Obama chooses Biden, VAWA champion, as running mate

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India: DV Act Challanged

Men's groups have challenged the validity of India's DV Act. Story here. Excerpt:

'CHENNAI: As many as five petitions are pending before the Madras high court, challenging 23 provisions of the Domestic Violence Act which they say are misused by women to harass innocent husbands. Now planning to join the list of petitioners is the Chennai-based Association for Protection of Men's Rights, which believes that investigation into cases filed under Domestic Violence Act are usually not fair.
Elangovan blames overzealous women's organisations, saying they often blow up marital disputes and make it a dowry issue, thus ruining relationships and careers.'

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EEOC: More men filing complaints of sexual harassment

Story here. Excerpt:

'OKLAHOMA CITY – More men are filing sexual harassment complaints, according to data from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

The percentage of harassment complaints filed by Oklahoma men with EEOC and related state agencies all but doubled over a 10-year period, from 8.8 percent in 1997 to 17.4 percent last year.

Nationally, the percentage of sexual harassment cases with male complainants has doubled since 1990, from about 8 percent to 16 percent in 2007.
Hammons mentioned one current case in which a man whose female superior slapped him on the butt later fired him after overhearing him tell co-workers he did not like such treatment and was going to make a complaint.'

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Female Olympian loses medals due to doping tests, blames husband

Story here. Excerpt:

'BEIJING (AP)—Lyudmila Blonska was stripped of her Olympic heptathlon silver medal Friday, the highest-profile athlete kicked out of the Beijing Games so far for doping.

The International Olympic Committee said Blonska tested positive for the steroid methyltestosterone after finishing second in the heptathlon last Saturday behind teammate Nataliia Dobrynska.

The IOC said she expressed “shock” at the results and couldn’t understand how the banned substance wound up in her system. Though she apologized and said she felt ashamed, Blonska blamed her husband, who has served as her coach for five years, for the failed doping test.

“She expressed that she trusted him to take care of her training and diet,” the IOC said. “She indicated that they had expressly agreed that she would not take any prohibited substances. However, her relationship with her husband was currently conflictual.”'

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Tulsa man is declared father of child because his name is similiar to real father's name

Story here. A Tulsa man is told by DHS that he is required to drive 200 miles to take a DNA test to prove he isn't a child's father. When he is unable to, he is made the father by default and has money docked from his Wal-Mart paycheck. He only started to get a break when a lawyer is provided to him by the church. All this happens even though the mother doesn't know the last name of the father of her baby! Excerpt:

'Tulsa athlete Micheal Thomas swears he never met Lawton drug user Tiffany Dickson.

Dickson says she never met him.

That didn't stop the Oklahoma Department of Human Services from getting Thomas declared the father of Dickson's baby daughter and badgering him until he dropped out of college, forfeiting a football scholarship.

"Tiffany said that she knows his first name is Michael, but she is not sure of his last name,” the report said. "Tiffany believes that Michael is running from the law.”

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Platform Standing Committee itinerary For Democratic Convention

With the Democratic National Convention upon us I thought you guys might want to read this report (.pdf file). I certainly applaud identifying fatherhood as a necessity but we see the same rhetoric: fatherless homes are the sole result of male irresponsibility. As for the 'opportunity for women' section, its the same B.S. MANN battles on a daily basis. It's frightening this language appears in a document sponsored by our government. Excerpts:

p. 18: 'When women still earn 76 cents for every dollar that a man earns, it doesn’t just hurt women; it hurts families and children. We will pass the “Lilly Ledbetter” Act, which will make it easier to combat pay discrimination; we will pass the Fair Pay Act; and we will modernize the Equal Pay Act.

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New web site seeks to reconnect fathers and children lost to divorce


'LostFathers.org is an online community.

Our mission is to establish contact for fathers (and mothers) who, after a divorce or separation, were denied to normal visitation rights and lost contact with their children.

On this website you can, after registration, post your own profile and we will approach your children, or you as a father, to establish new contact with each other.'

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Duke rape false accuser to write book

Story here. Cyrstal Gail Mangum, the notorious false rape accuser, is writing a book. She is also graduating from school. Don't you think she should serve 3 years in prison and 10 years on probation for the crimes she committed? Excerpt:

'DURHAM (WTVD) -- Since three former Duke Lacrosse players were declared innocent of rape and assault charges, the alleged victim in the highly publicized Duke Lacrosse case has remained out of public view until now.

In a press release, Crystal Mangum's manager has announced plans to release a tell-all memoir entitled "The Last Dance for Grace: The Crystal Mangum Story."'

