Teen pregnancy pact in Massachusetts: The girls are victims

Seventeen girls get in a pact to get pregnant and have their babies at the same time. The Mayor's and media's immediate response: the girls are victims; we must go after the boys criminally or, at least, financially. The Mayor also mentions that the girls lack self esteem or love in their life. Does this make them victims when they get themselves pregnant? Excerpt:

'Some of the girls reacted to the news they were pregnant with high fives and plans for baby showers, Sullivan said. One of the fathers "is a 24-year-old homeless guy," Sullivan told the magazine. Others were boys in the school.
"At the very least these men should be held responsible for financial support, if not put in jail for statutory rape as the mayor has suggested," Greg Verga, chairman of the Gloucester School Committee, told Reuters in a telephone interview.
"But even if we had contraceptives, that pact shows that if they wanted to get pregnant, they will get pregnant. Whether we distribute contraceptives is irrelevant," said Verga.'

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Wikipedia article on Sexism in India

Somebody has created this entry. Please post more, so that this article is not deleted. Excerpt:

'Women's reservation

Women get 33% reservation in panchayats and municipal elections. They also get reservation and preferential treatments in education and jobs.

Ladies seat

Seats are reserved for females in buses, trains, metros and many other places.'

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Some things never change: Men pay for the date

Looks like earning more than your date makes no difference. That's right guys, it's still YOUR ROLE to pay for dates, hold open doors, etc. Just read it here and it will all be explained to you.

Notice it isn't something for a woman to appreciate about a man. It's something she should just expect. As for you expecting anything from her, well... here's a snap:

'Oh, you want me to say more? Gladly! What’s changed in the world, you ask? Two things: (1) women have continued to make great strides (yay), and (2) our culture has become much more informal (both yay and boo). The problem arises with this whole crazy notion that strong feminist women do not want doors held open for them… or that somehow the feminist movement has absolved men from paying for any date, ever, again.'

So tell me, men, when was the last time a woman asked you out on a date and also paid for it? But when was the last time she stood there smiling sheepishly waiting for *you* to do the asking?

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Court quashes dad's grounding of 12-year-old daughter

Story here. Excerpt:

'A father plans to appeal after a Quebec court ruled that he didn't have the right to punish his 12-year-old daughter by barring her from a school trip.

Quebec Superior Court Judge Suzanne Tessier ruled Friday that the girl should be allowed to attend the three-day trip within Quebec this week.

Initially, the father forbade his daughter from going online after the Grade 6 student posted photos on a dating site, the Globe and Mail reported in its Thursday edition.

The girl's parents are divorced, and after she had an alleged row with her stepmother, her father barred her from going on a school trip to mark the class's graduation from elementary school, the newspaper reported.

Two days later, the judge ruled the punishment was too severe because the girl had already been sufficiently disciplined, Beaudoin said.

Beaudoin said the judge also said there was no reason for the punishment to stand, since the girl was now living with her mother, even though the father has custody.

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Top Ten Male Bashing Ads

The "Top 10" ads are found here. Excerpt:

"You’ve seen him plenty of times on sitcoms; he’s the dumb, bumbling, idiot dad, husband and boyfriend who appears useless at everything but bringing home a paycheck. The message: Guys are dumb and women have to lead them around.
Dumb, incompetent male characters are portrayed in abundance on television commercials. From being completely henpecked to having two working brain cells, our top 10 list of the worst male-bashing ads represents the whole spectrum. If all this negativity turns your stomach, you can easily strike back with your wallet and avoid these products. For the simpler, more immediate protest, however, use your thumb and change the channel."

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Men could be deciding factor in US election

CNN calls it a "big surprise" that men could be the deciding factor in the next US presidential election.

Think that'll get our issued heard? Naw!! Excerpt:

"(CNN) — After the long, bruising primary battle with Hillary Clinton, a lot of Democrats were concerned Barack Obama would have a problem getting support from women, but the big surprise is that it could be men who become the deciding factor this election cycle.

According to the latest CNN Opinion Research Corporation Poll Obama is running nearly even with John McCain among men. McCain has a slight edge with 49 percent to Obama’s 47 percent. Meanwhile, Obama leads McCain by 9 points among women 52 percent to 43 percent"

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Ex-teacher charged in sex case; eight male victims identified

Story here. Excerpt:

'Julie Pritchett, 34, is charged with two counts of second-degree sodomy and one count of second-degree sexual abuse in the cases of two boys under 16. The victims in the cases with which she is charged are under the age of consent.

Charges are not being brought in the other identified incidents because the boys are of consenting age or unwilling to cooperate with authorities...
Pritchett was the sponsor for the high school's Diamond Dolls, the hostesses for the baseball team. It was through that position, Christian said, that she came into contact with some of her former students who were involved in the high school sports program.

Christian said Pritchett started a sexual relationship with a 15-year-old former student. That relationship led to sex acts with his friends, Christian said.

The sex acts were initiated by Pritchett, who used several methods of approaching the boys, Christian said. Some of the acts took place on the school's campus and others at the homes of the victims.'

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Czech women torture, kill and eat boys in cellar

Story here. Excerpt:

"An eight year-old boy was skinned and his flesh fed to cannibal relatives after his mother kept him locked in a cellar, a court has heard.

Evil Klara Mauerova - a member of a sinister religious cult - wept in court as she admitted torturing her son Ondrej and his ten year-old brother Jakub.
The court heard how the family had sexually abused them and even made them cut themselves with knives. They said they were kept in cages or handcuffed to tables and made to stand in their own urine for days.

