UK: Men narrow longevity gap on women

Article here. Excerpt:

'The differences in life expectancy between the sexes have narrowed across Britain, according to the latest longevity data from the Office for National Statistics, which show men are closing the gap with traditionally longer-living women.

The average woman born in 2006 is likely to live 2.7 years longer than one born in 1992 while men can expect to live 3.8 years longer.'

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Are More Women Committing Infidelity or Are They Just More Willing to Admit It?

Article here. Excerpt:

'In a new study, researchers from the University of Washington explored the recent increase in infidelity, and the changing makeup of the participants. A greater number of older men and younger women have reported being unfaithful than in earlier studies. However, historically, gauging responses in scientific studies of sensitive issues such as sexual behavior has proven to be a flawed science.

According to The New York Times, which cites the University of Washington’s research, the number of young women who report engaging in extramarital sex is not much lower than that of men. The study reports that 20 percent of men and 15 percent of women under the age of 35 have cheated on their spouses, up from 15 percent and 12 percent respectively.'

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El Camino Hospital Launches First Women's Hospital in Northern California

Story here. Excerpt:

'"In the best tradition--and reflecting the best practices--of women's hospitals worldwide, we are creating both a hospital and a service line designed and staffed to meet the unique needs and preferences of women," said Ken Graham, El Camino Hospital CEO. "Women, who represent 65% of patients who receive care at El Camino Hospital, have specialized health needs that extend well beyond maternity and related services--the focus of most hospital programs for women. We believe that better tailoring their lifelong care and the environment in which it is delivered will lead to even better outcomes and improved patient experiences."

The hospital is already considered a leader in women's services. It is the only one in Northern California to receive HealthGrades' Women's Health Excellence Award three years in a row, and the only one in the region to be 5-star rated for Women's Health Services.'

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Black men tell tales of transformation in new book "Ain't I a Feminist?"

Article here. Excerpt:

'"These men have defied the odds," said White, whose book breaks new ground in the empirical study of black feminist men. "Their lives help define what it means to be a feminist and an ethical human being."
"We need to begin teaching women's studies and discussing gender issues in preschool and elementary grades to promote feminist values of nonviolence, humility, empathy, and accountability," said White. "And we need to reform workplace policies that bar men from participating fully in family life. We need paid family leave, we need to enforce equal pay for equal work."'

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Germany: Teacher strips in school gym in front of students

Suppose she was drunk or just... stupid? Anyway, guess it looks like nothing will happen to her for it. Story here. Excerpt:

'The teacher is seen peeling off her top to reveal her bra and then starts to undo the zip of her trousers before another lecturer covers her in a tablecloth.
But the school's headmaster in Zalaegerszeg, western Hungary, has refused to sack the unnamed mistress despite pressure from parents and other teachers.

"I was forced to give the German teacher a warning, but I will not dismiss her because she is a valuable teacher for our institution," said head Sandor Rozman.

He claimed she had shown no more flesh "than you would see on a beach."'

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Texas Mom Throws 4-Year-Old Daughter Into Traffic

Story here. Excerpt:

'AUSTIN — A woman has been charged with child endangerment, a state jail felony, for beating her 4-year-old daughter before throwing her into the path of an oncoming vehicle, police said.
A witness at the bus stop told police he saw Gallardo lift her daughter by the arm so forcefully that he thought the girl's arm "was going to dislocate out of the socket." The witness told police that Gallardo then violently threw the girl into the street and pulled her by her hair before throwing her into a parked vehicle, according to an arrest affidavit.'

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Mom in China avoids jail after killing sick child

Story here. Excerpt:

'BEIJING - A Chinese mother who admitted poisoning and smothering her mentally ill daughter to death has been spared a jail sentence, state media reported Friday.

Li Daohong fed her 20-year-old daughter, who suffered from brain paralysis, more than 200 sleeping pills in a Beijing hotel before smothering her with towels and a quilt while she was asleep, the official Xinhua News Agency said.

The case was a rare public look at the difficulties of caring for the mentally ill in China, a subject that remains taboo in much of the country.
"The court is convinced of the fact that the defendant has spent great energy and money on the victim, and the mounting psychological burden proved unbearable for her," the judge said, according to Xinhua.'

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Glenn Sacks: Thousands Protest, Great Media Coverage--Contact City Officials!

