Editorial: Sex charges against female teacher no joking matter

Article here. Excerpt:

'Locker-room humor about the case involving an Abington boy who police say was raped by a female teacher may be good for a laugh in some circles.

But such banter threatens to perpetuate the misguided idea that boys involved are not victims.

Christine McCallum, 29, stands accused of having a 21-month relationship with a boy, starting when he was 13 and involving up to 300 sexual encounters.

She pleaded innocent Friday to seven counts of statutory child rape.

While most people recognize the violation of trust and potential emotional damage inherent in such a crime, others – and you’ll find plenty – see it as a welcome rite of passage.'

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"Lilly Ledbetter Is No Victim"

Article here. Excerpt:

'I have represented many sex discrimination victims. I have won their cases. After 20 years of such efforts, I know a victim when I see one. Let me tell you something: Lilly Ledbetter is no victim. When Ledbetter issued, I reserved judgment as I wished to actually read the opinion first, something knee-jerk liberals rarely do. They are so politically motivated to cry foul that the actual legal merits of the case are of no concern to them.
Here’s another fact ignored in the political rhetoric. Ledbetter, for unexplained reasons, abandoned an Equal Pay Act claim asserted in her suit. The Equal Pay Act does not contain Title VII’s filing limitations, nor does it require plaintiffs to prove intent. It was a much better claim, easier to prove, and it was timely. After abandoning it on appeal, Ledbetter essentially tried to squeeze the EPA claim into Title VII’s framework and she justly failed in the effort.

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Grandmother to climb Kilimanjaro for shared parenting awareness

Very inspring! Story here (.pdf file). Excerpt:

'Charlotte, NC - 70 year old grandmother, Sheila Peltzer, will climb Africa's tallest peak, 19,200' Mount Kilimanjaro raising awareness for Shared Parenting and Familial Dysautonomia. Peltzer, departing January 21, 2009, will make the ten day trek up the western route where sub zero summit temperatures are expected.
Tim McKyer adds; "I'm involved with Sheila to help shine a spotlight on the family courts. At one time my children lived with me and were doing well. Now I have limited access to them and they are falling behind in school and having other problems. The courts are handicapping my kids unnecessarily. What my kids are being subjected to at the hands of the court is beyond absurd."'

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On You Tube: Ann Coulter Discusses Single Mothers On 'The View'

Video here. I realize Ann Coulter is extremely controversial, but she makes some logical observations about motherhood and fatherhood. Notice how the audience roars with applause when Elisabeth Hasselbeck insinuates fathers are not taking responsibility.

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Joan Rivers: 'Men Are Stupid... And They Like Big Boobs'

I found this piece of misandry about Joan Rivers' new book "Men Are Stupid... And They Like Big Boobs" on NPR.

If this woman was ever funny in the past, she isn't any more. The title of her book has put me off. I tried to listen to the online interview Scott Simon did with her, but was turned off by the way the book was portrayed in a cute manner, when the title obviously wasn't cute.

Hey, how about a book titled "Women Are Stupid...And They Like Big Paychecks." Or bad boys.

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UK: Toddler-killer sentenced to 7 years

Story here. Excerpt:

'A WOMAN who killed a toddler by smashing her 4x4 into his pushchair was jailed for seven years yesterday.

Suicidal Katie Gutierrez-Perez, 40, had swallowed sleeping pills, cider and wine after bailiffs snatched her home and business — but was driving to hospital after a change of heart.

She lost control of her Toyota Hilux outside a school and mounted the pavement, catapulting mum Tina Woods, 31, through the air before pinning her 15-month-old son Finlay’s buggy against a gatepost.

Finlay died of head injuries. After mother-of-two Gutierrez-Perez was pulled from the vehicle she shrugged and asked: “Have I hurt someone, then?”

Minutes earlier she had been warned not to drive by a DVLA inspector, who saw the 4x4 was uninsured and smelled alcohol.'

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RADAR ALERT: RADAR Launches New Campaign - VAWA: Out of Control

Today RADAR launches a new campaign "Violence Against Women Act: OUT OF CONTROL" The campaign will highlight that despite spending billions of dollars over the last decade, VAWA-funded programs lack accountability and effectiveness, and are destroying families. Case in point are the advertisements that were run on the Dallas Area Rapid Transit last Fall that featured messages promoting harmful and false stereotypes.

During the next few months our campaign will highlight how the Violence Against Women Act has gone out of control. We will be asking you to help get out the word to your elected representatives and the media how the Violence Against Women Act is out of control, as well as how to reform VAWA.

Successfully reforming VAWA depends on your participation. Last year we have succeeded in stopping four out-of-control bills: I-VAWA, ABA earmarks, gun confiscation, and a House resolution. Please familiarize yourself with how the Violence Against Women Act is "Out Of Control" at http://www.mediaradar.org/how_is_vawa_out_of_control.php

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Family court to men - 'Just shut up and pay'

See editorial here. The misandry inflicted upon fathers and men seems to be finally hitting the mainstream media with more regularity. A well written editorial on last weeks article on forcing a man to pay child support even though he was not the biological father.

