Report from court: California DV law challenged

Posting here. Excerpt:

'After the court adjourned, I and most of the other male advocates in attendance all went to lunch and discussed the case. Marc felt that he had much more to say, including elucidating the stories of specific individuals who had been hurt by the state's policy denying funding to male DV victims. He wasn't allowed the time. And yet, when the chief justice told Marc that his time was up (he only had 7 minutes for his final remarks), it seemed clear that the justices had made up their minds or at least understood the issue clearly enough so as to decide without the need for further persuasion. The chief justice even showed a little terseness to the State's attorney when it appeared that the State's attorney seemed to be splitting hairs over the political legitimacy of discriminating based on gender.'

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"A Father's Right" available for viewing

Visit the site here.

"Starting right from the birth of Seth’s daughter, the mother takes away his right as the father to even know anything about his daughter by not naming him on the birth certificate.

Heart wrenching in its intensity, Seth goes to court to battle his way to his daughter’s side."

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Fix VAWA Now! Let's rain on their parade, ONE MORE TIME

All –

Last Thursday, the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence held a legislative briefing on Capitol Hill. The very next day, RADAR responded by distributing a flyer titled, “Domestic Violence Lies Cost Lives” to all the members of the House of Representatives.

And then today, the NCADV held their annual Lobbying Day, again spreading half-truths and lies about domestic violence.

Folks, what’s holding us back??

Today, please print out this flyer (.pdf file) and fax it to your Congressman. (If you don’t know the fax number, go to, and then input your ZIP code in the upper-left corner of the page to locate your Congressman’s website link. Look for the "contact" section to get their fax number. Then make a note of this for future advocacy efforts.)

Attach a brief note like, “Dear Congressman ____: VAWA is broken! Please Fix VAWA Now!” Then sign your name and address and start faxing.

Isn’t raining on their parade FUN??!!!

Semper Fi,


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Relief for John Leslie as police drop latest rape probe

Story here. British TV star John Leslie has been falsely accused of rape three times in the last few years. The latest malicious allegations were dropped just today. His accusers remain anonymous. Excerpt:

"Television star John Leslie will not face charges over the latest allegations against him of sex assaults, police said today.

The former Blue Peter presenter was arrested last month over two allegations of rape and indecent assault dating back to 1995.
Today the Metropolitan Police said after taking advice from the Crown Prosecution Service they will not be taking any further action against him.
'The law confers a blanket of anonymity on complainants but the accused enjoys no such protection."

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Former New York Teacher Arrested on Rape Charges for Continuing to Have Sex With Teen

Story here. Excerpt:

'A former New York teacher who admitted having sex with a 16-year-old boy has been arrested on rape and other charges after prosecutors say she continued the liaisons in violation of a court order.
The 25-year-old was first arrested in March. She pleaded guilty to sexual misconduct and was awaiting an August sentencing.

Prosecutors got a tip Kennedy was still meeting with the boy and began watching her. The victim also admitted having sex with Kennedy five times since her guilty plea.'

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Few police agencies address suicides within ranks

Article here. Excerpt:

'He says his department had no idea how to handle his situation that March 2007 night, but after six suicides in three years the Milwaukee Police Department now provides suicide awareness training. Since starting the program early this year it has had two more suicides.

It's among the few departments confronting the subject. Experts estimate that only 2 percent to 10 percent of the 18,000 police departments nationwide actively work to prevent suicides within their ranks.

No one even keeps a complete, running tally of how many officers have killed themselves or attempted suicide. That includes the FBI, which issued a 726-page report seven years ago that called suicide a "significant issue confronting the law enforcement community."

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AmEx commercial pulled off air due to MRA complaints

In a previous posting, I reported on an American Express commercial showing a female guard at an airport putting on rubber gloves in order to search a man. I complained to Amex and their advertising arm Mindshare World. The commercial has been dropped and according to my source it may be do to other complaints besides mine. Thanks to all who did complain. It's good to know that there are people who will listen to reason.

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Husband wins divorce from angry wife in YouTube video

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Manhattan judge gave Philip Smith a divorce from Tricia Walsh-Smith on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment.

...She makes embarrassing claims about their intimate life and then calls his office to repeat those claims to a stunned assistant.
Judge Harold Beeler blasted Walsh-Smith for her video stunt, which he called "a calculated and callous campaign to embarrass and humiliate her husband" and to pressure him into settling the divorce case on more favorable terms than were stated in their prenuptial agreement.'

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UK: Major breakthrough in prostate cancer treatment

This is FABULOUS news! Excerpt:

'British researchers have made a dramatic breakthrough against a lethal form of prostate cancer.

