Submitted by locksley2k on Wed, 2008-08-20 22:39
New York State is one of the few remaining states that does not cater to the No-Fault doctrine of divorce. An article in today's Newsday, No-Fault a Split Decision, tackles the debate concerning the movement for NY to cross over to the no-fault side.
However as you read the article it becomes very evident that it should have been titled "How No-Fault Affects Women", and I mean women only. The reporter, Melanie Lefkowitz, does not have one iota of text in her story about how it will affect men. She has the audacity to mention how this form of divorce will help prevent female suicide. We are all aware that men make up 70% of suicide victims.
You can contact Ms. Lefkowitz here
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Submitted by tac0965 on Wed, 2008-08-20 17:59
Story here. An ex-wife breaks in to house where she no longer lives to retrieve baby items. She busts the door open with a crowbar. She isn't arrested. Would a man be treated the same if the tables were turned? Will he have to pay for the damages to rental property? Excerpt:
'An Omaha man comes home and finds someone has broken in and stolen several items. But was a crime really committed?
At 2-and-a-half, she is the love of Justin Snelling's life. "Her name is Calee. I love following her around doing whatever she wants to do."
Last Tuesday, Snelling returned to his home at 60th and Birch and found his door pried open, though curiously only Calee's things were missing. "I go in and I notice diapers are gone, DVDs are gone, potty chair is gone, wipes are gone, everything that was new that I hadn't opened yet is gone.”'
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2008-08-20 03:22
Most female cops, like male ones, are good cops, and good people. However arguments in favor of churning out as many female cops as the academy can because of the more "communicative feminine style" of policing are based largely in stereotype. Also, suggestions of the moral superiority of women as compared to men being a better hedge against corruption or bad deeds are hard to defend when things like this are happening. Excerpt:
'Two off-duty female cops yelled, "We are the police!" - and then pistol-whipped a Bronx man in what authorities call a case of road rage.
NYPD Officers Michelle Anglin, 37, and Koleen Robinson, 24, were charged with assault, gang assault and criminal possession of a weapon for the Williamsbridge beatdown.
Anglin and Robinson were suspended and stripped of their guns as they were arraigned Sunday on the gang assault charges. Robinson's bail was $10,000 cash or bond. Anglin's bail was set at $25,000 cash or bond.'
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2008-08-19 19:39
Story here. Excerpt:
'The woman who became the youngest person ever convicted of murder as an adult in Rhode Island will be paroled this month, despite having a sexual relationship with her work-release job supervisor.
Corrections Department Director A.T. Wall says Gonzalez won't be disciplined because department policy holds only supervisors responsible for sexual relationships with inmates.'
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Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 2008-08-19 18:52
Story here. Similar story to what you've read before. She's old enough to be his mom. Excerpt:
'FLINT, Mich. (AP) - Authorities accuse a former Michigan elementary school teacher of having sex with a 12-year-old boy she was tutoring at her home.
Allanah Benton-Wells of Flint was arraigned Tuesday on two counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct. The 42-year-old could face life in prison if convicted.'
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Submitted by MR on Tue, 2008-08-19 16:01
This story is all over the news media sites, and all over the blogosphere.
'Feminist' Columbia University demonizes men, lawsuit claims
"Anti-feminist lawyer Roy Den Hollander sued Columbia University Monday, accusing it of turning feminism into the school's religion - and teaching that men are "the primary cause for most, if not all, the world's ills."
Hollander says Columbia discriminates against men by teaching a doctrine that scapegoats men for all of history's troubles.
In a suit filed in Manhattan Federal Court, he complains that the Ivy League school in Morningside Heights uses federal money to fund a "religionist belief system called feminism."
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Submitted by Michael on Mon, 2008-08-18 23:35
I just think that this a positive sign. I'm sure someone may nit-pick it but I think it's positive. Excerpt:
"The Women's Movement, the Peace Movement, and the Industrial Revolution, all have made sweeping cultural changes that have gravely affected the lives of men, generally redefining "male" identity. Some men have welcomed these changes and made the adjustment. Others have actively resisted the forces intent upon redefining them. In the wake of this cultural evolution, many men find themselves lost and confused, angry and alienated. Most of the changes have come about so rapidly that orderly social adjustment has been impossible."
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2008-08-18 20:54
Story here. Excerpt:
'A Pickerington couple and their son are fighting for custody of a baby born to a Lancaster woman charged with having unlawful sex with the boy, who was 15 at the time of conception.
