Economic blame game targets men

Article here. Excerpt:

'"All of the recent perpetrators of the greatest economic mess in eight decades are, well, men," writes Deborah Spar in the Washington Post.

The aptly named Spar, president of Barnard College, deploys a variety of arguments to back up this broad claim, including male hormonal imbalance (testosterone has been scientifically linked with risky stock trading) and evidence that women tend to be more risk-averse than men, especially when high-stake finances are concerned. Add to that the grim facts of female employment in finance, where no women held chief executive positions as recently as last year, and the evidence against men becomes circumstantially compelling.
Yes, sure, a woman blew the whistle on Enron. Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal reported Monday that Mary Schapiro headed an agency that extensively investigated Bernard Madoff, but failed to uncover his vast Ponzi scheme.

Thus far, her hormone levels have not been analyzed.'

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A Man’s Take On Advice In Women’s Magazines

Article here. Excerpt:

'Peruse any magazine rack and various Web sites and you’ll see headlines such as these splattered all over. Inside you’ll read article upon article about how women can decode, seduce, corral, turn on, and coerce men.

One is left to believe that men don’t want to be married or in any sort of committed relationship, men don’t want to treat women well, men don’t want families, men don’t want to settle down, and worst of all, men don’t even have the desire or the ability to communicate any of this about themselves. Good thing we smell so good.
I happen to know women who don’t want to be married and/or in a serious relationship. I know women who aren’t the articulate, clear communicators they’re supposed to be. I know women who aren’t that into kids and don’t want a family.

So pardon my frustration, and other men’s, when we read articles portraying us as the incapable, the insincere, and the incompetent gender.'

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Singapore: More Men Die from COPD Compared to Women

Story here. Excerpt:

'Singapore - infoZine - Men across the Asia-Pacific region have consistently higher mortality and hospitalization rates for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) than corresponding rates for women in the region.

This higher rate for men reflects a different risk profile for men and women – in particular the higher prevalence of smoking among men across the Asia- Pacific region.

According to a study in Respirology published by Wiley-Blackwell, the average death rates ranged from 6.4 to 9.2 per 10 000 population for men while the corresponding rates for women only ranged from 2.1 to 3.5 per 10 000 population.'

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UK: 'Radical feminists' honoured for women's enterprise

Article here. Excerpt:

'"Ten years ago we were seen as radical feminists, banging on about women's rights," recalls Ms Gill. This had now changed, she added, with even the banks adapting their services to appeal specifically to women. "It has made them realise that they [women entrepreneurs] need a bit of a different service," she said.

Female business owners are well placed to survive the recession, perhaps more so than their male counterparts who typically are more comfortable funding their ventures with higher levels of debt, Ms Gill said.

"Women are going to be better placed to take on the challenges of a recession. They have better strategies in place. They are prepared to play in a team environment. It's going to be tough for staff, because frankly they have had it easy for the last 10 years," she said.'

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Italy: Women Get Better Pay, Same Promotion Rates as Men at the Executive Level

Article here. Excerpt:

'Female executives who break through the “glass ceiling” in corporate America are rewarded with higher overall compensation than their male counterparts and benefit from the same rate of promotion, according to new research from the Tepper School of Business at Carnegie Mellon University.
The findings, gleaned from tracking the career paths and compensation of more than 16,000 executives over a 14-year period, identified that female executives actually earned a total of about $100,000 more per year than men of the same age, educational background and job experience. On average, total compensation for all of the executives — about 5 percent of whom were female — was about $2.46 million, including nearly $461,000 in salary and bonuses. The average age was 53 and approximately 23 percent of the executives studied — men and women — held an MBA.

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UK: Government Plan to Name and Shame 'Sexist' Companies

Article here. Excerpt:

'In a move intended to eradicate the gender pay gap once and for all, the government is considering plans to shame companies into paying both male and female employees fairly.

Should the plans be approved, private companies will be required to publish annual figures specifying the number of male and female employees in each of their different pay grades. A 'pay inequalities' league table would then be developed from the results, designed to name and shame the companies with the largest gender pay gap.'

Of course, you're a 'sexist' company if women aren't paid the same as men (as in making less than men). If women outearn men in a field, I highly doubt this organization will care. We all know the gender pay gap doesn't account for life choices or experience or risk factors. But you guys have heard all this before.

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Update: 'Jealous wife' charged after fatal genitals fire

Story here. Excerpt:

'ADELAIDE, Australia - An Australian woman accused of setting her husband's genitals on fire because she thought he was having an affair has been charged with murder.

Prosecutors said 44-year-old Rajini Narayan confessed to neighbors that she set her husband on fire on Dec. 8, 2008, after she saw him hug another woman.

She was initially charged with endangering life and arson but the charges were upgraded to murder after her 47-year-old husband, Satish Narayan, died from his injuries last week.
Boord quoted Narayan allegedly saying: "I just wanted to burn his penis so it belongs to me and no one else. ... I didn't mean this to happen."'