The sick abuse was discovered when a man in Brno in the Czech Republic installed a TV baby monitor to keep watch on is newborn child."

She was assisted by her sister Katerina and by 34-year-old Barbora Skrlova. But wait: It's all a man's fault

'The court has also heard claims that the abuse of the boys was co-ordinated by a man known only as "the Doctor" who sent mobile phone text messages to the Mauerova sisters telling them how to abuse the two boys.'

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Men and women think differently, study shows

Article here. Excerpt:

"Men and women really do think differently, according to researchers who say the explanation lies in subtle genetic variations in our brains.

A new study has suggested that some patterns of behaviour regarded as typical of each sex - such as the ability to read a map - could be founded on nature as well as nurture.

Researchers at the University of Uppsala, Sweden, have determined that there are hundreds of biological differences between the male and female brains when it comes to gene expression.

Many mental traits and skills are said to differ between the sexes, including empathy, aggression, risk-taking and navigation."

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Naomi Campbell pleads guilty to assaulting police at Heathrow

Story here. Excerpt:

"Supermodel Naomi Campbell has pleaded guilty to assaulting two police officers at Heathrow Airport.

Miss Campbell, 38, admitted six offences relating to the fracas after she was removed from a British Airways flight to Los Angeles in April.
She could be jailed for up to six months and fined up to £5,000 for each count of assaulting a constable."

UPDATE: She avoids jail time, predictably. Story here. Excerpt:

"Shamed model Naomi Campbell avoided jail today, despite admitting kicking and spitting at police officers on board a plane at Heathrow."

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More Misandry from the Horrid Country Music Genre

Who can deny that country music is anti-male? Carrie Underwood has a song about destroying her boyfriend's truck, Miranda Lambert has a song about setting a man's house on fire, the Dixie chicks have a song about helping their friend poison her husband and dispose of the body, and the Forrester Sisters have a song complaining about men, without any validity whatsoever. I'm now sad to say that a couple videos have also decided to now include the sexual abuse of males. I'm talking about groin shots. Apparently, some country artists think that rape against males is comedy.

The two guilty of including this in their videos are Gretchen Wilson and Toby Keith. Gretchen shows a man getting struck in the groin in her video for All Jacked Up and for no reason whatsoever. He's just playing guitar when these two midgets walk up and hit him in the groin with their guitars.

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Wife Accused In Dentist Killing Can See Daughter, Judge Rules

Story here. Excerpt:

'NEW YORK -- A woman accused of orchestrating the killing of her husband at a Queens playground in front of their daughter can have jailhouse visits with the 5-year-old girl.

Queens Family Court Judge Linda Tally ruled Wednesday that Dr. Mazoltuv Borukhova can see her daughter, Michelle, in a "child-friendly" visiting room at Rikers Island.

Borukhova was arrested on charges that she paid an uncle to kill her estranged husband, Daniel Malakov. The uncle has been charged in the killing.'

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Japanese men committing suicide and record rates

Story here. Excerpt:

'Japanese professionals in their thirties are killing themselves at unprecedented rates, as the nation struggles with a runaway suicide epidemic.

Newly published figures show that 30,093 people took their own lives in 2007 — a 2.9 per cent increase in a year — leaving the country as the most suicide-prone anywhere in the developed world and rendering government efforts to combat the problem a failure.

Suicide rates remained highest among men — at 71 per cent of the total — and very high among Japan’s rising population of over-60s. Geographically, most suicides took place in the prefecture of Yamanashi, where the forested foothills of Mount Fuji continue to attract the suicidal from around Japan.

The crisis of despair gripping young working Japanese has triggered plenty of official and media hand-wringing, though little in the way of change in corporate Japan. Wages remain low, and hierarchies rigid.

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RADAR Release: "Fix VAWA Now!" -- We need state VAWA Reform Captains

Exactly 15 days from today we will be launching our Fix VAWA Now! campaign. We’re making great progress in getting ready for this incredible blow-out event – contributions are coming in, columnists are promising to write op-eds, and people are getting psyched!

But we’re lagging in one department – state-level VAWA Reform Captains. Right now we have 6 volunteers in California , Michigan , Oklahoma , Colorado , and Utah . But we’d like to have at least 25.

The VAWA Captains will distribute the flyers at political rallies, speeches, meetings, libraries, etc. We’re also working on a poster. The main thing is, the message to Fix VAWA Now! has to reach all corners of society.

So please let us know, as soon as possible, if you can spare 1-2 hours a month between now and Election Day to make a difference in the lives of families and children. RADAR's contact page is here.



P.S. This just came in – we will be organizing a Fix VAWA Now! vigil at the Democratic National Convention in Denver in August. Momentum is building!

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Politically Incorrect Soccer Injuries

Article here. Excerpt:

"Suppose you ran a physical education program and discovered that girls were much more likely to suffer serious injuries than boys are. Before recruiting any more girls, would you want to alert them to this fact?
I’m not surprised at the advocates’ reluctance, because for decades it’s been politically incorrect to discuss certain gender differences when it comes to sports. The pendulum swung from one extreme — telling girls that they were too weak to compete — to the other extreme portraying girls as just smaller versions of boys: just as interested in competitive sports, just as likely to benefit from the long training required to become elite college athletes. What started out as an understandable desire to give girls equal opportunities turned into a campaign to legally mandate equal outcomes. If girls seemed to show less interest than boys did in competitive sports, it was blamed on discrimination.

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