Korean Women Say Birth Control Is Men's Responsibility

Article here. Excerpt:

'Birth control has become an important issue for women's rights as well as the environment. However, a study of South Korean women aged 19-34 found 45% believe contraception should be a man's responsibility. Only 4.8% in the survey felt birth control was a woman's responsibility.

The survey, by the Study Group for Contraception, shows that most women are doing little or nothing to avoid unwanted pregnancies. Of the 1000 women who participated in the survey, one in five said she relied on coitus interruptus or timing pregnancy cycles as a form of birth control. Both methods have high failure rates of around 25%.
What's more, abortion is illegal in South Korea, except under extenuating circumstances. The result is an almost entirely first-world country where each year hundreds of thousands of women practice illegal abortions at "don't ask don't tell" clinics.

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DailyIllini: No plans to add more men's varsity sports

Article here. Excerpt:

'But between baseball at Wisconsin, cross country and track and field at Northwestern, and men's soccer and swimming and diving at Illinois, there are many cases throughout the Big Ten where otherwise common sports are absent.

Illinois has been without men's swimming and diving since the 1990s, when the University eliminated it, along with men's fencing, in favor of picking up women's soccer and softball.
The NCAA has tried to help universities comply with Title IX by creating "emergent sports," which are exclusive to women. An emergent sport is a NCAA-recognized sport that is not part of Division I, II or III. They are a means to test a sport to determine whether it is competitive and appealing.

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UK: Warning to men over fake drugs

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men could be gambling with their lives by buying fake medicines, a top medical professional has warned.

The Cracking Counterfeit report, commissioned by Pfizer Inc - the world's largest research-based pharmaceutical company - highlighted the ignorance amongst men about which medicines required a prescription.

Pfizer's medical director, Dr David Gillen, said: "Men bypassing the health system to purchase medicines is a growing problem in the UK, particularly relating to the increased availability of counterfeit medicines.
The Pfizer commissioned report reveals that one in 10 men interviewed admitted buying prescription-only medicines without a prescription. They included drugs for erectile dysfunction, smoking cessation, weight loss, lowering cholesterol and anti-depression.'

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Australia: Fathers 'disrupt debate on DNA'

Story here. Excerpt:

'EMOTIVE arguments from men's rights groups threaten to hijack the discussion of new laws to outlaw DNA theft.

The claim comes from policy-makers and academics backing moves to make it illegal to take and test a bodily sample such as hair or saliva without permission. The concern is that, because DNA testing is now easy and accessible, genetic information could be misused by employers, insurance agencies and journalists tracking down "famous DNA", as well as by angry spouses.

David Weisbrot, president of the Australian Law Reform Commission, said: "I wouldn't want to derail the general reform because of the concerns of fathers' groups which might be better addressed in other ways -- for instance, through family law reform."

Men who want genetic proof that they are the biological father of a child have legal avenues for getting the youngster tested even without the mother's consent.'

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Australia: Child support payments given back to duped 'dads'

Story here. Excerpt:

'MOTHERS are being forced to pay tens of thousands of dollars to men who paid child support over decades but were wrongly named as fathers.

The payouts follow a contentious reform of child-support laws.

In the biggest case, Queensland man Ken Rodgers obtained orders for the repayment of $60,000 after making child-support contributions for a decade to a woman who refused to send him even a photograph of his alleged child.

The Courier-Mail can reveal that 18 men, cleared of fatherhood by DNA testing, have attempted to reclaim funds already paid to the mothers through the Child Support Agency.'

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UK: New Judicial Law Treats Women More Leniently

Article here. Excerpt:

'Under the controversial reforms, men would be tried for murder rather than manslaughter for "crimes of passion" while women who kill abusive husbands because of years of abuse would be treated more leniently.
The government proposals, which have been characterised as being part of a feminist agenda, are aimed at ending what ministers call sexual discrimination in murder cases, where men get away with lighter sentences by claiming their wife's adultery had provoked them into an act of violence.
Under the proposals, men who kill wives or girlfriends will be less likely to escape murder convictions by pleading jealous anger. The law change is designed to help women who kill abusive husbands because of years of abuse. People will also be able to claim they killed for fear of future violence against them.'

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MySpace Trial Judge: Suicide Not Relevant

Story here. Excerpt:

'(AP) Prosecutors in the trial of a woman accused of a MySpace hoax that allegedly led a 13-year-old girl to kill herself will likely be prohibited from presenting evidence of the suicide, a U.S. District Court judge said Monday.

Judge George H. Wu told attorneys he was leaning toward excluding the evidence from the trial of Lori Drew, who is accused of using a fictitious profile on the social networking site to drive Megan Meier, her daughter's former friend, to hang herself.
"I don't necessarily think the suicide is relevant to the crime charged," Wu said, adding he thought details of Meier's death would unfairly prejudice the jury. He said he planned to announce his final decision Friday.'

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WINK News: What's the problem with boys?

