Male DV Research Project Seeks Subjects

Dear MensActivism,

I received a link to this site recently in an email note and thought that you might be interested.




Ed. note: This study has been mentioned before here on MANN but it can't hurt to mention it again for the benefit of people new to the site.

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India: 18% rape cases false

Story here. Excerpt:

'NEW DELHI: A little less than 20% of sexual-assault cases reported in and around Delhi are false, shows a five-year study. In almost every fifth incident, or, in 18.3 % cases to be precise, rape is used as a weapon to malign and attempt revenge, found a group of psychologists who assist Delhi Police in investigating sexual assault allegations.
In September 2007, the Supreme Court had alerted lower courts to attempts at misusing the rape law, noting "the courts should bear in mind that false charges of rape are not uncommon."'

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Woman jailed for domestic abuse

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Tahlequah woman was arrested by Cherokee County sheriff’s deputies Monday for assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, domestic abuse, and domestic abuse in the presence of minors.
Finch met deputies at a neighbor’s house. When the deputies went to her residence to talk with her husband, they met the man with numerous injuries, including stab wounds, scratches and bite marks on his shoulders, scalp, forehead and forearm. He was bleeding in numerous places. He told deputies his wife had thrown snow globes at him and stabbed him numerous times.

Three children in the home were interviewed by deputies, and said Finch had thrown snow globes at the man and also hit him over the head with a green vase.

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"Obama's women: He just can't win"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Suddenly, Obama was an obstacle to the advancement of women. Now, President-elect Obama is again being portrayed as an obstacle to the advancement of women. Radical feminists whine that he didn't appoint enough women to his Cabinet.

Upon seeing that Obama had named five women to top administration posts, Kim Gandy, president of the National Organization for Women, said, "there need to be a lot more women's voices in this administration."

Amy Siskind, co-founder of New Agenda, said Obama has taken "shocking steps backward." She said "this constituency does not matter to the President-elect."
This type of bean counting, as Bill Clinton called it, is silly. Obama should have the freedom to pick the people he believes best suited for the work without being criticized by activists who care more about pressure politics than good government.'

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CNN: Why women shouldn't say 'I love you' first

Article here. Excerpt:

'If I have a daughter one day, among the many things I'll teach her will be how to tie her shoes, to look both ways before crossing the street, to never end a sentence with a preposition, and to always let the man say "I love you" first.

I'll give her plenty of other relationship tips, too, like how it's perfectly okay to ask a guy out, to make the first move, to even propose, but when it comes to the "L" word, the ball's in the guy's court.

Unlike asking a man out, making a move on him, or even proposing, there's no action-based response to the first "I love you." It's all words, it's all emotion. In that moment, he either loves you back or he doesn't -- you only hear the black or white of a 'yes' or 'no,' not the gray of "Well, I like you a whole lot and I could see myself falling in love with you, but I'm just not quite there yet."

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Phyllis Schlafly: Obama's Plan to Rejoin the World Community

Article here. Excerpt:

'Obama is toadying to his feminist friends by pushing ratification of the UN Treaty on Women, known as CEDAW. It was signed by Jimmy Carter in 1980 and persistently promoted by Hillary Clinton, but the Senate has so far had the good judgment to refuse to ratify it.

This treaty would require us "to modify the social and cultural patterns of conduct of men and women," to follow UN dictates about "family education," to revise our textbooks to conform to feminist ideology in order to ensure "the elimination of any stereotyped concept of the roles of men and women," and to set up a federal "network of child-care facilities."

Article 16 would require us to allow women "to decide number and spacing of their children." Everyone recognizes this as feminist jargon for a UN obligation to allow abortion on demand.

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The site is From the "About" page:

'Welcome to

This site was created for teens growing up without a father or without a mother.

If was created for those who rarely see their fathers after their parents got divorced and for those who never even knew their fathers. It was created for those who lost a parent to cancer and for those who go through long periods of time without their fathers or mothers because of their service in the armed forces. It was created for those who may have a physically present, but emotionally absent father.

In all these cases and many others, this site was created for you and with you in mind. Even more, this site is for to any teen anywhere who is trying to improve their life.'

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New York City Girl, 15, Charged With Two Homicides

Story here. Excerpt:

'NEW YORK — A 15-year-old Bronx girl has been charged with two homicides including the death of a man whose dismembered body was found in a plastic bag.

