Woman guilty over bizarre internet murder plot

Story here. Excerpt:

'A divorcee has been found guilty of plotting to murder her multi-millionaire partner after she hired an "assassin" on a website called www.Hitman.us.com

Sharon Collins, 45, a divorced mother-of-two, is said to have hatched a conspiracy with a man from the site, an Egyptian poker player who called himself Tony Luciano, to murder PJ Howard, a property tycoon worth £10 million and his two sons.
Yesterday Collins was found guilty of conspiring to hire a hitman at Dublin central Criminal Court and Eid of demanding money.'

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NY Daily News: 'Beauty killed the beast in Christie Brinkley divorce'

Story here. Excerpt:

"She gambled and she won. Taking this divorce into a public courtroom was a risk for Christie Brinkley, but at the end of the day she got everything she wanted - and then some.

Kids? Check. Property? Check. Revenge? Oh, check, check and check.

So Brinkley ended up shelling out $2.1 million to her dirtbag of an ex. It's a small price to pay for serenity.
Nope, next stop on the Peter Cook train is a sad and lonely middle age in the valley of fallen men. He can rub elbows with Eliot Spitzer there."

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Woman Who Raped Teen Fighting Him For Child Custody

Story here. You don't need the victim's statement and cooperation to pursue legal action against the adult. Overzealous DAs have been pursuing cases against men EVEN when the female recants her story or says "she was in love". If the victim is under-age that's all that counts.

The sheriff's office, Dpt. of Social Services, media and DA's office have been caught with their pants down. The man claims any "any boy who had an older woman coming up to him would have done the exact same thing." Girls desire the attention of older men also. They charged her w/ rape 2 yrs after the fact. She EVEN gave the young boy ALCOHOL.

This is OUTLANDISH. I want to hear what the court case will reveal later this month.

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Spanish minister sparks debate about the limits of feminism

Story here. Excerpt:

'Not only did Aido announce a telephone hotline to help men adapt to a "new model of masculinity" and wife batterers to "channel their aggressivity" before resorting to violence.

She went as far as tackling the structures of the Spanish language, proposing that the masculine-gendered word "miembro" (member) be given a feminine equivalent, "miembra."
"All the fields are adequate for waging the battle in favour of equality," said Zapatero, who wants his Socialist government to play a ground-breaking role in promoting women's rights worldwide.
A "telephone for men" initially planned for wife batterers will also help other men "solve their doubts, because many of them feel lost" as the "patriarchal system" begins to crumble, Aido explained."'

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Ex-prosecutor gets 2 years for sex with boys

Story here. Excerpt:

"A former prosecutor was sentenced Wednesday to two years in prison for having sex with boys, after her 16-year-old daughter told the judge she and her mother had competed for the same 15-year-old boy.

Beth Modica, 44, wept as her daughter Danielle told the judge she banged on the bathroom door at the family home in Sloatsburg one day last year as her mother and her boyfriend engaged in oral sex.
Modica told her children to lie to their father — the Spring Valley police chief — about the marijuana and alcohol she gave to them and their friends, Danielle Modica said. She urged Rockland County Judge Catherine Bartlett to send her mother to state prison."

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Report: The Impact Of The Obama Economic Plan For America’s Working Women

Story here, actual report here (.pdf file).


Ed note: The report reiterates the oft-debunked 77-cents-on-the-dollar myth.

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Action alert: Fix VAWA form available on Capwiz.com

Two-click activism: fix VAWA now link here.

I got this heads-up from RADAR. It seems this link was sent out in an emailing from RightMarch.com and that it reaches upwards of 800,000 people. Go to town!

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"Female inmates doing time on Calif. fire lines" makes news, diminshes men

Article here. I'm just so sick of this bull. It's just plain everywhere. Excerpt:

'Johnson is one of 28 female convicts working the front lines of the nine-day-old wildfire roaring through Los Padres National Forest in Southern California's Santa Barbara County.
Wildfire-plagued states such as California and Arizona have long tapped minimum-security prisoners as firefighting labor during the intense summer fire season. Arizona also has a female inmate crew.

It's work that more than a few men would shy from.
"Women are more supportive of each other, sort of a buddy system," Alexander said.

"They're more appreciative of small things. They like shampoo, lotion, soap. They were ecstatic the other day because their clothes came back from the laundry with the smell of Downy. Do you think men would notice that?"'