Article here. Excerpt:

'According to the U.S. Department of Education, more girls than boys participate in student government, the drama club, the debate club and the honor society. Statistics show that of those students who write for the student newspaper and yearbook, girls outnumber boys. And on a reading level, girls are typically ahead of boys by a year and a half.
"It's kinda shocking, but in reality, the truth, I know that girls work harder than guys," says Ryan, 16.
Two-thirds of all learning disability diagnoses are for boys.
Seventy percent of all D's and F's on report cards go home in boys' backpacks - not girls.
Ninety percent of school discipline referrals are for boys.
Eighty percent of all Ritalin takers are boys.
Eighty percent of all school dropouts are boys.
Fewer than 40 percent of college students are currently male.
Girls in general are surpassing boys in school in all subjects except math and science, and even that gap has closed significantly in the past few years.'

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Harvard announces cut-back on tea and crumpets deliveries

OK, I know, this is not MR-related, really. It's just that we do know what university Larry Summers used to run, until they chased him out for daring to suggest that maybe there are inherent general capacities and proclivities associated with gender and these ought to be considered when looking at differences in students' interest in certain subjects.

That thought-crime was enough to get him tossed out of the school. So now one of the most bloated, wasteful, uber-PC institutions of our time must *gasp* face the reality of money (oh, that dirty word!) and how they actually need someone to work for a living in order for them to afford the luxury of sitting around all day talking about how the evil patriarchy is striving to oppress them day in and day out. Gosh, life just ain't fair! Excerpt:

'BOSTON (AP) - Harvard University is considering spending cuts because the economic slowdown may reduce federal grants and the school's substantial endowment, President Drew Faust said Monday.

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UK: Couple arrsted for lewd conduct - only man is named

Story here. Only the man is named, interestingly enough. The woman was "bailed" while the man was not? Excerpt:

'A couple have been arrested for allegedly having sex in a crowded train carriage.

Other passengers en route from Liverpool to London appear to have sat in embarrassed silence as the 41-year-old woman allegedly committed a sex act on her male partner.'

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Glenn Sacks DART Campaign Round 3--Targeting the Media

Action Item here. Excerpt:

"Over the past two weeks Dallas Area Rapid Transit & Dallas authorities have received over 7,500 calls & letters from our supporters protesting the anti-father domestic violence ads depicted above.

We've done very well bringing media attention and sympathy to our cause, particularly given the presidential election. Our campaign has been covered by CNN, The Associated Press, CBS, FOX, the Dallas Morning News, and numerous radio shows--see the "News" column to the right. However, we're looking to build more media pressure.
We want you to write the media and urge them to cover our campaign. To send a letter to several dozen important media outlets, click here.

We also want you to call Dallas radio stations and urge them to cover our protest. Below we have listed the information for a dozen relevant Greater Dallas radio stations--call them by clicking here."

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RADAR ALERT: Yes We Can ... Fix VAWA Now!

On January 20, 2009, Barack Obama and Joe Biden will be the president and vice-president. What does that mean for our Fix VAWA Now! effort?

While Joe Biden is the architect of the Violence Against Women Act, VAWA Reform is not a Republican or Democrat issue. VAWA is at best ineffective, and at worst, it’s harmful to victims of violence and it breaks up families. Can any politician, Democrat or Republican, turn a cold shoulder to these hard truths?

As soon as possible, please work toward establishing channels of communication with the winners of your local, state, and national elections – even if you voted for their opponent! Find areas of common ground and invite them to be a true champion for victims of violence.

With your help, we can fix VAWA. Let's get to work.

Date of RADAR Release: November 10, 2008

Want to improve the chance that they'll pay attention to your
letter? Click here.

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17-year-old boy is Nebraska's 30th 'safe haven' child

Story here. Excerpt:

'LINCOLN, Neb. - A 17-year-old boy left by his mother at an Omaha hospital is the 30th child abandoned under Nebraska's safe-haven law, state officials said.

The boy from the Omaha area was left at Creighton University Medical Center on Monday morning, said Todd Landry, director of children and family services for the Department of Health and Human Services.

The state was still investigating the case and additional details were not available, he said.'

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Quinn: Feminist goals including outlawing 'male behavior' in schools

Article here. Excerpt:

'Summary: Jim Quinn cited as evidence of "the chickification of schools, the feminization of society, and the war on masculinity" the story of a teacher who reportedly informed the school principal and campus police that a picture of a vampire one of her students had drawn might contain gang symbols. Quinn added that "the goal of the public school system -- the feminists in the public school system -- is to make male behavior illegal, a crime."

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Angry Harry: Why Governments Love Feminism

Article here. Excerpt:

'Feminism has very little to do with equality between the genders, and it also has very little to do with the rights of women.

First and foremost, feminism is about various groups seeking to acquire power and money, and to build huge self-serving empires in which millions - literally millions - of people nowadays have a vested interest - a vested interest that is, in fact, highly detrimental to those societies in which these people operate.

To see how their game is played, I just want you to imagine a society - a somewhat idealised society - wherein the women are happy to spend their days being closely associated with their homes and their children, while the young men and the fathers are reasonably happy to troop off to the workplace - wherever this might be.'

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