Australia: Women are better than men at controlling their lust?

Article here. Excerpt:

'The tiresome myth that women are not as visually aroused as men is used to justify everything from sexual assault to double standards about public toplessness, and it's time to kill it dead.
Sometimes women even have sex with men for no other reason than - shock horror - physical attraction.

The should-be-obvious truth is that straight women love men's bodies. That it sometimes seems otherwise is only because pervy men are more acceptable in our culture than pervy women.'

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India: Women may have prevented recession: Study

Article here. Excerpt:

'An interesting study has now said that the roots may lie in the basic differences between men and women.

Last year's hall of shame are leaders that just couldn't stand up to the downturn. They all made mistakes, they all suffered setbacks and they are all men.

In fact, a recent study by Cambridge University has suggested that if there were more women in top power positions, the global financial crisis would have been significantly diminished.

So would that hold true for the economic downturn in India too? Powerful women who lead the pack seem to think so.

"Thinking things through, being authentic, ready to get your hands dirty and get down to the frontline yourself, being nurturing and supportive, these are traditionally a woman's traits but they rise to the fore in a crisis situation," said Dr Gita Piramal, author, Managing Radical Change.

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Naugatuck man joins ranks of volunteer dads

Story here. Excerpt:

'He is also involved in the "Dad's Club," through which programs give children quality time with their fathers or any other influential males in their lives. Among the many programs the organization hosts are "Doughnuts with Dad" and movie nights for fathers and their children. Last year the club showed "Air Bud" and appropriately named the program "Me and My Bud."

Huculak tries to convince other men that parental groups, like Parent Teacher Associations or Parent School Associations, are not just for women. He believes the message is starting to resonate.

"For so long it's always been the female that's going to the school, and the man kind of feels left out or that it's not his place," he said. "We're trying to show that the fathers, as well as mothers, need to have a strong presence in schools."

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"Some Change Is a Big Improvement"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Feminists are howling in protest against this growing trend toward single-sex public education. Ever since the 1960s, they’ve been demanding that boys and girls, and men and women, be treated exactly the same based on feminist theory that there are no gender differences.

“Without anyone batting an eye, we are re-segregating schools based on gender,” complained Rosalind Barnett of Brandeis University. “If for a minute people talked about re-segregating on race, people would be up in arms.”

But gender is not like race, and the huge demand for single-sex programs shows that parents know they are effective. Don’t expect Hillary Clinton to protest something so popular, particularly among blacks, and it is doubtful that the Obama Administration will dare to stop this trend.'

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Rising autism rates challenge schools

Article here. Excerpt:

'The number of students diagnosed with autism in South Carolina’s public schools has more than doubled in the past five years, creating more challenges in programming and staffing for education officials.
The local trend mirrors national data that show the prevalence has risen to 1 in every 150 American children, and almost 1 in 94 boys, according to a report released by the Centers for Disease Control in 2007.

Durant said the biggest challenge is making sure that everyone gets the necessary training to provide the right services to the students. Making sure special education teachers have training is much easier than with general education teachers, she added, but no less important.'

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UK: Sex discrimination laws prevented ban on the belt for girls, reveal archives

Article here. Excerpt:

'EARLY moves to ban teachers from giving girls the belt at school were thwarted by sex discrimination laws, newly released government papers reveal.
The documents, dating from the late 1970s – ten years before the belt wasbanned – were kept secret for 30 years and reveal that sex discrimination laws of the time prevented a reprieve from corporal punishment for girls.
"Any rules which provide that boys should receive corporal punishment where girls do not would be illegal.

"The Secretary of State for Scotland did not agree with corporal punishment for girls but could not say so because of the Sex Discrimination Act. The Secretary of State felt strongly that girls of any age should not receive corporal punishment."'

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Woman charged in murder of police officer husband

Story here. Excerpt:

'But here's where the evidence didn't seem to fit quite right. For one thing, said McCartin, a policeman at home, out of uniform, would never reveal he was a cop for fear of making a bad situation worse. And besides, if Joel had been shot while confronting his attackers, there should have been blood spatter everywhere. But there wasn't. There was lots of blood, of course. But only on the couch.

...In my opinion he was shot while he was sleepin' on the couch. He was on the couch the entire time.'

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Pain of divorce: Where money is placed above fairness

Article here. Excerpt:

'Additionally, after thirty years of mainstream feminist control of virtually all federal, state, and county family law related legislation every Elkins Task Force member has undergone intensive training based on questionable ideological models, including through lucrative STOP grants funded by the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), the very name of which unequivocally reveals intentional gender bias.

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Woman caught on tape trying to hire a hit man to kill her ex-husband

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Washington state woman is accused of trying to hire someone to kill her ex-husband and his family, and police say they have the video to prove it.

