Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2008-12-03 05:28
Story here. Excerpt:
'The two Heritage High School science clubs are in head-to-head competition with their NASA challenge experiments. They're also trying to outdo each other with entries for a coming science fair.
Members of the fledgling girls-only STARS predict that they'll mop up.
The message back from Men of Brilliance: Bring it on.
Four years ago, neither club existed. Men of Brilliance — MOB — was created first, born of concern for male students who were falling behind in their math and science classes, Ouellette said.
"It's no secret that males, especially socioeconomically disadvantaged males, are at the bottom of the ladder," Ouellette said. "The girls aren't. We've pounded it into the girls that they are smart about science and math, but what did we do in the process? We ignored the males. This is a way to improve the situation."'
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2008-12-02 20:28
Story here. Excerpt:
'DECEMBER 2--A group of teenagers working at a Minnesota nursing home abused and sexually humiliated elderly residents suffering from Alzheimer's disease and dementia, prosecutors allege. The six young female caregivers were named yesterday in criminal complaints charging them with a variety of cruel behavior at the Good Samaritan Society nursing home in Albert Lea, a city in southern Minnesota.'
Not unrelatedly, I suppose: 1 in 5 young Americans has personality disorder
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2008-12-02 17:26
Video report here. Watch how the "reporters" trip over themselves to side with that "poor mom". Would they have done so had she done this to a daughter?
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2008-12-02 17:07
Story here. Excerpt:
'Twelve years ago, Frank Rodriguez pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a child.
Faced with two to 20 years in prison on the charge, he signed a plea bargain that gave him seven years probation. He was told he must never be near children. That meant he couldn't be any place where children gather, like playgrounds or parks, which made it tough to find work.
Rodriguez completed his seven years' probation without another violation, but he will forever be on the Texas sex offender registry. And what was the nature of the sex crime he committed? Well, when he was 19, Frank had sex with his 15 year-old girlfriend, Nikki Prescott, at her suggestion.
"It was my idea," she said. "I would say I pushed it more."'
ABC News Video: Age of Consent: Double Standard?
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Submitted by patriotsofamerica on Tue, 2008-12-02 03:15
Story here. Excerpt:
'PHOENIX — A Mesa baby sitter has been arrested and accused by Mesa police of leaving two children home alone while she went out drinking.
The children's mother told police her boyfriend's sister, 18-year-old Synjan Mitchell, was baby-sitting her 5-month-old daughter and 21-month-old son Wednesday.
The mother told police she came home and found the front door of her apartment open.
The mother says she found loud music playing, beer cans scattered on the floor and her two children home alone.'
Yeah, women are really the responsible ones...not! I bet this woman/baby sitter claims some kind of victimhood for her actions.
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2008-12-02 03:02
Article here. Excerpt:
'American teenagers lie, steal and cheat more at "alarming rates," a study of nearly 30,000 high school students concluded Monday.
In its 2008 Report Card on the Ethics of American Youth, the Los Angeles-based organization said the teenagers' responses to questions about lying, stealing and cheating "reveals entrenched habits of dishonesty for the workforce of the future."
Boys were found to lie and steal more than girls.
"As bad as these numbers are, it appears they understate the level of dishonesty exhibited by America's youth," the study warned, noting than more than a fourth of the students (26 percent) admitted they had lied on at least one or two of the survey questions.'
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2008-12-02 02:52
Blog entry here. Excerpt:
'Our Campaign Protesting Father-Bashing Domestic Violence Ads was recently praised on PJTV by two prominent commentators--Michelle Malkin and Glenn Reynolds.
Malkin is a syndicated columnist whose columns appear in nearly 200 newspapers, the author of three books, and a frequent TV and radio commentator.
Reynolds' blog,, is perhaps the most-read political blog in the US, and he is an author and frequent TV commentator.'
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2008-12-02 02:49
Story here. Excerpt:
'TULSA, OK -- An Oklahoma teenager is swept up in laws aimed at protecting kids from child predators. He must register as a sex offender for life, as the worst level offender, after having a sex with his girlfriend, who said she was his age, 16. Sex between teenagers is no longer just a moral issue, it's a legal one.
But, the district attorney charged Ricky as an adult for two counts of felony sex abuse of a child. He was facing 25 years in prison, so he pleaded guilty and got a deferred sentence, which means it would expunged off his record.
Ricky's record was expunged last month, but Oklahoma won't take him off the registry.'
The petition in support of changing the current laws is at Please sign!
It is a call for legislative action to change the laws that have done such great harm to Ricky and others like him. When we unite in encouraging our legislators to act responsibly to correct these injustices, we pay the just price for our freedom.
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2008-12-02 00:56
Story here. Excerpt:
'The four "poster boys" for the first Men's Night haven't forgotten the lessons they learned from the February 2008 event. While their experiences didn't drastically change their lives, they did have a lasting impact and spur them to be more health-conscious.
