How hysterical mothers have driven men out of teaching

Article here. Excerpt:

"As endangered species go, this one is especially alarming: so rare has the male primary school teacher become that one in ten schools has none at all, while across the country they account for barely 15 per cent of those who teach under-11s.
Is it that these days, men are scared of teaching young children because they are scared of false allegations of child abuse.

And if you want to know who is largely responsible for creating an atmosphere in which such a fear is all too horribly realistic, look no further than the twittering bunch of over-protective, over-excitable mothers clustered around our school gates.

These are the people who have bought, wholesale, into the myth of the sexually predatory bogeyman on every corner; the people who have, in a single generation, swept us from the sensible 'don't take sweets from strangers' to the absurd 'all men are paedophiles'."

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Paternity fraud fight of husband 'duped for 17 years by wife'

Story here. Excerpt:

'A husband was conned for 17 years by his wife into bringing up her lover's child as his own, a court heard yesterday.

Mark Webb only found out the truth from DNA tests conducted after the girl turned 18, it is alleged. He has tried to sue his ex-wife Lydia Chapman for deceiving him over the paternity of her daughter.

In the first 'paternity fraud' case to reach the Appeal Court, Mr Webb claimed his former wife and her alleged lover conceived the girl at a hotel in 1985.'

This is an important test-case in the UK. The outcome will set a precendent for other cases.

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Ireland: First female ever jailed for incest

Article here. Excerpt:

"The 40-year-old alcoholic, from Co Roscommon, is the first woman in the history of the Irish state to be convicted of incest.

She admitted to being the worst mother in the world after putting her youngsters - who were aged between six and 15 at the time - through a harrowing catalogue of neglect, including forcing her 13-year-old son to have sex with her.

At Roscommon Circuit Court, Judge Miriam Reynolds said she would have given the unnamed woman a life sentence had she been a man but was restricted by the terms of a legal act carrying a maximum sentence of seven years for incest cases involving women."

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"Single mother who allowed her son aged THREE to smoke cigarettes at home walks free from court"

Story here. Utterly unbelievable. And, OF COURSE, she gets no jail time. Words fail me. Excerpt:

'A young mother allowed her three-year-old son to smoke, a court heard yesterday.

The boy was apparently familiar with cigarettes and knew how to use a lighter and inhale.

He was allowed to smoke in his bedroom and around the house, and was only stopped when a family friend used her mobile phone to film him and alerted social workers.'

Her CHILDREN's sake... She has more than one. Maybe the others are alcoholics and drug addicts?

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India: Domestic Violence Claims 156,000 husbands

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the last eleven years (1996 - 2007) 156000 husbands have been claimed by rampant domestic violence against them. In a shocking revelation of suicide statistics for the year 2007 reveals that almost double the number of married men have committed suicide in comparison to married women as the report attached here corroborates. It states that in the year 2007 57,593 married men committed suicide in comparison to 30,064 married women whereas the same figures for the years 2006 are 55,452 and 29,869 and for 2005 are 52,483 and 28,188.

While there has been a lot of hue and cry for domestic violence against women with various studies being sponsored for studying the same with tax payers’ money 82% of which comes from men, but sadly enough no study has ever been done in India for studying the prevalence, effects and trends of domestic violence against men or the statistics about it.

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Still takes a court order for boys to have long hair

How many years has it been and still, boys can't have long hair without judicial intervention? Even so, the reason has to be something like religion. How about just plain self-expression? Story here. Excerpt:

'Five-year-old Adriel Arocha doesn’t have to stuff his hair into his shirt collar. And he doesn’t have to meet privately with a teacher, away from his classmates, for flouting the school’s policy on hair length.

On Tuesday, a federal judge ruled that the Needville Independent School District’s policy violated state law and the U.S. Constitution by punishing the American Indian kindergartner for religious beliefs that require him to wear his hair long.

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Teenage girls accused of abusing elderly nursing home residents

Story here. Excerpt:

'ALBERT LEA, Minn. – Allegations that two young assistants groped, spanked and spat on several nursing home residents suffering from dementia have shaken members of this southern Minnesota community, including the lead prosecutor in the case.

