or other substances."

The article is unclear about what documentation proving consent would protect a man accused of rape.

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Save the Males interview

Excellent interview of Kathleen Parker here regarding her new book highlighting some of the sections of the book. This will be of general interest to MRAs. Excerpt:

'Kathryn Jean Lopez: Well count me among those who think men matter. Why do they need saving though? Don’t they usually do the rescue missions?

Kathleen Parker: Men are, indeed, excellent rescuers. We like that about men. In fact, Western men rescued women once upon a time from their status as pack mules. As my friend Matt Labash might say, I like to call that Western Civilization. Men also created the big-idea documents that ultimately resulted in women’s suffrage and equality under the law. Women have demonstrated their gratitude by reaching the summit and basically pulling the ladder up behind them. “See ya, guys. You’re on your own now. Oh, and we’re taking the kids.”'

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"Advice Goddess" Stands Up for Men

Advice Goddess Amy Alkon replies to a feminist blogger who accuses her of being a “colluder” with men’s rights advocates. From her site:

(Blogger) “A colluder is a woman that disavows feminism for men's rights.They feel that feminism has reached all of its goals, and that the women that are complaining today aren't interested in equality...oh no, we are interested in ruling men. Since females in roles of power are counter gender norms, this simply cannot be tolerated.”

Ms. Alkon replies - “If you're against discrimination and injustice, you're against discrimination and injustice of all kinds. And you don't create discrimination and foment hate, just as long as the discriminatee has a penis, which is what feminism tends to do. … I'm against feminism because I'm against discrimination against men or anyone, and feminism is, far too often, a big whine for special treatment under the guise of equal treatment. It's also, very often, a cover for man-hating… feminism is about promoting injustice not stopping it. Which is why I'm a proud "colluder."

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Japanese designing robotic girlfriends

Why bother reading fiction when you have the news? It's just sad. So, it's come to this. Excerpt:

'A Japanese firm has produced a 15-inch tall robotic girlfriend that kisses on command, to go on sale in September for around $175, with a target market of lonely adult men.

Using her infrared sensors and battery power, the diminutive damsel named "EMA" puckers up for nearby human heads, entering what designers call its "love mode."'

This is only the beginning, a test-marketing of sorts, as if they needed to do one. In a few decades, assuming the world doesn't implode on itself, a life-sized "fully-functional, 99% passable" android will be available. Think I'm kidding? Look how far electronics and robotics have already come in just 10 years!

Can relations between the sexes generally get any worse? Robotic replacements for one another is about as bad I think it can get short of gunfights in the streets.

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First British woman killed in Afghanistan

Story here. Excerpt:

"The first British woman was killed in action in Afghanistan in a blast that also claimed the lives of three other soldiers.
Three of the soldiers were killed in the blast, while the fourth was pronounced dead on arrival at Camp Bastion, the Ministry of Defence said.

It is understood that the woman was serving with the Army's Intelligence Corps."


Ed. note: Note that her gender makes her death headline news. Meanwhile, thousands of men from allied countries have been killed and at best, they get numbered.

Soldiers are soldiers, casualties all tragic. A person's sex should not matter a whit how the press treats them. Either the press needs to treat all casualties as numbers or as actual people with lives lost (I prefer that second approach), but not either-or based on the dead person's sex.

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Girl, 15, torched in gruesome attack by love rival

Story here. Excerpt:

"A 15-year-old girl was set on fire using white spirit in a street ambush by a love rival who was jealous over a kiss.

Schoolfriends have said she turned up to a meet a friend when her attacker allegedly leapt from the bushes and doused her in the highly flammable liquid hidden in a Coca-Cola bottle.

Police say that as she flicked a lighter, the attacker said: 'You won't look pretty anymore.'"

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Merrick woman found guilty of strangling husband

Story here. Excerpt:

"Kelly Forbes collapsed and let out a guttural wail as the jury foreman read the verdict yesterday in Nassau County Court: guilty of manslaughter in the first degree.

Jurors deliberated for just two hours before reaching their verdict, rejecting Forbes' claims that she was defending herself when she strangled her new husband, Michael, with an electrical cord last November.

In a courtroom divided between the bride's family on one side and the groom's family on the other, a jolting shout of "Yes" came from one of Michael Forbes' supporters. As court officers quieted the man, Kelly Forbes' parents sat stone-faced, then bolted from the courthouse immediately after the verdict.

Forbes, 29, faces a maximum 25 years in prison when Judge Jerald Carter sentences her July 18."

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Washington Post: 'Fathers and Druthers'

Article here. Excerpt:

"So how was Father's Day for you? Did you get a new tie and a Sinatra record? Oh, you got a game for your Wii and the new Death Cab for Cutie? Cool. Pretty great to be treated like a king after a long week at the office, right? What, your wife's got the full-time job? No, it's your partner, Fred, who does? Still, family's first and it's a great day for . . . Your ex got full custody and you spent the day pretending it was any other Sunday? Sorry to bring up a sore subject. So remind me again: What exactly was it we were celebrating a couple of days ago?

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"Why women quit technology careers"

Submitted by "C D" over email: "This study looks very bogus, particularly the 63% face sexual harassment claim. How was sexual harassment defined? How were questions worded? Did participants know what the study was about and its intended consequences before being questioned? Were males asked about sexual harassment using the same definition (for a control group)?"

Check out the comments!

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RADAR ALERT: Tell Your Congressman – "Don't Earmark Money for Lawyers, Oppose HR6088"

vol·un·teer1 (noun): "a person who performs a service willingly and without pay"

Here's a riddle: When do volunteers get paid $55 million dollars?

Answer: When the "volunteers" are lawyers paid by Congress with your money.

Under the guise of combating domestic violence, House bill HR 6088, the misleadingly-named "National Domestic Violence Volunteer Attorney Network Act" would funnel your tax dollars to lawyers. It would be bad enough if the intent of this bill were merely Congressional pork for lawyers. But the intent of this bill is to place Congress' thumb firmly on the scales of justice to guarantee the conviction of the innocent along with the guilty.

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DV research suppressed when it implicates women

Part of Glenn Sacks' most recent newsletter, the issue is detailed here. Glenn's newsletters always have great stuff, but some things stand out as important to underscore because of their value as resources for reference. This is one of them. Excerpt:

"I recently discussed the way that the research showing that women are just as complicit in family violence as men has been suppressed and obscured in this blog post. In the blog posts below, researcher after researcher details the impediments they faced in conducting and/or publicizing scientifically sound and honest research on women's family violence..."

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Man kills children, self, over divorce battle

Tragic indeed, and on Father's Day. This is the state of things here in the west. Excerpt:

"A father found gassed with his two children had been in despair over a bitter divorce battle.

Security guard Brian Philcox, 53, had lost his job and feared he would have to hand over his house to his estranged wife Evelyn, 37.
The pressure group Fathers 4 Justice confirmed that he had been in touch last week telling of his desperation. He had also told neighbours that the divorce had left him at the end of his tether and would leave him penniless.

He told one friend: 'I've lost my wife, I've lost my kids and I've lost my job. Now I'm going to lose my house. But I'd rather burn it down than see that bitch get it.'
Matt O'Connor, founder of Fathers 4 Justice, said: 'From time to time we get calls from people in an extremely agitated state. He called last week and was in some distress.

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