29% of US men are domestic abuse victims

Story here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON: Almost a third of men have been victims of domestic violence, though their trauma is often hidden and understudied — just as in the case of women 10 years ago, according to a new study.

The American study, which involved phone interviews with over 400 randomly sampled adult males, came up with some surprising findings.

As many as five percent of the men had experienced domestic violence in the past year, 10% in the past five years, and 29% over their lifetimes.'

Also see article here.

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Please vote in survey on Equal Parenting Rights, and special thanks

Please vote here as soon as possible.

Detroit News also saw the traffic, comment, etc and moved the online story to not only the news section but also on the Detroit News homepage. Thank you! Help us make #1 story by 12EST see home page - On the right side "Most Popular" (http://www.detnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/frontpage)

Also, because of the traffic online, comments, survey votes Detroit News has added yet another box to the right of the article titled “More information”. Prior to this they only had the “related content” box. They also linked to the DC Rally as well.

Those who have helped out so far with comments, traffic, survey votes, etc need to be commended for seeing the value in acting promptly. Your wisdom is greatly appreciated.

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CNN: DNA cleared them, but they'll never feel free

Story here. Excerpt:

'DALLAS, Texas (CNN) -- Wiley Fountain is homeless just five years after he walked out of prison an innocent man. He is one of the 17 men wrongfully convicted in Dallas County, Texas, then cleared by DNA evidence.

He was one of the lucky few to receive financial compensation from the state, but the $190,000 or so that made it into his pocket is long gone.

For awhile, Fountain wandered the streets of Dallas, looking for aluminum cans to trade in for cash. He earned the occasional meal by cleaning the parking lot of a restaurant. At night he had nowhere to go.

Blackburn said these wrongly convicted men get "a double-whammy screw job." He said there's little help from the government to transition back into society and they're still viewed as criminals once they're out of prison.'

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Research suggests women uninterested in careers in hard science, engineering and IT

This article discusses recent studies indicating that, on the average, women select themselves out of careers in the hard sciences, engineering and information technology.

For example, one study, published in the Journal of Economic Psychology in November 2007, found that "...personal preference was the single largest determinative factor in whether women went into IT." The study found that that "preference accounted for about two-thirds of the gender imbalance" in information technology.

Another study of mathematically precocious men and women found that men were "much more likely to go into engineering or physical sciences than women," whereas women "were more likely to go into careers in medicine, biological sciences, humanities, and social sciences."

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Equal Parenting Trek Makes Front Page of Detroit News

Story here. Excerpt:

'Robert Pedersen was devastated three years ago when a divorce judge said he could see his two children only a few days a month.

Pedersen's divorce agreement now includes long weekends, a Wednesday overnight visit and half of summers, holidays and spring breaks with his children. It's almost enough time to make him feel that he can provide an equal amount of parenting to his kids.

Michigan law recommends that custody decisions be based on which parent has been the primary caregiver unless it can be shown that another arrangement is more appropriate, but Pedersen and other noncustodial parents are fighting to modify the law so joint physical custody becomes the norm. They view equal parenting access as a civil rights issue, but opponents say equal time isn't always best for children.'


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RADAR ALERT: Mission Critical! Stop I-VAWA in its Tracks Now!!

The International Violence Against Women Act (I-VAWA) has been introduced in the U.S House of Representatives. I-VAWA has an innocent-sounding name that belies a radical social agenda and will export the failed polices of VAWA. Under the guise of curbing domestic violence, I-VAWA would also:

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Video: No Jail For Woman Who Stabbed Boyfriend During 'Rough' Sex

The video debates whether this situation is an accident or assault. Reverse the genders, the man does significant jail time.

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Australia: Teacher dismissed for "secret affair" with boy

Story here. Excerpt:

"A TEACHER at a West Australian Christian school had a secret sexual relationship with a teenage student for six months before the boy's girlfriend raised the alarm last month, police said yesterday.

The woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is alleged to have had the sexual relationship with the boy, who was a student at the school in the state's southwest where she taught, from July last year, when he was 14, to January this year.
She has been charged with four counts of sexual penetration of a child between the ages of 13 and 16."

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Ohio Council for Fathers Rights Prepares for 'Dead Beat Dad' Lawsuit

Story here. Excerpt:

"A parental rights group says it is mounting a lawsuit against the Hamilton County Sheriff's Department for listing 'dead beat parents' on its website. The "Ohio Council for Fathers Rights" says it wants to sue for libel and character defamation. Local 12's Angela Ingram spoke with the group that says some parents are unfairly targeted.

