Gloucester: Witch hunt begins!

Story here. Excerpt:

'Disturbed by the international spotlight focused on pregnancies at Gloucester High School, Mayor Carolyn Kirk said yesterday she is investigating whether staffers at the school-based health clinic violated patient confidentiality laws when they discussed the issue with faculty and members of the press.

Kirk said she has sent a letter to ... the president of Northeast Health System — the company that ... administers the high school health center — and has asked him to describe ... what consequences employees face if they reveal protected information.
Kirk said on Tuesday that the city's review of the issue would include the actions of school district employees.

"We will get to the bottom of it," Kirk said. "We need to see that the safeguards are in place to make sure that it never happens again."'

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RADAR Release: Fix VAWA Now! set to launch with a BANG!

Tomorrow, Independence Day, we'll be launching our "Fix VAWA Now!" campaign.

Independence Day celebrates our freedom from intrusive and oppressive government policies. And that's what Fix VAWA Now! is all about -- telling the public how domestic violence policies allow a simple marital tiff to turn into a heavy-handed knock on the door and a guy being hustled out in hand-cuffs.

As they say, "All politics is local," so last night we had a teleconference with our state-level VAWA Reform Captains. Over the next 5 months months, they'll be putting together YouTube pieces, videos, meeting with lawmakers, writing letters to editors, and doing interviews. RADAR has also put together a Fix VAWA Now! poster, which will be available on the RADAR website tomorrow.

So this is where you come in. Tomorrow, July 4, we'd like to ask you to make some fireworks. We'd like you to make some copies of the "Fix VAWA Now!" flyer and pass them out -- political events, picnics, shopping malls, libraries, Starbucks, gas stations, wherever!

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Sentencing for sex-related crimes: compare and contrast

A man is tried and found guilty of sexually abusing three teenage girls by watching them perform sex acts with each other and actually doing so with him. So he is sentenced to 4,060 years in jail.

That's right: 4,060 years. Wow, he'll be pretty durned old when he gets out!

Now contrast this with this recent case, wherein the perp actually had sex with the victims: all five of them! And she got six years in jail for it.


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The Minefield of Texas A&M Student Discipline

Blog entry here. Good warning for anyone facing "the system" at today's knee-jerk university "administrative hearings". Excerpt:

'The Appeals process was a minefield in its own right. Winning any appeal is like a snowball surviving in . . . well, you know where. Anyway, the Appeals panel would give great deference to the original panel's finding of responsibility. So, we worked like dogs to develop a showing the boy's student rights were violated and the evidence was insufficient to support the original finding of responsibility. After 3 1/2 hours of testimony and two hours of deliberation, the Appeals panel remanded the case back for a new hearing on the merits. We were relieved, to say the least. Although we'd hoped for a dismissal, as least we had another rare bite at the apple.'

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Tanking Economy = Bank for Divorce Lawyers

According to this piece, the Divorce Industry is a recession-proof profession for the vampires who profit from it. One attorney is quoted as saying:

"One of the reasons that I ended up doing domestic relations ... is that when the economy is rough, you get the people who can no longer afford to stay married, and when the economy's good, you get the people who can finally afford to get divorced."

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UK: "Meet the Cashtrati..."

Article here. It details how the "credit crunch" is affecting bachelors' dating habits. Excerpt:

'Cash-strapped Romeos are resorting to all sorts of tricks to keep the costs down... "...he paid, and it was all very nice, but there was no real spark between us. So, when he called up the next day to ask me out again, I said no. The next day he sent me an invoice for my half of the meal."
"It's a pretty obvious economic calculation," explains Will Foster, 43, who works for a new media company in Edinburgh. "You're putting your needs in a pot, working out which costs what and how many of them are essential, and then seeing how much you can budget for each one. I mean, it obviously doesn't sound very romantic but let's be really honest about it. I'm a divorcé, I've done the rounds, and I want to be sure that my date is going to satisfy my needs if I'm going to risk some sort of financial investment on her."

Relationship experts are horrified at Foster's calculations, urging the Cashtrati to see the crunch as a boon...'

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F4J to Lead Numerous Organizations and Family Members in "Justice March" through Washington, D.C.

Forwarded by Angela Pedersen:

"WASHINGTON, D.C. - Fathers-4-Justice announced today that they are leading numerous organizations and family members in a "Justice March" through Washington, D.C. on August 16, 2008. The origination point of the "Justice March" is scheduled to launch from the DC FESTIVAL 2008 Civil Rights Event at Upper Senate Park and continue to the United States White House. (

Children's and Parent's Rights organizations from across the nation are scheduled to converge on our nation's capitol this August 15 & 16 at the Upper Senate Park. Why? Because government policies do not reflect what is truly best for children and good parents. This historic event will expose to the media and our elected officials the damaging effects our family court systems have on children, parents and families.

