Gloucester "pregnancy pact" principal suddenly gets amnesia

Story here. Excerpt:

'Gloucester Mayor Carolyn Kirk said the report of a "pregnancy pact" has not been confirmed.
However, Sullivan has now told officials he can't remember what his source of information was.

At a news conference Monday, Kirk said the principal was "foggy in his memory about how he heard about the information."'

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Oxytocin: potential date-rape drug?

Article here. All right, makes sense to a point. However I can't imagine it being good for anyone to be dosed with artificial oxytocin regularly. It serves a purpose and to overload the body with it seems as bad as overloading it with any number of other artificial hormones.

That said, if you read the article all the way to the end, you will see this:

"However, despite the many potential benefits of the research projects, some scientists have sounded warnings over the negative potential uses the hormone offers.

They say oxytocin could have potential as a date-rape drug as it is involved in both trust and sexual arousal."

I do believe the next date rape drug scare will be aspirin.

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Man guilty of... photographing buses

Story here. Excerpt:

"A bus spotter has decided to give up his lifelong hobby of photographing buses because people fear he is a terrorist and even a paedophile.

Rob McCaffrey - who calls himself an omniboligist - has been taking pictures of buses all over the world for forty years but has only ever faced problems in Britain.

But Rob says that in politically correct Britain he is finding it increasingly difficult to continue his beloved hobby because of the fear and suspicion he causes among onlookers.

In the last year he has been questioned twice by the police and had to give all his personal details after people who saw him innocently snapping buses on public roads reported him."

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Woman Draws 10 Years for Kidnapping and Torturing her ex-boss

Story here. Excerpt:

"A 'greedy and wicked' estate agent, who hoped to pocket a fortune kidnapping and torturing her former boss, was jailed for 10 years today.

Ambreen Gul, 23, was so furious when she was fired that she recruited another sacked colleague and two other thugs to make her ex-boss pay.

Having lured Waqas Malik to her flat, the unsuspecting businessman was kicked, punched and pistol whipped repeatedly.

During seven hours of suffering one of his captors stood on his head, while another warned he had he would never see his family again unless he raised £200,000 ransom.

He was told failure would result in the executions of both himself and his 13-year-old son."

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MSN: "How to leave your husband"

Article here. Currently it's the first item in their rotating story box on the MSN home page. Excerpt:

'Keep it to yourself. In a pre-divorce situation, there is a fine line between deception and self-preservation. Though you may intend to leave, Woodhouse cautions against telling your spouse before you are prepared. "It would create a great deal of turmoil," she says.
Karen Kerbaugh, an administrative assistant in Haltom City, Texas, got married in 1996, "and from almost the first month I realized I had made a grave mistake in marrying him," she says.

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German court rules against woman who claimed phobia of official letters

Story here. Excerpt:

'BERLIN - A German court has ruled against a woman who cited an unusual phobia in asking that her child support benefits be restored. The phobia: fear of the contents of official letters.

Evidence in the case before a court in western Rhineland-Palatinate state said the woman, who it did not identify, was sent a letter in May 2007 asking that she supply evidence to support continued payments for her daughter.

After she failed to respond, she was notified in July 2007 that the money was being cut off and that she was being given one month to appeal.'

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Father's Day cards banned in Scottish schools

Story here. Excerpt:

'Thousands of primary pupils were prevented from making Father's Day cards at school for fear of embarrassing classmates who live with single mothers and lesbians.

The politically correct policy was quietly adopted at schools "in the interests of sensitivity" over the growing number of lone-parent and same-sex households.

It only emerged after a large number of fathers failed to receive their traditional cards and handmade gifts.

Family rights campaigners last night condemned the policy as "absurd" and argued that it is marginalising fathers, but local authorities said teachers need to react to "the changing pattern of family life".'

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British mother arrested in Spain after 'leaving young son to burn on beach for 12 hours'

Story here. Excerpt:

'A British mother has been arrested in Spain after she allegedly left her five-year-old son to burn on a baking hot beach for 12 hours while she went to work.

The boy's mother, aged 19, reportedly left him playing in the sand at the popular resort of Benalmadena, in the Costa del Sol, where he suffered serious sunburn and had to be later admitted to hospital.'

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UK: College women warned against whistling at workers while they face sex offender status if they do same

Story here. Excerpt:

'Officials at West Kent College in Tonbridge, Kent, sent an email to all pupils warning that the behaviour was "totally unacceptable", and saying any students caught harassing contractors would face disciplinary action.
The email read: "It has come to the attention of the college that some female students have been making comments to, or whistling at, the builders both whilst on site and as they walk around the campus.
Meanwhile new laws could see wolf-whistling builders placed on the sex offenders register. The Sexual Offences (Scotland) Bill will create a new offence of "communicating indecently", punishable by up to 10 years in jail.

