"Voted one of TBS's funniest commercials of 2006"

Watch it here. First time I had ever seen it. Now bear in mind, this is a commercial from a governmental authority. And it has no significant character interaction except just this: an old woman with a walker-stick kicks a man square in the groin for the crime of watering his lawn on an off-day.

Any excuse to show a man getting kicked in the groin seems acceptable, doesn't it? What's not important is the message, goes the ad-maker's approach. All that matters is the great laugh the viewer gets from watching a man sexually assaulted by a woman. Now let's see the opposite roles played out on the same commercial and what votes it gets. And I wonder, who did the voting?

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'The Villains of Victimhood'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Besides revealing an inflated view of their own organization, the superhero analogy demonstrates the destructive attitude dominating feminism today. It is the attitude that everyone is against women, out to get them. To feminists, women must take on the entire world. They must save everyone, even sometimes from themselves. Like Superwoman, these feminists are constantly fearful that they will find an enemy, like sexism, around every corner. The media: Sexist. Fewer women in math and sciences: Sexism. Fewer female elected officials: Sexism.'

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Women try to open airplane door during flight

Story here. I wonder what degree of a sense of entitlement and presumption of immunity to account for activities is necessary for one to get to this point without being a clinical sociopath? Excerpt:

'A plane was forced to make an emergency landing in Germany after two British women tried to open a cabin door mid-flight, police have said.

The women, aged 26 and 27, were drinking heavily and had to be held in their seats by security staff until the plane landed in Frankfurt.

They were arrested and released after two hours, Frankfurt police said.
She said they had started to swear at and threaten staff who refused to sell them any more alcohol from the bar.
"Their language was totally unacceptable, as was their behaviour. They were very abusive and threatening," the spokeswoman said.'

The XL Airways spokeswoman said the airline was considering taking legal action against the woman.

Mr Scherer said police were deciding whether to press charges, adding that the pair could also be fined or forced to pay compensation.'

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Judge releases woman who left infant in trash

Story here. Excerpt:

'ANNAPOLIS, Md. (Map, News) - An Anne Arundel County judge has released a 19-year-old woman who served eight months in a juvenile detention facility for the death of her newborn baby.

The judge ruled the woman had been rehabilitated and the woman was released to her father's custody.'

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Ottawa woman sentenced for manslaughter but judge gushes with sympathy

Story here. Excerpt:

'In handing down the sentence, Ontario Superior Court Justice Robert Maranger said that the homicide of Jack Craig was "a very cruel, monstrous act committed by what appears to be a fundamentally decent person.

"I am very sympathetic to Mrs. Craig," he said. "I have compassion for Mrs. Craig."

But he said the conditional sentence of two years less a day, to be served in the community, which was sought by Mrs. Craig's defence lawyers, was "clearly inappropriate given the brutality of the act."'

My read is this: He ran out of money so she murdered him, figuring she could claim abusiveness and that would win her sympathy and community support, minus jail time. Also, no costly divorce to deal with, either. "Hey, what's to lose?" she thought, and went looking for a good, sharp knife.

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"Fighting for his country; fighting against Illinois"

Story here. Excerpt:

'When the I-Team received an email from Army Sergeant Joshua Hinkle a few weeks ago, it first caught our attention because it was sent from Camp Bucca in Iraq.

The soldier wrote that he was suffering a great injustice: the state of Illinois, he claimed, had cleaned out his entire bank account for child support.

"They went into my bank account and they took it, they took it down to the penny," said Hinkle, who's with the Illinois National Guard.
Most puzzling is what happened to all that money the state seized from his account in June. The boy's mother said she hasn't seen any of it.'

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Record amount collected for Illinois children for fourth consecutive year

Press release here. Excerpt:

'CHICAGO – Governor Rod R. Blagojevich today announced that for the fourth consecutive year, the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) has collected a record amount of child support for Illinois children. The $1.33 billion collected for custodial parents during FY08 is a more than 8 percent increase over the $1.22 collected during FY07. Success is due primarily to innovative programs geared toward holding non-custodial parents accountable.
HFS is also working with Secretary of State Jesse White’s office in a new effort to suspend driver’s licenses for parents who are not meeting their child support obligations. Almost $5 million in child support has been collected for families since the program started in January.'

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UK: Undergrad male enrollment at 35%

Article here. Excerpt:

"A government report last week found that while women were in a minority in universities in 1992, by last year the proportion of male undergraduates had fallen to 35 per cent.
Research shows women outnumbering men by 13 to one in some areas. One in ten primary schools has no male teachers. In some areas, fewer than 10 per cent of primary teachers are men.