Well, a man who doesn't get clean clothes too often I am sure appreciates the smell of freshly-laundered duds. Maybe the author doesn't know because she never bothered asking him?

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Europe to begin investigation of secrecy in UK family courts

Story here. Excerpt:

'Britain faces an investigation by the European Union into secrecy in family courts, amid growing political pressure to overhaul the system.

The Council of Europe has stepped in after allegations that gagging laws designed to protect the rights of children are allowing miscarriages of justice and children to be removed unnecessarily from their parents.
Opponents of the system say that judges can be too ready to side with social workers and experts who want a child removed but whose evidence is rarely made public.'

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Indian government plans to review the Dowry laws

Story here. It's a mix of good and bad. The Anti dowry laws could be reviewed where in no longer will the family of husbands be jailed on complaint.

But the dowry death law where in if wife dies within 7 years of marriage the husband and his family is jailed will be made more stupid; that is, on death of any wife at any time in marriage the husbands will be sent to jail if the wife's family so desires. Excerpt:

'New Delhi, July 9: In a significant broadening of the Dowry Prohibition Act, the Ministry of Women and Child Development is planning to change the legislation so that the unnatural death of a woman at any stage of her marriage is covered by it.

Right now, unnatural death of a woman within seven years of her marriage is construed as a dowry death, attracting punishment under Section 304(B).

“There should not be any limit; unnatural death of a woman at any stage should be considered an offence liable to be punished under 304(B),” says a senior official.'

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Fathers 4 Justice campaigners climb onto Harriet Harman's roof

Story here. Excerpt:

'Two Fathers 4 Justice campaigners have climbed onto the roof of Labour Party deputy leader Harriet Harman, Scotland Yard said.

It is the second time in little over a month the group has staged a protest at Ms Harman's home in Herne Hill, south London.
Last month two protesters, Jolly Stanesby and Mark Harris, both from south Devon, scaled the roof of Ms Harman's home in similar costumes.'

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Burger King commerical includes blatant man-slapping by woman

Via email:

I have seen this commercial on Spike TV network several times now. This TV ad is absolutely awful. One interesting note though, the Spike television network is actually supposed to target men as their demographic!?!

I guess men and women hitting each other is OK in the minds of Burger King and the marketing industry, but of course, only if it's a guy getting hit by a woman. Unbelievable. I cringe thinking about young, impressionable kids watching commercials like these. Thanks, Dan

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UK: "More rapists will be convicted, promises Government"

Story here. Excerpt:

'The Government says it will increase the conviction rate for rape.
It comes days after a women's equality group claimed there was a "postcode lottery" experienced by rape victims, with women in some areas five times less likely to see their attacker convicted than in others.

The Government's plans include increasing the number of specialist centres for rape victims from 19 to 36 and running a trial scheme of supplying police forces with sexual violence advisers.'

The 'women's equality group' in question is The Fawcett Society, run by Catherine Rake, a radical lesbian feminist. You can guess who the 'sexual violence advisers' will be.

The article, the police, and the government make no mention of false accusations, which scientific evidence shows are widespread.

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Divorce still damaging to children despite being more acceptable

Article here. Excerpt:

'Divorce remains equally damaging to a child's prospects in life despite having become more common and more socially acceptable, researchers say.

A study run over several decades has shown that children whose parents split up are more likely to end up without qualifications, claiming benefits and suffering depression.
Summarising the effects of divorce, the report says it "has repercussions that reverberate through childhood and into adulthood."

The report says: "Children from disrupted families tend to do less well in school and subsequent careers than their peers. They are also more likely to experience the break-up of their own partnerships."'

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Man-Hating Punching Bag, Misandric Book Now Available Online

Article here. I couldn't find this punching bag on the site listed, but it certainly does exist. The picture is proof positive. Excerpt:

"From one bad date to the next, you can’t help but despise the opposite sex. You paid for your own movie ticket (and his) at the children’s rate (his idea, not yours!), and still, he had the nerve to go for a kiss at the date’s termination. Then when you backed away, he suggested a second meeting. As if! Now you just man-hate. Use this Man Bashing Punching Bag ($24.95 at www.wishingfish.com).

How hard could it possibly be to put your dirty socks in the hamper, cook once in a while, remember your anniversary? Before you kick your detached, scatter-brained boyfriend to the curb, consider reading the “50 Boyfriends Worse Than Yours” ($9.28 at www.amazon.com). If he’s worth saving, this book may just be the thing to help you come to that conclusion."

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