'Dude, where's my manhood?'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Kimmel pinpoints the cause of young white male frustration in another typically pithy coinage: "thwarted entitlement." You might call this phenomenon the blowback of the civil rights and women's and gay liberation movements, an ever-growing sense among young white males that women and minorities have snatched away the jobs and social positions that their fathers and grandfathers implied they could take for granted. Sure, it's hard for minorities to feel sympathy for white guys who seem to believe in personal responsibility when it comes to poverty yet claim that women and people of color are taking their jobs -- but they may do so at their peril. When large swaths of young men feel disenfranchised, violence is usually in the offing. If the guys Kimmel studies suddenly lost the ability to sponge off their parents, he implies, the effects of "thwarted entitlement" could easily spread out beyond the bad apples and erupt into various forms of chaos.'

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Newspaper commentator blog: 'Teenage boys are stupid'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Teenage boys are idiots. And today's American teenage boys - whom our culture holds in a sort of manchild limbo long past the age they need to be doing some sort of hard work and earning their keep - are even bigger idiots.

By the time a male is about 16 years old, he has the body of an adult male, an adult male with a brain under assault by a dramatic rush of hormones the likes of which he'll never again see during any other period of his lifetime. Teenage boys are more impulsive and aggressive than any other group. Witness their penchant for crashing cars, diving headfirst into rock quarries, experimenting with drugs, and deciding to "play chicken" by draping themselves across dark country roads in an attempt to prove something to their similarly stupid peers.They are driven by sexual curiosity to the point of insanity, and they hold a misguided sense of immortality.;

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Wrongly convicted rape defendant freed after 26 years

Story here. Excerpt:

'Johnnie Earl Lindsey is a free man.

The wrongfully convicted rapist walked out of a Dallas courtroom this morning, nearly 26 years after a jury convicted him based on erroneous, eye witness identification.

A jury convicted Mr. Lindsey, now 56, of sexually assaulting a woman near White Rock Lake in 1981. DNA tests proved that he was not the man responsible.
Now that Mr. Lindsey is free, he said he plans to help other wrongly convicted people.

"I'm going to try my best to help those who are left behind to see that they see justice, too," Mr. Lindsey said.'

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Rape Case Thrown Out When 'Victim' Sends Accused Love Letters in Prison

Story here. Excerpt:

'WINNIPEG, Canada — A Winnipeg man awaiting trial for rape has had all charges dropped after the alleged victim admitted she sent the accused cards and explicit love letters behind bars.
The woman claimed in the letters that she missed the accused and was pregnant with his child.
Defense lawyer Sheldon Pinx said the woman should be charged with mischief, obstruction of justice or even perjury.'

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India: Kitply ad promotes domestic violence vs. men, groups take legal action

The story is here and here. The views of SIFF and its allied organisation are here.

We have filed a legal complaint with the Advertisement Council of India; the hearing is soon. If they do not act, we have the option of filing in the Indian courts. Promotion of violence is bad, against men or women. We were able to get Ponds (produced by Unilever, Inc.) to withdraw their ad by similar protests. SIFF statement excerpt:

"SAVE INDIAN Family Foundation, strongly and severely condemns the derogatory ad being telecast at the behest of Kitply Industries. The ad shows a young timid man getting married to a woman and on the first night, the bed crumbles. The wife asks the husband, "Kitply nahi laye kya?" (Have you not bought Kitply?) and slaps the husband.

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Sperm Warfare, Another Male Contraceptive Update

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men are short-changed when it comes to birth control. Vasectomy is painful and not always reversible. Condoms blunt pleasure, break and slip off. Or there is that Russian-roulette standby, coitus interruptus.
“Men want new contraceptive methods,” says Elaine Lissner, director of the non-profit Male Contraception Information Project in San Francisco.A decade ago demand wasn't there and it was assumed women wouldn't trust men to take charge of birth control anyway. That has changed.”'

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Slain preacher's wife wins permanent custody of daughters

Story here. Excerpt:

'HUNTINGDON, Tennessee (AP) -- A woman convicted of killing her minister husband two years ago was granted permanent custody of their three young daughters Friday and said she has resumed a cordial relationship with the grandparents who fought to take the children away from her.
Judge Ron Harmon of Carroll County Chancery Court returned full custody following a brief hearing, saying he was pleased that Winkler and her former in-laws have agreed to work together for the good of the children.
Winkler, then 33, said she accidentally shot her husband with a shotgun she had intended to use to scare him after a night of arguing. She told a trial jury in Selmer that she had suffered years of emotional and physical abuse from her husband.

