Canada Free Press: 'The Return Of The Girly Men'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The new improved Girly Men are marching, (mincing) in lockstep in front of anyone who will watch, patting themselves on the back for having ‘evolved’. These men have swallowed whole the feminist mantra that This Is What Women Want. A new, sensitive man. A man not afraid of feelings, a man in touch with his inner self who has the, yes, the raw courage, to shed the shackles (whew) of masculinity.
Nail polish and hair spray will become the new weapons in the battle of the sexes. And millions of men are rushing to re-invent themselves in the new, socially ordained and politically acceptable way. They have become ‘empowered’. Metrosexuals are the new flavor of the day.
Girly Men have claimed the moral high ground and traditional methods of male behavior are to be considered déclassé. Feelings trump facts, intentions trump outcomes and tears trump fists. Men have evolved to a higher plane and they’re loving it.

So are our enemies.'

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Australia: Mens ambassador debates depression suicide link

Article here. Excerpt:

'Blaming male suicide on mental health issues and depression is “too simplistic”, says one of the nation’s new men’s health ambassadors.

Societal factors such as job loss or relationship failure also play a major role and should not be overlooked in efforts to curb the nation’s suicide rate, says Sydney-based Professor John Macdonald.
“It’s often a combination of social factors, not initially mental health problems, which cause five men a day in Australia to kill themselves,” Mr Macdonald said in Sydney today.

“However, strangely, little research to date has been conducted on the role social factors, such as separation from children and partners and unemployment may have in determining suicide risk.”'

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New War Memorial Will Only Honor Female Veterans

Story here. Excerpt:

'A group is seeking $500,000 in donations to build a unique park at the Fort Douglas Military Museum in honor of female veterans.

Utah Military Veterans Advisory Committee chairwoman Su Richards said several women in her group came up with the idea because they felt females needed a memorial of their own.

"They were getting the respect but not the honor," said Richards, a research archivist at the museum. "As near as I can tell, there are very few memorials for women that have bronzes."

Sculptor Jerime Hooley will create two life-sized bronze sculptures. One will feature four women in different period uniforms running across a map of the United States. A second piece will depict a World War II nurse and a "woman warrior" lacing up her combat boots, Richards said. Workers will also build a gazebo for the memorial.'

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Positive Update: California Domestic Violence Ruling

Article here. Excerpt:

'Programs that receive state funding to help victims of domestic violence must provide equal services to men and women, under a state appeals court decision that took effect this month.
"We applaud the ruling," said Protima Pandey, a board member for San Bernardino's Option House, which provides services including emergency housing, transitional housing, counseling and assistance with getting a restraining order.

"Most of the men who came to us didn't come because they were afraid for their life or feared being put in a hospital," Evey said. "Their fear was abuse against the children."
Web sites for agencies and organizations that offer services to domestic violence victims predominantly feature photos of women and their children.

A Web page with information about spousal abuse on the California attorney general's Web site refers to "she" and "her" exclusively.

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UK: 'Why women don't see the funny side of their mothers-in-law'

Article here. Excerpt:

"A study of hundreds of families has found that mothers are far more likely to feud with a daughter-in-law than a son-in-law.

Nearly two-thirds of daughters-in-law accused their husband's mother of 'unreasonably jealous maternal love'.

A similar proportion of mothers-in-law complained they had been isolated and excluded by a female addition to the family.
She said: 'As they struggle to achieve the same position in the family as primary woman, each tries to establish or protect their status, each feels threatened by the other.

'Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law conflict often emerges from an expectation that each is criticising or undermining the other. But this mutual unease may have less to do with actual attitudes and far more to do with persistent female norms that few of us manage to shake off completely.'"

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Selecting a New Secretary of State – Does Being a White Male Disqualify You Automatically?

Article here. Excerpt:

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CBC Commentary On Cancellation Of Cystic Fibrosis Annual Fund Raiser

Article here. Excerpt:

'Most readers will already have choked on the revelation that the worthies on the student union wanted to give up on cystic fibrosis, after nearly a quarter of a century of Carleton's supporting the charity, because - in homage to that stern god, Diversity - the disease wasn't "inclusive" enough.

The telling phrase in the motion, a monument to the caring and scrupulous intellect of that most delicate of mechanisms - the politically correct sensibility - was that "cystic fibrosis has been recently revealed to only affect white people, and primarily men."

What is finally interesting about the episode is that it's almost a casebook example of how political correctness, the attempt to purge every thought, word, or deed of its ideological impurities, almost always ends up like the fabled serpent that devours its own tail. Of committing greater sins than the ones it seeks to proscribe.

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Police: Freeport woman stabbed boyfriend in NYC nightclub

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Freeport woman was charged with attempted murder after she stabbed her boyfriend in the neck with a broken beer glass at a Manhattan nightclub early Sunday morning, according to New York City police.

