Teacher gets 2 years' home detention for 'sex tryst' with boy, 15

Story here. Excerpt:

'The 15-year-old boy's foster parents noticed improved study skills, better behavior and a more positive attitude during the few months he worked with Sheila Vasquez.
Friday, she was sentenced to two years on home detention and four years on probation for sexual misconduct with a minor. The offense requires registration as a sex offender.

She could have faced up to eight years in prison under her plea agreement. But in meting out a six-year sentence, Marion Superior Court Commissioner Stan Kroh noted her blank criminal history, remorse and responsibility for three young children.

The last four years will be spent on sex offender probation. Kroh recommended she continue with counseling.'

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Actor Admits to 'Sleeping With' Stepmother at Age 12

Story here. Excerpt:

'George Hamilton reveals in his new book that he slept with his stepmother when he was only 12.

"When I was very young, 12, I had a relationship with my stepmother," he told the ladies of the View on Thursday.
"My father never knew about it, and it was a very strange thing. But it was very normal, in a strange — she didn't make me feel bad about it," Hamilton said on the program. "It wasn't dirty."

Hamilton said that his stepmother called it "cuddling" and he didn't feel abnormal about it.

"I was molested?" he said. "Damn, I'm down for it again."

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Women's 'empowerment' laws in India used for extortion

Section 498a of the Indian Penal Code is a criminal law in which the wife and her parental family can charge any or all of the husband’s family for physical or mental cruelty. This law is unique to India, it not only discriminates based on gender (man Vs. woman), but also discriminates against women based on their relationship with the husband. Typically, the charged family members in these cases include:

• Mostly women of all ages (unmarried, married and pregnant sisters of the husband, his mother and sisters-in-law, elderly grandmothers and aunts)
• Other maternal and paternal relatives and even young children in the family.

Most failed marriages are ending up in false 498A cases so as to blackmail the husband and extort maximum out of him.

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UK: Boys lag girls at school by five

Article here. Excerpt:

'Girls already have a well-established educational lead over boys by the time they start school, a study claims.

The study of 15,000 UK children suggests girls are two months ahead of boys in tests of verbal, non-verbal and visual skills by the age of five.
It also found girls had fewer behaviour problems than boys, and those children with better behavioural development tended to have a greater ability to learn.'

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Michigan Mom May Lose All Children After Abandoning 13-Year-Old Son in Nebraska

Story here. Excerpt:

'PONTIAC, Mich. — Prosecutors in the home county of a Michigan woman who abandoned her 13-year-old son at a Nebraska hospital this week said Thursday they are seeking temporary custody of all the woman's children.

Prosecutor Deborah Carley said a hearing would be held Thursday afternoon in Oakland County juvenile court on her petition for temporary custody of the five children of Terri and Terrance Martin of Southfield.

Terri Martin made a roughly 12-hour drive to leave the 13-year-old at an Omaha hospital under Nebraska's unique safe haven law.'

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MSN: If he's happy he must be cheating

MSN cannot stop with the "suspect men of everything" stuff, can they? Latest is here. Excerpt:

'4. Nothing fazes him anymore.“If he was short-tempered before, a combination of added sex and attention could be making him way more relaxed, even downright giddy,” Vranich says. Adds Mira Kirshenbaum, author of When Good People Have Affairs: Inside the Hearts and Minds of People in Two Relationships: “If your guy is suddenly going around all happy and whistling, then you need to find out why.”'

I.e., a man in a relationship isn't allowed to be happy. The implication therefore is that in order to be sure your husband or boyfriend is not cheating on you is that he is perennially miserable. Gee, sign me up for that deal!

For giggles, let's reverse the sexes on this one:

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California DV ruling makes MSM

Video here. Marc, et al., you guys hit the ball out of the park! And NCFM get a solid mention, too. Fantastic work!

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New dads can get postpartum depression, too

Article here. Excerpt:

'If his baby had needed to be soothed three months ago, Sandler, 36, of Houston, Texas, might have handed the baby off to his wife and then found an excuse to leave the house.

"Honestly, it felt like when I was at home, the walls became very, very close in. I wouldn't say claustrophobic, but very cabin feverish," Sandler said.

It turned out that Sandler, a medical device salesman, had more than cabin fever. He recently got an official diagnosis: He has a male version of postpartum depression.'

