Female Teacher Convicted of Planting Threatening Notes Throughout School

Story here. Excerpt:

'Susan Romanyszyn was convicted of 11 counts of leaving threatening messages in the hallways of Longstreth Elementary School in the fall, when she was a teacher there, according to The Philadelphia Inquirer.

In October, 15 notes including the messages "You die today," "Bomb today" and "I have a weapon and a nife," were found at the school, The Morning Call reported. In addition, a fake bomb was found in a student's desk and nails were scattered in a faculty parking lot.

Romanyszyn is under house arrest at least until her sentencing in a month. The crimes carry a maximum sentence of 73 years in jail.'

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UK: Donor sprem increasingly scarce due to loss of guaranteed anonymity

Looks like their evil plan backfired and the potential donors got some smarts. Well, did they really think we were *that stupid*? Alas, some guys still are. But this is hopeful news. Excerpt:

'The removal of anonymity from sperm and egg donors has provoked a crisis in fertility treatment that is denying couples the chance to try for a baby.

Infertility therapy with donated sperm has collapsed to the lowest levels since records began, according to the first official figures, seen by The Times, since the Government banned anonymous donation in 2005.

The number of women treated with donated sperm fell by about 20 per cent, from 2,727 in 2005 to 2,107 in 2006, the first full year after the change. The number of donor insemination treatment cycles fell by 30 per cent over the same period.'

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Harriet Harperson Strikes Again

This woman has got to have a real deep-seated hatred of men. Especially if they're white. Here is her latest attempt to turn Britain into an even bigger laughing stock than it is already. Excerpt:

"Women and ethnic minority job candidates will be given increased chances of employment under new Government plans.

The new Equalities Bill will also force employers to reveal salary structures to make the pay gap between men and women clearer.

Equality Minister Harriet Harman defended the positive discrimination telling Sky News there was still too much "old-fashioned" bias in the work place."

I despair...

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Pro-women laws being misused

Article here. Excerpt:

"NEW DELHI: Are we being fair on the not -so-fair sex? It would appear not. Laws for protecting women like the anti-dowry legislation and the domestic violence Act were vociferously opposed by men's groups on Wednesday at a consultation initiated by the ministry for women and child development and UNIFEM.

The burden of their argument was that these laws don't follow the fundamental legal premise that a person is innocent until he is proven guilty. "In 30% of the cases that come to us, there is a rift between the woman and her in-laws where the woman forces the man to choose between the two under the threat of slapping Section 498A of the Dowry Prohibition Act on the husband and his family," said Ashish from Save Indian Family (SIF)."

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Denver Center for the Performing Arts excludes men from play

The Denver Center for the Performing Arts has a play for women in which men are excluded. I found this by looking at the Sunday Denver Post while at work, find here.

The letter writer has a point, though I feel like barfing a little at the other plays he's seen (Vagina Monologues?).

The Denver Center for the Performing Arts is an organization, but it uses city government facilities. Isn't that still illegal?

The website for the Denver Center for the Performing Arts is here.

The discriminatory play is here. Quote:

"Girls Only - The Secret Comedy of Women

September 18, 2008 -- December 21, 2008
Garner Galleria Theatre

Sorry, fellas, this one's just for the ladies."

Granted, I wouldn't want to see the play anyway, and if they show misandric crap like "The Vagina Monologues" and the others mentioned, I especially wouldn't want to go.

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CNN: Is it harder to raise boys or girls?

Article here. Excerpt:

"Boys and modern education are not an idyllic match. An indoor-based day and an early emphasis on academics and visual-auditory (as opposed to hands-on) learning ask a lot of a group that arrives at school less mature. In their early years, most boys lag behind girls in developing attentiveness, self-control, and language and fine motor skills.

The relatively recent acceleration of the pre-K and kindergarten curricula has occurred without awareness that the brain develops at different sequences in girls and boys, Dr. Sax says. Music, clay work, finger painting, and physical exercise -- early-ed activities that once helped lively kids acclimate to school -- are vanishing. Few teachers are trained in handling the problems that result."

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UK: Working-class white boys shun higher education, new report confirms

Article here. Excerpt:

"White working-class males are severely under-represented in universities, according to a report by the government that shows the English university sector remains strongly divided along class lines.

