UK: Woman 'seduced ex-boyfriend and cried rape'

Story here. Excerpt:

'Erin Casson, 27, a communications officer, claimed submariner Brian Eaton, who she had been seeing for one year but had split up with three months earlier, threatened to kill her before forcing her to have sex, it was said.

But after six months police officers investigating the rape claim decided it was her who was lying and she was arrested for perverting the course of justice.

Mr Eaton, a petty officer, told Portsmouth Crown Court how the allegation and subsequent treatment had left him "mortified".'

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Woman gets 11 years for NY adoption fraud, abuse case pending

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman who lied to adopt 11 disabled children whom authorities say she abused while she raked in more than $1 million in subsidies was sentenced Tuesday to nearly 11 years in prison.

U.S. District Judge Richard M. Berman said Judith Leekin engaged in "a heartless, dangerous money-driven scheme" when she used fake names and lies about the children to defraud social service agencies in New York City and New York state.

Leekin, 63, has been accused of treating the children like prisoners, subjecting them to beatings and handcuffs while they stayed in a locked room without food, depriving them of medical and dental care and not sending them to school. Authorities said the children were so physically and emotionally abused they can never recover.
Florida authorities have charged her with aggravated child abuse and aggravated abuse of disabled adults, and she could face as much as 120 years in prison if she is convicted of those and other charges.'

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"Too cute to be so evil"

Article here. Female? Check. Attractive? Check. Young? She can't *possibly* have done *anything* wrong! Excerpt:

'As the defense lawyers prepare to make their clients' cases, Knox remains a contradictory and enigmatic figure. Mignini's dossier presents her as a cold-blooded killer. Her lawyers have leaked prison diaries that portray her as a romantic who writes poetry and love stories and who learned to play guitar ballads during her incarceration. Many who know Knox believe she's incapable of committing such a crime. Her parents have lately said that her much-publicized nickname of Foxy Knoxy was given to her for her soccer moves in high school, not her sexual prowess. Her sister Deanna recently said that Amanda only lost her virginity at the age of 19 and Knox's mother says she had no boyfriend in Italy before Sollecito. But her family may not have known the real Amanda.'

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'Mudering Grannies' get life

Story here. Some justice. Doubt they would have drawn "life" however if they had been young and pretty. Wonder if they'll actually stay in for the rest of their lives? Excerpt:

'LOS ANGELES - Two elderly women were sentenced to life in prison without parole Tuesday for murdering two indigent men to collect insurance policies taken out on their lives.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge David Wesley on Tuesday sentenced 77-year-old Helen Golay and 75-year-old Olga Rutterschmidt to two consecutive life terms each.'

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Father-of-three branded a 'pervert' - for photographing his own children in public park

Story here. Excerpt:

"When Gary Crutchley started taking pictures of his children playing on an inflatable slide he thought they would be happy reminders of a family day out.

But the innocent snaps of seven-year-old Cory, and Miles, five, led to him being called a ‘pervert’.

The woman running the slide at Wolverhampton Show asked him what he was doing and other families waiting in the queue demanded that he stop.
Mr Crutchley, 39, who had taken pictures only of his own children, was so enraged that he found two policemen who confirmed he had done nothing wrong.

Yesterday he said: ‘What is the world coming to when anybody seen with a camera is assumed to be doing things that they should not?'

‘This parental paranoia is getting completely out of hand. I was so shocked. One of the police officers told me that it was just the way society is these days. He agreed with me that it was madness.’"

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New Jersey: Bracelets may better monitor child-support offenders

Story here. Excerpt:

'NEWARK -- Licking County Child Support Enforcement Agency officials hope new electronic monitoring bracelets can be used as one more tool to keep parents from avoiding making child-support payments.

The agency already uses some electronic monitoring bracelets but because of outdated technology did not have the resources to expand the program.

Because of the new technology, Beth Winegar, director of the Licking County CSEA, anticipates the agency might be able to increase the capacity to track individuals from two or three people at one time to closer to 10, saving valuable jail space.'

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UK: Cheating girlfriend hid dead newborn baby in car boot

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman hid her dead newborn baby in the boot of her car to keep an affair and resulting pregnancy secret from her partner.

Marketing executive Claire Jones, 32, found she was expecting after a fling with a man she met through work.

To explain her expanding stomach, she told her family, friends and partner of five years David Stoneman that a wheat allergy was making her put on weight.'

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Woman sues over ongoing sanctions for sex as a teen

Story here. Excerpt:

'At age 17, while a high school sophomore, Whitaker had oral sex with a 15-year-old male classmate. In 1997, she pleaded guilty to sodomy and got five years' probation.