A paternity test shows that the teen is the father of the baby born April 7 to Jane C. Crane, who was 19 when she became pregnant. Now, a judge has ordered him to pay $50 a month in child support and set visitation at seven hours a week.
Crane, meanwhile, faces criminal charges. A Fairfield County grand jury indicted her last month on two counts of unlawful sexual conduct with a minor, a fourth-degree felony. Conviction carries a maximum sentence of 18 months in prison and a requirement to register as a sex offender for 25 years.'
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Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 2008-08-18 20:16
Story here. Excerpt:
'A woman was jailed yesterday after her false claim of rape resulted in an innocent stranger being arrested.
In an attempt to make her family feel guilty following an argument, Kerry Saunders invented a story that she had been sexually assaulted after a night out.
She was overheard making the allegation by a passing police community support officer.
Instead of admitting it was just a story, she told the officer that her attacker was a black man driving a blue car.'
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Submitted by MR on Mon, 2008-08-18 16:53
I heard this statement today on Fox TV News. Here's the story and the statement.
Missing Florida Toddler's Mom May Be Released From Jail
"I feel that there is some humanity in that woman that would not allow her to kill that cute little girl," Leonard Padilla said. "I've just got to believe that."
# In your opinion, does this kind of perception stem from chivalry, sexism, ignorance, or something else?
# IYO, why would anyone who knows the facts believe a woman would not kill her cute little girl?
# IYO, when's the last time you heard someone say that there is some humanity in a man accused of being invovled in a case involving a missing child?
# IYO, is the media overlooking the hard facts, easily available from HHS, that more children are killed by neglect and abuse in a year, than all the female victims of Intimate Partner Homicide, and that those child victims are in the age range 1 to 8-years-old, and that most of those kids are killed by their mothers?
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2008-08-18 15:20
Some surprising and not-so-surprising news on the salary front. Send this to your favorite screeching fem-bot next time she throws the salary line at you. Excerpt:
'Men who choose to go into Christian ministry will find that they dominate the field but make less than their female counterparts. A survey of church employees conducted by Christian Today International's Your Church ministry found that women made up only 6.3 percent of full-time solo pastor positions, but they reported 10.4 percent higher total compensation.
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2008-08-18 15:06
I saw this and despite the source of the report (LiveScience, aka JunkScience) it reminded me of some comments in The Decline of Males. Among other things he speculated that rendering so many women "biologically pregnant" may have unpredictable effects on men, both physiologically as well as psychologically. While plenty of studies exist reviewing the effects of BCPs on women's bodies, I am unaware of any that discuss the effects of having the natural phermonal balance from women's bodies altered and how it might affect men. Excerpt:
'Based on the work by Claus Wedekind, a University of Lausanne researcher who preformed similar studies in the 1990s, Roberts suggests a likely reason for the pill's effect on a woman's odor preferences. The pill puts a woman's body into a hormonally pregnant state (the reason she doesn't ovulate), and during that time there would be no reason to seek out a mate.
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Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 2008-08-18 02:20
Article here. Excerpt:
"WASHINGTON – More than three years ago, a Maine district court judge ruled that Geoffrey Fisher no longer had to pay child support for a child that wasn't his.
But that didn't stop the state from revoking Fisher's driver's license and coming after him for thousands of dollars it says he owes in back payments.
As the nation experiences an unprecedented increase in unwed motherhood, more men are finding themselves named as "fathers," for purposes of child support, simply because of their ability to pay, say several recent studies.
It's called "paternity fraud," and one state that examined the problem found as many as 30 percent of those paying child support were, indeed, not the biological fathers of the children being supported."
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Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 2008-08-17 16:31
PLEASE take the time to thank the two news blogs below. Great way to get more coverage...thank them for covering our issues otherwise they will not know there is a demand for such stories.
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Submitted by anthony on Sat, 2008-08-16 21:14
Story here. Excerpt:
'Multiple combat deployments to Iraq are increasing serious mental health problems among soldiers, triggering drug and alcohol abuse and contributing to record suicide levels, suggest reports out Thursday at the American Psychological Association meeting in Boston.
More time in Iraq means heavier exposure to violence, which leads more soldiers to develop symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression, Castro told the psychology meeting. By their third tour to Iraq, more than a quarter of soldiers show signs of mental problems, such as PTSD, and it's about 1 out of 3 for those exposed to heavy combat, according to a U.S. Army Surgeon General report in March on more than 2,000 soldiers.'
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