Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2008-07-29 21:09
Story here. Excerpt:
'The 22-year-old, who was not identified, has pleaded not guilty in the District Court to endangering the life of the baby at her Blakeview home in May, 2007.
The father, who also cannot be named, told the court he and his then-partner had been arguing on the night the baby was allegedly put into the aquarium.
He said the child had been crying and his partner was not able to make her stop. He saw his partner walk past their bedroom and then saw her walk back without the child.'
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2008-07-29 18:47
Activism has its effects; read it here. Looks like Ms. Dunleavey got the message. And while she isn't filled with contrition for her previous column, she at least responded to the input. It's a start. Excerpt:
'Most of the letters were from men. Many were morally outraged. And most said: Why don't you write about how to leave your wife without going broke?
State laws, your personal circumstances, the lawyers or mediators involved in the case and, perhaps especially, a judge may all determine how equitable the terms of a divorce are.
"If you choose to go before a judge, you are subject to the biases of that judge, and they cut both ways," Smith says.
Smith also took issue with the motive behind my initial article, which stemmed from my conviction that women need a bigger push to take the reins of their finances. "I see just as many men who don't want to deal with these issues," she says.'
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2008-07-29 18:44
Editorial here. Excerpt:
'Nationally, just like clockwork, Congress approves a resolution declaring June as Men's Health Month. But the Men's Health Act, which would establish a national Office of Men's Health to conduct and support programs to make men live longer, has been bandied about without action since its introduction in 2001.
...The state Department of Health makes money available for cervical and breast cancer screenings, but not for prostate and testicular cancer screenings. Its reproductive-health program is focused exclusively on women. And its Web site features a women's health page, while devoting minimal space to issues specific to the fathers, sons and brothers who too often die before their time, victims of undetected diseases and poor lifestyle choices.'
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2008-07-29 18:00
The American Bar Association can't kick the habit. Two years ago the ABA published "10 Myths about Custody and Domestic Violence," a report that purports to demolish falsehoods that surround child custody and DV.[1]
But it's a sham.
In the name of stopping lies, the ABA "fact-sheet" actually invents new lies and expands on the old ones. Here's just one example:
"Among false allegations, fathers are far more likely than mothers to make intentionally false allegations."
The truth, of course, is no good research has ever shown that, and mothers are usually the ones who make false accusations. All this is spelled out in RADAR's Special Report, "Myths of the ABA Commission on Domestic Violence: Summary Report."[2]
Last week we asked everyone to contact the ABA president, William Neukom, and tell him to remove the offending report. (If you haven't done so, here's his email:
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Submitted by AngryMan on Tue, 2008-07-29 10:54
Story here. Excerpt:
'A woman whose false rape allegation led to the collapse of her victim’s marriage has been jailed for four months after a judge branded her ‘wicked’.
Tracey Winfield, 21, claimed she had been held down in a park by her former boyfriend Richard Peacock while his friend Dean Frasier raped her.
The pair, both innocent, were forced to undergo medical examinations and give intimate samples before being released on bail.
Mr Rowe said Winfield and Mr Peacock had a troubled three-year relationship, and she had made 14 allegations to police about him.
Most of these were not taken further - although Mr Peacock was twice convicted of public order offences in 2006 as a result of them.'
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Submitted by AngryMan on Tue, 2008-07-29 09:48
Outstanding article by Erin Pizzey:
"Yesterday, Ms Harman — who, worryingly, is acting Prime Minister during Gordon Brown’s summer holiday — set out new proposals that may lead to a change in the law in cases of murder involving domestic violence.
Effectively, what Harman and the ultra-feminist lobby want is a licence for women to kill.
If this plan is enacted, we will no longer have absolute justice in this country. Instead, our courts will have to use a carefully calibrated measure of female grievance against which to judge the darkest of all crimes.
The absurdity of the Harman position is the pretence that women in a violent relationship have no alternative but to kill their partners."
Ed note: Also covered here. Excerpt:
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2008-07-29 03:43
Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2008-07-29 03:37
Article here. Excerpt:
'CHICAGO - A milder type of mental decline that often precedes Alzheimer’s disease is alarmingly more common than has been believed, and in men more than women, doctors reported Monday.
Nearly a million older Americans slide from normal memory into mild impairment each year, researchers estimate, based on a Mayo Clinic study of Minnesota residents.
