'Biden Babble and the Dancing Fool'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Like so many chivalrous male victims Biden defends his abusers even having suffered “nuclear sanction”. I say “abusers” because someone in his immediate family other than his sister must have rendered the mushrooming catastrophic punishments. Even so, Sister Valerie Biden Owens had “absolute impunity” giving her license to abuse at will without fear of penalty.

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Washington Post: Enough to Make a Grown Man Cry

Article here. Excerpt:

'At this point in the review, we pause to allow women to expel a thundering, collective scoff. This notion is bogus, for sure. Right? Has to be. There's no way 40 years of feminism have pulverized millennia of male domination. Nevertheless, four books rolling out this fall are standing up for men by saying maybe we've been too focused on women's advancement to realize that boys are withering in school, stumbling blindly through adolescence, living recklessly during and beyond college and slouching toward manhood.'

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"Men to Boys: The Making of Modern Immaturity"

Article here. Excerpt:

'The old always seem to blame the young for the downfall of civilization. So readers under 40 might be skeptical when I, a member of the “senior class” of Baby Boomers (born in 1946), claim that markers of male maturity have declined sharply in the last 20 years. Who am I to complain? Many from my generation rejected the values of their parents, and vowed in the 60s to never trust anyone over 30. But I still think it’s fair to say today there is no rush into maturity if that can be measured by an early embrace of family responsibility.'

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Economist.com: The Triumph Of Feminism

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women are also winning the most important of all gender wars—the war for educational qualifications. They earn 57% of bachelor’s degrees, 59% of master’s degrees and half of doctorates. And they are doing better all the time. In terms of higher education, women drew equal with men in 1980. By the early 1990s six women graduated from college for every five men. Projections show that by 2017 three women will graduate for every two men. The meritocracy is inexorably turning into a matriarchy, and visibly so on many campuses: the heads of Harvard, Princeton, MIT, Brown and the National Defence University are all women.

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Baldwin book rails against family court system

Article here. Excerpt:

'Alec Baldwin blamed a "corrupt" family court system Monday in part for dragging out the bitter custody battle between him and ex-wife Kim Basinger after the couple's divorce in 2002.

The actor, fresh off his first Emmy win the night before, said it contributed to the anger and frustration he was feeling when he berated his daughter in a phone message leaked to the media last year.

In the book, Baldwin rails against the family court system in Los Angeles, offers advice based on his own experience with divorce litigation and talks about how one parent can turn a child against another parent.

Baldwin said he's apologized to his daughter, Ireland, for the phone message, which he said was wrong and "horrified" him. But he added that it never should have been released without his permission.'

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Macy's National RESPECT! Campaign: no mention of female DV perps

Article here. Excerpt:

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Sexist men 'earn the most money'

Article here. Excerpt:

"Scientists have found men who believe a woman's place is in the home earn thousands more per year than their less traditionally minded male colleagues.

They discovered the "macho" pay gap amounts to more than £4,500 a year.

The tables were turned among women, however, with feminists earning more than women with traditional outlooks.

The difference between their pay packets was much smaller, the research showed, adding up to just over £800 per year...

...After excluding other factors such as education, the complexity of a job, the number of hours that a person works, the scientists found that sexist men made an average of £4,600 ($8,500) a year more than men who viewed women as workplace equals.

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Where's Matt? Even I Take Vacations Now and Then

MANN regulars,

From Tuesday Sept. 23 until Friday Oct. 3, I will not be doing my usual MANN modding thing. In the interim, other MANN mods will be reviewing submissions and making posts to the site. Until then... fidem scit! :)


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On YouTube: Joe Biden & Hillary Clinton Discuss VAWA

Video here. This is a long video, running about 32 minutes. Quotes from Biden:

'VAWA has freed thousands of women imprisoned in their own home'

'70% of all women arriving at emergency rooms are there because of the consequence of a mans fist'

'70% of homeless children are the result of domestic violence'

'Women have been re-victimized in the courts'

'100,000 free lawyers standing with women'

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Girl, 19, tortured for 13 hours by women after being wrongly accused of stealing phone

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 19-year-old girl was tortured for 13 hours by two women after she was wrongly accused of stealing a mobile phone.
During the horrific attack, Raby and her friend Kelly Louise Garrity, 26, punched, burned, kicked and stabbed McNamara before locking her in a cupboard.

The two women hacked off McNamara's long black hair and forced her to lick her own blood off the floor.
Katie's injuries were so severe her mother Denise didn't even recognise her in the hospital bed.
Garrity was sentenced to four years in prison and Raby 40 months in a young offenders' institution after both pleading guilty.'

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Eagle Forum Rejects Feminists' Attempt to Institute Government Wage Control

Story here. Excerpt:

"The feminists support these pieces of legislation because they want Washington bureaucrats, rather than the free market, to unfairly raise the wages of jobs held mostly by females and freeze the wages of jobs held mostly by men," said Eagle Forum president and founder Phyllis Schlafly. "Degrees in education or women's studies or sociology simply do not earn the same pay as degrees in engineering or science or finance, yet more women persist in choosing the former and more men the latter."

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Phyllis Schlafly: Feminists against Palin - shame on you

Article here. Excerpt:

'Oh, the unfairness of it all! Steinem bemoaned that women find it so "difficult to be competent and successful and be liked." Au contraire, Hillary and women like her are not disliked because they are competent and successful, but because they are chip-on-the-shoulder feminists, living in an unhappy world of their own making and spreading their discontent like a virus. Feminists convey a notion of entitlement, as though they deserve special privileges today because of wrongs in past years that no one any longer can remember, such as women not having the right to vote. The bad attitude of victimhood is indoctrinated in students by the bitter feminist faculty in university women's studies courses and even in some law schools. Victimhood is nurtured and exaggerated by feminist organizations using their tactic called "consciousness raising," i.e., retelling horror stories about how badly some women have been treated until small personal annoyances grow into societal grievances.'

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Obama Panders to Women by Pushing ‘Wage Gap’ Myth in New Ad

Story here. Excerpt:

'Obama has a new ad out pushing the “wage gap” myth. As we’ve discussed many times, men earn more than women on average for many legitimate reasons. These include:

1) Men work longer hours at more demanding and hazardous jobs.

2) Men are more likely to travel, relocate or have long commutes for their jobs.

3) Men are more likely to have more years and more consecutive years of experience, because women are more likely to work part time or take years off of work to care for their children.'

The new Obama ad is here.

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New Zealand: Mens' rights group barricade home

Story here. Excerpt:

'A mens' rights group who claim they have been denied fair process by the justice system took their grievance to a High Court judge's home on Sunday morning.
Organiser Benjamin Easton, who describes himself as a disaffected father, says the public have little hope when they come up against the system.'

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Salon.com: 'Dude, where's my manhood?'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Kimmel pinpoints the cause of young white male frustration in another typically pithy coinage: "thwarted entitlement." You might call this phenomenon the blowback of the civil rights and women's and gay liberation movements, an ever-growing sense among young white males that women and minorities have snatched away the jobs and social positions that their fathers and grandfathers implied they could take for granted. Sure, it's hard for minorities to feel sympathy for white guys who seem to believe in personal responsibility when it comes to poverty yet claim that women and people of color are taking their jobs -- but they may do so at their peril. When large swaths of young men feel disenfranchised, violence is usually in the offing. If the guys Kimmel studies suddenly lost the ability to sponge off their parents, he implies, the effects of "thwarted entitlement" could easily spread out beyond the bad apples and erupt into various forms of chaos.'

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