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Forum: The new Congress convenes, trial lawyer lobby smiles

Article here. Excerpt:

'The 111th Congress convenes at noon today, and House Democratic leadership is starting the week with two bills that appeal to their core constituencies but send the business community into conniptions. The two pieces of legislation -- the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and the Paycheck Fairness Act -- are priorities for organized labor, liberal women's advocacy groups, and the plaintiff's bar.

The Paycheck Fairness Act is potentially worse, in that creates many new grounds for litigation in a supposed effort to fight gender discrimination. The bill, H.R. 1338 in the 110th Congress, passed in July 2008 by a vote of 247-178. It would:

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Divorce May Widen Distance Between Teens, Fathers

Article here. Excerpt:

'ScienceDaily (Jan. 11, 2008) — The typical distancing from parents by adolescents is exacerbated by divorce for fathers, but not for mothers, according to a recent study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family.

"Historically, teens distance themselves from parents and increase involvement with peers," says co-author Dr. Alan Booth, distinguished professor of sociology, human development and demography at Penn State. "Coupled with divorce, this distancing may result in further declines in father-child closeness."

Although research demonstrates that fathers' involvement with children has increased in recent decades, mothers continue to do the majority of childcare while fathers are the less involved parent.'

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Fathers’ group sues to stop new child support rules

Story here. Excerpt:

'Fathers & Families, a Boston-based group that advocates for “children’s right to the love and care of both parents after separation or divorce,” filed suit against Chief Justice for Administration and Management Robert A. Mulligan and other trial court judges on Dec. 23. That same day, the group filed a request for a preliminary injunction in hopes of preventing judges in Massachusetts from applying the new guidelines to cases involving child support after Jan. 1, 2009.
In its lawsuit, Fathers & Families argues that Mulligan and the Trial Court violated the federal equal protection clause by implementing discriminatory rules, the federal due process clause by passing a law by “judicial fiat,” and the Massachusetts Declaration of Rights by passing a law without the participation of the other two branches of state government.

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The False Rape Society blog

Blog here.

'News and commentary about wrongful accusations of rape and sexual assault.'

'This Web site was started by a U.S.-based attorney to help raise awareness about false, unfounded and wrongful rape accusations. Objectively verifiable data indicates that at least 9 percent and probably closer to half of all rape claims are false. (See, e.g., S. Taylor, K.C. Johnson, Until Proven Innocent.) Yet the crime of making a false rape report has become so embroiled in the radical feminist sexual assault milieu that it has been improperly removed from the public discourse about rape. Sexual assault counselors often disingenuously refer to the fact of false rape accusations as a "myth." Denigrating the experience of the falsely accused by dismissing their victimization as a myth is not merely dishonest but morally grotesque.'

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UK Woman charged with murdering her husband by 'shooting him while he slept'

Story here. Excerpt:

'A pensioner has appeared in court charged with shooting her husband dead while he lay sleeping.

Helen Lawson, 61, is accused of blasting her husband Geoffrey, also 61, twice in the chest with a shotgun.

Police found the body of the electrician in the bedroom of their £200,000 cottage after his wife dialled 999 just after 3.30am on Sunday.

Mrs Lawson was arrested at the scene and charged with murder.'

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Minnesota: Child custody law up for review

Article here. Excerpt:

'St. Paul, Minn. — When a couple with a child divorces, a judge is supposed to start with a clean slate before deciding whether the child will live solely with mom, dad, or split living with each of them.

But under a legislative proposal, judges would presume the child would live with both parents unless there's a good reason not to -- such as child abuse.

While adding the word "presumption" to a statute may seem trivial, it would level the legal playing field that fathers' rights groups say is currently tilted against them.
Jobst says changing the laws so that judges presume divorced parents share physical custody would allow children to spend more time with both parents.
The state already presumes that both parents will share legal custody of children, which is different from physical custody.'

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Stephen Baskerville: "Divorced from Reality"

Article here. Excerpt:

'The decline of the family has now reached critical and truly dangerous proportions. Family breakdown touches virtually every family and every American. It is not only the major source of social instability in the Western world today but also seriously threatens civic freedom and constitutional government.

G. K. Chesterton once observed that the family serves as the principal check on government power, and he suggested that someday the family and the state would confront one another. That day has arrived.
Contrary to common assumptions, divorce today seldom involves two people mutually deciding to part ways. According to Frank Furstenberg and Andrew Cherlin in Divided Families, 80 percent of divorces are unilateral, that is, over the objection of one spouse. Patricia Morgan of London’s Civitas think tank reports that in over half of divorces, there was no recollection of major conflict before the separation.'

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Boston Globe: 'Girl power'

Article here. Excerpt:

"Females do have a lot of say. . . . A lot of the drama that happens on the street is over a female," said Samantha Allen, a 17-year-old senior with short brown hair that sloped over her forehead.

Allen said there is a name for girls who, either wittingly or unwittingly, initiate conflicts through their boyfriends, brothers, or male friends. They're called "set-up chicks," she said.

"They're chicks that run their mouths to other parts of the city," Allen said. "They cause a lot of violence."

Most of them rely on men to settle their feuds because they do not know who else to go to for help, said Allen. Many girls could use the guidance the campaign organizers are trying to provide, she said.'

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