Once again I urge you to read the comments after the editorial that are for the most part polite well thought out arguments against the current judical and societal systems that inflicts pain and hardships on men and fathers.

One such example:

Ontario family law has been predicated o Odium Paternus -- Hatred of fathers. It is truly disgusting, and has the unbridled support of sociopaths and psychopaths who use these laws to extort, coerce and steal funds from fathers and good natured people.

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Men in Europe wearing 'chastity belts' as protection vs. sexual harassment claims

Read it to believe it, here. Excerpt:

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Credit card thief charged as sex offender

Story here. Excerpt:

'Mr. Soucia was a thief: more precisely he stole a credit card. And, as a result, he was prosecuted “under the ‘Sex Offender Management and Treatment Act’.” How’s that!!

What gave the low-life prosecutor, aptly named James Conboy, the excuse was that the young man used the stolen credit to hire some strippers. In the logical world of Mr. Conboy: “If you commit a burglary and your goal is because of your own sexual gratification, it’s a sexually motivated felony.”

I sincerely doubt that Soucia broke into a house to rob it just to get his jollies. I doubt that the reason he robbed the house was so he could hire a stripper. And, even if he wanted to hire a stripper, to call this sort of theft a “sex offense” is absolutely ridiculous. Either Mr. Conboy is incredibly moronic or incredibly power-hungry. Either way he is a threat to the decent people in his county.'

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Another example of double-standards applied to similar cases

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 17-year-old Sheboygan girl was charged Thursday with misdemeanor sexual assault for allegedly having sex with her 14-year-old boyfriend.
Guthrie admitted having sex with the boy between 10 and 15 times, according to a complaint charging her with fourth-degree sexual assault. She faces a maximum of nine months in jail, if convicted.
On Wednesday, Alan J. Jensen, 17, of 1416 New York Ave., was charged for allegedly having sex with a 14-year-old girl who he claimed told him she was 16. Jepsen is facing a count of felony second-degree sexual assault, which carries a maximum prison term of 25 years.
Haasch also said the cases are different because Guthrie's boyfriend is "almost 15," with a birthday in February. Jensen's girlfriend turns 15 in April.'

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"In support of a feminist stimulus"

Blog entry here. The biggest issue I have with this idea is the suggestion of requiring construction companies to implement one third of new apprenticeships to women. If we're trying to improve the infrastructure, why use affirmative action to hire unqualified women? Does feminist equity include bridges collapsing? Excerpt:

'We suggest three lines of action that will insure that women get a fair share of the benefits from your program:

1. Revive and enforce the Labor Department regulations that require government contractors to institute affirmative action plans that provide a share of the jobs for women and minorities. Closely monitor the contractors for compliance.

2. In connection with the infrastructure projects, institute apprenticeships, and ensure that at least one third of the positions go to women.

3. Add projects in health, child care, education, social service that will both provide jobs to women, and also provide needed services to them.'

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UK: Wife bites hubbys 'willy' to avoid sex

Story here. Excerpt:

'London, Dec 31 (ANI): A man was left crying with pain after his wife chomped his manhood because she did not want to have sex with him.

Chris Bowers was taken into custody for attacking her husband after the couple had been drinking.

It was when the couple returned to their home in Deltona, Florida, that an angered Charris attacked her hubby Delou Bowers because she was not interested in having sex with him.

According to a police report, they started of with having oral sex, but Bowers was left writhing in pain as his wife clamped down on his penis.

First Bowers pleaded with his wife to stop but later he punched her in the face until she finally let go.

However, Charris then gave her husband a storm of blows in return before he escaped from the room.'

No where does it say he forced his penis in her mouth. He acted in self defense.

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Chinese schoolboy has 52 stitches after attack from teacher

Story here. Excerpt:

'A primary-school student in central China had to have 52 stitches in his face after he was beaten by his teacher for not doing his homework.

Zheng Chaoqun, 10, is still being treated at a hospital in Henan province after his teacher tore away a strip of flesh. Zheng told a local newspaper, the Dayang News, that his assailant, 37-year-old Guo Yabin, had picked him up by his cheeks after he failed to hand in his work.

"She was very angry at the time," he said. "She ripped and tiwsted my cheeks with both her hands and then she lifted me off the ground."

The boy said he felt his face ripping off and fell back to his seat. "She still had my skin in her hands, and my face was bleeding. She looked anxious and sent me home," he said.'

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Christina Hoff Sommers: What's Wrong and What's Right with Contemporary Feminism?

Article here. Excerpt:

'This evening I will be arguing that contemporary feminism has taken a wrong turn. In my view, the noble cause of women's emancipation is being damaged in at least three ways by the contemporary women's movement. First, today's movement takes a very dim view of men; second, it wildly overstates the victim status of American women; and third, it is dogmatically attached to the view that men and women are essentially the same. In the time I have with you, I will try to explain and justify these criticisms, and conclude by offering what I think is a reasonable and humane alternative to current feminism. I will also extend an olive branch to the feminists I criticize. But first a few words about my background. . . .'

PDF file here.

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