New marriage fee targets domestic violence

Story here. Excerpt:

"Beginning next week, Illinois counties will begin collecting an extra $5 from those seeking marriage licenses. The money will be used to pay for legal counseling and services aimed at the state's growing number of domestic violence cases.
The fee isn't the first time victim rights advocates have sought to secure more money to help people escape abusive relationships. In 1981, lawmakers approved a tax on marriage licenses and divorce filings to generate money for women's shelters and domestic violence assistance."

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DNA exonerates Chicago man who spent 12 years in prison for rape

Story here. Excerpt:

"Cage became the 29th Illinoisan to be exonerated by DNA evidence. He was convicted in 1996 and sentenced to 40 years in prison for the rape of a 15-year-old girl.

Yesterday, Chief Criminal Court Judge Paul Biebel dismissed the conviction at the request of the Cook County state's attorney's office. Cage was released from Illinois River Correctional Center in Canton and went straight to his mother's home for an all-night celebration with family."

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Sandhurst Gurkha fighting for life after wife slits his throat

Story here. Excerpt:

"A Gurkha serving at Sandhurst is fighting for his life after his throat was slit by his wife at the military academy.

Detectives are looking at whether the soldier's own Kukri blade - a traditional Gurkha weapon - was used in the attack.

The 40-year-old was last night described as being in a serious but stable condition, while his 42-year-old wife was detained under the Mental Health Act.

It is believed the couple's 10-year-old daughter witnessed the bloody attack on her father. Following the incident, paramedics rushed the stricken soldier to Frimley Park Hospital in Surrey."

Note to non-Brits: The Royal Regiment of Gurkhas is a unit of the British Army. A remnant of the British Empire, it consists of soldiers from Nepal in the Himalayas. They are renowned for their toughness, and they retain their traditional tribal knives as well as using modern weapons.

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The Male Crisis Explained

Submitted by Rick Lynn

This is one part of my learning theory that shows how our individual environments greatly affect thinking, learning, and motivation to learn. The complete theory with graph and figure will go to all upon request by e-mail.


There is a growing gulf in communication between men and women. The nineteenth century belief man should be strong has allowed increased aggression upon Males from day one. Along with this aggression allowed is the idea of pulling oneself up by the bootstraps that denies much in terms of mental, emotional, social, and academic supports from day one. The help usually given involves something to help make Males be strong as in sports or other physical competitions. While this type of treatment may have proved useful in the more physical nineteenth century, it is working opposite of need in the information age where it requires much more accumulated mental, emotional, social and academic skills acquired over time. In these areas, Males are being seriously shortchanged.

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Teacher Caught on Tape: Kindergartner 'Ignorant, Pathetic, Self-Absorbed'

How much more proof does the world need to see that there truly is a war against boys? It is being shown on the main stream media now!!! Do we need anymore proof? The people of this country really have no more excuses to turn a blind eye. WAKE UP!!! Video report here.

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Rally announcement for people negatively effected by family courts in Los Angeles

Friday, June 13, 2008 there is a must-attend rally for people who've been negatively effected by family courts. Here is the Youtube Announcement / Invitation if you can make it to the Los Angeles area that day.

Rally Announcement

The Los Angeles rally is our local effort. As most of you may be aware, this is a part of a larger nationwide effort scheduled for that day.

Get active! Get involved! Speak up! Demand change!

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"Is your guy hooking up at work?"

Appearing in that bastion of genderal equity and journalistic excellence, "Cosmopolitan" magazine, and republished by MSN (surprise!), this article asks if "your guy is hooking up at work?" (Original article found here). Excerpt:

'In fact, statistics show that the workplace has become the number one breeding ground for cheating. According to a study done by infidelity expert Shirley Glass, PhD, 62 percent of men who admitted to having an affair had done so with someone they met at work. "You often spend more time with coworkers than with your partner, which can create intense bonding," says Bonnie Eaker Weil, PhD, author of Can We Cure and Forgive Adultery? To ensure your guy is doing his job rather than his coffee-break buddy, follow these tips.'

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Parents petition to fire teacher who voted autistic boy out of class

Story here. Excerpt:

'Hundreds of parents of autistic children are signing an online petition to get Florida teacher Wendy Portillo fired for her alleged tactics toward a 5-year-old boy that mirror the reality show “Survivor.”

Morningside Elementary School in Port St. Lucie, Fla., alerted Melissa Barton this year that her son, Alex, suffers from a high-functioning form of autism called Asperger's Syndrome, FOX 29 reported.

Barton claims that Alex was punished for symptoms of his disability, such as humming and eating his homework. She says Portillo went too far last week when she kicked Alex out of class, and then allowed the other students to vote on whether he should be allowed back in.
But the state attorney's office decided the matter did not meet criteria for emotional child abuse, so no criminal charges will be filed, Steele said.'

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CNN: Opposite sex drives you crazy -- the causes

Article here. Excerpt:

'3. Women make mountains out of molehills

What you think: Women obsess about every little thing; men seem to have it all under control.