The boyfriend, 22, was admitted to Bellevue Hospital Center in critical condition. Police withheld his name.
An owner of the nightclub, Ariel Palitz, said the couple were arguing near the coat-check area when the woman hit her boyfriend in the neck with a pint beer glass. It wasn't clear whether she broke the Stella Artois beer glass first, then slashed him, or whether the glass shattered from the force of hitting his neck, Palitz said.'

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NY Times: Enlisting the Aid of Hairstylists as Sentinels for Domestic Abuse

Article here. Excerpt:

'The privileged, often therapeutic relationship between hairdressers and clients has long been the subject of magazine articles and movies. A growing movement in New York and across the nation tries to harness that bond to identify and prevent domestic violence, a pervasive problem that victims are often too ashamed to reveal to law enforcement or other public officials.
The initiative joins similar efforts that have been sprouting across the nation; perhaps the best known, called Cut It Out and based in Chicago, has trained 40,000 salon workers in all 50 states to recognize signs of domestic abuse. In the past few months, the Cut It Out program was also adopted by the Empire Education Group, which has 87 cosmetology schools, and endorsed by the American Association of Cosmetology Schools, the trade organization representing another 800 schools.'

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Edmonton foster mother found guilty of manslaughter

In itself, this story isn't much of anything new (at least, to us). Funny though, that it appears to be the only main headline that isn't open to comments on the CBC forum. Also funny is that all related stories appear to have been closed for comment. Methinks the editors at CBC need an earful. Excerpt:

'An Edmonton foster mother covered her mouth and broke down in tears after a jury found her guilty of manslaughter in the death of a three-year-old boy in her care.
The 34-year-old woman, who cannot be identified, was charged with second-degree murder after the child died in January 2007 of brain injuries. She was, however, found guilty of the lesser charge of manslaughter.

The Crown argued during her trial that she abused the child repeatedly in the month leading up to his death.'

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Woman in Metrodome sex incident now claims she was victim

Story here. Excerpt:

'MINNEAPOLIS - While police say a high-profile indecent conduct case in the Minneapolis Metrodome Saturday is closed, a Carroll woman involved in it told the Daily Times Herald she believes she was a victim of foul play rather than a willing collaborator.
Feldman acknowledged drinking heavily before the game and says she doesn't remember being in the bathroom.

"I would never ever do that," Feldman said. "My kids are my life. I go to church every Sunday."

Information obtained in police reports and during an interview with University of Minnesota Police Chief Greg Hestness revealed no suggestion or evidence that the incident was anything but consensual on the part of both Walsh and Feldman.
When asked to respond to Feldman's suggestion that she is a victim of a crime, Hestness said: "All I can say is the actions went on for some period of time with many witnesses on hand and no one reported either party was objecting."'

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Man stabbed to death in domestic dispute

Story here. Excerpt:

'GRIFFIN, Ga. -- A domestic dispute in Griffin left one man dead and a woman behind bars.
When officers arrived at the scene, they found Childs dead on the floor of an apartment.
Butler was at the Spalding County Jail on Saturday morning. She was charged with murder.'

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Article re boys competing on girls' teams

Article here. Excerpt:

'Everyone has heard the argument that females should be allowed to play on male sports teams. Whether it is in youth leagues, high school or college, females have pushed the envelope and have played on all male football and wrestling teams. They have also consistently played on predominantly male Little League and youth soccer teams.

What is rarely talked about — and usually welcomes a rash of criticism — is male athletes participating on female teams. Outside of family members and teammates, there is little to no support for the male athletes.
“It’s really a double-edged sword,” said Taconic Hills volleyball coach Alan Eggleston. “The girls that I coached liked beating the boys but it was very hard for me to justify to them why the boys could play on a girls team.”'

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Editoral Response: Outdated take on boys', girls' differences

Article here. Excerpt:

'For a variety of reasons, girls have long since surpassed boys as academic leaders in most schools. It is commonplace today to see eight of the top 10 grade point averages at graduation held by girls. Too many boys have concluded that they don't stand much of a chance on a day-to-day basis in school, and have chosen to be docile, disengaged, and perfectly comfortable with their slacker status. Single-sex schools are a promising solution for a pendulum that often swings too far in both directions.
I WAS glad to see the Globe endorse a legislative initiative to repeal state laws that stand in the way of establishing single-sex public schools. As the headmaster of the oldest boys' school in the country, the Roxbury Latin School (founded in 1645), I can speak from experience personally and institutionally'

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Faludi on post-9/11 feminism

Article here. Excerpt:

'Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author Susan Faludi examined the issue of modern feminism yesterday at the Moritz College of Law.
Faludi started her lecture by acknowledging that the feminist movement has made progress by putting more women into higher education and specialty fields like medicine. According to Faludi, women comprise 60 percent of undergraduate and master's degree enrollment.

"You always hears about the firefighters and policemen after 9/11, but you never heard anything about the nurses who were taking care of all the injured people." Berberich said. "That kind of sexism is very subtle and subversive.
"Women's issues aren't just women's issues; they're society's issues," Faludi said. "The success of any political realignment in the U.S. has to be based on the success of the feminist agenda."'

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