Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2008-07-22 13:54
Story here. Excerpt:
'A Manhattan judge gave Philip Smith a divorce from Tricia Walsh-Smith on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment.
...She makes embarrassing claims about their intimate life and then calls his office to repeat those claims to a stunned assistant.
Judge Harold Beeler blasted Walsh-Smith for her video stunt, which he called "a calculated and callous campaign to embarrass and humiliate her husband" and to pressure him into settling the divorce case on more favorable terms than were stated in their prenuptial agreement.'
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2008-07-22 04:17
This is FABULOUS news! Excerpt:
'British researchers have made a dramatic breakthrough against a lethal form of prostate cancer.
Trials of a new pill have shown that it can shrink tumours in up to 80 per cent of cases, and end the need for damaging chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Its side-effects can include loss of libido, breathlessness, fatigue, fluid retention and weight gain. Some men may be left impotent, but the effects are far less than with chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Abiraterone is now being used in a 1,200-patient international study, including at ten sites across the UK. If it is licensed as expected in 2011, it will have to await approval by the rationing watchdog NICE before it is made freely available across the NHS.
Dr de Bono describes prostate cancer as the 'Cinderella cancer' because it receives just a quarter of the funding of breast cancer - £10million against £40million last year - even though it kills just as many people.'
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Submitted by GaryB on Mon, 2008-07-21 23:11
This story reported in Australia for gives me hope that the pendulum is finally beginning to swing back into our favour. Quote:
'MEN who want to spend more time with their children have found a new champion in an unlikely quarter - the Sex Discrimination Commissioner. Elizabeth Broderick said she wanted to strengthen the Sex Discrimination Act to penalise those employers who stick family-friendly fathers on the "daddy track" by refusing to promote them.
Ms Broderick said that, until the workplace culture changed to give men as well as women an equal right to time off work for family duties, men would be unable to do housework and childcare. She told The Daily Telegraph that men as well as women deserved to have the joy of being involved in their families.
"Men would say: 'My female colleague finds it easier to get flexible work arangements than I do because if I put my hand up it's like I'm not a serious player, you're not committed'," Ms Broderick said.'
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Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 2008-07-21 14:43
Story here. Excerpt:
'A British woman has been charged with murdering her baby boy moments after giving birth in a hotel room on the holiday island of Crete.
Leah Andrews, 20, was on holiday in Greece with her sister and friend when she suddenly went into labour after a heavy night of drinking.
The mother of two from London, who was eight-and-a-half months pregnant, returned to her hotel room in the early hours of the morning where she gave birth alone before allegedly strangling the baby.'
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2008-07-21 14:24
On June 2, 2008, RADAR released two special reports, Myths of ABA Commission on Domestic Violence[1,2] that analyzed the 19 statements made in the flyer put out by the American Bar Association (ABA) Commission on Domestic Violence, "10 Myths about Custody and Domestic Violence and How to Counter Them."
Among the flyer's 19 claims, 11 were found to be false, three misleading, and three unsupported by existing research. Only two claims were found to be correct. And some errors are egregious.
For example, the flyer states that "False allegations are no more common in divorce or custody disputes than at any time." But this claim, which flies in the face of common sense, is debunked by research showing that false allegations increase four-fold during custody and access disputes.
The flyer represents a crass attempt by the ABA Commission on Domestic Violence to further bias the administration of family law, to falsely stereotype fathers as abusers, and to force more children into single-parent households.
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Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 2008-07-21 11:48
Story here. Excerpt:
'A boy of four died on his mother's wedding day after she left him locked in her sweltering car while she went for a manicure.
Mirlande Jean-Baptiste's big day turned to tragedy when she came out of the beauty salon after three hours to find her son - who she thought was at a relative's house - slumped inside her parked vehicle.
Experts said that while the temperature outside was around 89 degrees Fahrenheit, the temperature inside the vehicle could have been as high as 139 degrees Fahrenheit.
Jean-Baptiste, who works as a nurse, made frantic attempts to resuscitate her son, but he was declared dead on arrival at hospital.'
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2008-07-20 04:19
Article here. Excerpt:
'NATIONAL COMMISSION of Women (NCW), recently proposed an amendment of Section 125 of Code of Criminal procedure (CrPC) to include women involved in livein relationships to be eligible for alimony from their livein partners. This proposed amendment has far reaching consequences, which it is evident that the champion of womens causes, National Commission of Women seems to have conveniently ignored.
