Oops: Leftists Upset Facebook Censors Anti-Men Hate Speech

Article here. Excerpt:

'It’s no secret that Facebook constantly censors content, but a recent investigation from Vice has the outlet suddenly upset that censorship might even happen to them. The platform has reportedly censored some groups just for using the word “men” and liberals don’t grasp the irony that they can’t say “men are trash.”

Vice’s investigation claimed that Facebook is “cracking down” on groups “dedicated to discussing everyday injustices in the patriarchal world that we live in.” These groups reportedly violated “Facebook’s standard for hate speech for seemingly simply mentioning the word ‘men.’” By saying bad things about “men” as a group, not individual men.

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Women Make Better Leaders, New Study Finds

Article here. Excerpt:

'On Inauguration Day, two of the three highest offices in America will be held by women. Kamala Harris will be vice president, and Nancy Pelosi will continue to be speaker of the House of Representatives.

At the same time, research is coming out about how women often excel at leadership, especially in times of crisis.

Jack Zenger is one of the authors of research published in the Harvard Business Review. He’s a former academic, and is now the CEO of Zenger/Folkman, a leadership development consultancy. He told Texas Standard that his curiosity about women’s aptitude for leadership was piqued by conversations during which male business experts said they believed it to be true, even though they didn’t have the data to back it up.

Years later, Zenger got access to data from comprehensive evaluations of business leaders by their colleagues. Analysis of those reviews showed that women were better leaders.'

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Should the CTA adopt women-only transit? Interviews with Chicago women suggest yes

Article here. Excerpt:

'In many cities around the world, design strategies and transportation options have been implemented in an effort to ensure women’s safety and comfort on public transportation. A common tactic is women-only transportation. Women-only transit services are most popular in Asian countries, but also exist in South America, Africa, and Europe. Mexico City is the only North American city to offer women-only transit options.
Out of the seven women interviewed, six said they would support women-only transit on the CTA. Only one interviewee was against the idea, citing taxpayer costs and the need for other improvements to the system that she saw as higher priorities. However, the same respondent said she would use women-only train cars or sections in “extreme cases.” This respondent also noted that women-only transit could help other women, even if it wouldn’t be effective in increasing her own feelings of safety during daytime commutes.'

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Brown University settles Title IX lawsuit with female student athletes

Article here. Excerpt:

'Brown University and a group of female student-athletes settled a Title IX lawsuit that followed Brown’s elimination of multiple female sports teams.

As Campus Reform previously reported in June, Brown announced its decision to eliminate five men’s and six women’s varsity sports teams in light of financial pitfalls induced by COVID-19. Among other programs, the university demoted the women’s fencing, skiing, squash, and equestrian teams to club status.
The agreement stated that “if Brown restores to varsity status a men’s team that had been slated to transition from varsity to club status… then the total number of women’s teams restored to varsity status must be at least two greater than the number of men’s teams restored.”

U.S. District Court Chief Judge John McConnell concluded in December that the settlement was “fair, adequate and reasonable.”'

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Americans are more worried about their sons than their daughters

Article here. Excerpt:

'But Americans are in general more worried about the prospects for boys than for girls, and for their own sons more than their own daughters, according to new data from the American Family Survey. Conservatives and men are most concerned about boys in general – but liberals are most worried about their own sons. These views may be influencing political trends, and in particular the growing partisanship gap between men and women.

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The unreported gender gap in high school graduation rates

Article here. Excerpt:

'This disaggregated data has proven valuable for assessing progress towards more equitable outcomes, especially for marginalized groups. But there is one glaring omission in the subgroups for which data is available: sex. We do not know the national high school graduation rates for girls and boys, since states are not required to provide this data—but, we argue here, this requirement should be added.

Across the US, fewer boys are graduating

Reliable high school graduation rates by sex are not available at a national level, but, because states are required to track individual students’ graduation status across other demographic groups, many states already collect and publish the rate by gender. (Note that state Departments of Education often report rates by sex, rather than gender identity.) To gauge the national trend, we collected publicly available high school graduation data for the 2016-17, 2017-18, and 2018-19 school years.'

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Council is slammed for 'ridiculous and historical wokery' over plans to remove a statue of a British war hero

Article here. Excerpt:

'Exeter City Council set up a task group after the Black Lives Matter protests to decide whether a statue of General Sir Redvers Buller should be moved from its prominent position in the city.

The review stated the statue had attracted public debate in part due to references to colonial campaigns on its plinth which 'sought to advance British imperialist interests in other countries'.

An equality impact assessment carried out as part of the review also concluded the statue would impact anybody who 'does not define themselves in binary gender terms'.

It read: 'The General Buller statue represents the patriarchal structures of empire and colonialism which impact negatively on women and anyone who does not define themselves in binary gender terms.

'The consultation will need to ensure that the views of women, transgender and non-binary people are captured and given due weight.''

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The Warped Morality Of ‘Wonder Woman 1984’

Article here. Nice to see someone make a few points about this movie, particularly the purloining of a man's body to use sexually. Excerpt:

'Hence, when Diana makes her wish, the resurrection of Steve is the only desire she has (and to be fair, the rest of her life is incredibly privileged and meaningful - what else could she possibly want?). But when Steve is ripped from Heaven’s womb, his soul is placed into the body of … some random guy. A living stranger, whose consciousness simply disappears the moment his body is possessed by the former WWI soldier.

