Women Vets Get Worse Care, Review Finds

Story here. Excerpt:

"Women veterans aren't receiving the same quality of outpatient care as men at many Department of Veterans Affairs' facilities, according to an agency review obtained exclusively by The Associated Press.

The review appears to validate the complaints of advocates and some members of Congress who have said the health care system needs to focus more on women's health.

Women make up about 5 percent of the VA's population, but that number is expected to nearly double in the next two years as more women return home from Iraq and Afghanistan and seek care.

The review of the quality of care at VA facilities, which was mandated by Congress, found that at about one-third of its facilities, the quality of outpatient care given to women wasn't as good as what was offered to men."

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Co-ed gets 5 years for iron-branding recalcitrant one-night stand

Story here. Excerpt:

'A college student who branded a former lover's body with a scalding piece of metal as payback for never calling her after they had sex was sentenced to five years in prison Friday.

Kristina Caban, 23, had no comment as state Supreme Court Justice Michael Obus sentenced her for what he called a crime that was "not remotely justifiable."

Assistant District Attorney Nicole Blumberg told Obus that Caban was the "mastermind behind the plan" to sear the torso of Samir "Sammy" Sara, then 23, for having sex with her once in 2004 and never calling her again.'


Ed. note: NY Post story here. In it there are more details, including that the perp initially told police it was payback for date-rape, a story that after further scrutiny she recanted and confessed her real motive for the assault.

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Fathers Groups Go Front and Center at Los Angeles Courthouse

Fathers Groups Go Front and Center at Los Angeles Courthouse

"The corner of 1st St. and Hill St. is always a bustling intersection and this morning it was a little busier than usual. All across America, today is Fatherless Day, and folks are taking to the streets to call attention to the way family law and family law courts mistreat Fathers."

"Sadly, there is much fear that government still does not get the message that Father's rights advocates are sending, that the war on Dads will no longer be tolerated. More and more Dads, and their relatives, and friends are speaking up, demanding that this tyranny end."

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Newsweek refutes "women and science" myth while simultaneously promoting it

You know, there is little better than the women-in-science stuff to offer as an example of bizarre dual-process thinking espoused by the MSM-feminist press. Newsweek declares "Nerdgirls" are taking over the sciences but at the same time bemoans the absence thereof from the fields of science, pinning the reason for this of course on the men therein and "popular culture".

Article here. Try not to think too much about the contradictions, your head will start to throb painfully. And be sure to watch the video of the Nerdgirls posing in high-fashion clothes and heels for photographers, running around doing nothing but good in the world for everyone, and of course declaring their confidence, power, independence, etc., etc. Oh yes, and also about how "guys are afraid of smart women."

"Guys"... "Women"


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US: Rally at State Capitols for Equal Rights for Fathers

Via Marc A.:


Today is ***FRIDAY THE 13th*** from 12:00pm till 3:00pm those who want family court reform and EQUAL parenting legislation are UNITING at their State Capitols in all 50 states and DEMANDING a change. At last count, we have in excess of 40 states participating in the landmark event!

Here in Sacramento we anticipate the largest gathering of those who want family court reform ever. The 42' PURPLE CRISPE BUS has driven up from San Diego. William Wagener from On Second Thought TV is driving up from Santa Maria. Many are traveling from all over the state to meet with our legislators.

The media has guaranteed they will be present, call me to confirm that you will be present and you wish to speak to our legislators BOTH in Sacramento and Washington DC. This event will be video taped nationwide and copies will be sent to our employees in Washington DC informing them that we are now UNITED nationally and we want family court reform.

Here is a link to our promo video:

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Woman arrested in cold case has other dead spouses

Story here. Excerpt:

"For two decades, Al Gentry begged investigators to take another look at the mystery of who killed his brother, Harold, and left his gunshot-ridden body sprawled on the floor of the home he shared with his wife.

He visited the sheriff's office dozens of times and made just as many phone calls. And when authorities finally listened, they wound up arresting the person Gentry had always suspected: his brother's now 76-year-old former wife, who was charged last month with hiring a hit man to gun him down.
After Gentry's death, Neumar remarried two more times. Once was to 79-year-old John Neumar, who died in October. Authorities in Neumar's hometown of Augusta, Ga., are examining the death, and detectives went to her home two weeks ago and seized an urn with his ashes, said Richmond County, Ga., sheriff's investigator Lt. Scott Peebles."

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UK: Private members' clubs to be banned from treating women as 'second class citizens'

Story here. Excerpt:

"Private members' clubs will be banned from treating women as 'second- class citizens' under new laws.

Equalities minister Harriet Harman wants to make it illegal for golf clubs and working men's clubs to restrict women's access or deny them the right to vote as full members.
However, the new measures will not affect single-sex clubs such as the Women's Institute.

They will only affect mixed-sex clubs where women have lower membership status than men. The Equality Bill is also expected to give women the right to breastfeed in public places. While the contents of the Bill are yet to be confirmed, ministers have also suggested forcing businesses to conduct 'pay audits' - reviewing salaries to ensure men are not paid more than female colleagues."

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Rise of the gold-digger: The young women who shamelessly pursue older men for their money

Article here. Excerpt:

"When did it become acceptable to be a gold-digger?

After all, isn't a woman who sleeps with a man for money - or at least for extensive use of his credit card - called something else?