Article here. Excerpt:

'Over the past three days Dallas Area Rapid Transit has been bombarded with several thousand calls and letters protesting the anti-father domestic violence ads depicted above. Our campaign has received considerable media coverage on television, radio, and in newspapers--see below.

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Police: Ex-lover killed woman in rage in Boynton Beach

Story here. Excerpt:

'BOYNTON BEACH — Carol Anne Burger killed her former lover by stabbing her 222 times with a Phillips-head screwdriver and then took pains to hide her crime, police said Wednesday.

Jessica Kalish, who shared a house with Burger despite breaking up with her more than a year ago, was found last Thursday stuffed in the backseat of her gun-metal BMW sedan, abandoned behind a medical office at 2300 S. Congress Avenue. Her blood was splashed around the rear end and undercarriage of the car, as if her killer had tried to load her into the trunk. The driver-side window was shattered.'

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Female Cornwall teacher jailed for six months for sexual assault

Story here. Excerpt:

'A former Cornwall junior high school teacher who sexually assaulted one of her 13-year-old male students was sentenced yesterday to six months in jail. At the sentencing hearing in August, Crown prosecutors argued that Jennifer Dorland, right, should spend at least 15 months behind bars.'

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Another boy abandoned in Nebraska

Anyone seeing a pattern here? Seems some people can't be rid off their sons fast enough. Story here. Excerpt:

'OMAHA, Neb. – A 17-year-old boy left at a hospital in Lincoln, Neb., may be counted as the 23rd child abandoned under the state's unique safe-haven law.

Lincoln police say the boy's parents took him to BryanLGH Medical Center West late Tuesday.

Police Capt. Jim Thoms says the parents told officers the boy wouldn't follow their rules and that they couldn't afford some programs he needed.'

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Massachusetts pol accused of literally stuffing bra with bribe money

Story here. Excerpt:

'Democratic state Sen. Dianne Wilkerson faces 40 years in prison after federal prosecutors outlined accusations that she accepted the bribes over an 18-month period in a money-for-legislative influence sting operation, prosecutors said. She had $6,000 in cash in her purse when she was arrested at her Roxbury home by nearly two dozen law enforcement officials, prosecutors said.

Democratic state Sen. Dianne Wilkerson faces 40 years in prison after federal prosecutors outlined accusations that she accepted the bribes over an 18-month period in a money-for-legislative influence sting operation, prosecutors said. She had $6,000 in cash in her purse when she was arrested at her Roxbury home by nearly two dozen law enforcement officials, prosecutors said.'


Ed. note: Not posted for the amusement factor, though I'll admit it's there. One of the basic assertions of feminists has been that female pols are much less likely to be corrupted/take bribes, etc. That is just not true as such stories illustrate.

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Report: Women Are Sex Addicts Too

Article here. Excerpt:

'Sex addiction. The term conjures up visions of men addicted to pornography or unable to commit to one woman.

But the so-called disease isn't just for men. Women are sex addicts too and some experts say almost a third of people treated for sex addiction are females.

“In America, 30 percent of people coming in for treatment for sex addiction are female,” Don Serratt, director of Life Works, which offers sex-addiction treatment in the UK, told the Times of London. “They’ll come for help with alcoholism, drug addiction or depression and, in the course of treatment, the sex addiction — the root cause of the other addictions — will be uncovered."

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Obama: Feminist/Marxist?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Obama's affinity for Marxists began when he attended Occidental College in Los Angeles.

"To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully," the Democratic presidential candidate wrote in his memoir, "Dreams From My Father." "The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists."

Obama's interest in leftist politics continued after he transferred to Columbia University in New York. He lived on Manhattan's Upper East Side, venturing to the East Village for what he called "the socialist conferences I sometimes attended at Cooper Union."'


Related submission: Obama and the Socialist problem Excerpt:

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Woman falsely reports rape to get day off from work

Story here. Excerpt:

'Rape is a traumatic crime, and when police get a call reporting sexual assault, it's taken very seriously. Police want to make sure that the person responsible for the crime is locked up and prevented from attacking anyone else, but 2% of all rape cases reported are discovered to be false accusations.

Police in Marlow say that's exactly what happened when an 18-year-old woman fabricated a report of rape. Many women who falsely report rapes are seeking attention - good or bad. However, in this case, police say the young woman who admitted to falsifying two rape reports only wanted a day off from work.'

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