Men Lost More Jobs from 2020 to 2021

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'More men than women lost their jobs in the past year according to data from the Department of Labor Statistics, but there’s no denying the pandemic’s impact on the economy has taken its toll on men, women, and families (Fig. 1). Vice President Harris addressed the “pandemic [that] has touched every part of our lives. Families everywhere are shouldering a huge burden as homes have become classrooms and child-care centers, and uncertainty plagues each day,” she said in a Washington Post editorial on February 12.

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3 ways companies could offer more father-friendly policies that will help women

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'If you want to help women achieve gender equality in the workplace, it’s time to give more support to men.

That may sound counterintuitive since men have long been advantaged at work with higher salaries, faster promotions and more authority.

We are two professors who study gender equality and injustices in the workplace. One of us reviewed 186 published papers on gender equality in the last decade. Our conclusion: One of the biggest problems in contemporary policies aimed at gender equality in the workplace is that they leave out men.

For many women with young children, taking on more responsibilities at work means their responsibilities at home need to decrease. And for that to happen, men need to step up – and be encouraged to do so. Here are three ways companies could do just that.'

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Rape, kidnapping charges dismissed against Kirkland man

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'Rape, kidnapping and assault charges filed against a 22-year-old Kirkland man were recently dropped by King County prosecutors after a Kirkland police detective found evidence on the man’s cellphone that led investigators to believe his sexual encounter with an 18-year-old Tacoma woman was consensual.

The case was covered by media outlets including The Seattle Times following Thomas Brownlee’s arrest on Aug. 30.

The charges were dismissed Jan. 12 based on electronic communications between Brownlee and the woman, according to court records and Senior Deputy Prosecutor Emily Petersen.

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Why more men are suffering from infertility than ever before

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'Sperm counts in Western countries have dropped by more than 50 percent since the 1970s. At the same time, men’s problems with conceiving are going up: Erectile dysfunction is increasing and testosterone levels are declining by 1 percent each year.

“The current state of reproductive affairs can’t continue much longer without threatening human survival,” warns Mount Sinai fertility scientist Dr. Shanna Swan in her book, “Count Down” (Scribner), out Tuesday. “It’s a global existential crisis.”'

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Psaki On What Biden Is Doing To Help Small Businesses: ‘He Nominated A Woman To Lead’ The SBA

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'White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki raised eyebrows on Tuesday when she responded to a question from a small business owner about what the Biden administration was doing to their small business during the pandemic by saying in part that Biden tapped a woman to lead the Small Business Administration.
Psaki’s comments failed to take into account that President Donald Trump had already selected a woman to run the Small Business Administration as Jovita Carranza served as the 26th Administrator of the SBA.
Psaki made similar remarks late last month when she was asked about what the Biden administration was doing in response to volatility in the stock market.'

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Countries led by women have not fared better during the COVID-19 pandemic, study finds

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'The researchers analyzed the success of 175 countries in containing COVID-19 using data from Our World in Data, the World Bank, Freedom House, and the World Health Organization. After controlling for factors such as GDP per capita and percent of the population over age 65, they found no evidence that countries led by women tended to have less COVID-19 fatalities than countries led by men.

“The perception that women world leaders have done better vis-a-vis COVID-19 cases and deaths largely comes from the fact that other researchers and the media have focused primarily on OECD countries, whereas we looked at the entire global sample of countries,” Windsor told PsyPost. “The cases people tended to focus on were New Zealand and Iceland — two remote island nations with relatively small populations, where borders are easy to control.”'

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A Gender Policy Council That's Sexist … and Racist? | Opinion

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'Every new president vows to heal the very divide his party and opponents have spent the last year and billions of dollars magnifying. Invariably, the plea translates into "unify by agreeing with me."

One of President Joe Biden's first policies appeared to bridge the gender divide by creating a White House Gender Policy Council. As someone who served on the Board of the National Organization for Women in New York City, I have seen enormous progress in women's issues, and a need for more.

Simultaneously, for a half century, millions of parents of boys and I have witnessed an ever-growing boy crisis. We see it hurting not only boys, but the fathers they may become, and our daughters who seek future young men worthy of their love.

By creating a council for "gender policy" rather than a council for "women," Biden seemed to be heeding the warning embodied in Betty Friedan's The Second Stage: The liberation of women will plateau if attention to men's issues does not follow.

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Army considers change to Combat Fitness Test scoring for male, female soldiers

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'The Army could adjust how it scores its new Combat Fitness Test to account for the “biological differences” between men and women, a service spokeswoman said Friday.

The reevaluation of the ACFT comes weeks after Congress delayed its implementation over concerns the new test created an unfair disadvantage to female soldiers.