But then, 'prostitute' doesn't have quite the same glamorous, diamond-encrusted platinum ring to it, does it?

A new French film opens in the UK this week called Priceless.

It tells the story of a woman who selects her mates entirely on the basis of the size of their wallets.

Who needs sexual chemistry when you can have cold hard cash?

A man exists not as an equal partner in a kind, loving, relationship, but merely as someone to be fleeced for as much money as possible.

How depressing and how insulting to the millions of women who don't live their lives according to these mercenary rules."

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Teen's life badly affected by wrongful rape accusation

Story here. Excerpt:

"The son of former haulage boss Eddie Stobart yesterday told how his life had been made hell since he was wrongly accused of rape by a 15-year-old girl.

Edward Andrew Stobart, 19, said he had been beaten up and told to 'dig his own grave' following the case.
But although the prosecution was abandoned, she retains her anonymity, unlike Mr Stobart, who says he was attacked by a 15-strong mob at the weekend.
'Every time I go out I am shouted at and I have been spat at and called names like "Scum".

'I don't think it is fair that someone who accuses another of rape is given anonymity even if it is proven that it did not happen.'

The teenager is in hiding and says he cannot get a job because of the allegation. '

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Teen Sleepover Turns Into Sex Party

Story here. I know that some people are getting tired of talking about women having sex with young boys. I think that this news story takes the cake and should be looked at. I cannot imagine how much media this would get if it were men. Instead it is women, yes WOMEN (plural, more than one) in this incident. I have not seen this on any major news outlet yet. I wanna see where this one goes. www.move-off.org


'Police said two Bucks County moms have been charged after a sleepover involving six teenage boys took an alleged illegal sexual turn.

Angela Honeycutt, 38, and Lynne Long, 45, are facing numerous charges after a series of alleged incidents on April 14.

Authorities said the teens, ages 14 to 16, were attending a sleepover at Long's Lower Makefield home when Honeycutt, a mother of two young children, allegedly had sex with a 14-year-old and performed sex acts with a 15-year-old. Long allegedly watched, listened and instructed the teens not to say anything.'


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Fatherhood Initiative Launched for Father's Day

I’m doing outreach for two new public service announcements from the Ad Council about fatherhood just in time for Father’s Day. As you know, children with involved, loving fathers are significantly more likely to do well in school, have healthy self-esteem and avoid high-risk behaviors such as drug use, truancy, and criminal activity compared to children who have uninvolved fathers. I’m hoping that you can share this important message with your readers. Here are the two informative (and entertaining) videos:

Fatherhood Involvement - Cheerleader

Fatherhood Involvement - Super Soaker

Thanks so much for your help and Happy Father’s Day!

If you have any questions or want more info about the campaign, drop me a line at dorothee-at-see3.net.

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Semi-humor: "So women think about shopping once a minute?..."

Article here. The article is funny, anyway. Excerpt:

'According to the study, three out of four women - blessed as they are with education, opportunity, independence and income of which poor Miss Davison could scarcely have dreamed - use their minds, once in every minute, to think about… shopping. That's 960 times a day, 6,720 times a week, and damnably close to the once every 52 seconds that men are believed to think about sex.

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UK: Pre-nups on way to legal recognition

Story here. Excerpt:

'Pre-nuptial agreements could soon be legally binding in Britain.

The divorce system has previously resisted allowing the contracts - popular in the U.S. among celebrities and the super-rich - although judges can take them into account during divorce proceedings.

But senior judges and lawyers say the system should be modernised and the contracts should receive legal recognition.'

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Man arrested over C/S after re-marrying ex-wife

Story here. This is why I don't bother reading fiction anymore. The actual news fulfills the role nicely, only it isn't fiction. The horror stories are actually real. Excerpt:

'A honeymoon turned into a child-support nightmare recently for one couple.

After returning from their three-day honeymoon cruise in the Bahamas in May, newlywed Joel Coursen was taken from his bride, Amy, in Cocoa, Fla., and arrested for nonsupport on a Buchanan County warrant.

The couple had remarried after being divorced for less than a year. Mr. Coursen said he fell behind on payments because of a discrepancy in the date of the court order. But he said that he got caught up enough to be eligible for a passport and had no knowledge there was any warrant for his arrest.

“It was never anywhere close to $5,000. After I was arrested, they just said it was for felony nonsupport,” Mr. Coursen said. “To my knowledge, I didn’t know there was a warrant issued. It was a big surprise.”'

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Who talks more? Why men and women are lost in translation

Samantha Brett of the Sydney Morning Herald ponders whether George Clooney was right to dump his jabbering girlfriend, because research shows that women really do talk too much.

A few excerpts:

* "You talk too much!" is apparently the reason bachelor of the moment George Clooney gave the world for dumping his waitress-turned-model girlfriend Sarah Larson. … If only we could keep our chit-chat under stricter control, perhaps the men wouldn't be scared away ..."

* “Scientists have often proved what we've long suspected - that women talk a whopping amount more than men chalking up 20,000 words a day while men utter just 7000.”

* “When women talk, a rush of serotonin fills our brains, giving us emotions akin to what a heroin addict would feel on a high. (No wonder we like to do it so much!) And yet,when we do talk at the end of our day, it's not to find solutions but it's to discharge the problems. Hence making no sense to the men whatsoever.”


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