Brianna Marie Broitzman and Ashton Michelle Larson, both 19, appeared in court Wednesday to face multiple charges over the alleged abuse at Good Samaritan Society. The young women did not enter pleas, and both were released on bail.

"I think that they are very serious charges," Freeborn County Attorney Craig Nelson said after the hearing. "We're dealing with people who are vulnerable adults. People who are clearly ... in need of our care and our concern and our monitoring. They depend on us for everything."

Nelson added: "I, as a member of this community, certainly can feel it in my bones."'

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India: Activists want a ministry for men

Story here. Excerpt:

"New Delhi: Men's rights activists want domestic violence laws to be gender-neutral. Armed with statistics of high suicide rates among men, their wish list includes a ministry for men's welfare, a national commission for men and a review of the antidowry law, which they claim is grossly misused.

"Men are suffering from 'legal terrorism' at the hands of some women. If you can have a ministry for animal welfare, why not one for the welfare of men'' asks Swarup Sarkar, coordinator, Save Family Foundation, Delhi.

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Report: More men committed suicide in India by almost 2:1 in 2007

Story here. Excerpt:

'NEW DELHI: India reported 122,637 suicides last year — an average of 336 every day — with more men ending their lives than women, the latest report of the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) has revealed.

Although suicide was a nationwide phenomenon, five states — Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka — registered consistently higher number of suicidal deaths during the last few years. Overall, 2007 recorded an increase of 3.8% over the previous year's figure of 118,112.

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India: Heartless Kolkata watches man die

Read the story here. Do you think a woman would have been left to die on the streets like this? Mostly not. But the status of men is lower than even animals. Excerpt:

'KOLKATA: It's known as a city with a heart caring, nourishing and reaching out to the helpless and destitutes. This premise was put to test over the weekend, and sadly, Kolkata failed.

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"Promiscuous women raise the bar for men"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Infidelity produces faster sperms, say researchers

Toronto: Female behaviour determines the quality and quantity of sperm of her mating partner, says a new Canadian study.

If she is promiscuous, she can trigger changes in the quality and quantity of sperm of a male as he has to compete with other males to impregnate her.

Only if he can produce better, larger and faster sperm than others does he stand a chance of impregnating her, says the study on fish by McMaster University at Hamilton near here.

The study says the idea that sperm would evolve to become more competitive when males compete for fertilisation seems obvious, but there has been little proof of this till date.'

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Harkin's Statement On the Fair Pay Act

Article here. Published in April 2008 but relevant to the kind of rationale being used. Harkin is appealing to the Labor Theory of Value which in essence says work's value is commensurate with how much effort is put into it rather than whether or not the product thereof is in demand. Based on that thinking if one were to dig a sand-pit in the middle of a desert, one should be paid the same as if he were to excavate by request a similarly-sized hole in downtown Manhattan where a building is to be put. Excerpt:

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"Women" agenda page on

Read it here. Replace "women" in the url with "men" and you get a 404 error. No big surprise there. Excerpt:

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Woman seeking alimony after common-law marriage

Story here. Excerpt:

'MONTREAL — She is a willowy brunette with supermodel looks. He is a multimillionaire who travels the globe. Their union produced three kids - and their breakup is now poised to test Canadian law.

A Montreal woman turned to a Quebec judge yesterday in a bid to obtain alimony from her wealthy ex. She says she was the man's companion, travel partner, and mother to their children: The only thing she wasn't was his wife.

Now the woman is challenging federal law and seeking $50-million of her ex's fortune, saying she was unfairly penalized because she never tied the knot.'

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Mom allegedly coached girl in sex case

Article here. Excerpt:

'CALGARY - Cops wrongly charged a Calgary dad with sexual abuse after his ex-wife coached their three-year-old daughter's complaint, a $900,000 lawsuit claims.

And the lawyer for the dad says his client has now effectively lost his daughter since the mom has taken her to their native China.

"He may have lost the child forever," lawyer Robb Beeman told the Sun yesterday.

Beeman said police should have done a more thorough investigation before charging his client with sexual assault two years ago.'

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