Video footage from Fatherless Day rally in Sacramento, CA (June 13 2008)

Here is footage from the Sacramento rally of the National Fatherless Day. There were also rallies planned in the capitols of all 50 states. This one was from the California capitol.

The video may appear grainy at first (it was captured via a cell phone). To improve the viewing quality, in the lower right corner of the video, click on the "Google Video" button. Select "Original Size" and it will no longer be grainy.

Fred Hayward
Men's Rights Inc.

Donald Tenn
Fathers 4 Justice

Larry Kerkman
Children's Rights Initiative for Sharing Parents Equally (CRISPE)

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All-female Buffalo law firm accentuates the feminine in its ads

Story here. Excerpt:

'An all-female Buffalo law firm is getting a mix of cheers and boos for a series of ads that tout its woman power. “Ever Argue with a Woman?” reads the headline of one of the ads for Schroder Joseph & Associates LLP.
A Buffalo attorney who served on the New York State Bar Association’s task force to establish lawyer ad guidelines that went into effect in 2007 said he’s “a little uncomfortable” with the tone of the Schroder Joseph ads.
A State Bar spokesman said the Buffalo law firm’s ad have not resulted in any formal action against the firm tied to its year-old advertising guidelines. Those rules were put in place to govern misleading and inappropriate attorney ads, with particular focus on embellished testimonials, silly nicknames and inaccurate fee information.

Schroder Joseph employs four female attorneys and an all-woman support staff at its Ellicott Street offices.'

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More Empty Preaching & Daddy Blaming?

Story here. Excerpt:

'Talking tough on Father’s Day, Sen. Barack Obama challenged African-American men on Sunday to play more of a role in raising their children and warned them that “responsibility doesn’t just end at conception.”

“Too many fathers are MIA. Too many fathers are AWOL,” he told a huge African-American congregation in Chicago. “There’s a hole in your heart if you don’t have a male figure in the home that can guide you and lead you and set a good example for you.”'

There is not a single sentence in the article about women's responsibilities, men's total lack of rights in reproductive choices, the destruction of inner city jobs or how the social welfare system is rigged to reward multiple unwed births and exiling fathers from their children's lives and homes.

Oh, I forgot. Obama has never actually lived in "the 'hood".

Never mind.

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Fathers Groups Go Front and Center at Los Angeles Courthouse

Story here. Excerpt:

'Fathers 4 Justice, Los Angeles (F4JLA) and the National Coalition For Men, Los Angeles (NCFMLA) stood front and center this morning at the entrance to a downtown Los Angeles Courthouse. The corner of 1st St. and Hill St. is always a bustling intersection and this morning it was a little busier than usual. All across America, today is Fatherless Day, and folks are taking to the streets to call attention to the way family law and family law courts mistreat Fathers.

The Hill St. Courthouse is the site where many a famous Hollywood celebrity has experienced the pangs of divorce and family law tyranny.

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It's Father's Day! Can you tell by reading the paper?

Take a look at the various MSM web sites-- could you tell it was Father's Day by reading them? Maybe there is a small article here and there, but headlines, the kind Mother's Day garners-- where are they? Not there at all. No coverage in many papers. Zip, zilch, nada. Some examples:

NY Times
LA Times
Detroit Times
SF Gate

Happy Father's Day!

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From Tupperware to Tasers: Film of "taser party" with man as demo model

Video report here. Caption: "Women choose a taser demonstration for their party's entertainment. WXIA reports."

The men putting on this "party" for these women need to spend some quality time here on MANN, methinks, especially the "demo model" guy.

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Newport News girl, 15, charged after false rape accusation

Story here. Excerpt:

'NEWPORT NEWS - A 15-year-old Newport News girl has been charged with filing a false police report after she admitted to detectives that she fabricated a rape accusation against her mother's boyfriend.
A detective investigated and determined that the girl's story was false, Tepper said. The girl then admitted she had fabricated the story because she did not want to live with her mother, Tepper said.'

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2 women arrested in 'unbearable abuse' of 5-year-old boy

Story here. Excerpt:

'The mother of a 5-year-old-boy and her live-in girlfriend have been arrested in connection with what authorities describe as "unbearable physical and psychological abuse" of the child, police said Saturday.
The boy, who was in guarded condition at a local hospital, was rescued Monday by a stranger who found him abandoned and called authorities.

