Is he breathing? He's a cheater!

MSN strikes again! Check your pulse, fellas. If you have one, you are a cheater, 100% for certain. Read all about it here. Excerpt:

'When you're dating a guy, you can forgive him for some indiscretions, but it's nearly impossible to turn the other cheek if he strays. Well, Cosmo did some investigating to ascertain the traits that may make men more likely to cheat, and some of our findings were surprising eye-openers.

But before you freak, realize that just because he possesses characteristics of a mangy scoundrel doesn't mean he's actually cheating on you. "You have to listen to your gut as well as read the clues," says Gary Aumiller, Ph.D., a psychologist and coauthor of "Red Flags! How to Know When You're Dating a Loser." Run through this list of wandering-eye warning signs to see if your partner is predisposed to prowl... and find out how you can deal.'

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DV queen asserts: A man having a good time at a party is a domestic abuser

Article here. Excerpt:

And Sandra, 56, reckons she can spot a male abuser within seconds.

'She said: “After leaving a party, I sometimes reflect on the people and tell my husband if I think there was an abuser in our midst.

But how can she be so sure she has a monster in her sights?

She said: “Men with a tendency to abuse women are usually the life and soul of the party — the outgoing man who loves to be the centre of attention.

“Often their partner will change their behaviour in front of them and become submissive and timid.

“These are early warning signs. Men who abuse women can alternate quickly between rage and charm.'

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Op-ed: Men are getting shortchanged

Article here. Excerpt:

'October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month where there is a lot of publicity including TV spots, marches, newspaper ads, pink ribbons, pink T-shirts, and all sorts of activity to highlight this form of cancer - and to raise millions of dollars in the fight for its detection and cure. This highly commendable effort illustrates the concern of our nation for those who are inflicted with this deadly, gender specific disease. (There are a very few, very rare, cases in which males develop breast cancer, but Breast Cancer Awareness Month addresses only breast cancer in women.)

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Domestic violence courts: dispelling myths

Article here. Excerpt:

'In their attempts to understand the purpose of this specialized Court, maybe these lawyers are confused by the pink file covers that are used by police to denote a domestic violence case; perhaps their analysis doesn't go beyond the colour pink symbolizing female.

Since the 2007 inception of this specialized court, many lawyers have repeated, sometimes indignantly, some version of the myth that its very existence means that male perpetrators have been stripped of their Charter rights and are presumed guilty before they even stand before the Judge.

I have heard it said it's impossible for an accused to have a fair trial in Provincial Court -- Domestic Violence with all of those biased feminists running the show and trying to prove some point.'

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Australia: Are Dads Getting A Bum Rap?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Have you noticed that more and more men, especially dads, are depicted in the media complete idiots? You know, all the ads where Dad can't think of what to cook so pulls something out of the freezer to fool his dear family, or balks at nappy changing. Sacha Molitorisz, over at the pleasingly punctuated Who's Your Daddy?, has had enough.
As one who has volunteered with "disadvantaged" boys for four years (in New York), one trend I have observed is that boys feel the treatment they receive in school and in society is that they are second class citizens when compared to the girls. They are punished for acts which girls are not punished for, they are treated as thugs, labelled as abusive and unable to learn, etc. I do think the popular culture portrayals of boys and men do inform and effect to some degree how these young men are treated by both teachers and administrators - who are primarily female - and their female peers.'

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Glasgow University Study: 60 percent said "it was acceptable for women to hit their husbands"

Article here. Excerpt:

'However, there is a lack of acceptance that men, too, are increasingly becoming silent victims of domestic abuse and violence at the hands of their partners, and that there is a growing number of same-sex couples experiencing domestic violence from their partners.
In a recent study on emerging attitudes and patterns of domestic violence, Glasgow University found that of the 200 women surveyed, 60 percent said "it was acceptable for women to hit their husbands" while 35 percent admitted assaulting their partners and a total of 8 percent admitted to physically injuring them.
Owing to societal pressures and socialisation, men are less likely to talk about the abuse they suffer behind closed doors.

And not much is done to encourage men to report cases of domestic abuse, although many civil society organisations fighting domestic abuse and violence claim to represent men as well.'

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UK: Court upholds woman's right not to tell father about baby

Article here. Excerpt:

'A woman who conceived a child after a one-night stand with a colleague and hid her pregnancy from everyone has won the right to keep the birth a secret from the father.

The woman, who is now 20 and cannot be named for legal reasons, became pregnant when she was 19, but did not realise until a late stage. She told no one, shunned medical help until she went into labour, and put the girl up for adoption as soon as she was born.

In September, after an application from the local authority, a county court judge ruled that the woman's parents and the father of the child should be told. But yesterday, three appeal judges overruled him and, in a landmark judgment, agreed that the mother has "the ultimate veto" over who should be told about her child.'

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UK Guardian Blog: 'Men have their uses but are rather last century'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Technology has transformed the work place, replacing the masculine qualities of muscle, system, specialism and dictation with the feminine aptitudes of dexterity, multi-tasking and negotiation.

The emphasis within human organisation and business has moved from competition to collaboration, with a new emphasis on 'others'. This is seen in support systems, restorative justice, health and safety, and a therapy culture for victims, whether of trauma or disadvantage.

