Woman arrested for poisoning 4-month-old

Video report here.

"We believe that's the way she was injecting the substance [salt water solution] into his body, probably through a feeding tube."

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Child abuse at Women's Shelters

Article here. Excerpt:

'For several years, True Equality Network (TEN) has conducted investigations into reports of child abuse, child molestation, abuse of women in the shelters, organized operation of prostitution, sales of illegal drugs, misuse of federal funds, and violations of employment laws.

We have discovered an astonishing amount of illegal activities. However, we have not been able to discuss these cases publicly because they have been turned over to the various government agencies for prosecution.'


Ed. note: Relatedly, Abuse Shelter Head Turns To Violence And Abuse

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Man returning to city for mother's funeral arrested on child support charges

Story here. Excerpt:

'A former Pardeeville man wanted for five years for failing to pay more than $12,000 in child support was picked up by authorities Thursday after he returned to Portage for his mother's funeral.

Todd W. Bubolz, 42, of Brownsville, Texas, remains in jail on $2,500 cash bail after he was arrested at a restaurant Thursday evening. He was in town for the funeral of his mother, Karen Bubolz of Portage, who died Tuesday.

Bubolz owes about $12,920 in payments. If found guilty of all charges, he faces up to 50 years in prison and $250,000 in fines. He is scheduled to appear in court Aug. 15 for a pretrial conference.'

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Mom gets probation in hot-car death

Story here. Excerpt:

'FARMINGTON - The day Kamilyn Kartchner Hadley caused the death of her infant son by leaving him outside in an oven-like car, the 31-year-old Clearfield woman had a lot on her mind.

Her family had been displaced from their home by a gas leak, her husband was starting a new job, and Hadley's focus was on her work as a multilevel marketer when she visited an associate and forgot about her child, said 2nd District Judge Michael Allphin.'

Any excuse will do.

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Teenage murderess gets probation

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 19-year-old woman who fatally stabbed her boyfriend during an argument was sentenced to probation and ordered to go through a treatment program to address her methamphetamine addiction.

Washoe District Judge Robert Perry warned Ana Padua on Friday that if she did not successfully complete her 2- to 10-year probation complete a drug treatment program, she would be facing a 20-year prison sentence.

Earlier this year, Padua pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter with a deadly weapon for killing Joseph Alan Robb, 35, who was a boyfriend for about a week. She was held in the Washoe County Jail until space opens at a local drug treatment center.'

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Update: Elderly man arrested in prostitution sting released

Story here. Common bloody sense prevails, this time anyway. Thing is, he should never have been in this position in the first place. Excerpt:

'BRADENTON - A 94-year-old man whose arrest in a prostitution sting here caused an international buzz will not be prosecuted. A judge ruled Tuesday that Frank Milio was a victim of entrapment.

Milio, who has dementia, was unable to get into a care facility while his case was pending.

The undercover Manatee County Sheriff's Office detective on the street corner that afternoon in November took 30 steps to go chat with Milio, who authorities say had honked his car horn at the woman to get her attention.'

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UK: Equality supremo Harman admits new law will lead to discrimination against men

Story here. Excerpt:

'PLANS to give businesses the power to discriminate in favour of women and ethnic minorities have provoked a furore among both businesses and equality campaigners.

Harriet Harman, the Equalities Secretary, yesterday unveiled proposals to tackle the gender pay gap and outlaw discrimination against consumers on the grounds of age.

The forthcoming Equality Bill would allow organisations to hire a woman or work from an ethnic minority over a white male of equal ability.
Ms Harman agreed the Bill could discriminate against men, but added: "You don't get progress if there isn't a bit of a push forward."

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VA To Test Suicide Public Service Ads

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is expected to launch a suicide prevention public service campaign in Washington, DC next week as part of a three-month pilot program.

CBS News has learned that the VA will roll out the campaign on July 21 which will include a series of bus advertisements as well as more than 300 ads inside DC commuter trains and at metro train stations.
“Ensuring that help is available for veterans at risk for suicide is only half the battle,” said Congressman Harry Mitchell, a Democrat from Arizona who also serves as Chairman of the Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations. Since enrolling into the VA system is voluntary, Congressman Mitchell adds, "Veterans need to know where they can turn to get help.”'