Investigators said 28-year-old Elizabeth Beimer was enraged over a custody battle with her ex-husband and asked a friend to help find a hit man. That friend went to the police.

So instead, Beimer ended up meeting with an undercover officer.'

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Woman booked into Angelina jail on charges she killed her husband in 2003

Story here. Excerpt:

'An Angelina County woman indicted last year in connection with the 2003 shooting of her husband arrived New Year's Eve to Angelina County jail after being extradited from Iowa.

Shelly Dorsey, 37, was charged with capital murder Wednesday afternoon following her refusal to waive her extradition from an Iowa county jail where she was being held.

An Angelina County grand jury in late October indicted Dorsey for the murder of 30-year-old Alvin Dorsey II, who died after being shot in the chest outside Little Jim's night club, off U.S. 69 south, on Sept. 12, 2003.

Police responded to reports of shots fired; when deputies arrived on scene, they saw Dorsey standing over the body of her husband, who was lying on his back in a pool of blood, an arrest report stated.'

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Mother charged in toddler's death

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Stevensville mother told sheriff's deputies she killed her 3-year-old daughter and attempted suicide earlier this month because she couldn't handle the holidays and wanted to take her child with her when she died, according to court documents.

Victoria Adele Sparrow, 43, was released from a Baltimore hospital yesterday and formally charged with the death of her daughter, Laci. She is being held without bond at the Queen Anne's County Detention Center on charges of first-and second-degree murder, first-and second-degree assault, reckless endangerment, first-degree child abuse resulting in death, and second-degree child abuse.'

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Columnist praises men who stay with wife and child even after paternity fraud is known

Article here. Excerpt:

'"Stop paternity fraud" has become the rallying cry for cuckolded men. Child advocates such as D.C. attorney Ron Henry call for child-support reform to prevent innocent men from being turned into "indentured servants" for 18 years. Paternity-fraud victim Carnell Smith, who founded, offers support and DNA tests to suspicious men. A Utah company, Identigene, markets affordable DNA Paternity Test Kits in Rite-Aid, CVS, Walgreens, Wal-Mart and other stores across the country.

Paternity fraud taps into a deep anger and distress men can feel when faced with a duplicitous woman. At the same time, however, I also have met many men who, when faced with this identical dilemma, considered their options, took a deep breath and became the father to a child who was not their own.
Too often, our media focus on the boys who make babies and walk away, and ignores the men who, with full knowledge and free will, quietly shoulder the responsibility, become a partner to the mother and take the father's seat at the table.'

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$13-million facility teaches homeless women fine cuisine while ignoring men

Story here. Excerpt:

'The cafe is the latest project of the Good Shepherd Center for Homeless Women and Children. Over the last 25 years, the organization has provided thousands with food, clothes, housing and counseling, all under the steady hand of Sister Julia Mary Farley, its founder and a saintly sort in local social work circles.

Good Shepherd occupies nearly an entire block in a stretch of town otherwise peppered with cheap motels, union halls and lavanderías. Its latest addition is a $13-million building with 21 transitional apartments -- and this tiny cafe.

The cafe is staffed by 10 women, nine of them mothers, all of them recently homeless, imprisoned or both. There are former addicts, dealers, thieves and old-fashioned down-on-their-lockers -- some of whom have eaten out of garbage cans -- being trained in classic cuisine and, on the best days, learning to love themselves again.'

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"Governance Feminism"

Article entitled Alec Baldwin: A Promise to Ourselves. Excerpt:

'...“Governance Feminism” was first coined by ... Law Professor Janet Halley. The following is an excerpt from Baldwin’s interview with Professor Suk:

"[Governance Feminism is] the idea that feminism, which once criticized the law from the outside, is today actually in charge in many places in the law — among police, prosecutors, lawmakers, judges, and other legal actors. The feminism that often “governs” today is that strand developed by the legal scholar Catherine MacKinnon and that focuses on the subordination of women by men, particularly in intimate sexual relationships. Her influence on our legal system’s understandings of men and women cannot be overstated. If you talk to police, prosectuors, law-makers, and judges about domestic violence, perhaps they have not read MacKinnon, but they often subscribe to the premise that men subordinate women through sex and violence."

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UK: Fathers' role in education stressed

Article here. Excerpt:

'Schools are being urged to increase contact with absent fathers to encourage them to play a greater role in their child's education, it has been reported.

Ministers want fathers who are not living in the family home to be kept informed of their child's progress at school, believing it can improve pupils' well-being and academic performance, particularly among boys, according to The Independent.

A recent Cabinet Office report showed a quarter of children were living in lone parent homes.

Studies show a father's involvement is vital to encouraging boys, in particular, to do better in school.'

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