"Domestic Abuse Against Men — It Happens"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Domestic abuse against men — yes, it happens. You’re going to have a hard time finding statistics, because reluctant as many women are to report abusive husbands or boyfriends to the authorities out of fear of his retaliation or because they’ve been conditioned to accept the abuse, men are even less likely to pick up the phone, dial 911 and say their wife or girlfriend just went upside their head or threw a pot at them.

If a man has a hot-headed, heavy-handed woman to deal with, there are reasons he doesn’t say or do anything about it except hope she doesn’t wind up maiming or killing him. For one, it’s embarrassing to have it look like she can whoop his butt. For another, in certain states, all she has to do is claim she was defending herself and that she is in fear of him when the cops show up. Whether it’s true or not, he promptly finds himself treated to a free ride downtown where he’s accorded an insider’s view of the county jail — from the wrong side of the bars.'

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Mother in child abuse case is released from jail while husband is sentenced to 9 years

Story here. Excerpt:

'JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — A woman was sentenced Tuesday to time served for her role in the confinement of her son, then 9, who authorities say was kept locked in his bedroom for almost three years and monitored by a video camera.

Earlier in the day, Michelle Piercy pleaded guilty to child neglect and told prosecutors that the 809 days she had spent in jail were less stressful than living in the home her husband turned into a prison for their son.

Circuit Judge Mallory Cooper accepted a prosecutor's recommendation that she be sentenced to the more than two years she's already spent behind bars, and she was released from custody.

Her husband, Randall Piercy, was sentenced earlier this month to nine years in prison after pleading guilty to aggravated child abuse. Michelle Piercy is seeking a divorce.'

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Ten-year sentence for husband’s manslaughter

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman who pleaded guilty to fatally stabbing her husband after a night of drinking in West Utica last April, was sentenced in County Court today.

Jady Voce, 43, of Saratoga Street, Utica, pleaded guilty to first-degree manslaughter before Judge Barry M. Donalty in November.

She was sentenced to 10 years in state prison today, plus five years post-release supervision, court clerks said.
Voce used a pocket knife that she carried for protection to stab her husband in the liver while at the corner of Lenox Avenue and Court Street, police said. Joseph Voce bled to death as a result of his injuries.'

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Woman arrested, kids taken away after alleged violent argument with husband

Story here. Excerpt:

'MANITOWOC — A 22-year-old Manitowoc woman faces several criminal charges following a violent argument with her husband Friday that endangered the couple’s two young children, according to Manitowoc Police Department reports.

Ashley R. Fonda faces charges of domestic violence-related damage to property, domestic violence-related disorderly conduct and second-degree reckless endangerment. The incident occurred at 4:45 a.m. in the 300 block of Riverview Drive.

According to police:

Fonda and her husband got into an argument Friday while a babysitter was watching their 1½-year-old daughter and 5-month-old son in the same apartment. Fonda allegedly began throwing things, tipped a garbage can over, knocked over furniture and threw a pot of food at her husband, smashing into the door of her child’s room and putting a hole through it.

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UK: Michael Flatley false rape claim stripper faces jail

Story here. Excerpt:

'A former exotic dancer, who falsely accused Michael Flatley of rape, has been told by an American judge that she faces jail unless she cooperates with his lawyers as they seek to recover $11m in damages.

Tyna Marie Robertson tried to extort $30m (€21m) from the Riverdance star after saying she would go public with false allegations that he had sexually assaulted her in a Las Vegas hotel in 2002.
Robertson was later brought before Cook County judge Alexander White who told her she must cooperate with Mr Flatley's lawyers who are seeking documentation of her assets.

"This is your get-out-of-jail pass. If there is no cooperation . . . We are talking about civil contempt. I will put you in county jail for six months. No questions asked," he added.'

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Should Government Reduce Inequality in Life Spans?

Article here. Excerpt;

'In 2005, life expectancy at birth was almost seven percent higher for American women than for American men (80.4 years for women vs. 75.2 years for men). Governments could certainly reduce this life-expectancy inequality by redistributing medical research funding on women's health to research on men's health, and general medical care funding from women to men. Consider that men are more likely to die from prostate cancer than women are from breast cancer. Yet in 2005 federal expenditures for prostate cancer research were $390 million compared to $698 million for breast cancer research, and the American Cancer Society contributed almost three times as much for breast cancer research ($98 million) as for prostate cancer research ($36 million).'

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Woman Charged in Nephew's Stabbing Death Ruled Insane

Story here. Excerpt:

'IRVINGTON, N.J. (AP) -- An Irvington woman charged in the stabbing death of her 5-year-old nephew has been found innocent by reason of insanity.

Jasmine Collins was accused of stabbing Meshach Collins of Orange to death while the boy was at her house to play with his cousins in November 2006.

Authorities say she had changed her clothes and was arrested by police walking a few blocks from her home across the border into Newark.

Superior Court Judge Peter Vazquez ruled Tuesday that Collins was not guilty by reason of insanity.