Army leaders are now looking at ways to apply scoring based on gender for the six-event, CrossFit-inspired fitness test, said Lt. Col. Peggy Kageleiry, a spokeswoman for the Army’s Center for Initial Military Training, which has led the ACFT’s development. The test was designed as a gender- and age-neutral fitness evaluation meant to simulate strength and conditioning challenges faced by soldiers in combat.

“We are addressing these concerns in coordination with Army senior leaders, Congress, and with those it impacts the most, our American soldiers,” Kageleiry said.'

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Retired 3- and 4-Star Generals Petition Court to Add Women to Draft Registration

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'Ten retired general and flag officers, including the former director of the National Security Agency, have filed a brief with the U.S. Supreme Court supporting expansion of draft registration to include women.

Retired Air Force Gen. Mike Hayden, former director of the National Security Administration; Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal; Army Lt. Gen. Claudia Kennedy and others filed a "friend of the court," or amicus, brief Wednesday supporting a case brought against the government by the National Coalition For Men, a group challenging the constitutionality of the Selective Service System's male-only registration restriction.
The case -- National Coalition For Men, James Lesmeister and Anthony Davis v. Selective Service System and Donald Benton -- began as a lawsuit in 2013 by Lesmeister, later joined by Davis and the San Diego-based men's organization.

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Report: Joe Biden’s Vow to Expand Title IX Seeks to ‘Shape Sexual Norms of Future Generations’

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'"Through regulatory guidance, Biden will require all administrators and staff who participate in a Title IX investigative process or may interact with a survivor at any point in the reporting process to participate in training on victim-centered, trauma-informed interview techniques. He will also require staff who develop prevention education programs or may interact with a survivor at any point in the reporting process to undergo training on the role of technology in sexual violence, dating violence, stalking, and harassment, an emerging challenge that is too often insufficiently understood."

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‘Diversity’ Demand Excludes Gay White Dad from All-Female Parent Committee

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'A gay white dad of a mixed-race child has been denied a spot on the San Francisco Board of Education’s parent committee because he would hurt the diversity of the all-female group.

The board debated for two hours earlier this week on whether Seth Brenzel should be allowed to be a volunteer member of the committee after the parent advisory council unanimously supported his joining the committee and submitted his name to the school board for approval.

The Daily Mail detailed the ensuing battle:

His candidacy, however, faced opposition from some board members and members of the public who argued that there wasn’t enough diversity on the council – even though there are five seats currently empty. Those who opposed his candidacy were concerned with the fact that he is white.

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She Falsely Claimed A Verizon Store Employee Groped Her. A Court Just Upheld Her Lengthy Sentence.

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'McGagh was then convicted of perjury and giving a false statement to police. The judge said that she had never seen a case like this, “never seen a pre-sentence investigation like this or a psyche evaluation like this.” The judge further commented:

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Teacher ‘filmed herself masturbating in classroom filled with kids aged 7 and 8'

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'Ashley Hulsey, from Carroll County Sheriff’s Office, said: ‘It appears she was masturbating while the classroom was full of kids. We obtained video evidence because she videoed it herself and disseminated it and we were able to get a hold of that evidence.’

Ressler’s alleged sex tape is said to have been spotted online by a concerned local, who told school bosses, who in turn contacted the local sheriff’s office. It is unclear if any of the youngsters saw what Ressler allegedly did, or realized what she was up to.

Hulsey said news of the alleged sex tape had caused ‘mental anguish’ to children and parents affected. She added that the sheriff’s office had worked hard to have it wiped from the internet as quickly as possible, while bringing charges against Hulsey.'

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Manne to give Society for the Humanities talk on male entitlement

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'Misogyny often stems from a wrongheaded sense of moral entitlement to women’s sexual, emotional, reproductive and material labor, Manne said. In the talk, she will introduce another form of entitlement that can be thought of as epistemic: a sense of entitlement to be the designated knower or informant, or the agent who issues authoritative explanations.

“It’s important to understand mansplaining and its darker cousin, gaslighting, as forms of epistemic domination – as ways people in dominant social positions assume, or insist, that they’re the authority in an exchange,” Manne said. “As a result, they can do grave harm to marginalized communities – and also to their own, as we saw with former President Donald Trump’s systemic gaslighting of many white Americans.”

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Preventative Measures to be Taken to Combat the Culture of Sexual Assault in Boys Athletics

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'One organizer of the walkout, Mia Redmond, a senior in Communication Arts and Sciences (CAS), discussed her role in organizing the walkout, as well as her motives. The idea sprung out of a ‘CAS girls group’ after a shocking realization about the the amount of sexual assault occurrences at BHS. Redmond said, “I think it was just shock and disbelief that so many people have experienced sexual assault.” One thing that stuck out to Redmond was the lack of preventative action. She said, “After a sexual assault there is action, as well, that should be taken. But that is after it has happened and after the harm has been done.” She pointed to sports teams — where toxic masculinity is often plainly visible — as an example of where preventative action could be taken.

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