Man Travels by Foot from Michigan to Washington, D.C in Support of the U.S. Constitution

Article here. Excerpt:

"That is correct BY FOOT!

Michigan man to walk from Spring Lake Michigan to Washington, D.C. in support of the U.S. Constitution.

Spread the word on this one - it will be interesting to follow all the way to Washington, D.C. where his hunger strike will apparently begin.

Find out how you can make sure he eats once again upon his arrival in Washington, D.C.!"

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UK: "Feral" teenage girl sentenced to life for murder

Story here. Excerpt:

"A feral teenage girl who stabbed a man in the neck and then told friends 'just let him die' was jailed for life for murder today.

Callous April Bright, 17, knifed Mohamoud Hussan outside a pub and casually walked away as he stumbled around with blood spurting from the wound.

She then casually wiped the blood from her hands in the womens' toilet and continued partying in the bar.

Bright, now 18, was found guilty of murder at Bristol Crown Court and jailed for life yesterday with a minimum term of 12 years."

12 years?

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40% of family caregivers for the elderly are men

Article here. Excerpt:

'NEW YORK, Nov. 29 (UPI) -- An increasing number of men are becoming the primary caregiver for elderly parents, says the U.S.-based Alzheimer's Association.

In a survey, men comprised nearly 40 percent of family care givers -- up from 19 percent in a study conducted by the Association in 1996, The New York Times reported Saturday.
It's estimated 17 million men are caring for adults in the United States as families become smaller and more women work full-time, the Times reported.
"That's the harder part for men, to find someone to talk to," Benton said. "It's the emotional side: the guilt, the sadness, the anger. For men it becomes more stressful because they can't talk about it. They feel cut off."'

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More from the "male = unfaithful" department

This is positively laughable! Be prepared for amusement. Excerpt:

'6. When away on business, this new love of yours doesn't provide details about what activities are occurring — and doesn't share the name and phone number of a hotel, either. Um, maybe because your special someone isn't away on business?

7. You start to notice that your new honey prefers to email you rather than call you. (This could be because his or her partner is in the other room.)

8. Often when this person calls you, the calls are (a) kept short, (b) end abruptly, and/or (c) conducted in a barely audible voice. All signs that someone else may be in the picture.

9. When you first meet this love interest, you're only given a work number — and getting a cell-phone number is very slow-going ... (probably out of fear that you'll call when he or she is out with the significant other).'

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"For women, AIDS stigma worse"

This story reminds me of an old joke about a NY Times headline: "World to End Tomorrow: Women, Minorities to be Hardest Hit."

I say this because the author argues that the HIV/AIDS epidemic is worse for women while admitting women make up half of the victims of HIV/AIDS. Why is it worse for women? Because women are infected by men, which means men must change their behavior. (The notion that men are likely infected by women apparently does not occur to him.)

His question:

"Is it inevitable fate or the will of God that women everywhere should suffer the greatest stigmatization and discrimination because of HIV and AIDS?"

His answer:
"Biologically, culturally, economically and religiously, women are more susceptible to HIV. In today's world, AIDS has a woman's face. Women total almost 50 percent of the 33.2 million HIV-positive persons worldwide. Of the infected, women comprise 61 percent in sub-Saharan Africa, 40 percent in Asia, and 21 percent in the U.S."

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Queen Elizabeth II: All-women shortlist for political parties fine until 2030 in UK

Article here. Excerpt:

'"My government is committed to helping families and businesses through difficult times."

Bills in the Queen's Speech include:
Equality Bill: for England, Wales and Scotland - Aims to streamline laws on sex, race and religious discrimination, improve enforcement and allow political parties to use all-women shortlists until 2030.'

This will give political parties the power to put forward all-female candidates to run in elections at the exclusion of men for another 22 years.

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Phyllis Schlafy: Where Did the Reagan Votes Go in the 2008 Election?

Article here. Excerpt:

'The other explanation is social: the feminists have carried on a 40-year campaign to destroy marriage and what they deride as the patriarchy. They want to replace it with a matriarchy.

In the 1970s, the feminists achieved unilateral divorce-on-demand from state legislatures, unilateral abortion-on-demand from the courts, and unilateral control over children in the welfare class by taxpayer handouts to women that made husbands and fathers unnecessary.

The feminists have continued their campaign against marriage through Joe Biden’s favorite legislation, the Violence Against Women Act, which provides a billion dollars a year to feminist centers to promote divorce and oppose reconciliation. VAWA is based on feminist ideology that women are naturally victims entitled to tax-paid legal and financial assistance while men are naturally batterers who are not entitled even to due process protections.'

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Duke University Sues Insurer Over Lacrosse Controversy Claims

Story here. Excerpt:

'Duke University has filed a lawsuit against its insurer, demanding that the company cover the costs of its settlement with three former lacrosse players who were falsely accused of rape.
"Because National Union has not paid, Duke has been forced to bear the full financial impact of its own defense,'' Duke attorneys wrote in the lawsuit.