Trials of a new pill have shown that it can shrink tumours in up to 80 per cent of cases, and end the need for damaging chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Its side-effects can include loss of libido, breathlessness, fatigue, fluid retention and weight gain. Some men may be left impotent, but the effects are far less than with chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Abiraterone is now being used in a 1,200-patient international study, including at ten sites across the UK. If it is licensed as expected in 2011, it will have to await approval by the rationing watchdog NICE before it is made freely available across the NHS.

Dr de Bono describes prostate cancer as the 'Cinderella cancer' because it receives just a quarter of the funding of breast cancer - £10million against £40million last year - even though it kills just as many people.'

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Australia: Sex Discrimination Commissioner wants flexible hours for dads

This story reported in Australia for gives me hope that the pendulum is finally beginning to swing back into our favour. Quote:

'MEN who want to spend more time with their children have found a new champion in an unlikely quarter - the Sex Discrimination Commissioner. Elizabeth Broderick said she wanted to strengthen the Sex Discrimination Act to penalise those employers who stick family-friendly fathers on the "daddy track" by refusing to promote them.

Ms Broderick said that, until the workplace culture changed to give men as well as women an equal right to time off work for family duties, men would be unable to do housework and childcare. She told The Daily Telegraph that men as well as women deserved to have the joy of being involved in their families.
"Men would say: 'My female colleague finds it easier to get flexible work arangements than I do because if I put my hand up it's like I'm not a serious player, you're not committed'," Ms Broderick said.'

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Mother charged with murder after newborn found 'strangled' in hotel room

Story here. Excerpt:

'A British woman has been charged with murdering her baby boy moments after giving birth in a hotel room on the holiday island of Crete.

Leah Andrews, 20, was on holiday in Greece with her sister and friend when she suddenly went into labour after a heavy night of drinking.

The mother of two from London, who was eight-and-a-half months pregnant, returned to her hotel room in the early hours of the morning where she gave birth alone before allegedly strangling the baby.'

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RADAR ALERT: Tell the ABA President to Get His Facts Straight

On June 2, 2008, RADAR released two special reports, Myths of ABA Commission on Domestic Violence[1,2] that analyzed the 19 statements made in the flyer put out by the American Bar Association (ABA) Commission on Domestic Violence, "10 Myths about Custody and Domestic Violence and How to Counter Them."

Among the flyer's 19 claims, 11 were found to be false, three misleading, and three unsupported by existing research. Only two claims were found to be correct. And some errors are egregious.

For example, the flyer states that "False allegations are no more common in divorce or custody disputes than at any time." But this claim, which flies in the face of common sense, is debunked by research showing that false allegations increase four-fold during custody and access disputes.

The flyer represents a crass attempt by the ABA Commission on Domestic Violence to further bias the administration of family law, to falsely stereotype fathers as abusers, and to force more children into single-parent households.

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Boy, 4, 'boiled to death' in 139F car after his mother went for manicure

Story here. Excerpt:

'A boy of four died on his mother's wedding day after she left him locked in her sweltering car while she went for a manicure.

Mirlande Jean-Baptiste's big day turned to tragedy when she came out of the beauty salon after three hours to find her son - who she thought was at a relative's house - slumped inside her parked vehicle.

Experts said that while the temperature outside was around 89 degrees Fahrenheit, the temperature inside the vehicle could have been as high as 139 degrees Fahrenheit.

Jean-Baptiste, who works as a nurse, made frantic attempts to resuscitate her son, but he was declared dead on arrival at hospital.'

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India: 'Don't be a wife, live-in and extort'

Article here. Excerpt:

'NATIONAL COMMISSION of Women (NCW), recently proposed an amendment of Section 125 of Code of Criminal procedure (CrPC) to include women involved in livein relationships to be eligible for alimony from their livein partners. This proposed amendment has far reaching consequences, which it is evident that the champion of womens causes, National Commission of Women seems to have conveniently ignored.
What the logical rationale fails to understand is how any person having the slightest of common sense can draft any provision on the basis of a generalised statement that all men are criminals and all women are truthfully innocent. When there is a provision to extract money legally, why will a woman not initiate a livein relationship, break it at will and then harass the man for whole life. As it is, the concept of livein relationship has not come of its age in the Indian society and will also not come, as Indian societal scenario is hundred times more complex than western society, which is being beautifully attempted to be aped here.'

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Police: Female Teacher Made Suicide Pact with Student

Story here. Not only is male teenage suicide an ignored problem, we now have a teacher promoting such an act. Excerpt:

'Police say a former Buffalo charter school teacher who disappeared with a male eighth-grade student last month made a suicide pact with the teen.

Cara L. Dickey, 30, surrendered to Buffalo police Thursday on four charges, including felony counts of promoting a suicide attempt and unlawful imprisonment.
Dickey's lawyer declined comment as she was released on $5,000 bail.'

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