What the logical rationale fails to understand is how any person having the slightest of common sense can draft any provision on the basis of a generalised statement that all men are criminals and all women are truthfully innocent. When there is a provision to extract money legally, why will a woman not initiate a livein relationship, break it at will and then harass the man for whole life. As it is, the concept of livein relationship has not come of its age in the Indian society and will also not come, as Indian societal scenario is hundred times more complex than western society, which is being beautifully attempted to be aped here.'
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2008-07-20 04:14
Story here. Not only is male teenage suicide an ignored problem, we now have a teacher promoting such an act. Excerpt:
'Police say a former Buffalo charter school teacher who disappeared with a male eighth-grade student last month made a suicide pact with the teen.
Cara L. Dickey, 30, surrendered to Buffalo police Thursday on four charges, including felony counts of promoting a suicide attempt and unlawful imprisonment.
Dickey's lawyer declined comment as she was released on $5,000 bail.'
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2008-07-20 03:58
Article here. Excerpt:
"Anyone paying the slightest attention to the hothouse that American culture has become knows that men and masculinity have been under siege for the last few decades. Guys have been described in the most unsavory terms - lazy, violent, deceitful, maniacally over-sexed, pathologically unfair, none too bright (when was the last time you saw a man in a television commercial who wasn't either a lout or a helpless doofus?) - and are deemed to be the proximate cause of all bad things in the world, especially responsible for every unhappiness suffered by any woman. If you don't think this is so, read just about any description of any university course in women's studies, a fairly new "discipline" whose main purpose for being is to drill into college students that men are awful, masculinity is passe at best, dangerous at worst, and that women are victims, saints, martyrs, and all around superior human beings."
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2008-07-20 03:05
Story here. Excerpt:
'For a year now, people in one Springfield neighborhood have been staying indoors as a precaution and on Friday they learned it was all for nothing.
One year ago, a neighbor in the north Springfield community reported she was attacked, raped and bound by a man that jumped out of the woods behind her house. The Greene County Sheriff's Department, Springfield Police Department, canine unit and the Missouri Highway Patrol helicopter spent two hours looking for the suspect, but never found anyone.
On Friday, 28-year-old Karla Forest was charged with making it all up. Investigators found not only did her story have a few holes in it, but forensic evidence showed scrapings on her body were created by her own finger nails.'
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2008-07-20 02:53
Story here. Excerpt:
'In what may become a global test case, Victoria University Institute of Policy Studies senior researcher Dr Paul Callister has asked the Human Rights Commission to clarify its position, saying women significantly outperform men in education and therefore there may be no inequality for such scholarships to rectify.
Human Rights Commission's chief commissioner, Rosslyn Noonan, said she would carefully examine the issues and questions raised by Callister before responding.
Under national and international human rights laws, temporary measures such as the scholarships are allowed to address inequality between the sexes and are deemed not discriminatory but must be stopped when equality is achieved.'
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2008-07-19 03:44
From Marc A. via email: We need comments and letters to the editor ( in response to this. It's an OK article but still weak on statistics, citing crime data instead of sociological data. It did, however, give the link to Please give a comment if you can. Excerpt:
'What I didn't anticipate, however, was that my online search for information about knife violence would keep turning up sites about domestic violence against men. This post from the website, for example, kept appearing, making the case that domestic violence against men—which not infrequently involves knives—is too often overlooked. That site looks a little rough around the edges, so I checked further into the peer-reviewed research.'
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2008-07-18 17:26
Article here. Excerpt:
'In a speech titled Should human beings have sex?, Dr Robert Sparrow yesterday told the Australian Medical Students Association convention that females could soon rule the world as hermaphrodites without any biological use for men.
To reach this post-sex world, Dr Sparrow said parents wanting the best for their children should start choosing baby girls through IVF because they live longer and have more opportunities in life.
"There are significant restrictions on the opportunities available to men around gestation, childbirth, and breastfeeding, which will be extremely difficult to overcome via social or technological mechanisms in the foreseeable future. Women also have longer life expectancies than men," he said.'
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Submitted by AngryMan on Fri, 2008-07-18 11:05
Story here. Excerpt:
'Men and women show differences in behaviour because their brains are physically distinct organs, new research suggests. Male and female brains appear to be constructed from markedly different genetic blueprints.
The differences in the circuitry that wires them up and the chemicals that transmit messages inside them are so great as to point to the conclusion that there is not just one kind of human brain, but two, according to recent neurological studies.'
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2008-07-17 14:35
Video report here.
"We believe that's the way she was injecting the substance [salt water solution] into his body, probably through a feeding tube."
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