New Zealand: Police warning to women over false rape claims

Article here. Excerpt:

'The warning comes as a woman appears in Hamilton District Court this morning charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice, arising from rape complaint made last November.

Detective Senior Sergeant Chris Page said the Hamilton woman claimed she was raped after an offender forced his way into her flat but this was proved to be untrue.

"A large amount of police and ESR resources and time was put into the investigation," he said.

"The media coverage of this incident was significant as police dealt with a number of rape allegations at that time. This case has proven to be the third false complaint from that week.'


Ed. note: Suggest using Internet Explorer to view the story. Using Firefox, I had a problem getting the fold-out ad to close so I could actually read it.

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Male-teacher-positive article: "School 9 students fondly recall teacher as father figure"

Story here. Excerpt:

'Despite data showing a growing number of children in urban areas living without fathers or other adult men, male kindergarten teachers are a rarity in Rochester and nationally.

The National Center for Education Statistics estimates that men represent only 2 percent of 190,000 kindergarten teachers nationwide. That figure is slightly higher in the Rochester district, where seven of the 113 kindergarten teachers are men.

Researchers cite low pay, a cultural stereotype that teaching elementary school is women's work, and fear among men of being accused of physically abusing children.

"People think that men aren't nurturing, that men don't want to be with children, that men can't do it," said Bryan Nelson, the founder of MenTeach, a Minneapolis-based nonprofit that supports male teachers."'

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State lawmaker: Equal-opportunity initiative bad for Arizona

Essay here. The examples she provides have one common theme; they ignore men. She is a typical politician who adheres to the ideology that the rights of individual men are less important than the communal goals of women. Excerpt:

'The so-called Arizona Civil Rights Initiative is not about protecting civil rights; it's about taking away our rights and freedoms. It would change Arizona's Constitution to prohibit the state (and local governments, schools and universities) from offering any type of equal-opportunity programs to women and people of color in Arizona.

Some examples of programs that will be eliminated if the Connerly initiative becomes law in Arizona are:
• Arizona State University's Women in Science and Engineering program. This would be eliminated because it supports university women as they pursue careers in science and engineering.'

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Shared Parenting Poll

Parade magazine's poll is published across the nation. Please vote now. The question is: 'Should divorced dads get equal time with their kids?'. Excerpt:

"Despite a shift toward shared custody over the last 20 years, up to half of fathers lose contact with their kids after a divorce. “In 85% of divorces, fathers get just two weekends a month and a couple of hours during the week,” says Mike McCormick of the American Coalition for Fathers and Children."

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Maureen Dowd muses on "The Ideal Husband"

Read it here. Wonder when we'll see an op-ed on what the idea wife would be? Excerpt:

'Father Pat Connor, a 79-year-old Catholic priest born in Australia and based in Bordentown, N.J., has spent his celibate life — including nine years as a missionary in India — mulling connubial bliss. His decades of marriage counseling led him to distill some “mostly common sense” advice about how to dodge mates who would maul your happiness.
“Finally: Does he possess those character traits that add up to a good human being — the willingness to forgive, praise, be courteous? Or is he inclined to be a fibber, to fits of rage, to be a control freak, to be envious of you, to be secretive?

“After I regale a group with this talk, the despairing cry goes up: ‘But you’ve eliminated everyone!’ Life is unfair.”'

Eliminated everyone? Good. That's the clearest indication to women that they should not be seeking out a husband.

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Woman makes sex tape with two underage girls, gets no jail time

Story here. Excerpt:

'A NSW woman who starred in home-made pornographic movies with two teenage girls - who she likened to American celebrities the Olsen twins - has had her jail term erased.

South Australia's Full Court of the Court of Criminal Appeal today replaced Rebecca Jane Clarke's "excessive" 12-month jail term with a two-year good behaviour bond.

The 23-year-old, of Goulburn in NSW, remains a convicted sex offender, but only for now.

Although the court upheld her convictions, she has flagged a High Court challenge so she can pursue her dream of working with disadvantaged children.

In December 2007, Clarke was found guilty of producing child pornography - a DVD in which she has sex with two 14-year-old girls while saying "I feel like a child molester".

Her lawyers told the court the sentence set a dangerous precedent for "innocent, luckless" people who unwittingly had sex with teenagers "made up" like adults.

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Christina Hoff Sommers: Why Can’t a Woman Be More Like a Man?

This article was written by Sommers and appears in the March/April 2008 issue of the online magazine, The American. Excerpt:

"These proposed solutions assume a prob­lem that might not exist. During her presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton has noted that “women comprise 43 percent of the workforce but only 23 percent of scientists and engineers” and insists that government take “diversity into account when awarding educa­tion and research grants.” But what is the basis for this and other attempts to balance the sta­tistics? If numerical inferiority were sufficient grounds for charges of discrimination or cul­tural insensitivity, Congress would be holding hearings on the crisis of underrepresentation of men in higher education. After all, women earn most of the degrees—practically across the board. What about male proportionality in the humanities, social sciences, and biol­ogy? The physical sciences are the exception, not the rule."

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Teen avoids prison time in sister's 'Mortal Kombat' death

Story here. Excerpt:

'Seventeen-year-old Heather Trujillo was given an 18-year suspended sentence in the death of [her sister] 7-year-old Zoe Garcia. However, she must spend six years in the youth offender program. If she does not violate the terms of her plea deal, she will not have to spend any time in prison.

