Girl arrested for allegedly stabbing boyfriend while holding her baby

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Salt Lake City teenager was arrested Tuesday for allegedly stabbing her live-in boyfriend in the back. Police say she held her small child while assaulting the man.
The man said he started to walk away from his girlfriend after breaking up with her and that he "lost all feeling in his legs," Bedard said. He then realized that the girlfriend had stabbed him in the back with a knife. The man was taken to an area hospital in serious condition.

The teenager fled the scene in a vehicle, but later turned herself into police. She was booked into juvenile detention on suspicion of aggravated assault and child endangerment.

The girl allegedly was holding her baby - who is about 6 months old - while she stabbed the boyfriend, Bedard said. The child was unharmed during the incident.'

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Police: McCain volunteer made up robbery story

Speaking of false accusations, I am not surprised to read this. When I read the initial story, I thought, "This is bunk; there are so many holes in it you could float campaign balloons through it." The liar said a 6'-4" black male was her attacker. Talk about pandering to racial stereotypes and prejudices against both men and blacks! But as long as men in general are considered fit targets for false accusations, should it come as any surprise that in a given case the liar would make the extra effort to say it was a black man who attacked her even if blacks make up only 10% of the population? These kinds of things are doubly disgusting and I will be extra annoyed if she doesn't do time for it, and I bet she'll get "psychiatric counseling" instead. Excerpt:

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Czech "cannibal women" get only 9- and 10-year sentences

Story here. Excerpt:

'A cannibal cult mother who tortured her son in a locked cellar while relatives skinned him and forced him to eat his own flesh has been jailed for nine years.

Klara Mauerova, 31 - a member of a sinister religious cult and her sister Katerina led the sickening torture of her eight-year-old son Ondrej and his ten year-old brother Jakub.
The judge also jailed Katerina, 35, for ten years for her role in the sickening abuse.

The two boys had told judges how their mother and relatives had stubbed cigarettes out on their bare skin, whipped them with belts, and tried to drown them. They were also sexually abused and forced to cut themselves with knives.'

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Mutant gene found in 70 percent of prostate cancer

Article here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A mutated gene previously linked to breast cancer has been found in 70 percent of prostate tumors as well, U.S. researchers reported on Friday.

They found the gene BP1 was overactive in samples of prostate tumors removed from patients and said their finding suggests the gene may underlie other cancers too.

"We have previously published that it is active in 80 percent of (ductal) breast cancer (samples tested) and 63 percent of acute myeloid leukemia, and now we are finding it in prostate cancer," Dr. Patricia Berg of the George Washington University Medical Center, who led the study, said in a telephone interview.'

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Teacher Accused Of Tying Students To Chairs

Story here. Excerpt:

'NEW BRITAIN, Conn. -- A New Britain special education teacher has pleaded not guilty to charges she abused autistic children.

Michelle Campbell, 36, had no comment outside New Britain Superior Court Thursday on the charges that she abused children at the Chamberlain School. However, parents of Campbell's alleged victims had a lot to say about the charges brought against the teacher.

"This was putting children in a closet in the dark, holding them in the closet, holding the door, not letting them out," said spokeswoman for the alleged victims' families, Lisa Nkonoki. "Waterboarding if you will -- taking the child, putting water up their nostrils and face so they couldn't breath."
Parent Alertba Marin said that her autistic son, one of the alleged victims, doesn't want to sleep alone in bed any more.

"He doesn’t want to sleep with the light off," she said.'

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Four Men Become First Males to Major in Women's Studies at K-State

Story here. Excerpt:

'Four men have become the first to pursue a degree in women's studies at Kansas State University.

Program director Angela Hubler says the men are breaking ground in a way similar to equal-rights activists Frederick Douglas and John Stuart Mill. She says students who major in women's studies are committed to social justice issues.

University officials say there are many job opportunities for students who major in women's studies, including law, counseling and politics.'

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Misandric 'The Ex List Show' Debuts On CBS

Article here. Excerpt:

'Abandon hope and every drop of testosterone, all ye who enter here. CBS' new comedy-drama The Ex List is a descent to the most profound levels of Chick Flick Hell, where the damned and those with Y chromosomes cry out in agony through all eternity.

Aimed at an underserved television demographic -- Women Aged 18 To 34, Home Without A Date On Friday Night And Cursing The Entire Male Gender As A Result -- The Ex List goes about its male-bashing business with a ruthless glee.

Men are too clingy. Men don't want to commit. Men whine. Men roar. Men want to drink your blood. (You think I'm kidding about that one, don't you? Oh, you poor bastard.) Men don't grow. Men change. Men say they'll write a song about you, and then it turns out to be called Bitch Left Me On My Birthday. This is a Lifetime movie times The View, raised to the power of Oprah, except there's no chance you'll get a free car for watching.'

