UK's most senior female police officer says gang life replacing family life

Story here. The UK's most senior female police officer has stated that gang life is replacing family life in the UK. Excerpt:

'Barbara Wilding, the longest-serving female chief constable, said that social breakdown was giving rise to “enormous concerns about the future of young people”. Ms Wilding, the Chief Constable of South Wales, said:“In many of our larger cities, in areas of extreme deprivation, there are almost feral groups of very angry young people.

“Many have experienced family breakdown, and in place of parental and family role models, the gang culture is now established. Tribal loyalty has replaced family loyalty and gang culture based on violence and drugs is a way of life.” Disaffected young people were also a prime target for terrorist recruiters, she said.'

Of course she is right, and many people are starting to take this view. We have the feminist movement and the 1968 generation to thank for this massive social breakdown. We can add terrorism to the feminist movement's list of social evils.

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UK: Most men are harassed by women at work

Story here. Excerpt:

"Four out of five men are sexually harassed by women at work - but are too afraid to complain to their employers - according to researchers.

A study by the law firm Peninsula found 85 per cent of employers admit they take a complaints of sexual harassment from a male employees less seriously.

Two-thirds of the 2,300 men questioned also said sexual banter was inappropriate at work."

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UK: Woman stabbed to death by female attacker(s)

Story here. Excerpt:

"A woman has been stabbed to death by a female attacker in London in the latest stabbing to hit the capital.

Dee Willis, 28, was stabbed in her upper body during the attack at around 11pm last night in Bellenden Road, close to Peckham High Street in south east London.

She was taken to hospital but died shortly after midnight.
A gang of up to 20 girls was seen in the area around the time of the attack, according to one eyewitness."

And I thought women didn't do things like that. It must have been a man's fault...

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Why Russia's wealthier women are still reluctant to go Dutch

Story here. Excerpt:

'Billboards across Moscow advertising a women's magazine are raising female consciousness by asking Russia's fairer sex: "Are you ready to pay half to be independent?"

It's a question with increasing relevance because growing numbers of young Russian women are moving into management positions, earning good salaries and boosting their spending power. But for most, the answer to the question for now is still a resounding "no".

"When you go out with a guy, even if you're just friends and there's no romantic subtext, you would always expect him to pay," says Svetlana Kolchik, deputy editor of Russia's Marie Claire.'

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National Review: Title IX Strikes Again

Article here. Excerpt:

"Athletes at Arizona State University are the latest victims of this disturbing trend. In May, the school announced that it was cutting three men’s sports: wrestling, swimming, and tennis. Following public outcry (see and a massive fundraising campaign, wrestling has since been reinstated. ASU swimmers, tennis players, and several coaches were not so lucky."

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Harvard Political Review: Gender equality remains an illusive and undefinable goal

Commentary here. Excerpt:

"In response to the same question however, Christina Hoff-Sommers, resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and author of Who Stole Feminism, told the HPR that “almost all areas are overblown. We’ve entered a new phase where American women have achieved equality with men.” While there may be pockets of sexism, “overall if you look at the status of women in society and men in society and you ask who’s doing better, it’s a mix.” Women, say critics of the current feminist movement, are already more educated, have higher aspirations, live longer, and have more choices in how to arrange their lives. While women typically earn less, wage comparisons often do not take into account time women may have taken off in order to care for children, a decision, they say, that comes with a legitimate financial penalty."

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Glenn Sacks: Obama Panders to Women by Insulting Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Obama said, "They will take for granted women can do anything that the boys can do, and do it better." Of course--the ladies aren't equal to men, they're better. I've never understood why some women have this great and unending desire to be told that they're better than men and to put men down. Obama, a smart politician, is pandering to this desire."'

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Commentary: 'Where the Girls Aren’t'

Article here. Excerpt:

"The report concludes with a lament that women still earn only about 80 percent of what comparably trained men do. Remarkably, it makes no mention of the single biggest contributor to that persistent gender gap; namely, the fact that young women continue to choose professions that pay less well than those chosen by men with similar education. Women remain more likely than men to major in art history and journalism; men are more likely than women to major in computer science, physics, and engineering. A college graduate with a degree in physics or engineering will earn more than a graduate with a degree in art history or journalism, simply because the marketplace values those skills differently. Again, the one intervention proven to increase the numbers of women entering highly paid fields such as engineering—namely, single-sex classes—is scorned by the AAUW on political grounds."

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Attorney: Teacher agrees to plea deal in sex case

Story here. Excerpt:

"A former teacher accused of having sex with a 13-year-old student and fleeing with him to Mexico is expected to plead guilty to reduced charges, her attorney said Tuesday.

James Martin Davis, the attorney for 26-year-old Kelsey Peterson, said his client will plead guilty Wednesday to federal charges of having sex with a minor across state lines.

It's similar to the original charge of crossing the border to have sex with a minor but doesn't carry a minimum 10-year-sentence, Davis said."

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Mom Charged With Denying Son Cancer Medication

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman has been charged with withholding cancer medication from her 8-year-old autistic son, who prosecutors say likely will die because the cancer has returned.
In March... the child's oncologist ... filed a report of suspected neglect with the Department of Social Services after discovering Fraser's cancer had returned, something that should not have happened if he was on his medications.

The boy's father, Eric Fraser, now has full custody of his son in Saugus. He said Jeremy spends part of his day in a special education program.
"I'm pretty disgusted about the whole justice (system) and DSS," Fraser said. "Now my son's going to die."'

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UK: Woman 'murdered mother-to-be and cut her full-term baby alive from her womb'

Story here. Excerpt:

'A mother-to-be has been stabbed to death by another woman and her almost full-term baby cut from her womb, police have revealed.
A 23-year-old woman has been arrested.
Her body was found early on Saturday in a park in the city of Kennewick.'

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"Prison - a cruel and unusual punishment for a woman"

The good news: The UK government's plan to close down all women's prisons has been rejected due to popular opinion.

Aging celebrity Joan Bakewell, ex-mistress of Harold Pinter, is not happy about this. In this article, she attempts to tug at our heart-strings to make us feel sympathy for female criminals, but not male ones. "Prison is hard for women". Isn't that the idea? If you can't do the time, don't do the crime...

As a 1970s feminist, she openly preaches double-standards. Get this:

"Prison is certainly not one of the places where women aspire to equal treatment."

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YouTube video of Fatherless Day Rally in Los Angeles

Here, at YouTube, is some video from the Fatherless Day Rally in Los Angeles.

Fatherless Day Rally, Los Angeles
(The speech given at this rally has been dubbed in due to poor sound quality.)

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Woman gets probation in underage sex case

Story here. Even the prosecutor believes that if the genders had been reversed, we'd be talking jail time, not probation. Excerpt:

'A 39-year-old Louisville woman who had two children with an underage boy was sentenced this morning to 20 of years probation...

Irene Gomez, whose children were conceived with the boy when he was 13 and 16, had pleaded guilty to contributing to the delinquency of a minor and attempted child sex assault as part of a plea bargain with prosecutors.'

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India's first IIT exclusively for females in Maharashtra

Another gender bias. This time it is propounded by none other than India's first female president. Shame on her. Article here. Excerpt:

'NAGPUR: Even as there is talk about starting new Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and increasing the number of seats in the existing ones, a move is afoot to open the country's first all-women engineering and technology-oriented institute in Amravati, President Pratibha Patil's hometown in Maharashtra.

The suggestion to start India's first all-women IIT at Amravati near Nagpur in Vidarbha had in fact been mooted by Saint Gadgebaba University vice-chancellor Kamal Singh. Patil followed it up when she became the country's first woman president last July.'

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