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UK's most senior female police officer says gang life replacing family life

Story here. The UK's most senior female police officer has stated that gang life is replacing family life in the UK. Excerpt:

'Barbara Wilding, the longest-serving female chief constable, said that social breakdown was giving rise to “enormous concerns about the future of young people”. Ms Wilding, the Chief Constable of South Wales, said:“In many of our larger cities, in areas of extreme deprivation, there are almost feral groups of very angry young people.

“Many have experienced family breakdown, and in place of parental and family role models, the gang culture is now established. Tribal loyalty has replaced family loyalty and gang culture based on violence and drugs is a way of life.” Disaffected young people were also a prime target for terrorist recruiters, she said.'

Of course she is right, and many people are starting to take this view. We have the feminist movement and the 1968 generation to thank for this massive social breakdown. We can add terrorism to the feminist movement's list of social evils.

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UK: Most men are harassed by women at work

Story here. Excerpt:

"Four out of five men are sexually harassed by women at work - but are too afraid to complain to their employers - according to researchers.

A study by the law firm Peninsula found 85 per cent of employers admit they take a complaints of sexual harassment from a male employees less seriously.

Two-thirds of the 2,300 men questioned also said sexual banter was inappropriate at work."

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UK: Woman stabbed to death by female attacker(s)

Story here. Excerpt:

"A woman has been stabbed to death by a female attacker in London in the latest stabbing to hit the capital.

Dee Willis, 28, was stabbed in her upper body during the attack at around 11pm last night in Bellenden Road, close to Peckham High Street in south east London.

She was taken to hospital but died shortly after midnight.
A gang of up to 20 girls was seen in the area around the time of the attack, according to one eyewitness."

And I thought women didn't do things like that. It must have been a man's fault...

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Why Russia's wealthier women are still reluctant to go Dutch

Story here. Excerpt:

'Billboards across Moscow advertising a women's magazine are raising female consciousness by asking Russia's fairer sex: "Are you ready to pay half to be independent?"

It's a question with increasing relevance because growing numbers of young Russian women are moving into management positions, earning good salaries and boosting their spending power. But for most, the answer to the question for now is still a resounding "no".

"When you go out with a guy, even if you're just friends and there's no romantic subtext, you would always expect him to pay," says Svetlana Kolchik, deputy editor of Russia's Marie Claire.'

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National Review: Title IX Strikes Again

Article here. Excerpt:

"Athletes at Arizona State University are the latest victims of this disturbing trend. In May, the school announced that it was cutting three men’s sports: wrestling, swimming, and tennis. Following public outcry (see and a massive fundraising campaign, wrestling has since been reinstated. ASU swimmers, tennis players, and several coaches were not so lucky."

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Harvard Political Review: Gender equality remains an illusive and undefinable goal

Commentary here. Excerpt:

"In response to the same question however, Christina Hoff-Sommers, resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and author of Who Stole Feminism, told the HPR that “almost all areas are overblown. We’ve entered a new phase where American women have achieved equality with men.” While there may be pockets of sexism, “overall if you look at the status of women in society and men in society and you ask who’s doing better, it’s a mix.” Women, say critics of the current feminist movement, are already more educated, have higher aspirations, live longer, and have more choices in how to arrange their lives. While women typically earn less, wage comparisons often do not take into account time women may have taken off in order to care for children, a decision, they say, that comes with a legitimate financial penalty."

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Glenn Sacks: Obama Panders to Women by Insulting Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Obama said, "They will take for granted women can do anything that the boys can do, and do it better." Of course--the ladies aren't equal to men, they're better. I've never understood why some women have this great and unending desire to be told that they're better than men and to put men down. Obama, a smart politician, is pandering to this desire."'

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Commentary: 'Where the Girls Aren’t'

Article here. Excerpt:

"The report concludes with a lament that women still earn only about 80 percent of what comparably trained men do. Remarkably, it makes no mention of the single biggest contributor to that persistent gender gap; namely, the fact that young women continue to choose professions that pay less well than those chosen by men with similar education. Women remain more likely than men to major in art history and journalism; men are more likely than women to major in computer science, physics, and engineering. A college graduate with a degree in physics or engineering will earn more than a graduate with a degree in art history or journalism, simply because the marketplace values those skills differently. Again, the one intervention proven to increase the numbers of women entering highly paid fields such as engineering—namely, single-sex classes—is scorned by the AAUW on political grounds."

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