National ire over Ala. prosecuting pregnant moms

Story here. Excerpt:

'Gambril has filed charges against five other women who either tested positive for drugs after giving birth or while they were pregnant and on probation, arguing that it's necessary to bring such cases to deter drug use and protect the children. In one case, the baby was born premature and died after an hour.

Jayasinghe's group and others including the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals and the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence say the law wasn't designed to apply to pregnant women and their fetuses. They also warn that the law could drive women to seek abortions or avoid prenatal care to escape prosecution, and they note that appellate courts across the country have overturned convictions based on similar laws.'

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DNA testing: One in five fathers wrongly identified by mothers in Child Support Agency claims

Story here. Excerpt:

'Nearly one in five paternity claims handled by the Child Support Agency end up showing the mother has deliberately or inadvertently misidentified the father, figures show.

Since DNA paternity testing figures began to be collected in 1998-99, 4,854 paternity claims have turned out to be false after DNA testing.

Under child support legislation it is a criminal offence to make a false statement or representation, and to provide false documents or information.

However, according to the CSA, there has not been a single prosecution of a woman for making a false claim. The figures showing the number of false paternity claims have been compiled using freedom of information legislation.'

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Mom blames housemate, fear of satanic cult for son's death

Story here. Excerpt:

'Marsh, 41, testified earlier Thursday that every bad act that happened to her son - being tied to his bedposts, having his feet scalded in hot water and dying from a blow to the head - was the result of her housemate Flower Tompson's power over her.
Marsh testified she told friends she feared Brandon would be killed by the satanic group.
"I was told Brandon was worth $3.4 million dead," Marsh said. "The groups wanted to kill him."
"Groups?" Sonenberg asked.
"(For a) sacrifice," Marsh said.
"Did you believe that?"
"Yes," she said.'

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Mary Winkler Gets Daughters Back

Story here. Excerpt:

'FOX13 has learned that Mary Winkler has gotten her three daughters back. Winkler picked up her children Friday afternoon. The girls had been living with their paternal grandparents since Winkler killed her husband Matthew in 2006. Now it appears the bitter custody battle is coming to a close.
Winkler was convicted of manslaughter in 2007 and has been fighting for custody of her children since her release from a mental facility.

Matthew's parents, Dan and Diane Winkler, have had custody of the girls since 2006 and have been trying to adopt them.

"These young ladies have not expressed any desire to be with their mother or her family," said Dan Winkler in 2007.'

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House Passes Paycheck Fairness Act

Story here. Excerpt:

'House Democrats pushed through legislation Thursday that would give women new tools to combat pay discrimination.

The pay equity measure, which passed by a 247-178 vote, would treat gender discrimination involving pay in the same as race, disability and age discrimination. The bill would allow for compensatory and punitive damages, ban employers from retaliating against workers who share their salary with colleagues, and force employers to prove that paying a women less than a man is job-related and necessary.'

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The Government, Divorce, and the War on Fatherhood

Article here. Excerpt:

'With the advent of no-fault divorce (before which divorces required cause, and fault could be assigned proportionately), "the fault that was ostensibly thrown out the front door of divorce proceedings re-entered through the back." Working from the "therapeutic" (read: morally relativistic) premise that both parties must be equally to blame -- which is to say, not at all to blame -- for a marriage's failure, divorce courts begin with an "automatic outcome" and then set out to find or manufacture evidence to support it.

How is that evidence obtained? Via "extensive and intrusive governmental instruments whose sole purpose is intervention in families." Having quit the marriage-enforcement business, government has turned the full weight of its resources and coercive powers to the divorce-enforcement business.

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S.African boys often forced to have sex, study says

Article here. Excerpt:

'Two out of five male South African students say they have been raped, according to a study published yesterday suggesting sexual abuse of boys is endemic in the country's schools.

The survey published in BioMed Central's International Journal for Equity in Health showed that boys were most often assaulted by adult women, followed closely by other schoolchildren.

"This study uncovers endemic sexual abuse of male children that was suspected but hitherto only poorly documented," Neil Andersson and Ari Ho-Foster of the Centre for Tropical Disease Research in Johannesburg wrote.'

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Dating agency cheating Australian men

Story here. Excerpt:

'The farmers and miners who joined the Rural Network dating agency got a lot less than they wished for. Some fell in love with women who did not exist. Others lost up to A$20,000 (£9,500) as the agency tempted them into parting with more and more cash with the lure of love.
The dating site, whose director Leanne McDonald was also known as Leanne Viney, Lana Viney and Lana McDonald, had various ploys to cajole men into paying ever higher membership fees.
Justice Jeffrey Spender said at the time that the agency's conduct was “not only serious but calculated and quite callous” — although he stopped short of closing it.
Yesterday the agency was back in court, with the commission accusing it of failing to honour any of the undertakings.'