On that same day, the two women had an appointment with the Department of Children and Family Services and had brought the healthy child of a mutual friend and tried to pass him off as Brown's son.
Lt. Vincent Neglia of the LAPD's Abused Child Unit said in a statement Saturday that the abuse was "akin to a level of torture we hope our military personnel would never encounter."'

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Fathers: Get Ready for “Fix VAWA Now!” Campaign

One-quarter of all divorces now involve an allegation of domestic violence. In about 80% of cases, the allegation is unnecessary or false. The accusation begins a series of legal maneuvers and decisions in which the son or daughter eventually loses daily loving contact with dad.

Needless to say, this is a negation of justice and a terrible thing to do to a father and a child.

On July 4 RADAR will be launching its biggest campaign ever: "Fix VAWA Now!" The five-month campaign will feature a media blitz, lobbying, grass-roots education, release of Special Reports, and much more.

Each month will be devoted to a different topic:

July – Impact of VAWA on the legal system
August – How VAWA harms the African-American community
September – Illegal immigration
October – Impact of VAWA on the family
November – Discrimination against underserved victims

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"In my experience, women are far harder to work with than men."

Good opinion piece here. Well worth reading it all. Excerpt:

'In my experience, women are far harder to work with than men. Men don’t give you a crap task because they’re jealous of your shoes or mistrust you for months because you have good highlights or stand about “nursing her wrath to keep it warm”, as Robert Burns put it. Sometimes women don’t get jobs because they’re not very nice.
Few women are prepared to make that kind of sacrifice. This is entirely their right and good on them. However, it is surely both dishonest and intensely stupid to apportion blame - in the form of so-called corporate discrimination - to what is essentially a completely personal choice: power versus being there at bath time, conferences versus the park, business trips versus getting home in time for homework, giving “110%” versus sleeping more than five hours a night.'

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"Urban Dictionary" sees vote-war over the definition of "feminism" is invading Urban Dictionary to change the definitions of feminism. They put a link to the definition page and have had thousands of their followers skew the vote against anti-feminist definitions.

The anti-feminist definitions were WAY ahead until a few days ago and now they are behind by the thousands.

I hope you can help by visiting the Urban Dictionary definition of feminism and helping to outvote

Also, notice the crazy man-hating comments left by feminists who visited the site!! This is entertaining stuff!

Thanks again for your support!!

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The war on fathers

This is something I think we all should read I found on World Net daily.


'"Father knows best."

How do those three words make you feel? Turn them over in your mind a couple of times and be aware of the subtlest of feelings. Be honest.

Do they make you feel slightly squeamish? A little discomfort in your solar plexus? Is something deep down inside you repelled by those words?

If so, you're not alone. Contempt for male authority – as if to say, "Give me a break, father sure didn't know best in my life" – is everywhere around us. We're swimming in it. You see, men, boys and masculinity itself have been under withering national assault for decades.'

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June is National Men's Health Month

I didn't know, either. Anyway, the official web site is at Thanks to MANN regular Luek for mentioning it in a comment here. From the site:

"Goal of Men's Health Month

The purpose of Men's Health Month is to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys.

This month gives health care providers, public policy makers, the media, and individuals an opportunity to encourage men and boys to seek regular medical advice and early treatment for disease and injury. The response has been overwhelming with hundreds of awareness activities in the USA and around the globe."

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CRISP National Father's Day Rally in Banglore, India

Father's Day rally in Bangalore, India photos here.

Yes Micky, The Lion King and Donald Duck had also attended the show.

Around 100 people attended. Interestingly, 70-80 children from the neighboring school joined after there school had closed; they will remember their father on the Father's Day.

The main slogan:

'Child Says "I want Pappa"
Mommy Says "No Pappa"'

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No jail for jealous wife who stabs husband

Story here. Except:

"When Susannah Pearson heard her husband of 27 years had been having an affair, she was livid and confronted him as he lay in bed.

She then went to the kitchen, returning with an eight-inch carving knife, and stabbed Tory councillor Oliver Pearson, 53, three times in the back as he desperately hid behind a duvet.

He was taken to hospital for emergency surgery while his wife, 59, was arrested. But yesterday she escaped jail after her husband wrote to the court pleading for leniency.

Thanks to the letter, Pearson was given a ten-month sentence, suspended for a year, after admitting unlawful wounding.

Mr Pearson also wrote that he hopes the couple, who have four children, can rebuild their marriage."

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