The National Audit Office (NAO) report says that white working-class boys are now the least likely group of people to go to university. The Russell group of research-led institutions - including Oxford and Cambridge - are most consistently failing to attract state school students.

Universities and the government have failed to monitor properly the impact of a £392m drive to encourage them to apply, the report claims."

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India: Men refuse to be excluded from ministerial meeting

Story here. Save Indian Family unintentionally disrupts the meeting by Indian feminist minister. Hell we thought it was us who were supposed to be invited to air our views!

Some stupid male feminists talked to us of wearing high heels to feel womens pain and hence this blog post.

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NY Daily News: Pandering to women, Obama twists truth on equal pay

Article here. Excerpt:

"At an event this week in New Mexico, Obama repeated the misleading claim that "women still earn only 77 cents for every dollar earned by men," and dismissed the notion that factors other than discrimination explain the wage gap as "just totally wrong."

Yet even the organizations that champion the most aggressive government action in the name of equal pay acknowledge that most of the wage gap is a result of men and women's different choices related to work, not employment discrimination. A 2007 report from The American Association of University Women, for instance, found that most of the wage gap could be explained by factors such as employment, education and personal choices. Pay differential wasn't just the result of sexism in the workplace."

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Farrell & Wilber: Does Feminism Discriminate Against Men?

This is a Free Audio Dialogue. You must provide your e-mail address and will receive a link to the full dialogue.

"It's definitely true that men, as a rule today in industrialized societies, are basically where women were in the 1950's, psychologically and socially. Part of what is keeping men there is being blamed for having power that is really a camouflage for the powerlessness. Real power is control over my own life."

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Arizona governor signs bills on child protective service oversight

Story here. Excerpt:

'PHOENIX — Arizona's child protection system and the people who work in it will be subject to more public and legislative oversight because under new laws signed Tuesday.

Four bills signed by Gov. Janet Napolitano were promoted by supporters as increasing accountability and transparency of state functions to protect children from abuse and neglect.

The bills would increase public access to Child Protective Services information after the death or serious injury of a child.'

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Update on the DC Festival 2008 in Support of Equal Parenting Rights and Family Preservation

Via email from Angela Pedersen: The DC Festival 2008 in Support of Equal Parenting Rights and Family Preservation is on!

Under the leadership of Lary Holland and numerous organizations the DC Festival 2008 will be held on August 15 and 16 in Washington, D.C.

If you belong to an organization please be sure to send your letter of support to Lary Holland. Information on how to do this and why we need your letters of support is listed here.

Organizations that already support this effort are:
1) Fathers4Justice
2) Dads and Moms of Michigan
3) A Child's Right
4) Equal Parenting Bike Trek Crew
5) Split-N-Two
7) United Civil Rights Council of America
8) Parental Alienation Awareness Organization (PAAO)
9) Shared Parenting Works
10) Father's Rights Coalition
and many, many more. You can view a constantly updating list on the main page for the DC Festival 2008 here.

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India: Minister changes agenda of the men's issues meeting

Story here. As expected the original agenda for discussing the changes of Dowry laws and domestic violence laws suddenly changed.

It tells in the words of government official “We do not want to convey the impression that we believe the existing laws are flawed or need changes. That is why we have changed the agenda,” an official said.

In another related development, Delhi police have issued a circular banning the mandatory arrests over women-centric laws invoking the well-enunciated principle that provision of power to arrest is not the same as order to arrest.

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Little 'Barbie Brat' Bullies Become Concern in Schools

Story here. Excerpt:

"Bullying among adolescents has captured the attention of researchers, educators and parents alarmed by a parade of mean girls and cyber-bullies caught in mid-punch on viral video. But such aggression may not just happen in a whirl of adolescent hormones, some in the growing anti-bully movement argue.

Meline Kevorkian, a Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., researcher and public speaker on bullying, surveyed 167 educators last year and 25 percent indicated bullying occurs most in elementary schools. Research also indicates that three-quarters of 8- to 11-year-olds report they've been bullied, with more than half identifying it as a "big" problem, Kevorkian said."

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On YouTube: Men's rights group file domestic violence lawsuit

I found this video interesting mostly because its an actual news report from a Sacramento television station. This is the first time I've ever seen this issue discussed during a news program.

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