Submitted by WakeUp on Thu, 2008-08-14 16:39
Here is a Big Brothers Big Sisters Agency recruitment ad targeted to men which starts off portraying masculinity as stupid and foolish, but then says that boys need a positive adult male role model. The second point is good, but they portray men as idiots as their first point. I used to have a big brother from the agency when I was a kid! He said when I'm older I should volunteer. But after seeing that ad I doubt I will now that I know they are bashing the same men they expect to be role models to young boys.
Here is another reason why I won't volunteer.
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2008-08-14 16:36
Story here. Excerpt:
'A Webster woman accused of plowing into a crowd of people and killing a Greece man and injuring four others early yesterday, pleaded not guilty in City Court this morning.
Rochester Police said Arena had been arguing with someone in the bar and then in the lot shortly before she allegedly drove into the crowd. The nature of the dispute was unclear. Sgt. Mark Beaudrault said alcohol was not a factor in the incident.
Coleman may have recognized Arena, but he was not involved in the dispute that prompted the violence, friends and police confirmed. Arena’s intended target was not known.
Arena’s attorney Ronald J. Passero also declined to comment on the charges, but noted that the crash “was an accident.”'
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Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 2008-08-14 14:15
Please comment in support of the cyclists who are undertaking this cycling trek and also in support of the DC Festival 2008. Thank you MensActvism Readers! Article here. Excerpt:
'On Aug. 15-16, thousands of people will come together in support of parental rights at the DC Festival 2008.
"Parental rights are one of those natural rights that are and should be protected against intrusion by the government," said Lary Holland, head organizer of this massive event. "It is our responsibility as citizens to remind the government of its limitations."
There is tremendous support for the DC Festival 2008 based on media and blog coverage and numerous elected officials such as U.S Congressman Pete Hoekstra (H.J. Res. 97) and state representatives John Stahl (MI H.J. Res. NN) and Lamar Lemmons Jr.'
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Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 2008-08-14 14:11
Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2008-08-14 06:50
Video here.
'What are men's issues? Watch this short flash video to get a beginning idea. Societal forces like chivalry, misandry and the onerous male sex role of provide and protect have been having the unfortunate consequence of obscuring the needs of men.'
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Submitted by patriotsofamerica on Thu, 2008-08-14 00:52
Story here. Whenever I think that maybe just maybe we make some ground on men's issues something happens to set us way back. If you think things are bad now, if Obama makes it we are all screwed. Excerpt:
'Illinois has joined a growing contingent of states to adopt a law that will put electronic GPS tracking bracelets on men who have not been convicted of any crime, but might be involved in a messy divorce.
The plan, named in memory of Cindy Bischoff, who was attacked and murdered by a former boyfriend, was signed into law just days ago and is scheduled to take effect Jan. 1.
And while its goal of protecting women and children from out-of-control husbands and fathers is good, it goes too far and violates the civil rights of innocent fathers, according to a lawyer for a group that will challenge it.'
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2008-08-13 18:32
Story here. Excerpt:
'SYNDEY, Australia, August 11, 2008 ( - Danielle Stewart, who fatally stabbed her husband Chaim Kimel with an ornamental knife during a heated argument, was today found guilty of manslaughter.
Dr. Reardon said that "self-hatred, hatred of the male, and hatred of men in general, were all significantly correlated to each other," and that "this constellation of problems, an increased tendency toward violence, emotional detachment, and self-destructive behaviors, would appear to be exasperated by the study group's dramatically increased rate of drug and alcohol abuse subsequent to abortion."'
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2008-08-13 18:30
Article here. Excerpt:
'United Future would reform New Zealand family law, party MP Judy Turner says.
"Shared parenting would mean that when both parents want custody, there will be a presumption that day-to-day care will be shared unless there are good reasons why it should not be."
Mrs Turner said research showed children benefited when they continued to have significant relationships with both parents after a breakup.'