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Obama Interview With Men's Health Magazine

Article here. Excerpt:

"We need to have an awareness built in throughout various agencies charged with improving health. I'll give you a specific example. My grandfather died of prostate cancer. As men age, regular checkups are critical. But it's hard to get them to go in for that mildly unpleasant checkup. Increasing awareness of the difference it could make shouldn't just be the activity of the Department of Health and Human Services.
Somebody once said that every man is either trying to live up to his dad's expectations or make up for his dad's mistakes. And I'm sure I was doing a little bit of both. But I feel that somewhere in my late 20s or early 30s I sort of figured out what his absence had meant. It is part of what I think has made me a pretty good dad. I don't think it would have too much of an impact on my decision-making as president. There's no doubt that it has contributed to my drive. I might not be here had it not been for that absent father prodding me early in life."

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College dean: Student lied about rape

Story here. Excerpt:

'ANDERSON — An alleged rape on the campus of Anderson University last week was falsely reported, a university official said Tuesday

Dean of Students Brent Baker announced to students during a morning chapel service that a female student lied when she told campus police she had been raped Oct. 6.

“At the conclusion of the investigation by the Anderson Police Department, they’ve determined— and we’re in agreement— that a false rape report was filed,” Baker told the large crowd of students gathered at Reardon Auditorium'

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Grandma with five dead husbands freed

Story here. Excerpt:

' RALEIGH, North Carolina (AP) -- A Georgia grandmother who came under suspicion because all five of her husbands had died was released Thursday from a North Carolina jail where she had been held on charges in one of their deaths.

Betty Neumar, 76, posted $300,000 bond late Thursday morning at the Stanly County jail, where she's been held since her arrest in May, Sheriff Rick Burris said.

He did not know the conditions of her release or where she got the money. It was not clear if she would be allowed to leave the state.

Neumar is charged with solicitation to commit first-degree murder in the 1986 death of husband No. 4, Harold Gentry.'

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Stem cells from testicles an option to embryos

Story here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON — Cells taken from men's testicles seem as versatile as the stem cells derived from embryos, researchers reported Wednesday in what may be yet another new approach in a burgeoning scientific field.

The new type of stem cells could be useful for growing personalized replacement tissues, according to a study in Thursday's issue of the journal Nature. But because of their source, their highest promise would apply to only half the world's population: men.'

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"Windfall moms join deadbeat dads"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Recently...I stumbled upon a woman who not only managed to afford cosmetic surgery while feeding her family with food stamps, but who literally could write the book on "How To Beat The System and Screw My Ex-Husband All In One Fell Swoop."
It all started in 1989, when the Legislature enacted the Child Support Standards Act, which remains the driving force in determining parents' child support obligations.

The act was necessary for a lot of reasons, not the least of which was the need to protect mothers from baby-daddies who planted their seeds without ever tending to the saplings born there from. It should be regaled for that reason alone.

Unfortunately, the act is not without its bugs, and in certain scenarios - particularly those where Dad is not a deadbeat, but rather a hard-working slob who may have fallen on hard times - the flaws in the law can truly undermine the purpose.'

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George Lopez promotes sexual violence on Nickelodeon

On the October 14th episode of "George Lopez" which is shown on Nickelodeon, a network for children, George and his mother are in a bar sitting at a table. The mother starts insulting a man who is sitting at the bar. The man gets fed up and stands up and turns around. She then charges at the man, gets in his face, and then knees him in the testicles. Then she pours her beer over his head while he lies helplessly on the ground. George then takes her out of the bar and they go home where she laughs about it. The scene is obviously intended to be funny, although there was nothing funny about it to anyone who isn't a misandric bigot. The most offensive thing about it is the fact that this misandric sexual violence is being shown on a children's network during prime time.

When I went to the nickelodeon website I could not find any links allowing me to contact them and express any opinion of any kind about their programming. Nickelodeon, by the way, is controlled by Viacom, which is controlled by the infamous Sumner Redstone, a psychotic sociopath with a long history of anti-white-male bigotry in all of his programming.

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Victory! CA Appellate Court Says Excluding Men from Domestic Violence Programs is Unconstitutional

Article here. Excerpt:

'California attorney Marc Angelucci scored a tremendous victory today as the Third District Court of Appeal in Sacramento ruled that California’s exclusion of men from domestic violence violates men’s constitutional equal protection rights.

The taxpayer lawsuit -- Woods. v. Shewry -- was initially filed in 2005 by four male victims of domestic violence.'

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