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Extremely Biased 'Community' Announcement on Domestic Violence

Item here. Excerpt:

'This guide is designed to help employers assess for domestic violence and provide appropriate assistance and referral for victims. Because the vast majority of victims of adult domestic violence are women who are abused by their male partners, this guide will refer to victims as female and abusers as male...
Domestic violence doesn't stay home when its victims go to work. It can follow them, resulting in violence in the workplace. Or it can spill over into the workplace when a woman is harassed by threatening phone calls, absent because of injuries or less productive from extreme stress. With nearly one-third of American women (31 percent) reporting being physically or sexually abused by a husband or boyfriend at some point in their lives; it is crucial that domestic abuse be seen as a serious, recognizable, and preventable problem like thousands of other workplace health and safety issues that affect a business and its bottom line.'

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Q&A: Kathleen Parker Discusses Male Bashing, Fathers, Reproduction

Article here. Excerpt:

'Q: You talk about sitcoms and how they portray men as bumblers. But on both the big and small screen, women are marginalized.

A: The mass media messages of males are very negative. Men are depicted as bumbling fools, doofus dads, deadbeats, batterers, incompetent, irresponsible, unreliable and unattractive whereas women are very much the opposite. It's the wife who comes in and saves the day. Even the children are smarter than Dad.

I noticed that my sons have never experienced a culture where men were honoured and admired. And I wonder what kind of effect that has had on children growing up in this sort of marinade of disrespect.'

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New York Times: A New Frontier for Title IX: Science

Article here. Excerpt:

'Until recently, the impact of Title IX, the law forbidding sexual discrimination in education, has been limited mostly to sports. But now, under pressure from Congress, some federal agencies have quietly picked a new target: science.

The members of Congress and women’s groups who have pushed for science to be “Title Nined” say there is evidence that women face discrimination in certain sciences, but the quality of that evidence is disputed. Critics say there is far better research showing that on average, women’s interest in some fields isn’t the same as men’s.
“Colleges already practice affirmative action for women in science, but now they’ll be so intimidated by the Title IX legal hammer that they may institute quota systems,” Dr. Sommers said. “In sports, they had to eliminate a lot of male teams to achieve Title IX parity. It’ll be devastating to American science if every male-dominated field has to be calibrated to women’s level of interest.”'

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John Coy: Girls have reading down, but boys are losing interest

Article here. Excerpt:

'Fashionistas, mean girls, gossip girls, island girls, it girls, a whole sisterhood of traveling pants. Had I read the sign wrong? Was this the table of summer reading for girls? I checked the sign again: Summer Reading for Teens. I scanned the table. Where were the books for boys? Among the brightly colored covers, not a single book featured a male protagonist in a contemporary setting.

What would a male teen think about this table? Probably that summer reading didn't include him.
What message do we send boys when we load up a table of books for teens with titles that so many of them do not connect with? Is summer reading supposed to be fun? Do we assume that boys won't read for fun? Do we assume boys don't read -- period?'

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Israel: New criminal code means women can be charged with rape

Story here. Excerpt:

'Women may soon be able to be charged with rape. Last Sunday the Ministerial Committee on Legislation approved a change to the criminal code, which would allow women to be charged with the rape of minors or adults.

The proposed law, introduced by MK Zevulun Orlev (National Union - National Religious Party), would broaden the definition of rape, statutory rape, and sex crimes involving family members. According to Orlev amendments, these crimes would also apply to cases where a woman forces a minor to have sex with her.
It seems as though the ministry changed course upon learning of the case in Netivot, where a mother forced two of her sons, aged 8 and 11, to have intercourse with her. Even though the woman confessed to the accusations, the prosecution's indictment was based on indecent acts and child abuse, since no more serious criminal charges were available.'

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Indian Supreme Court Sends Woman to Prison for ‘False’ Rape Charge

Story here. Excerpt:

'Mahila of Madhya Pradesh in northern India had charged two persons of her village with sexually assaulting her, back in January 1993.

The complainant, however, retracted during her cross-examination and denied making the charges against the two. She also denied having registered any complaint against them in the first place.

The trial court acquitted the men but initiated perjury proceedings and convicted her to three months imprisonment.

The Madhya Pradesh High Court agreed with the sentencing, against which the woman preferred an appeal in the apex court. But no relief came her way.'

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UK: Woman 'seduced ex-boyfriend and cried rape'

Story here. Excerpt:

'Erin Casson, 27, a communications officer, claimed submariner Brian Eaton, who she had been seeing for one year but had split up with three months earlier, threatened to kill her before forcing her to have sex, it was said.

But after six months police officers investigating the rape claim decided it was her who was lying and she was arrested for perverting the course of justice.

Mr Eaton, a petty officer, told Portsmouth Crown Court how the allegation and subsequent treatment had left him "mortified".'

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