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2008-08-13 18:27
Story here. Excerpt:
'A DYING man has been told by the Family Court that he may leave a "time capsule", consisting of a letter and DVD, for the 11-year-old daughter he has not seen for five years. The main purpose is to exonerate the girl for her father's death.
The girl was three when her parents separated in 2000. The trial judge, Justice Le Poer Trench, said the mother was "permeated with hatred for the father" and was unwilling to foster the relationship between father and daughter.
Mr Holmes said the child had expressed hatred of her father from a young age. Yet the court records showed there was no abuse or serious violence.'
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2008-08-13 18:20
Article here. Excerpt:
'During 21 years of practising matrimonial law, I've learned that no matter how convincing the story my client tells while sitting across the desk from me, the picture will change when I hear the other spouse's version of the same events. Sometimes the change will be slight, sometimes enormous. Occasionally I can hardly believe that both people are describing the same incidents.
Readers, get used to this. We can expect to see many more female criminals getting off with a slap on the hand in future. Recent legal developments both in Canada and abroad have increased the scope for pleading "battered wife syndrome." And criminally inclined women, like anyone else, respond to incentives. They take advantage of opportunities. The more excuses we give them to commit crimes when the proper and rational course of action would be to walk away, the more of them will commit crimes instead of walking away.'
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2008-08-12 21:53
Story here. Excerpt:
'Male delegates at the Gender and Media Southern Africa (Gemsa) regional conference have described the newly elected committee for the grouping as a “women’s club” after elections for the organisation’s office bearers saw no male in the executive committee.
“Gemsa’s motto is ‘making every voice count and counting what it does’, but how could that be achieved when men’s voices are missing in the Executive Committee. These women would have problems to attract men to champion gender advocacy because the committee would be treated as a ‘women’s club’,” said Mita.'
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2008-08-12 21:52
Article here. Excerpt:
'The Democratic Platform Committee adopted a very strong platform for women this weekend in Pittsburgh. They recommitted that the Democratic Party support the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment, enforcement of Title IX, ratification of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), reinstatement of United Nations Population Fund funding, and repeal of the global gag rule.'
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2008-08-12 21:41
From Marc A.: We need responses to this piece that criticizes the NH Commission on the Status of Men. Write to the editor at
and copy the author at, or use the form letter here. Letters must be 200 words or less. Excerpt:
'Who knew? New Hampshire claims to be the only state that has a Commission on the Status of Men. Lots of states have commissions fretting about women, says Dr. Joseph Mastromarino, but only the Granite State has the CSM. You can read its mission statement on the Web at The commission is an outgrowth of the "men's rights" movement, which has lobbied for more equitable treatment of fathers in family court, among many other issues.
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2008-08-12 21:08
The last three weeks we've turned up the heat on the American Bar Association, which continues to profit from sales of its flawed fact sheet, 10 Myths about Custody and Domestic Violence and How to Counter Them (.pdf file). This publication was produced by the ABA Commission on Domestic Violence.
- We've asked you to (politely) express your extreme displeasure to the ABA President, William Neukom:
- We requested you contact your Representative to say "Say 'No!' to H.R. 6088," a bill that would further enrich the ABA's pockets to batter the truth about child custody.
- Then we invited you to communicate your concerns to the ABA Section of Family Law:
So are we going to give up and let the ABA continue in its ways, and allow make-believe statistics and defamatory gender stereotypes to break up more families?
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2008-08-12 04:09
Story here. Excerpt:
'MUSCATINE, Iowa — A Muscatine woman has won $1.5 million in a lawsuit she filed against a man she claims infected her with a sexually transmitted disease.
Karly Rossiter filed the lawsuit against Alan Evans, of Muscatine, claiming he told her he was free of any sexually transmitted diseases before they began dating in December 2004. A few days after they had sex, Evans asked Rossiter if she had been tested for the human papilloma virus, which causes genital warts.'
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