She drew a three-year prison sentence but was granted probation for most of it and was sent to a mental institution after sentencing for treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder.'

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Fact Check: Did McCain oppose helping women get equal pay?

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Statement: At a campaign rally Friday, September 19, in Coral Gables, Florida, Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama said, "It's not that Sen. McCain doesn't care about what's going on in the lives of women in this country. I like to think it's just that he doesn't know. Because, why else would he oppose legislation to help women get equal pay … ?"

The Facts: The legislation Obama apparently referenced is the Lilly Ledbetter Act of 2007 — which would have effectively expanded the length of time during which someone could sue an employer for pay discrimination. Ledbetter, a former Goodyear Tire employee, sued for years of unequal pay, but the U.S. Supreme Court ruled she should have filed suit within 180 days of the first unfair paycheck.'

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Edmonton Sun: Divorced from reality

Article here. Excerpt:

'I inadvertently stoked the ever-simmering gender war last week when comments I reported from a domestic violence conference unleashed a fusillade of male outrage.
Still, the men want their say so let's proceed. I received countless e-mails from wounded men (both physically and emotionally) who said they'd either been assaulted by unhinged wives or falsely accused of either harming their wives or molesting their kids.

"I'm a guppy in a sea of really big and angry fish," wrote one man who said he was falsely accused of sexually abusing his two-year-old daughter.

Men wrote about being assaulted by their wives - with no subsequent charges by the police. They complained about the nasty games women play to cut them out of their kids' lives.'

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Woman gets life for making child porn

Story here. Excerpt:

'Kelly Lumadue, a 33-year-old woman who was videotaped by her husband having sex with a 5-year-old boy, has been sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Lumadue, who was 21 when she had sex with the child, said she performed those acts under duress by her husband (now deceased), a professional photographer who recorded the sessions.'

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Cell phones can affect sperm quality, researcher says

Story here. Excerpt:

'(CNN) -- Keeping a cell phone on talk mode in a pocket can decrease sperm quality, according to new research from the Cleveland Clinic.

"We believe that these devices are used because we consider them very safe, but it could cause harmful effects due to the proximity of the phones and the exposure that they are causing to the gonads," says lead researcher Ashok Agarwal, the Director of the Center for Reproductive Medicine.'

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UK: Anti-Women Urban Design?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Have you ever queued for a toilet? Tried changing a baby's nappy on a park bench? Slid off the alleged "seat" at the bus stop (or failed to perch on it in the first place)? If so you are a victim of anti-women urban design. Research presented last month at the Royal Geography Society's annual conference found that our cities are still being designed for the benefit of men. The report, by Dr Gemma Burgess of Cambridge University, concluded that the vast majority of town planners are ignoring the gender equality planning regulations that were brought in last year. This is significant, because if public spaces were designed with women in mind, they would look entirely different, with much more lighting, better-situated car parks and more areas where residential and office spaces are mixed, making it far easier to juggle work and childcare.'

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UK: Under-fives have almost no male teachers

Story here. Excerpt:

'Just one in 50 teachers of the youngest primary schoolchildren in England are male, despite a government recruitment campaign, figures revealed today.

Only 2% of staff in nursery and reception classes, which teach under-fives, are men, according to figures from the Department for Children, Schools and Families.

In schools with receptions but no nurseries, this figure falls to 1%. Men account for 16% of all primary schoolteachers.

The figures led to warnings over the social impact of many boys reaching the age of 11 without a positive male role model.'

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CBC columist draws fire over Palin column

Article here. I found about this article from this report. So much for sisterhood. ;) Excerpt:

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Credit crisis affects wives: for richer, for poorer?

Article here. Financial ruin befalls millions and all this author can talk about is how it affects well-to-do upper-middle and upper-class women that decided to "sacrifice" and stay home while their husbands went to work long hours at stressful finance jobs. Now, of course, we should feel sorry for these poor victims and understand when they head to the local courthouse to file for divorce. You may reply that she seems to be writing with a sense of irony and a general contempt for the complaints in question, but frankly, I don't fall for it. Am I being humorless here? As always, comments welcome. Excerpt:

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