Essex County Prosecutor's Office spokesman Paul Loriquet says she is being held in a state hospital until she is determined to no longer be a danger to herself or others.'

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FDA Will Continue To Study Chemical Which Mimics Estrogen

Story here. Excerpt:

'The Food and Drug Administration, criticized by its own scientific advisers for ignoring available data about health risks posed by a chemical found in everyday plastic, said yesterday it has no plans to amend its position on the substance but will continue to study it.

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UK: Wife kills husband in booze row

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Leeds woman has been jailed for life after stabbing her partner to death in a row over whose turn it was to buy booze from the off-licence.

David Rider, 44, bled to death after Lesley Buck, 40 , pictured, thrust a kitchen knife through his leg as he sat on the sofa.

When police and paramedics attended her house in Belle Isle, Leeds, Buck seemed more interested in reading the newspaper and watching TV, a court heard.

After delivering the fatal blow, Buck walked to a phone box to dial 999 and claimed her partner's injuries were self-inflicted.
Ordering Buck to serve a minimum of 10 years before being considered for parole, judge Scott Wolstenholme, told her: "It was senseless, drunken and lethal violence on your part which has caused a man to lose his life."'

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"Teen Sex Isn't a Crime With a Hot Teacher"

Article here. Excerpt:

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Economic blame game targets men

Article here. Excerpt:

'"All of the recent perpetrators of the greatest economic mess in eight decades are, well, men," writes Deborah Spar in the Washington Post.

The aptly named Spar, president of Barnard College, deploys a variety of arguments to back up this broad claim, including male hormonal imbalance (testosterone has been scientifically linked with risky stock trading) and evidence that women tend to be more risk-averse than men, especially when high-stake finances are concerned. Add to that the grim facts of female employment in finance, where no women held chief executive positions as recently as last year, and the evidence against men becomes circumstantially compelling.
Yes, sure, a woman blew the whistle on Enron. Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal reported Monday that Mary Schapiro headed an agency that extensively investigated Bernard Madoff, but failed to uncover his vast Ponzi scheme.

Thus far, her hormone levels have not been analyzed.'

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A Man’s Take On Advice In Women’s Magazines

Article here. Excerpt:

'Peruse any magazine rack and various Web sites and you’ll see headlines such as these splattered all over. Inside you’ll read article upon article about how women can decode, seduce, corral, turn on, and coerce men.

One is left to believe that men don’t want to be married or in any sort of committed relationship, men don’t want to treat women well, men don’t want families, men don’t want to settle down, and worst of all, men don’t even have the desire or the ability to communicate any of this about themselves. Good thing we smell so good.
I happen to know women who don’t want to be married and/or in a serious relationship. I know women who aren’t the articulate, clear communicators they’re supposed to be. I know women who aren’t that into kids and don’t want a family.

So pardon my frustration, and other men’s, when we read articles portraying us as the incapable, the insincere, and the incompetent gender.'

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Singapore: More Men Die from COPD Compared to Women

Story here. Excerpt:

'Singapore - infoZine - Men across the Asia-Pacific region have consistently higher mortality and hospitalization rates for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) than corresponding rates for women in the region.

This higher rate for men reflects a different risk profile for men and women – in particular the higher prevalence of smoking among men across the Asia- Pacific region.

According to a study in Respirology published by Wiley-Blackwell, the average death rates ranged from 6.4 to 9.2 per 10 000 population for men while the corresponding rates for women only ranged from 2.1 to 3.5 per 10 000 population.'

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UK: 'Radical feminists' honoured for women's enterprise

Article here. Excerpt:

'"Ten years ago we were seen as radical feminists, banging on about women's rights," recalls Ms Gill. This had now changed, she added, with even the banks adapting their services to appeal specifically to women. "It has made them realise that they [women entrepreneurs] need a bit of a different service," she said.

Female business owners are well placed to survive the recession, perhaps more so than their male counterparts who typically are more comfortable funding their ventures with higher levels of debt, Ms Gill said.

"Women are going to be better placed to take on the challenges of a recession. They have better strategies in place. They are prepared to play in a team environment. It's going to be tough for staff, because frankly they have had it easy for the last 10 years," she said.'

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Italy: Women Get Better Pay, Same Promotion Rates as Men at the Executive Level

Article here. Excerpt:

'Female executives who break through the “glass ceiling” in corporate America are rewarded with higher overall compensation than their male counterparts and benefit from the same rate of promotion, according to new research from the Tepper School of Business at Carnegie Mellon University.
The findings, gleaned from tracking the career paths and compensation of more than 16,000 executives over a 14-year period, identified that female executives actually earned a total of about $100,000 more per year than men of the same age, educational background and job experience. On average, total compensation for all of the executives — about 5 percent of whom were female — was about $2.46 million, including nearly $461,000 in salary and bonuses. The average age was 53 and approximately 23 percent of the executives studied — men and women — held an MBA.

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