Trujillo will be sent to a facility in Pueblo, where she will stay until her six-year sentence is complete.
Trujillo and her boyfriend, 17-year-old Lamar Roberts, told police they were acting out the video game "Mortal Kombat," when they kicked, karate chopped and body slammed the little girl in December 2007. Garcia later died of her injuries.
Heather Trujillo pleaded guilty in the death of Garcia in May and agreed to testify against Roberts.'

Two perps: one female (and white), one male (and black). One gets no jail time in exchange for turning on the other. What sort of punishment do you suppose he'll get? What sort of "deal" would he have gotten had he been the one willing to do the talking instead of her?

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Gloucester: Witch hunt begins!

Story here. Excerpt:

'Disturbed by the international spotlight focused on pregnancies at Gloucester High School, Mayor Carolyn Kirk said yesterday she is investigating whether staffers at the school-based health clinic violated patient confidentiality laws when they discussed the issue with faculty and members of the press.

Kirk said she has sent a letter to ... the president of Northeast Health System — the company that ... administers the high school health center — and has asked him to describe ... what consequences employees face if they reveal protected information.
Kirk said on Tuesday that the city's review of the issue would include the actions of school district employees.

"We will get to the bottom of it," Kirk said. "We need to see that the safeguards are in place to make sure that it never happens again."'

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RADAR Release: Fix VAWA Now! set to launch with a BANG!

Tomorrow, Independence Day, we'll be launching our "Fix VAWA Now!" campaign.

Independence Day celebrates our freedom from intrusive and oppressive government policies. And that's what Fix VAWA Now! is all about -- telling the public how domestic violence policies allow a simple marital tiff to turn into a heavy-handed knock on the door and a guy being hustled out in hand-cuffs.

As they say, "All politics is local," so last night we had a teleconference with our state-level VAWA Reform Captains. Over the next 5 months months, they'll be putting together YouTube pieces, videos, meeting with lawmakers, writing letters to editors, and doing interviews. RADAR has also put together a Fix VAWA Now! poster, which will be available on the RADAR website tomorrow.

So this is where you come in. Tomorrow, July 4, we'd like to ask you to make some fireworks. We'd like you to make some copies of the "Fix VAWA Now!" flyer and pass them out -- political events, picnics, shopping malls, libraries, Starbucks, gas stations, wherever!

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Sentencing for sex-related crimes: compare and contrast

A man is tried and found guilty of sexually abusing three teenage girls by watching them perform sex acts with each other and actually doing so with him. So he is sentenced to 4,060 years in jail.

That's right: 4,060 years. Wow, he'll be pretty durned old when he gets out!

Now contrast this with this recent case, wherein the perp actually had sex with the victims: all five of them! And she got six years in jail for it.


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The Minefield of Texas A&M Student Discipline

Blog entry here. Good warning for anyone facing "the system" at today's knee-jerk university "administrative hearings". Excerpt:

'The Appeals process was a minefield in its own right. Winning any appeal is like a snowball surviving in . . . well, you know where. Anyway, the Appeals panel would give great deference to the original panel's finding of responsibility. So, we worked like dogs to develop a showing the boy's student rights were violated and the evidence was insufficient to support the original finding of responsibility. After 3 1/2 hours of testimony and two hours of deliberation, the Appeals panel remanded the case back for a new hearing on the merits. We were relieved, to say the least. Although we'd hoped for a dismissal, as least we had another rare bite at the apple.'

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Tanking Economy = Bank for Divorce Lawyers

According to this piece, the Divorce Industry is a recession-proof profession for the vampires who profit from it. One attorney is quoted as saying:

"One of the reasons that I ended up doing domestic relations ... is that when the economy is rough, you get the people who can no longer afford to stay married, and when the economy's good, you get the people who can finally afford to get divorced."

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UK: "Meet the Cashtrati..."

Article here. It details how the "credit crunch" is affecting bachelors' dating habits. Excerpt:

'Cash-strapped Romeos are resorting to all sorts of tricks to keep the costs down... "...he paid, and it was all very nice, but there was no real spark between us. So, when he called up the next day to ask me out again, I said no. The next day he sent me an invoice for my half of the meal."
"It's a pretty obvious economic calculation," explains Will Foster, 43, who works for a new media company in Edinburgh. "You're putting your needs in a pot, working out which costs what and how many of them are essential, and then seeing how much you can budget for each one. I mean, it obviously doesn't sound very romantic but let's be really honest about it. I'm a divorcé, I've done the rounds, and I want to be sure that my date is going to satisfy my needs if I'm going to risk some sort of financial investment on her."

Relationship experts are horrified at Foster's calculations, urging the Cashtrati to see the crunch as a boon...'

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F4J to Lead Numerous Organizations and Family Members in "Justice March" through Washington, D.C.

Forwarded by Angela Pedersen:

"WASHINGTON, D.C. - Fathers-4-Justice announced today that they are leading numerous organizations and family members in a "Justice March" through Washington, D.C. on August 16, 2008. The origination point of the "Justice March" is scheduled to launch from the DC FESTIVAL 2008 Civil Rights Event at Upper Senate Park and continue to the United States White House. (

Children's and Parent's Rights organizations from across the nation are scheduled to converge on our nation's capitol this August 15 & 16 at the Upper Senate Park. Why? Because government policies do not reflect what is truly best for children and good parents. This historic event will expose to the media and our elected officials the damaging effects our family court systems have on children, parents and families.

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