The legislation is intended to punish sexual harassment by text, emails and letters, but ministers also aim to include sexually explicit comments to strangers. It is expected that the law would only apply to persistent offenders.'

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Wrongly accused man barely escapes erroneous child porn charges - presumed guilty by friends and colleagues

Story here. Excerpt:

'A child porn possession charge lodged against a Department of Industrial Accidents investigator fired for having smut on his state-issued laptop has been dismissed because experts concluded he was unwittingly spammed.

“The overall forensics of the laptop suggest that it had been compromised by a virus,” said Jake Wark, spokesman for Suffolk District Attorney Daniel Conley.

Nationally recognized computer forensic analyst Tami Loehrs told the Herald Michael Fiola’s ordeal was “one of the most horrific cases I’ve seen.”

“As soon as you mention child pornography, everybody’s senses go out the window,” she said.

Loehrs, who spent a month dissecting the computer for the defense, explained in a 30-page report that the laptop was running corrupted virus-protection software, and Fiola was hit by spammers and crackers bombarding its memory with images of incest and pre-teen porn not visible to the naked eye.

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RADAR: "FIX VAWA NOW" campaign contributions needed

Two weeks from now, RADAR will be launching our biggest campaign ever – “Fix VAWA Now!”

This five-month campaign will lay the groundwork for our legislative efforts to reform VAWA. The high-octane campaign will feature Op-eds Alerts, press releases, lobbying, new Special Reports, state-level efforts – you name it, we plan to blow the lid off the fraud and falsehoods of the domestic violence industry.

Can you help us get our “Fix VAWA Now!” message out – can you send us $50, $100, $500, or $1,000?

You can send the check payable to RADAR at:

P.O. Box 1404
Rockville, MD 20849

Or do it by PayPal:

So c’mon folks, dig deep, this is our once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We’ve got to turn the corner on false allegations, family break-up, and discrimination against men.

The RADAR Team

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Women Burdened by Invisible Household Labor

From a new study of who does what in managing the household:

"First, the good news: Men are doing more than they used to, according to findings released in April by the University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research. For example, in 1976, men did about six hours of housework per week; in 2005, that had increased to about 13 hours. Women, meanwhile, decreased their weekly housework from 26 hours in 1976 to 17 hours in 2005.

Now, the bad news: The same research found that men create, on average, seven more hours of housework a week for women. That extra work may not be as obvious as doing the dishes or mowing the lawn. So-called "emotional labor" -- tasks like writing holiday cards, scheduling doctor appointments and planning family gatherings -- is too often left to wives, says University of Michigan sociologist Pamela Smock. "As long as the invisible labor is borne by women, things aren't going to be equal, even if surveys show they are," Smock says. Such work can be a major source of mental stress, she adds."

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UK education journal: "Women, step back and shut up"

Article here. This woman seems to understand teenage boys. Of course, all the feminists come out from under their rocks to attack her. Excerpt:

'Celia Lashlie, an education adviser and author from New Zealand, said women are important to boys’ learning, but they need to learn from their male colleagues.

"Women should make more use of silence – asking a question then giving boys time to think before answering – and non-verbal cues such as raised eyebrows. They also should talk at a lower pitch.

“Don’t speak so much – just shut up,” says Ms Lashlie, a self-described feminist.

“I’ve been in classes with young female teachers, and by the end of the session my ears hurt.”'

...and the inevitable reaction from the sisterhood:

'Chris Keates, general secretary of the NASUWT teaching union, said Ms Lashlie’s proposals for schools were “a load of claptrap”.

“It is disappointing that a woman has felt the need to pander to the views of a tiny group of men who present themselves as the oppressed minority,” she said.'


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Baskerville interview on Sandy Rios show available on-line

Via email:

My interview on the Sandy Rios Show is now available online.

Sandy Rios is former president of the huge and influential Concerned Women for America. You can hear in the interview that she is not only very sympathetic but highly knowledgeable, having had two friends that went through the family court wringer. This could be a significant breakthrough. The number of prominent public personalities who are aware of the reign of terror in family court continues to grow.


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New Jersey: Living with someone is not required to sue for palimony

Just how long does a man in New Jersey have to be dating/seeing a woman before she qualifies to get palimony from him? Guess we'll find out. Story here. Excerpt:

'The ruling overturned an appeals court decision last year that said there is no basis for a palimony suit unless a couple lived together.

"It is the promise of support, expressed or implied, coupled with a marital-type relationship, that are the indispensable elements to support a valid claim of palimony," Justice John Wallace wrote for the court.

The high court was ruling in the case of a former North Bergen woman who was attempting to sue a prominent, wealthy and married Manhattan ophthalmologist for palimony after he ended a 20-year relationship.'

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