The group says this list doesn't make a distinction between people who really don't make any effort to pay a dime of child support and parents who have fallen on hard times. The list seems to go on... and on. They are names of men and women who owe back child support, and now, they're on the sheriff's website. But, it's the label "deadbeat" that a parental rights group says amounts to libel."

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FOX: Postpartum Depression: It Happens to Dads, Too

Article here. Excerpt:

"During my sixteen years practicing psychiatry I have treated dozens of men experiencing major depression after fathering a child. These men have come to my office with symptoms like low mood, tearfulness, decreased self-esteem, impaired sleep and decreased concentration. Some have even struggled with suicidal ideation. It was enough to make me suggest to my publisher a year or so ago that we consider my writing a book on male postpartum depression.

Now, my clinical experiences have been borne out by a scientific study from the Center for Pediatric Research at the Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk. Dr. James Paulson and his colleagues found that about 10 percent of new fathers displayed symptoms of major depression, far more than the three to five percent of men in the general population who suffer with the condition.

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Thaindian News: Most female child molesters are victims of abuse themselves

Article here. Excerpt:

'Most female child abusers have themselves been victims of sexual abuse, says a new study.

The finding, published in the April issue of the Journal of Interpersonal Violence, has the potential to help break the cycle of abuse by improving treatment for offenders and their young victims.

Strickland said the sexual abuse of minors by women has been largely ignored by the general public, the legal system and by academic researchers.

Many people believe that women are not capable of committing such acts, she said, and the abuse of boys by women is often dismissed as the boys sowing their oats or even being lucky.

The truth is that both boys and girls are molested by female perpetrators and these victims often suffer a myriad of consequences affecting their sexuality, relationships and beliefs about themselves and others.'

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Scotland: Crimes of violence by women 'on the rise'

Story here. Excerpt:

'MORE women are committing violent offences including organising knife attacks on other women, Scotland's top law officer told MSPs yesterday.

Elish Angiolini, the Lord Advocate, said that in the past young women were more likely to have been "collaborators" with their boyfriends, hiding weapons and cleaning up after attacks, but were now carrying knives of their own.
Ms Angiolini said: "Many women are not just simply the collaborators, going along with a dominant male partner, being an accessory, carrying knives for boyfriends, assisting in cleaning up after a murder, hiding weapons etc – but are actually prime movers in some cases."

She continued: "We have seen some appalling acts of torture by women against women, we have seen increasing signs of groups of young girls using knives, against predominantly other young girls."'

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News Busters: Are Men as Dumb as the Media Say We Are?

Article here. Excerpt:

"In today's media, anti-male sexism is the rule far more than anti-female sexism. Whether it's calling men "idiots," creating smart mom/stupid dad TV shows, publishing books with titles like "Are Men Necessary," our culture is full of what some scholars are calling the "WAW effect," short for Women are Wonderful. These days, it's tough to catch a break if you're an unapologetic male."

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Chemist gets life for husband's acid vat murder

Story here. Excerpt:

'FRESNO, California (AP) -- A biochemist was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole Friday for killing her estranged husband by knocking him out and stuffing him into a vat of acid, possibly while he was still alive.

Larissa Schuster was convicted in December of murdering Timothy Schuster with the special circumstance that the murder was committed for financial gain. At the time of his death in July 2003, the Schusters were in the middle of a divorce after nearly 20 years of marriage.

Just days after Timothy Schuster was reported missing, his half-dissolved remains -- intact from only the belt buckle down -- were found inside a 55-gallon barrel concealed in a storage unit his wife had rented.

Kristin Schuster, the couple's adult daughter, told the judge that she felt safer knowing her mother would be behind bars.'

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R.I. Woman Convicted of Killing 3-Year-Old Nephew for Making a Mess

Story here. Excerpt:

"A woman who beat her 3-year-old nephew after she came home from a night of drinking to find a mess in her Woonsocket home has been convicted of murder.

Katherine Bunnell was convicted of second-degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder Friday for the 2004 death of Thomas "T.J" Wright. The jury in Providence Superior Court began deliberating three days earlier.

She was found not guilty of first-degree murder.

Sentencing was set for July 16, and she faces 10 years to life in prison.

Bunnell's defense attorney had argued that while she hit the toddler, her live-in boyfriend, Gilbert Delestre, delivered the fatal wounds. Delestre also is charged and will be tried separately."

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