CBS yanks low-rated `The Ex List' from schedule

Story here. Excerpt:

'LOS ANGELES — CBS has crossed "The Ex List" off its schedule.

The hourlong comedy about a woman searching for true love among her ex-boyfriends has been pulled from the network lineup, CBS said Monday. Its Friday time slot will be filled this week by a rerun of "NCIS."
"The Ex List" had aired four times. Last week's show dropped about 1 million viewers from the previous week, bringing the total audience to less than 5.5 million.'

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Vitamin E flops in prostate cancer trial

Story here. Excerpt:

'(CBS) It's a huge disappointment in the field of cancer prevention.

The largest trial of its kind - known as "SELECT" - hoped Vitamin E and selenium would prevent prostate cancer. But CBS News has learned patients are being told to stop taking the pills - because they don't seem to work, CBS News medical correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook reports. Researchers will continue to monitor the patients in the trial.

"Taking selenium or Vitamin E at the doses that we used in the SELECT trial for an average of five years did not prevent prostate cancer," said Dr. Eric Klein.
Men who took selenium alone were more likely to develop diabetes. The researchers believe the increases may just be due to chance.

"The safety issues are of more minor concern and bear further follow-up," Klein said.'

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Joe Biden And Domestic Abuse

Story here. Excerpt:

'Senator Biden speaking from a cell phone in his campaign bus gave us the straight talk for over 30 minutes about how we are doing "God's work." He pledged that in an Obama-Biden Administration that they would create a full-time White House staff advisory position with the responsibility to report on violence against women and coordinate a focused Domestic Violence effort to fight the "abuse of power and our society's ugliest, dirtiest little secret!"

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Mercy for sick mum who flung new tot

Story here. What else is new? Women try to kill and stupid she-men in the courts let them go and hand them back the kids they try to kill. Excerpt:

'A MUM wept yesterday as a judge showed her mercy after she hurled her baby son from a window while suffering severe post-natal depression.

The six-week-old fell 12ft on to concrete below the first floor hospital room where the woman was being treated.

Amazingly, he survived. After days of battling for life, he made a “very good recovery”, a court heard. Yesterday, his 30-year-old mother, who cannot be named, buried her head in her hands and sobbed as it was agreed she had been too mentally ill to know what she was doing. '

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Girl, 14, filmed her brother's hanging

Story here. You think women are awful and hateful and uncaring now? Here is the next generation in process. Excerpt:

'A TEENAGE girl whose young brother accidentally hanged himself used her mobile phone to FILM the tragedy, cops have revealed.
It is believed a game went tragically wrong. Police are investigating after a post-mortem revealed the lad, eight, died from asphyxiation.
He said: “I cannot begin to think why she would have done that — surely she should have been trying to get him down from the bunk bed with her other brother.

“I asked the policeman if he knew why on earth she had done it but he wouldn’t say much more about it.

“He told me it was 14-year-old girl using her mobile phone and that it was part of the police investigation.”'

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Glenn Sacks: Protest Father-Bashing Domestic Violence Ads!

Call to action here. Excerpt:

'Several hundred Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) buses feature misleading, father-bashing ads purporting to address the serious issue of domestic violence.

One ad depicts a happy little girl with the message "One day my husband will kill me." Another shows a smiling boy with the message "When I grow up, I will beat my wife."

The kids are talking about their fathers, and their pathology is due to their fathers' violence. The ads are, to put it bluntly, hate speech against fathers.'

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College blogger touches the fire with 'Advice 4 Women: How to NOT Get a “Deserved” Raping'

Blog entry here. Excerpt:

'...had I been a less-than-understanding guy (i.e., a forceful-type of guy who always “gets what he wants by any means necessary”), I could have just as easily forced a kiss on her, or worse - waited until after the club let out to follow her to her car, then followed her to her house. And, when she got out her car, I could have been right there ready to pounce on her, saying: “I think you owe me something, lady!!”

Sound far-fetched? Seeing as girls get raped everyday around the world, it’s not an implausible story.

Now, had I gone through with the second example, I’d be called a “monster” who “preyed upon this girl for no reason,” and would be looked down upon for doing such a thing. And, like I said before, given the actions that were taken in the second example, that title would have been deserved.

But, what about the girl? What about HER part in the scenario?

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Mom Admits Beating Daughter, 11, to Death With Mop

Story here. Excerpt:

'NEW YORK — A mother has been accused of beating her 11-year-old daughter with a mop handle, then leaving the vomiting, bleeding child in bed for days until she died, a law enforcement official said Monday.