Sharell Butler was arraigned late Saturday and charged as an adult with murder in the deaths of 24-year-old Christopher Umpierre on Dec. 19 and 22-year-old John Hopkins-Drago on Dec. 21.

A Bronx building superintendent found Hopkins-Drago's body stuffed in a garbage bag. The medical examiner's office said the cause of death was stab wounds to his head, torso and extremities.

Prosecutors said Umpierre was shot in the chest during a home invasion robbery involving Butler and others.'

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Pupils misbehave more with male teachers, survey shows

Story here. Excerpt:

'Children are more likely to behave badly in front of male teachers than females, according to a survey published today.
Christine Blower, acting general secretary of the NUT, said: "Despite the impression given by some national figures that women teachers are more subject to experiencing bad behaviour than men, the evidence is that it is male teachers who sometimes experience greater levels of poor pupil behaviour.

"It also demonstrates how misleading gender stereotypes are."'

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Man dies after genitials 'set on fire by wife'

Story here. Excerpt:

'An Australian man has died from horrific burns after his wife allegedly set fire to his genitals while he was alseep.
His wife, Rajini, is expected to be charged with manslaughter or murder.
Police allege Mrs Narayan doused his genitals with methylated spirit and then set him on fire early on the morning of December 7.'

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Military Struggles With Response To PTSD

Article here. Excerpt:

'(CBS) The Pentagon says 1 in 5 service members who come home from Iraq or Afghanistan suffer from post-traumatic stress.

Some find their experiences too much to bear. There were 115 military suicides last year, and 93 through just August of this year.

The biggest obstacle to getting those numbers down may be the military culture itself, reports CBS News correspondent Kimberly Dozier.
On July 11, 2007, McKinney, serving on his second tour, killed himself in front of his men. He had endured months of sleeplessness, nightmares and guilt over losing so many of the soldiers he commanded.

"I think he felt like he couldn't send one more broken body home, one more dead person home," Jeff McKinney's father, Charles McKinney, said.'

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Single men turning to surrogates

Story here. Excerpt:

'Surrogacy experts say gestational surrogacy has increased steadily since the advent of in vitro fertilization in the early 1980s, because it provides an extra layer of emotional and legal protection for the client. The egg donor usually does not even know the client, and unlike the legally contentious "Baby M" case from the 1980s, the surrogate is not giving birth to her genetic child.

"It rises as an issue far less frequently with gestational surrogacy, because women never see it as their child to begin with," said John Weltman, president of Circle Surrogacy.

His agency, which expects more than 70 babies to be born in 2009, has seen a 50 percent growth in the number of single male clients over the past year.'

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NPR show: 'Raising Boys'

Show here. From the page:

'If you’ve paid attention to the media lately, you’ve heard that American boys are in crisis - lagging behind educationally, and disconnected from their masculinity. Others argue that these problems are no more a part of boys’ lives than snakes, snails and puppy dog tails - and that maybe it’s pressure to be stereotypically manly that exacerbates the difficulties they do experience. Join us this Wednesday when we look at the status of boys from both sides, and see what challenges are involved in raising boys today. Because this is a show from our archives, we won’t be taking calls this hour.'

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Study: Toilet Seat Injuries to Little Boys Appear to Be on the Rise

Article here. People with toddler sons, take heed! Excerpt:

'Parents of newly toilet-trained boys should take a few simple steps to keep their sons' penises safe when they go to the bathroom, a team of UK urologists advises.

There's evidence that crush injuries due to falling toilet seats may be on the rise, Dr. Joe Philip of Leighton Hospital in Crewe and colleagues warn in a letter in BJU (British Journal of Urology) International.'

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Commentary: The joke's on men in modern times

Article here. Excerpt:

'Garcia said the male-bashing trend is also a result of the pent-up anger women still hold for men. The fact is, it wasn't long ago that it was a man's world - that women had limited opportunities and options. For some women, male bashing is a form of payback.
The irony is that men aren't fighting women. Most are bending over backwards to accommodate women.
Garcia argues that in the most extreme cases a significant social trend has occurred - that as men stumble and fall behind, they are dropping out and giving up. He says we're in a state of denial - that the faltering male doesn't do anyone any good.

"The shrinking pool of educated, eligible males only adds to the perception that men are clueless deadbeats, a downward spiral that could affect generations to come," he said.'

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