Along with the settlement provided to the three players -- Reade Seligmann, Collin Finnerty and Dave Evans -- more than 40 unindicted players from the 2006 lacrosse team have since sued the university. The former lacrosse coach, Mike Pressler, has also sued the school.'

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India: Cops book wife for man’s suicide

Story here. Excerpt:

'NAGPUR: Five days after Vitthal Dodke, a resident of the Ayodhya Nagar, committed suicide, Sakkardara police have registered offences against six
persons, including his wife, for allegedly abetting the man to end his life. Police have already dispatched units to arrest the accused, but till Wednesday evening, none had been taken into custody.

Behind the scenes, one may say that it was due to the efforts put in by members of the Save Indian Family Foundation (SIFF), an organisation consisting mostly of men tortured by their wives, which did the trick. Otherwise, the police had not registered offence against anyone despite the fact that Dodke had mentioned in his suicide note that his wife had driven him to commit suicide.'


Ed. note: The difference between seeing justice done in this case and the one I just posted was activism. Every case matters, and MRAs are having a real effect on the world.

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India: Husband commits suicide after wife calls him ugly, impotent, wife not charged under 498A

Story here. Excerpt:

"NEW DELHI: Harassed by a husband's “ugly” taunts, if a wife commits suicide within seven years of marriage, the man is sure to be booked under Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code for harassing her in the matrimonial home.

The reverse has happened. Within a week of marriage, a man committed suicide allegedly hurt by the “ugly” and “impotent” taunts of his wife. And the Supreme Court has let off the wife by upholding the quashing of her prosecution under Section 306 of IPC for allegedly abetting the suicide."

What kind of a sexist justice is this?

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Iceland: 'Let women tame the macho excess'

Article here. Excerpt:

'It's typical: the men make the mess and the women come in to clean it up, joked an Icelandic banker about the appointment of two women to rebuild Iceland's collapsed financial system. The promotion of Elin Sigfusdottir and Birna Einarsdottir to run the nationalised New Landsbanki and New Glitnir banks respectively is an attempt by the Icelandic government to draw a line under the past and start again. The macho culture of irresponsible risk-taking that many now blame for Iceland's financial meltdown will no longer be tolerated.

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UK: Women play hard to get to find out how helpful men will be, scientists say

Article here. Excerpt:

'Researchers believe that the female of any species employs the technique so that men can prove themselves more worthy than their rivals.

But it only works where there are a large number of males to choose from and where there is a mixture of different types of men.
Professor John McNamara, co-author of the paper, came up with the conclusions after crunching the data into a mathematical model.

He believes coyness and helpfulness tend to encourage each other - although some males have learned to cheat.

"The more coy females are, the more helpful men will be; and the more men around, the more coy women are," he said.'

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Judge to determine woman's sanity in stabbing death of boy, 5

Story here. Excerpt:

'Lawyers in a Newark courtroom yesterday sparred over whether an Irvington woman was legally insane two years ago when she killed her 5-year-old nephew by stabbing him 57 times with a kitchen knife.

Public Defender Sterling Kinsale insisted Jasmin Collins, 42, was insane, saying she's had a "schizoaffective disorder" for years, one that's been documented in a number of hospitalizations and can trigger violent behavior when it's not controlled.

Essex County Assistant Prosecutor Romesh Sukhdeo acknowledged Collins has a problem but maintained she knew what she was doing when she knifed Meshach Collins to death in her home on Nov. 19, 2006, and was aware she was doing something wrong.'

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Probation for Tucson woman who imprisoned son

Story here. Excerpt:

'TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) - A Tucson mother who kept her 11-year-old son locked in a stuffy room all summer with only a bucket for a toilet has been sentenced to three years of probation.

Norma Barrientos had pleaded guilty to one count of child abuse.
Deputies said the room was warm, had a stench of urine and feces and had a fan that did not work. There were bars and an extra locking device on the window.

Barrientos and her boyfriend told deputies the boy was locked up because he was getting dangerous items like lighters and flammable liquids that were kept in the home.'

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Woman Sets House On Fire With Boyfriend Sleeping Inside

Story here. Excerpt:

'An O’Fallon, Missouri woman is facing a felony for allegedly trying to burn down a house that her ex-boyfriend was sleeping in with another woman. The fire happened last Friday at about 11:00am.

Investigators say at first 21 year old Kara Dodt told them she had left the home to go a friend's house and got a call about the fire. She later admitted to starting the fire. Dodt is facing a first degree arson charge.
Police say there is no evidence that she was trying to get back at her ex-boyfriend. Instead, police say Dodt told them she did it to get insurance money to help pay off bills. Dodt says she did not know the blaze was going to get out of control.'

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