Note: This is in the Women's section of the newspaper.

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Court orders sperm donor to pay child support

Story here. Excerpt:

'SANTA FE—A court battle over whether a sperm donor should pay a higher rate of child support has ended with a ruling that the man is liable because he has taken an active role in raising the children.

Kevin Zoernig had argued he was not required to pay child support because he is a sperm donor and is protected under the state's Uniform Parentage Act.

But the state Court of Appeals noted in its July 25 opinion that this was not a case involving an anonymous donor or a known donor who provided sperm to a licensed physician under an agreement in which he agreed to have no parental rights.'

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Woman murders son, commits suicide to spite estranged husband

Story here. Excerpt:

"A hateful mother killed her five year old son to spite his father before taking her own life, an inquest has heard.

Emma Hart, 27, force-fed Lewis Dangerfield a lethal cocktail of pain killers and antidepressants at their home then fled to her mother's flat nearby and slashed her wrists.

In a note to the little boy's father, Shaun Dangerfield, which she left by his body, she wrote: 'I told you I would make you pay, enjoy your life now, nothing is stopping you, ha ha ha. Just remember it's your fault.
Her mother told the inquest: 'She is not a horrible person, she was a loving mum.'"

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UK: New Govt Report on Female Violence

Story here. Excerpt:

'Last year 87,200 women and girls were arrested for attacks – the equivalent of 240 every day. It is the first time in history that violence has been the most common crime among women and girls, taking over from theft.

The category includes every violent offence from street brawls and assault to grievous bodily harm and murder.
The Ministry of Justice report, released quietly on to the internet yesterday after MPs had left for the summer recess, also includes alarming figures on the scale of violence by children.
Robert Whelan of the Civitas think-tank blamed a breakdown in society's values.

He said: 'There are now so many children growing up in broken homes or with disruptive backgrounds that the self restraint taught to previous generations is no longer there. They think when they are angry they can just lash out.'

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Obama meets with Kim Gandy and Ellen Malcolm

Story here. Excerpt:

'Barack Obama met privately Tuesday with a group of women leaders, seeking their endorsement and also raising a sore point -- the issue of gender bias in his Democratic primary fight with Hillary Rodham Clinton.
"He talked about his concerns about some of the sexism in the course of the campaign," said Ellen Malcolm, president of the political group EMILY's List and a key Clinton supporter. "But essentially the meeting was forward-looking."
Obama mentioned that "he knew there had been frustration with stuff directed at Sen. Clinton by the media," said Kim Gandy, president of the National Organization for Women.'

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Baby Sitter Admits to Burning Boys With Cigarette, Iron

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 28-year-old Philadelphia [woman] has admitted repeatedly burning two young boys she was babysitting — with a lit cigarette, a lighter and in one case, an iron.
Johnson pleaded guilty to aggravated assault and possession of an instrument of crime.'

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Organization/Group Leaders: Please join the Parental and Civil Rights Alliance

This growing international coalition of local groups in less than 3 days of existence will soon be listed on Meetup Alliance's Top 10 Largest Alliances List.

Please place your group into the Parental and Civil Rights Alliance. It is a great way for new people in your area to find you.

32 Local groups/organizations and growing! By tomorrow night the Parental and Civil Rights Alliance will most likely be listed in the Top 10 Meetup Alliance Listing!

If you run a local group you can join.

Only those who want to start a group or already have one (via Meetup, Facebook, Google, Yahoo, active website, etc.) can join the Parental and Civil Rights Alliance right now. If you don't want to be a group organizer, you can find an existing group on the internet, Meetup, Facebook, MySpace, etc and ask them to join the alliance. Or start your own group right here in the Parental and Civil Rights Alliance.

If you have a leadership role in a local group or organization you should join the Parental and Civil Rights Alliance for the following benefits:

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More on "girls as good as boys at math"

Seems like Larry Summers and the recent math-and-girls dust-up just go together far too well to be ignored. So some mainstream and not-so-mainstream news sources have run with the ball. This from the National Post editors, with this from the City Journal. Excerpt from the Nat:

'Unfortunately, journalists of both sexes tend to not be math geniuses. Few of them anywhere on the continent noticed that Ms. Hyde’s data actually come a lot closer to supporting Mr. Summers’ hypothesis than they do to refuting it.

The study certainly does confirm that there is probably no difference between males and females in math ability, on average. This means that, if one were to plot out the observed mathematical proficiency of a large number of male and female individuals, the resulting graphical pattern would produce two sex-segregated bell curves centred on roughly the same average point.

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