Naturally, Diana is surprised to see him return - but she doesn’t seem concerned with the fate of the stranger - not even a little bit. She simply doesn’t care. In fact, she has sex with Steve, using this man’s body like a silicone sex doll.
The two seem more disturbed by the artificiality of Steve’s return, rather than the non-consensual use of another human’s body for sex (not to mention, the life-threatening circumstances Steve often finds himself in).

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Woman jailed for ten years for child rape with nine of it suspended

Article here. One year. Just one. Excerpt:

'Dillon was sentenced to ten years to life after pleading guilty to first and second degree child rapes.

But she will serve only a year behind bars, with the rest of the sentence suspended so she can get treatment, say court records.

She must also register as a sex offender.

Dillon’s victim was a friend of her son through the Emerald Ridge Lacrosse Club, where she was the “team mom,” investigators said.

Romps took place at her home and at hotels when the team played away between May 2014 and May 2015, said court files.'

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UK: 'Inequality must be removed for Muslim women and white working-class boys alike'

Article here. Excerpt:

'What do white working-class British boys, and Bangladeshi and Pakistani Muslim women who live in this country have in common?

The answer is that when it comes to educational and vocational opportunities, both groups are at the bottom of the table.

And I fear that lockdown will again adversely and disproportionately affect these groups more than any other in society.

It is the duty of those who care about equal opportunities for all to take the lead in raising awareness of these disadvantaged groups.'

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Anti-Sexual Harassment Group Time’s Up Developing App for Women to Address Male Microagressions in Workplace

Article here. Excerpt:

'Coming soon to a workplace near you is a mobile app that will allow women to address male microagressions in the office. The British arm of Hollywood’s Time’s Up movement is reportedly developing an app that will educate women on workplace microaggressions and give them the resources to take action. Microaggressions are small social wrongs and slights that are perceived as overt acts of hostility by victim groups.

Time’s Up U.K. chair Heather Rabbatts told Variety that once the entertainment industry “resets” following the coronavirus pandemic, it won’t go back to the old way of doing things. “We want to build it in a way that speaks to our values and aspirations,” she said, which include a greater focus on intersectionality — the left-wing academic theory that people exist on “intersections” of oppression based on characteristics such as gender and race.

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"Trump Is Leaving, but the Revenge of Men Continues"

Article here. Excerpt:

'When President Donald Trump phoned Georgia’s secretary of state, commanding him to “find” enough votes to overturn the state’s election results, he quite likely broke the laws of this country. However, to at least one defender, the leaked call constituted an even more serious crime: a violation of the Bro Code.

“A man does not release a private conversation he has with anyone. That’s part of being a man,” wrote right-wing radio host Jesse Kelly in a much-mocked viral tweet. “Democrat, Republican, Trump, anti-Trump, none of that matters. You don’t repeat things said to you privately. That’s simple man code.”

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The Sperm Kings Have a Problem: Too Much Demand

Article here. I was tempted to prefix "Humor: " to the title. I post this though as a warning: these men going around handing out sperm w/out going through a sperm bank are looking at possibly getting saddled with child support payments. No contract, no protections. Don't be a sucker is all I'm saying. Excerpt:

'The sperm kings of America are exhausted.

These men are flying all over the place. They are shipping their sperm with new vial systems and taking the latest DNA tests because that is what women want now. Sure, they can talk on the phone, but they say it has to be quick because they are driving to Dallas or Kansas City or Portland, Maine, in time for an ovulation window. They would like to remind me they have day jobs.

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"US democracy faces a bleak future"

Article here. Excerpt:

'As Trump throws fuel on the flames of political distrust in the US, both Democrats and Republicans rush to blame the other. Yet there is one truth above all else which must never be forgotten: like him or loathe him, Trump is right about media manipulation of democracy and Democrats playing Russian roulette with free speech.

If the Democrats aren't lobbying to reduce gun ownership, they are lobbying to have men who identify as women compete in whatever gender.field they wish. If the Democrats aren't trying to vilify men in order to give women more privilege in life, work, marriage and anything else they can find, they are trying to force company and government institution employees to undergo compulsory training to address perceived or imaginary slights (against whichever groups are on their special list of protected status). In fact the only group which is not on the protected list, is that composed of straight white men, the most productive group in most Western countries.

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U-Chicago Science Professor Under Assault For Criticizing ‘No White Men’ Hiring Rules

Article here. Excerpt:

'Professor Dorian Abbot, a tenured faculty member in the University of Chicago’s Department of Geophysical Sciences, is under attack by a mob of university students, faculty, and alumni after he posted a series of YouTube videos criticizing his department’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee.

EDI efforts, according to Abbot, “promote a worldview in which group membership is a primary aspect of the human being and different groups are taught to view each other antagonistically.” For this reason, he hoped his videos would ignite a spirited intellectual discussion, while depicting the dangers of vilifying groups based on race, class, and sex.

Unfortunately, in academia, Abbot’s statements are highly controversial. Abbot, who says he’s “just a science guy,” was in shock after he became the subject of a social media firestorm, facing backlash from his students and colleagues, many of whom expressed being “hurt” and feeling “unsafe” due to his beliefs.'

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