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Castration: The Next TV Frontier

Article here. Excerpt:

'The temperature has cooled, the leaves are turning colors, and the new fall television season has begun. Enter the mudslide. The Shock and Awe manipulators have been unleashed to air evermore graphic sex and grotesque violence -- and, predictably, a combination of the two. The first "winner" in this race to the bottom was the FX cable channel, another sure bet. On Sept.17, viewers of the appropriately named new series "Sons of Anarchy" were "treated" to a graphic castration scene, complete with hacked-off genitals shown lying in a pool of blood.

Completely tasteless programming is in, and FX bathes in it. The mastermind of all that Rupert Murdoch-backed villainy is an executive named John Landgraf, who pronounces his philosophical approach thusly: "One of our writers used to say, 'Bad men do what good men can only dream about.' There is a sense that what these characters are doing is allowing us to explore, in a safe context, our id and subconscious, what we might do if there were no restraints of society or conscience on us.'

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Society hides male domestic abuse

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men tend to suffer the same torments as women as long as they stay in abusive relationships, including shock, unexpressed anger, misplaced guilt, and agony over whether to stay or go.

Those who don’t go generally stay for the same reasons women do — fear, dependence or a desire to keep the family together for the children. Men, too, can be beaten and tortured into a state of learned helplessness.

When abused men leave, their experiences tend to be much different than those of their female counterparts. They are less likely to tell anyone the truth about the breakup and must face sexist attitudes from many sources.'

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UCF men slip on heels to understand domestic violence

Story here. Is this becoming a trend? On October 10th, men in North Carolina did the very same thing. Excerpt:

'Male students at the University of Central Florida got the chance to strut around the Student Union patio in high heels Wednesday afternoon to make point about domestic violence.

The men were participating in the second annual "Walk a Mile in Her Shoes'' demonstration, part of "Strike Back! Help Break the Cycle of Violence'' hosted by UCF Victim Services in conjunction with Harbor House of Central Florida. Harbor House is an Orange County agency that provides temporary shelter, advocacy and information for individuals in an abusive relationship.'

Ed. note: Looks like it. Another such story here.

'JANESVILLE — More than 80 men marched proudly for a good cause Friday evening in downtown Janesville. They wore high heels.

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Woman admits to false rape report, pays fine and gets 'counseling'

Story here. Excerpt:

'Instead, there was "rough sex" gone wrong, infidelity and what Mebruer testified Monday was a big mistake.

The 35-year-old was found guilty of filing a false police report after a bench trial before Greene County Associate Circuit Judge Mark Powell.

As punishment for the misdemeanor, she'll have to pay the Springfield Police Department more than $1,350, undergo counseling and spend two years on unsupervised probation.'

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Mom Whose Baby Ate Crack Cocaine at Party Won't Go to Jail

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Buffalo, N.Y., mother whose baby boy ate crack cocaine and opiates at a party was spared jail time because a judge was impressed by her efforts to turn her life around.
Dixon brought the baby to a party in June where people were smoking crack. He became ill and went to the hospital after he accidentally ingested the drugs.
In court Tuesday, the judge sentenced the mother to one year of probation and ordered her to submit to Buffalo Drug Court scrutiny to overcome her issues with marijuana.'

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Author says schools have become tougher on boys

Article here. Excerpt:

'But as a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter for Newsweek and CNN, Tyre noticed a trend: As schools across the country cut recess, music and other subjects not required by state tests, the number of students taking medication for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder went up.
"Boys probably do better in a more active learning environment," Schwartz said. "But we need to be paying attention to each individual child. Boys may need a more active, problem-solving curriculum; gifted and talented students need the opportunity to stretch themselves; our English language learners need intensive support to develop their English language skills. We need to focus on a variety of strategies to help kids succeed better in order to be doing our job.".

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Duke false accuser threatened with lawsuit over book

Story here. Excerpt:

'DURHAM, N.C. (AP) — The woman who prosecutors determined falsely accused three Duke lacrosse players of rape maintains in a new memoir that she was attacked, a claim that provoked an angry lawsuit threat from one player's family.

Crystal Mangum, who appeared publicly Thursday for the first time since making the allegations more than two years ago, says in her book being made available online Friday that she is not "looking forward to opening old wounds" but that she had to defend herself.'

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Domestic Violence Ads Claim Boys Grow Up to Be Abusers

Story here. Excerpt:

'A domestic violence shelter's new awareness campaign features ads on city buses that show young children alongside disturbing captions such as, "One day my husband will kill me."

The ads, which appear on and inside several Dallas buses, are designed to shock people, said Paige Flink, The Family Place's executive director.

"Children are greatly affected by family violence, even though people think it's a man and a woman fighting," Flink said in Thursday's editions of The Dallas Morning News. "Victims get blamed a lot. If you put an adult battered woman (on an ad), some people would blame her. But children are still seen as innocent."

The nonprofit group's ads have prompted a few complaints and two billboard companies refused to accept it, Flink said.'

Okay, the place running these ads is called "The Family Place." How many MEN have been turned down by this shelter?


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