Ellard conviction overturned in death of Victoria teen Reena Virk

Story here. Excerpt:

"The B.C. Court of Appeal has overturned Kelly Ellard's second-degree murder conviction and ordered a fourth trial for her in the death of teenager Reena Virk, who was found beaten and drowned in a Victoria waterway in 1997.
[Virk] was 14 when she was swarmed and beaten under a bridge in Saanich on Vancouver Island on Nov. 14, 1997, by a group of teenagers who were mainly girls, police said. Battered and bloodied, Virk managed to get up and stagger across the bridge toward a bus stop to make her way home. But two of the original attackers dragged her back, hit her again and left her in a waterway."

Does it get any more brutal than this?

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Soldier Suicide Rate May Set Record Again

Story here. Excerpt:

'(CBS/AP) Soldier suicides this year could surpass the record rate of last year, Army officials said Thursday, urging military leaders at all levels to redouble prevention efforts for a force strained by two wars.

If all are confirmed, that means that the number for 2008 could eclipse the 115 of last year - and the rate per 100,000 could surpass that of the civilian population, Col. Eddie Stephens, deputy director of human resources policy, said at a Pentagon news conference.

"Army leaders are fully aware that repeated deployments have led to increased distress and anxiety for both soldiers and their families," Army Secretary Pete Geren said.'

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EU wants to ban 'sexist' TV commercials

Story here. Excerpt:

'MEPs want TV regulators in the EU to set guidelines which would see the end of anything deemed to portray women as sex objects or reinforce gender stereotypes.
The new rules come in a report by the EU's women's rights committee.

Swedish MEP Eva-Britt Svensson urged Britain and other members to use existing equality, sexism and discrimination laws to control advertising.
She added: "Gender stereotyping in advertising is one of several factors that have a big influence in efforts to make society more gender equal.'

Guess there'll be a review panel made up of feminists for each commercial an advertises wants to air? I wonder if anti-male stereotyping will also be on their hit list?

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Boys' school opens amid objection from feminists

Story here. Seems public-funded girls/women-only schools, etc. are fine. Publicly-funded programs for boys/men? They will be resisted at all turns! Excerpt:

'Boys' Latin of Philadelphia, one of the city's newer charter schools, began its second year on Wednesday, aiming to be an educational beacon in the financially and academically troubled district.

Because it's a single-sex public school — one of four in the city — Boys' Latin faced huge opposition and almost didn't exist.
The Women's Law Project and the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania had opposed Hardy's charter application based on its exclusion of girls.

New rules implemented by the U.S. Education Department in 2006 allow same-sex education whenever schools think it will expand the diversity of courses, improve students' achievement or meet their individual needs.

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India: Game show contestant gang-assaulted for defending himself against woman' attack

A contestant on the game show 'DadaGiri' in India apparently doesn't realize that physical violence will be included in the program. In a surprise move, he receives a vicious slap from a woman posing as a dominatrix. But instead of just taking it, he immediately hits her back and asks "How can she slap (me)?"

Then, all hell breaks loose as crew members decide to come to the aid of the woman and deal out punishment to the man who is obviously just defending himself.

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VP candidate Palin's daughter's pregnancy highlight US sex law silliness

Essay here. Excerpt:

'The daughter is 17 years old. Her boyfriend is 18 years old. She is five months pregnant. From that we can assume that they, at the very latest, had intercourse sometime in May. The girl will turn 18 in October. We do not know, nor is it anyone’s business, how old she was the first time she had sex with her boyfriend.
What would have happened had the young couple in question engaged in youthful sexuality in Arizona? There the young man would become both a “father-to-be” and a felon at the same time. Any sexual act by an 18-year-old and a 17-year-old is a felony in Arizona, even if the girl’s mother is running for vice president of the United States.'

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Republican Women Turn to the Gender Card

Story here. Excerpt:

'Female Republicans embraced identity politics with gusto today, touting the virtues of presumptive vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin and suggesting that any attempts to question her qualifications amounted to blatant sexism.

In a "hear me roar"-style press conference, a parade of elected officials and GOP operatives issued a lengthy defense of the Alaska governor's credentials, and former Massachusetts governor Jane Swift said Palin has been the target of "an outrageous smear campaign."'

Wow... I'd really hoped that a McCain administration would, while not outright championing men's rights, at least provide a bulkhead against the tide of irrational gynocentrism that's sweeping the western world. Turns out McCain has no problem pandering to emotional, irrational, and destructively entitled women as long as they label themselves "conservatives".

Relatedly, submitted by anthony:

Article here. Excerpt:

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Ghana: DV against men on rise

Story here. Excerpt:

'More men are being beaten by their wives over domestic chores.