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Teen sex gets male ex-teacher 15 years in jail

Story here. Think of the disparity in sentencing. Women found guilty of similar offenses often get parole, or far fewer years in jail, if any. Excerpt:

'GOLDEN — A former Evergreen band and music teacher was sentenced Tuesday to 15 years to life in prison for sexually assaulting a 16-year-old student.

William Robert Eisenman, 33, was convicted in June of sexual assault on a child by a person in a position of trust as a pattern of conduct and providing alcohol to a minor.'

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Father-bashing makes it to the Olympics

Father-bashing makes it to the Olympics. Well, at least to a blog about the Olympics called Fourth-Place Medal. Apparently, someone didn't see Michael Phelps' father in the spectator stands so he decided to use the opportunity to portray him as a bad father. The article is at The mystery of Michael Phelps' missing father.

"During Michael Phelps' races, camera shots of his mother Debbie were a fixture on NBC. The network showed endless replays of her falling to her seat after that memorable 100 butterfly finish. She even watched one race on camera with Cris Collinsworth, squeezing his knee the entire time. And after her son won his eighth gold medal, Debbie was all over NBC getting interviewed by Bob Costas, Matt Lauer and Meredith Viera. Michael's sisters, Hilary and Whitney were also in Beijing cheering on their little brother. All this coverage of the Phelps family led to one obvious question from our readers: Where was Dad?"

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Music vid: "Stay at home dad"

A send-up of gangster-esque rap maybe? I don't follow the trends. At first I was a little taken aback but in the end I decided to roll with it. Losing your sense of humor tends to mean your losing you perspective. So in the vein of "No publicity is bad publicity" I'll give this little ditty a thumbs up. If you want to deconstruct it and what not go ahead.

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Carey Roberts: No Room for Men at the Abuse Shelter, but Fido can Tag Along

Article here. Excerpt:

'Some of these same shelters that turn away battered men are now telling their "abused" women, "And remember to bring Fido!"

That's right, the American Humane Society has recently launched its "PAWS" program - Pets and Women's Shelters, get it?

So gals, if you need a place to dry out and want to take along your pooch, go to the Center for Abuse and Rape Emergencies in the Tampa Bay area. The dedicated C.A.R.E. staff has established a "foster pet parenting program" just for you!

Or head over to Quigley House in Orange Park -- they have a kennel right on shelter grounds. Its canine center features a dog bathing area, benches to accommodate family visits, and of course a waste containment station.'

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No-Fault a Split Decesion

New York State is one of the few remaining states that does not cater to the No-Fault doctrine of divorce. An article in today's Newsday, No-Fault a Split Decision, tackles the debate concerning the movement for NY to cross over to the no-fault side.

However as you read the article it becomes very evident that it should have been titled "How No-Fault Affects Women", and I mean women only. The reporter, Melanie Lefkowitz, does not have one iota of text in her story about how it will affect men. She has the audacity to mention how this form of divorce will help prevent female suicide. We are all aware that men make up 70% of suicide victims.

You can contact Ms. Lefkowitz here melanie.lefkowitz-at-newsday.com.

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Ex-wife breaks down door, takes items from house, and isn't arrested

Story here. An ex-wife breaks in to house where she no longer lives to retrieve baby items. She busts the door open with a crowbar. She isn't arrested. Would a man be treated the same if the tables were turned? Will he have to pay for the damages to rental property? Excerpt:

'An Omaha man comes home and finds someone has broken in and stolen several items. But was a crime really committed?

At 2-and-a-half, she is the love of Justin Snelling's life. "Her name is Calee. I love following her around doing whatever she wants to do."

Last Tuesday, Snelling returned to his home at 60th and Birch and found his door pried open, though curiously only Calee's things were missing. "I go in and I notice diapers are gone, DVDs are gone, potty chair is gone, wipes are gone, everything that was new that I hadn't opened yet is gone.”'

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Off-duty female police charged in beating of man

Most female cops, like male ones, are good cops, and good people. However arguments in favor of churning out as many female cops as the academy can because of the more "communicative feminine style" of policing are based largely in stereotype. Also, suggestions of the moral superiority of women as compared to men being a better hedge against corruption or bad deeds are hard to defend when things like this are happening. Excerpt:

'Two off-duty female cops yelled, "We are the police!" - and then pistol-whipped a Bronx man in what authorities call a case of road rage.

NYPD Officers Michelle Anglin, 37, and Koleen Robinson, 24, were charged with assault, gang assault and criminal possession of a weapon for the Williamsbridge beatdown.
Anglin and Robinson were suspended and stripped of their guns as they were arraigned Sunday on the gang assault charges. Robinson's bail was $10,000 cash or bond. Anglin's bail was set at $25,000 cash or bond.'

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