Men were nearly twice as likely as women to develop it. That’s a surprise, because some studies have found more women with Alzheimer’s than men. But there may be a simple explanation: Even though more men may be impaired, women outlive them and therefore have more time to develop full-blown dementia.'
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Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 2008-07-28 19:50
Article here. Excerpt:
"Minnie Driver has revealed that she has no plans to include her baby's father at any time during the birth.
"I'm not married and I don't know if I'll stay with the guy," she told the New York Post.
"My mum and aunt Serena will be with me, as will my best friends, a midwife and a yoga teacher. And I'll be the wailing monster at the centre.
"It's great to be an independent creature. Today you don't need a man any more. In the old days, a baby without marriage and people would put you out. I'm very into feeling this female thing."
Do you see what women are really all about? Selfish, deluded and arrogant. I wonder how this guy feels about being treated and referred too in this manner? Don't suppose it matters since he's man. Never trust women ever.
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2008-07-27 18:49
Watch it here. First time I had ever seen it. Now bear in mind, this is a commercial from a governmental authority. And it has no significant character interaction except just this: an old woman with a walker-stick kicks a man square in the groin for the crime of watering his lawn on an off-day.
Any excuse to show a man getting kicked in the groin seems acceptable, doesn't it? What's not important is the message, goes the ad-maker's approach. All that matters is the great laugh the viewer gets from watching a man sexually assaulted by a woman. Now let's see the opposite roles played out on the same commercial and what votes it gets. And I wonder, who did the voting?
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Submitted by anthony on Sun, 2008-07-27 06:55
Article here. Excerpt:
'Besides revealing an inflated view of their own organization, the superhero analogy demonstrates the destructive attitude dominating feminism today. It is the attitude that everyone is against women, out to get them. To feminists, women must take on the entire world. They must save everyone, even sometimes from themselves. Like Superwoman, these feminists are constantly fearful that they will find an enemy, like sexism, around every corner. The media: Sexist. Fewer women in math and sciences: Sexism. Fewer female elected officials: Sexism.'
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2008-07-26 21:10
Story here. I wonder what degree of a sense of entitlement and presumption of immunity to account for activities is necessary for one to get to this point without being a clinical sociopath? Excerpt:
'A plane was forced to make an emergency landing in Germany after two British women tried to open a cabin door mid-flight, police have said.
The women, aged 26 and 27, were drinking heavily and had to be held in their seats by security staff until the plane landed in Frankfurt.
They were arrested and released after two hours, Frankfurt police said.
She said they had started to swear at and threaten staff who refused to sell them any more alcohol from the bar.
"Their language was totally unacceptable, as was their behaviour. They were very abusive and threatening," the spokeswoman said.'
The XL Airways spokeswoman said the airline was considering taking legal action against the woman.
Mr Scherer said police were deciding whether to press charges, adding that the pair could also be fined or forced to pay compensation.'
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2008-07-26 19:04
Story here. Excerpt:
'ANNAPOLIS, Md. (Map, News) - An Anne Arundel County judge has released a 19-year-old woman who served eight months in a juvenile detention facility for the death of her newborn baby.
The judge ruled the woman had been rehabilitated and the woman was released to her father's custody.'
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2008-07-26 18:55
Story here. Excerpt:
'In handing down the sentence, Ontario Superior Court Justice Robert Maranger said that the homicide of Jack Craig was "a very cruel, monstrous act committed by what appears to be a fundamentally decent person.
"I am very sympathetic to Mrs. Craig," he said. "I have compassion for Mrs. Craig."
But he said the conditional sentence of two years less a day, to be served in the community, which was sought by Mrs. Craig's defence lawyers, was "clearly inappropriate given the brutality of the act."'
My read is this: He ran out of money so she murdered him, figuring she could claim abusiveness and that would win her sympathy and community support, minus jail time. Also, no costly divorce to deal with, either. "Hey, what's to lose?" she thought, and went looking for a good, sharp knife.
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2008-07-25 18:27
Story here. Excerpt:
'When the I-Team received an email from Army Sergeant Joshua Hinkle a few weeks ago, it first caught our attention because it was sent from Camp Bucca in Iraq.
The soldier wrote that he was suffering a great injustice: the state of Illinois, he claimed, had cleaned out his entire bank account for child support.
"They went into my bank account and they took it, they took it down to the penny," said Hinkle, who's with the Illinois National Guard.
Most puzzling is what happened to all that money the state seized from his account in June. The boy's mother said she hasn't seen any of it.'
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