The new human narrative is creating an essentially feminine paradigm.

It is possible that the resurgence of masculinity is simply a cry of protest from a gender in decline, as it faces up to the redundancy of those qualities by which it has hitherto dominated the stage.'

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The model of modern masculinity whose guiding force is women

Article here. Excerpt:

'Mr Obama has acknowledged in speeches and memoirs his debt to his womenfolk: they were resourceful, capable and unsinkable while the men in his life were flaky, fragile and absent.

Conflicts Mr Obama sees in his own wife have led him to promote policies supporting work-life balance. “Michelle is like a lot of women of her generation in that she has carried within herself two very powerful ideas: one, that she’s as smart as any man, on the other hand, she loves being a mother,” he has said. “We have a society that doesn’t really provide a lot of support for women in those roles. We don’t provide the kind of maternity and paternity leave that other countries do.”

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American Thinker: 'The Testosterone Crisis'

Article here. Excerpt:

'In his book The Suicide of Reason Lee Harris argues that our present state of liberal democracy has led to "eliminating the alpha males from our midst, and at a dizzyingly accelerating rate." Instead of supporting and valuing testosterone's virtues we're "drugging our alpha boys with Ritalin." In addition, one could view Barack Obama's election as the triumph of yin over yang. Obama's policies promise to cast the father out of America's parks and replace him with the more "caring" and yin oriented federal government. For Lee Harris however the feminization of American men comes at an extremely high price:

    "The end of testosterone in the West alone will not culminate in the end of history,
    but it may well culminate in the end of the West."

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Growing a 'Stash for the Fight Against Prostate Cancer

Story here. Excerpt:

'The Movember Foundation is working in conjunction with the Prostate Cancer Foundation, a 501 (c) (3) organization, sponsoring Movember. Movember (the month formerly known as November) is a charity event held during November each year.

At the start of Movember guys register a clean shaven face. The Movember participants, known as Mo Bros have the remainder of the month to grow and groom their Mo (Australian slang for mustache).

The purpose is to raise money and awareness along the way for men's health and the fight against prostate cancer.
Prostate cancer is the most common non-skin cancer in the U.S. with 1-in-6 American men developing the disease and more than 28,000 men dying of the disease every year.'

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Study: Women Outlive Men During Lung Cancer Trials

Article here. Excerpt:

'CHICAGO, Nov. 18 -- Men involved in clinical studies of inoperable non-small-cell lung cancer appear to be at a 23% greater risk of mortality during a trial than comparable women, researchers said here.

Being a woman is a clear advantage, Corey Langer, M.D., director of thoracic oncology at the University of Pennsylvania, said at the 2008 Chicago Multidisciplinary Symposium on Thoracic Cancer.

"Across the board, independent of race or partnering status, men did worse than women," said Dr. Langer. "This is an observation that has been repeatedly observed in multiple epithelial malignancies, not just lung cancer."

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UK: Working class boys education fear

Article here. Excerpt:

'Almost 80% of teenage boys from impoverished Protestant estates in Northern Ireland leave school without adequate grades, the Education minister revealed.

Those failing to obtain at least five GCSE C grades in deprived unionist areas is significantly higher than the 64% rate in disadvantaged Catholic/nationalist estates, Caitriona Ruane told the Assembly.

The Sinn Fein minister said tackling underachievement among Protestant boys would be a priority of the new Educational Skills Authority (ESA). The centralised delivery body is set to replace the five existing education boards in 2010 under plans to streamline public administration in the region.'

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Mother Accused Of Slashing Boys' Throats

Story here. Excerpt:

'Less than a year after four strangers risked their lives to save Michelle Kehoe and her sons from an icy Iowa River, the mother is accused of slashing the two boys' throats and leaving them to die.

Kehoe's 2-year-old son was found dead the morning of October 27 outside the family's van, which was parked a short distance from the Hook-n-Liner pond in Littleton, Iowa.

Her 7-year-old son was injured but still alive inside the van. He was rushed to the hospital for surgery, according to the Iowa Department of Public Safety.
Some act on genuine psychotic delusions, as jurors determined to be the case with Texas mother Andrea Yates, who told doctors she drowned her five children because God told her to do so. Others can be motivated by selfish reasons: Susan Smith's alleged motive for killing her children was that she perceived them to be an obstacle in her relationship with her boyfriend.'

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Utah Mother Allegedly Texts Nude Photos to Teen Boys, Follows Up With Sex

Story here. Excerpt:

'The 40-year-old mother of a Salt Lake City-area high school student faces charges of having sex with minors in her Utah home after allegedly sending nude photos of herself to the cell phones of several teenage boys.

Kimberly Arigot of Syracuse, Utah, is accused of sending naked pictures of herself to boys in her neighborhood ranging in age from 15 to 18 years old, reported.

Police said the sexy texting ultimately led two boys, 15 and 17, to have sex with Arigot.
Arigot reportedly cooperated with police and allegedly confessed before she was released on bail earlier this week. She faces felony charges of unlawful sex and unlawful contact with minors and providing alcohol to the underage boys.'

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