The four — Buzz Lundeen, Joel Myhre, Rick Schara and Mick Siems — agreed in December 2007 to go public with a healthy competition to promote Men's Night, an evening of speakers and information focused on men's health....
The success of the event — close to 300 men braved the blustery weather on a cold February night to attend — inspired organizers to make plans for the 2009 Men's Night. It's scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 26, on the Fergus Falls campus of Minnesota State Community and Technical College.
Siems, the community health outreach manager for Lake Region Healthcare and organizer for Men's Night, said the keynote speaker will be Bud Grant, former coach of the Minnesota Vikings and a well-known outdoor enthusiast.'
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2008-12-01 20:21
Story here. Excerpt:
'A 63-year-old Inkster woman will face murder charges stemming from an arson at the home of her ex-boyfriend which claimed the life of his new girlfriend.
The fire, at 28000 block of Rosewood Street, claimed the life of homeowner Larry Lee’s 52-year-old girlfriend, Denise Robinson, who was overcome by smoke in the upstairs bedroom, according to reports.
Zilpah Ann Warmack was charged with one count of felony murder, one count of assault with intent to murder, and an additional count of arson Wednesday at the 22nd District Court in Inkster.
The felony murder charge carries a mandatory life sentence behind bars, the assault charge carries a penalty of any number of years in prison up to life, and arson is punishable by 20 years in prison.'
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2008-12-01 20:17
Story here. Excerpt:
'A Timonium woman was arrested Thanksgiving Day and charged with first-degree murder in the shooting death of Timothy Lekin, also of Timonium.
Keri Schneider, 36, of Thornhill Road, is being held without bail at the Baltimore County Detention Center, in Towson.
Police responded to a call at 3:05 p.m. Nov. 26 about a man slumped over the steering wheel of his car at the end of Sparks Valley Road, in Sparks, said a police spokesman, Cpl. Mike Hill.
Police found Lekin, 35, of Cormer Court, had been shot and was dead in his car. Evidence at the scene linked Schneider to the killing, police said. She had been having a relationship with the victim, police said.'
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2008-12-01 17:11
Story here. S.O.S. indeed! Excerpt:
'Obama introduced Clinton first, saying of his former presidential rival, "She possesses an extraordinary intelligence and toughness, and a remarkable work ethic. ... She is an American of tremendous stature who will have my complete confidence, who knows many of the world's leaders, who will command respect in every capital, and who will clearly have the ability to advance our interests around the world."
Clinton will give up her seat as a senator from New York to join the Obama Cabinet. Her appointment was preceded by lengthy negotiations involving her husband, the former president, whose international business connections posed potential conflicts of interests.'
Of course the Senate has to confirm her first. Undoubtedly they will do so. I would be very surprised indeed if they didn't.
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2008-12-01 10:53
Story here. Excerpt:
'Embarrassed Carleton students are getting closer to ousting the members of their student council responsible for a cystic fibrosis gaffe that garnered national attention.
Frustrated by their student council's recent decision to drop a cystic fibrosis charity as the beneficiary of its annual Shinearama fundraiser because the disease "has been recently revealed to only affect white people, and primarily men," Carleton students are attempting to clear their school's name with a petition to impeach their union president
CUSA president Brittany Smyth said she was "very sorry for the confusion" and stated that an emergency meeting of the association's council is planned for next Monday evening and she'll be personally trying to rescind a decision to pull CUSA support for the annual "Shinerama" fundraiser.
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2008-12-01 10:50
Article here. Excerpt:
'There have been a number of cases on university campuses of late in which it appears that political correctness is trumping free expression --and even common sense.
The Carleton University Students' Association voted to drop giving money to a cystic fibrosis charity because the disease "has been recently revealed to only affect white people, and primarily men." Under a barrage of criticism, the student council reinstated the charity as a beneficiary.
At Queen's University, in Kingston, Ont., the school administration hired six students whose jobs as "dialogue facilitators" involves intervening in conversations among students encourage discussion of such social justice issues as race, ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation. (The program is now being subject to early review.)'
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Submitted by anthony on Mon, 2008-12-01 09:36
Article here. Excerpt:
'The new improved Girly Men are marching, (mincing) in lockstep in front of anyone who will watch, patting themselves on the back for having ‘evolved’. These men have swallowed whole the feminist mantra that This Is What Women Want. A new, sensitive man. A man not afraid of feelings, a man in touch with his inner self who has the, yes, the raw courage, to shed the shackles (whew) of masculinity.
Nail polish and hair spray will become the new weapons in the battle of the sexes. And millions of men are rushing to re-invent themselves in the new, socially ordained and politically acceptable way. They have become ‘empowered’. Metrosexuals are the new flavor of the day.
Girly Men have claimed the moral high ground and traditional methods of male behavior are to be considered déclassé. Feelings trump facts, intentions trump outcomes and tears trump fists. Men have evolved to a higher plane and they’re loving it.
So are our enemies.'
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