Disagreements over shared domestic responsibilities in homes now top cases reported at the Domestic Violence and Victims Support Unit.

The Public Relations Officer of the Unit, Inspector Irene Oppong, said in an interview with the Times in Accra, that complaints by men increased from 49 to 113 due to quarrels over domestic chores.'

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R&B singer Usher plans `One Night Stand' Tour -- "Ladies Only"

Story here. I wonder if we can add Usher to the Boycott List? Excerpt:

'NEW YORK — Usher is preparing a tour for ladies only.

The R&B singer revealed in a recent interview with The Associated Press that he will soon announce details of his "One Night Stand" tour. He said specific dates are still being worked out for about 15 "intimate" venues.

Asked why he wanted to perform a "ladies only" tour, Usher said he relishes the challenge.'

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Smoking claimed to be more dangerous for women

Article here. It's now a problem because women are not getting heart attacks later than men? Last I checked smoking is not considered the healthiest habit for men either. There's no way society could ever tolerate women having the same life span as men. I also notice that the term 'natural differences' is used. Is it possible the lower amount of money Western Culture spends on men's health contributes to the disparity? Excerpt:

'MUNICH, Germany - Women who smoke may develop heart disease at almost the same age as male smokers, wiping out the natural difference between the sexes, doctors said Tuesday.

In research presented to the European Society of Cardiology, Norwegian researchers said that women who smoke have heart attacks nearly 14 years earlier than women who don't smoke. For men, the figure is about six years.

"This is not a minor difference," said Dr. Silvia Priori, a cardiologist at the Scientific Institute in Pavia, Italy. "Women need to realize they are losing much more than men when they smoke," she said. Prior was not connected to the research.'

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US: House Resolution 182 seeks to villify men and fathers

Article here. Excerpt:

"Here is a section of proposed Joint Resolution 182 of the United States Congress, intended to compensate for what the resolution's proponents claim is "gender bias" in the judicial system....

'Whereas, as a result of this gender bias, many myths are that (sic) women make false allegations of domestic violence or child abuse, and most particularly of child sexual abuse, during divorce and custody proceedings;

Whereas false accusations by women are in fact rare, occurring no more often than do other false reports of crimes, such as bank robbery.'"


Ed. note: I looked on Thomas but could not find the full text. Can anyone post a link? Thanks!

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Fathermag.com: Why Is Daddy in Jail?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Then there's Bruce, who was a truck driver in Boston and who came home one day to find his things on the street, the locks on his doors changed, and his wife's new boyfriend already moved in. Angry and bewildered, Bruce kicked in the door and began shouting. (He did not strike anyone.) His wife called the police, who arrived and took Bruce away in handcuffs. She got a restraining order preventing any contact with his three children. When his son was hospitalized with an illness, he was not allowed to visit. Eventually Bruce was allowed to see his children at a supervised visitation center with his wife and her boyfriend present in the next room.'

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Women Only NY Weekend Tours Supported By State Agency

http://womenonlyweekends.com/. This women-only tour is supported by the New York State Department of Economic Development. My tax dollars as a NY State resident is contributing to this blatant discrimination. "No Guys, No Dishes, No diapers' appears on their home page. Oprah Winfrey's endorsement appears on the home page.

Note the disclaimer at the bottom of the home page:

"'I Love NY' is a registered trademark and service mark of the
New York State Department of Economic Development; used with permission.

If this agency is using the big apple logo, their recognized by the state."

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Site Advertises Gov't Grants only for Women

Site here. Excerpt:

"It's true, Free Government Grant Money for Women is being given away and can be used to help you buy a new home, repair your home, pay rent, pay mortgage payments, pay utility bills, purchase a new car, pay for groceries, pay childcare expenses, pay for fuel, pay general living expenses, pay for academic tutoring, purchase clothing, purchase school supplies, pay legal services, pay summer camp expenses, pay off debts, pay for music lessons, pay for art lessons, pay for any extracurricular activities, pay real estate taxes, medical expenses, general welfare and so much more!"

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"Mental health and gender: Stress agender"

Article here. Excerpt:

'...New research shows that women are more likely to be stressed by workplace relationships while men are more affected by change and workload.
The findings, based upon a study of just over 900 respondents, seem to support psychologists' theories based on studying behaviour and hormone release in the genders, which suggest that stressed men are likely to become aggressive, while women resort to gossip and bitching*.
Work relationships appear as the primary stress factor demonstrating the largest difference between the genders, with 42% of females citing relationship difficulties at work, compared to 8% of males...'


*Yes, that's what the article says. I didn't just add it for amusement. :)

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