Figures from the most recent teacher-training intake show there are 26,217 women compared to just 9,375 men. At primary level, the difference is more marked, with 2,301 men compared to 14,183 women."

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John Cleese on his divorce

Story here. Excerpt:

"The 68-year-old comedian asked the audience at Bristol Zoo: 'Guess how much I'm paying her at the moment?

'I'm paying her £900,000 a year. And we had no children. It really is astonishing.'

Cleese faces claims for half his earnings, half of his nine properties and £900,000 a year from 63-year-old American psychotherapist Alyce Faye Eichelberger.
Cleese blamed his wife's lawyer for turning their separation into an embittered dispute over money, saying his wife is now 'taking me for everything she can get'."

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Book Review: Parker's 'Save The Males'

Article here. Excerpt:

"Every once in a while, a book not so much lands on your desk as lobs itself like a hand grenade, exploding preconceived wisdoms and shattering the bones of the status quo. Save The Males is such a book.

It is the fiercest and most fearless defence of men, fatherhood and ultimately the family I have read in many years.

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Australia: Government opening inquiry into effectiveness of 1984 Sex Discrimination Act

Request for comments here. Excerpt:

'On 26 June 2008, the Senate referred the following matter to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee for inquiry and report by 12 November 2008:

The effectiveness of the Commonwealth Sex Discrimination Act 1984 in eliminating discrimination and promoting gender equality, with particular reference to:

1. the scope of the Act, and the manner in which key terms and concepts are defined;
2. the extent to which the Act implements the non-discrimination obligations of the Convention of the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the International Labour Organization or under other international instruments, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights;

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So girls are just as good at math?

Article here. My first calc T.A. was female and she knew math like it was nobody's business. So whenever I have heard stuff like the usual bull about girls needing loads of encouragement to pursue math, again I can only shake my head. So what it is then? Girls are or aren't as good at/better than boys at math? For feminists the answer will always be no, since that is how they can get colleges to go with the Title IX-based attack on science and math they are planning, as this article reveals quickly after declaring the study's results. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON - Sixteen years after Barbie dolls declared, "Math class is tough!" girls are proving that when it comes to math they are just as tough as boys. In the largest study of its kind, girls measured up to boys in every grade, from second through 11th. The research was released Thursday in the journal Science.

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Man held liable for breaking off engagement

This case involved a man that proposed to a woman and she accepted. He later backed out. She filed suit for "breech of contract. Excerpt:

'A Hall County man owes his ex-fiancee $150,000 for breaking off their engagement, a jury decided Wednesday.

The six-man, six-woman panel spent about three hours deliberating before ruling in favor of RoseMary Shell, who sued Wayne Gibbs for breach of contract after he called off their nuptials.
"You would be sending the message that if you have a dispute with somebody and you think they have been a scoundrel, go get a lawyer and hope the Brinks truck backs up to the jury room," Law said during his closing argument to the jury. "If you award one penny, you’re saying, ‘file frivolous lawsuits.’ "

The jury award was "significantly higher" than an amount Shell said she would accept during pre-trial settlement discussions, Sartain said.'

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Woman who killed husband "needs medical treatment"

Story here. Excerpt:

'Teresa Pohchoo Craig has a preoccupation with knives and could harm or kill herself or someone if she's not receiving proper medical treatment, a court heard yesterday.

Craig was convicted in June of manslaughter in the stabbing death of her husband, Jack Craig, while he slept in the couple's trailer near Kemptville in March 2006.

On Day 2 of a sentencing hearing, Crown prosecutor Jason Neubauer suggested Craig's risk to reoffend could put the community in danger.

"We're not talking about a property offence," said Neubauer, referring to Craig's crime. "If she relapses, somebody could die."'

My note: Correctional Services of Canada, in their paper called "Women convicted of Homicide Serving A Federal Sentence" (Oct. 1998), document that when women kill their victims usually are asleep or involved in some "other activity', whatever that may mean.

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Researchers: Middle-aged men are happier than women

Story here. Excerpt:

'Researchers looked at data spanning several decades, and concluded that after the age of 48, men are generally happier than women.

Men are most miserable in their 20s, but grow more satisfied as they get older, marry and earn more money, they found.

Women on the other hand are happier than men in early adulthood, but the glow wears off with time.'

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