Whitaker, 28, has moved twice because of the sex offender law's restrictions that say an offender cannot live within 1,000 feet of places where children congregate. Whitaker was recently told by a sheriff she must move again because her home is within 1,000 feet of a church.
Last week, Columbia County Sheriff Clay Whittle, after finding Whitaker's name was placed on the deed in 2007, ordered her to move within 48 hours.
"Wendy Whitaker is not now and has never been a threat to anyone," she said. "The state of Georgia has better things to do than to evict a woman from her lawfully purchased home because she had sex as a teenager."

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UK: Baby-Killer & Stat Rapist Walks Free

Story here. A woman that shook her child and then threw him to the ground was given the vagina pass rather than spending ANY time in jail. Apparently, she is also a pedophile. Excerpt:

'A mum who killed her six-month-old baby by shaking him and throwing him to the ground causing devastating brain injuries has walked free from court.

Martina McHattie, 26, described as a perfect mum, lost her temper with horrific consequences after baby Reece wouldn't stop crying because he was teething.
But McHattie, who pleaded guilty to manslaughter, was handed just a 12-month suspended prison sentence after a judge was told she had tried to commit suicide and had self-harmed in the years since the death.
Today she was handed a 26-week prison sentence suspended for a year after she admitted sexual activity with a child following an incident with a 14-year-old boy in July last year.'

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RADAR ALERT: Let's Pile On: Demand VAWA Reform!, a conservative grassroots organization, recently threw its support behind RADAR's Fix VAWA Now! campaign, urging its members to ask their Senators and Representatives to begin fixing VAWA "before it's too late."

RightMarch writes:

The "Violence Against Women Act" requires a systematic overhaul. It needs to be changed so victims of violence are helped, so women in abuse shelters are healed, so men are not falsely accused and turned away from getting help, so children are raised by loving and fit parents, so families are safeguarded, so the rule of law is respected, and so the truth is upheld.

VAWA is a badly broken law that, like a cancer, has metastasized into every facet of American society. That's why we're joining RADAR ("Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting") in this historic crusade to save our families and protect our children."

The entire announcement can be seen here.

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"Y: The Last Man" reviewed on

Just read this. Admittedly I may be out of the loop and I am not a comic book officianado, so this is the first I have heard of this series.

I feel the reviewer is trying to walk a line here, retaining some ambiguity deliberately in his writings, perhaps to thwart criticism. He is definitely pandering to the feminist crowd on page 1 of his review, then sort of gets less so on the second. All in all though, here's the feel: "Ooo we love to think about a man-less world-- a gendercide of men, hooray! Oh things would be kind of weird at first, but after the evil influences of maleness wear off, everything'll be just fine."

Further comments? The book is found here. The author is, of course, a man.

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Family: Woman With 5 Dead Husbands Obsessed With Cash, Can't Be Trusted

Story here. Excerpt:

'The 76-year-old Georgia woman sits in a North Carolina jail, accused of hiring a hit man to kill fourth husband Harold Gentry. Authorities are re-examining the deaths of her first child and four of the five men she married, including Gentry.

No motive has been discussed, but records and interviews with relatives and police officials paint Neumar as a domineering matriarch consumed by money.

Said Al Gentry, who pressed North Carolina authorities for 22 years to reopen their investigation of his brother's death: "You can't trust her. You can't believe a word she says."'

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Selwyn Duke: The war on boys: where feminists and men's rights activists go wrong

Article here. Excerpt:

'One problem with one-issue activists, it seems, is that they often view matters from only one dimension. This has always been one of the characteristics of feminists. Men get blame for being history's conquerors and killers, for instance, but no credit for being its innovators and healers. We will hear about how women "create life" while men only destroy it, but forgotten are the fruits of men's labors. Were it not for male medical advances that virtually eliminated female death during childbirth, many feminists wouldn't be around to crow about their fecundity.

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Maternity leave and equality laws are 'sabotaging' women's careers

Story here. Excerpt:

'Generous maternity leave and flexible working practices are in danger of sabotaging women's careers, the head of the new equality watchdog has warned.

With women now entitled to a year off for each child, Dr Nicola Brewer, the chief executive of the Equalities and Human Rights Commission, said employers were thinking twice about offering them jobs or promotion.
She said that her concerns were underlined when the entrepreneur Sir Alan Sugar said that many employers simply binned CVs of women of child-bearing age.
Sir Alan warned in February that equal opportunity laws had made it harder for a woman to get a job.

Employers are not allowed to ask women about having children - so they would just not employ them, he said.'

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RADAR: Fix VAWA Now! campaign report

All we can say is Wow! The first week of our Fix VAWA Now! campaign absolutely surpassed all expectations!

These are the highlights:

1. announcement about our campaign went to 800,000 persons
2. Our press release announcing the campaign went to 17,000 media representatives
3. The TV interview resulting from the press release was viewed by tens of thousands persons
4. Gordon Finley's article, "Facing Reality on Domestic Violence" was posted on a number of web sites
5. The Fix VAWA Now! flyers and posters were distributed at a number of events
6. A number of organizations posted the Fix VAWA Now! logo on their websites


And we're just getting started.

Semper Fi,

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