What the experts say: Men are problem-solvers and tend to bring up a problem only in order to search for its solution, says Schwarz. The "eureka" moment of problem-solving increases the level of dopamine, a pleasure-inducing chemical, in the brain. (This also explains why men will wait until it's absolutely necessary to stop and ask for directions.)

Women relieve stress by talking and relating their problems to others, which produces serotonin, said to enhance moods and ward off depression.'


Ed. note: So this explains it! =)

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Limbaugh Transcript: Joe Biden and Lawyers for Feminists

Transcript here. Excerpt:

'CALLER: You're slacking a little bit on your feminazi stuff. Right now Senator Biden is proposing a new amendment to the Violence Against Women Act. He's proposing a hundred thousand free lawyers across the nation to any woman who claims that she was abused to be able to gain custody. So women will now have free lawyers to be able to --

RUSH: Wait, wait --

CALLER: -- fight custody battles.

RUSH: Wait a minute. Have you heard anything about this, Snerdley? I really haven't heard anything about this, Quentin. Proposing a hundred thousand free lawyers across the country to any woman who claims she was abused?'


Ed. note: This is really good exposure. The Limbaugh show had at least 13.5 million weekly listeners according to Arbitron as of 2006. That's a lot pf people finding out about this.

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'You're no criminal': Judge frees jealous wife who laced her cheating husband's cake with rat poison

Story here. Excerpt:

"A former hospital chef who laced her cheating husband's cake with rat poison in a bid to "stop him leaving the house to see his mistress" was spared jail today.
She pleaded guilty to trying to poison Mr Godwin, 63, a retired builder, but the court heard she had only used a teaspoon of rat poison in his fruitcake.

She would have needed to up the dose to more than 3lbs to have killed him, Gloucester Crown Court was told.

Family members gasped and cheered when Judge Jamie Tabor said Godwin would not have to serve an immediate prison sentence.

The 56-year-old was instead handed a 12-month prison sentence suspended for 24 months.

Judge Tabor said Mr Godwin, who sat in court apart from the couple's children, had asked his former partner to go back to him.

But the judge ordered her not to see her husband for 12 months as a condition of her sentence."

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British Columbia: 3 of 4 of street boys sexually exploited by women

Article here. Excerpt:

'VANCOUVER - Canada's largest study into the sexual exploitation of street kids and runaways has shattered some myths about who the abusers might be - with the most surprising finding being that many are women seeking sex with young males.

"Some youth in each gender were exploited by women with more than three out of four (79 per cent) sexually exploited males reporting exchanging sex for money or goods with a female," said Elizabeth Saewyc, associate professor of nursing at the University of British Columbia and principal investigator for the study conducted by Vancouver's McCreary Centre Society.

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38,000 troops diagnosed with PTSD, says Army

Article here. Excerpt:

"Newly diagnosed cases of post-traumatic stress disorder among U.S. troops sent to Iraq and Afghanistan surged 46.4 percent in 2007, bringing the five-year total to more than 38,000, according to U.S. military data released on Tuesday.

The statistics, released by the Army, showed the number of new PTSD cases formally diagnosed at U.S. military facilities climbed to 13,981 last year from 9,549 in 2006.

PTSD is a health condition that can result from wartime trauma such as being physically wounded or seeing others hurt or killed.

Symptoms range from irritability and outbursts of anger to sleep difficulties, trouble concentrating, extreme vigilance and an exaggerated startle response. People with the condition can persistently relive the traumatic events that initially induced horror or helplessness."

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Report from Women's Advocacy Group Threatens to Derail Efforts to Help Troubled Boys

Article here. Excerpt:

"The report gave no clue that boys generally receive lower grades on their report cards, or that boys are far likelier to be suspended or held back a year, or that boys account for two-thirds of children in special-education programs. Attempting to portray boys as youth's favored gender, brimming with confidence and self-esteem, the AAUW also failed to account for the particular self-destructiveness of adolescent males: Not only are boys two to four times likelier to commit suicide, depending on their age, they also stand much greater risks of being murdered, killed in car accidents, or incarcerated later in life, according to data compiled by the National Center for Health Statistics and other federal agencies."


Ed. note: You may need to scroll down about 1/10 of the page to see the article. Another way to get to it fast is to search on "Friday, May 23, 2008".

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DAHM Launches Public Awareness Campaign for Abused Men

As part of our ongoing effort to bring more public awareness to the plight of abused men and spread the word about our toll free helpline and services for men in relationships with abusive women, we have created an informational poster. (See here.)

The 11 x 17 poster is printed on 80lb gloss cover paper and at the bottom right hand corner of it is a small pad (48 sheets) and each sheet has our agency's name, helpline number and website address printed on it so that someone in need or a family member or friend can easily tear a sheet off and take the information with them.

Help us spread the word by putting these up in your local area today!

Place them along side other social service informational posters i.e. in court houses, hospital ER's and church bulletin boards etc. Let everyone know that when men are emotionally, psychologically and/or physically assaulted by their intimate female partners it's also domestic violence and unacceptable.

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