Police were called to the Brooklyn apartment early Sunday, and the child, Alejandra Vasquez, was already dead.
She said she hit Alejandra with the mop handle so hard it shattered, telling police she carried out the attack because she hated the girl's father and despised the child, the official said.'

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False rape claim earns three months in prison

Story here. Excerpt:

"THE 23-YEAR-OLD daughter of murder victim Lizzie Roussel has been jailed for three months for making a false allegation of rape.

Emma Roussel did so to get back at her then boyfriend, who had dumped her for another woman.
‘I just wanted him to be hurt because of what he’d done. He’d broken my heart,’ she told police."

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Georgia woman drives hundreds of miles to give up 12-year-old son in Nebraska

Story here. Excerpt:

'LINCOLN, Neb. - A woman drove her 12-year-old son from Georgia to Nebraska to abandon him under the state's unique safe-haven law, the 20th child left at a hospital since the law took effect in July.

The boy, from the Atlanta suburb of Smyrna, was dropped off at BryanLGH Medical Center East in Lincoln on Saturday night, said Todd Landry of the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services.

The youngster is the third child from out of state driven to Nebraska to be abandoned under the law.'

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RADAR ALERT: As We Approach Election Day, Tell Candidates to Fix VAWA Now!

RADAR has just completed 45 radio interviews around the country. We're still riding the momentum from our hugely successful Heritage conference on October 1.

And we just got news of a historic legal victory in California: a state appeals court ruled that California domestic violence laws discriminate against men because they only provide state funding for women and their children who use shelters and other programs.

For the first time, the DV industry on the defensive. Let's keep the momentum going.

One week from now is Election Day. At no other time of the year are politicians more receptive to hearing about concerns or grievances that potential voters have.

This week is prime time to call, fax, e-mail, or meet every candidate at the local, state, and national levels and tell them "Fix VAWA Now." Use the method you think will work, but let us mention that we have flyers you can use at our website.

Of course, as always, be courteous and polite.

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India: Men suffering domestic violence unite

Story here. Excerpt:

'Sunday marked two years since the Domestic Violence (DV) Act came into effect. But some men observed it as black day. They say the act is inhuman since it ignores men completely.

Mohan (name changed, 30), a civil engineer with a construction company, had an arranged marriage two years ago and says he is being beaten up by his wife daily. "She wants to have control over me and wants me to do everything she says. My brother stays with me and she doesn't want me to support him or give money home.

Whenever she finds out that I have helped my family, or we have an altercation on the matter, she beats me with wooden sticks and iron rods," he said.'

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Report card on boys troubling

Story here. Excerpt:

'The pervasive underachievement of boys is creating intense concern for parents. Last month, the federal government released a study that showed nearly 1 in 5 parents of boys had talked to their pediatrician about their son's emotional or behavioral issues (compared with 1 in 10 parents of girls). It's troubling for boys themselves too. Teenage girls report more anxiety and stress but boys between the ages of 15 and 19 are four times more likely to die at their own hands than their female classmates.
In West Englewood, veteran principal Tim King opened Urban Prep Charter Academy for Young Men, a single-gender school. He's working to get poor boys back on track academically—and headed to college.

More school administrators should follow their lead. Before the school year gets any further along, let's stop blaming the boy. Instead, let's ask ourselves if the schools are engaging them—and if not, let's figure out what we can do to create an educational system in which all our children can succeed.'

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The other minority: Male teachers make an impression

Story here. Excerpt:

'Caley is one of only four male teachers in his school. Of the district’s 354 elementary teachers, only 37 are men.

That might come as no surprise. Men have been the minority among teachers in this country since the 19th century.

But this is the 21st century, when men and women aren’t railroaded into traditional roles. Things should be changing, right?

On the contrary, the number of men teaching school is at a 40-year low, according to the National Education Association.'

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Girl arrested for allegedly stabbing boyfriend while holding her baby

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Salt Lake City teenager was arrested Tuesday for allegedly stabbing her live-in boyfriend in the back. Police say she held her small child while assaulting the man.
The man said he started to walk away from his girlfriend after breaking up with her and that he "lost all feeling in his legs," Bedard said. He then realized that the girlfriend had stabbed him in the back with a knife. The man was taken to an area hospital in serious condition.

The teenager fled the scene in a vehicle, but later turned herself into police. She was booked into juvenile detention on suspicion of aggravated assault and child endangerment.

The girl allegedly was holding her baby - who is about 6 months old - while she stabbed the boyfriend, Bedard said. The child was unharmed during the incident.'

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