Sadly, killer moms are not uncommon

Letter to the editor here.

'The horrific killing by Penny Boudreau of her 12-year-old daughter, looking into the child's eyes while strangling her, should make us both shudder and consider. While this cold-blooded killing is extreme by any standard, a large sample study of child deaths in the United States showed that mothers were involved 60% of the time and acted alone as the perpetrator in one-third of the killings.

Despite this, governments have ministries for women and children and universities have faculties of women and children -- all designed to further the myth that the greatest risk to children comes from men, and specifically fathers. The research statistics suggest otherwise.'

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Men Shouldn't Be Overlooked as Victims of Partner Violence

Article here. Excerpt:

'In addressing intimate partner violence, the focus is usually on women who are physically battered by husbands or boyfriends. However, women sometimes hurt their partners as well.

Women are doing virtually everything these days that men are—working as doctors, lawyers, and rocket scientists; flying helicopters in combat; riding horses in the Kentucky Derby. And physically assaulting their spouses or partners.

In fact, when it comes to nonreciprocal violence between intimate partners, women are more often the perpetrators.'

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Exactly How Are Men Superior?

Article here. Excerpt:

'I love my sons—they’re funny, sweet, and full of surprises. But I don’t understand how a species incapable of feeding themselves—much less hitting the toilet—ever came to rule the planet.

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Divorced father seeks equal protection

Story here. Excerpt:

'A case is developing in a Tennessee divorce dispute that one attorney believes could impact custody decisions nationwide because it calls down the authority of the 14th Amendment's equal protection clause to help fathers who are good parents and want to remain involved in their children's lives.

The attorney, Stanley Charles Thorne, told WND the issue in the case at hand will be significant, since there are 3,000 divorce or custody cases in courts across the U.S. daily.

And according to the Children' website, those cases leave nearly 38 percent of the fathers with no access or visitation rights to their children. In addition, four in 10 mothers report they interfered with the father's visitation to punish him at least once, half the mothers see "no value" in the father's continued contact with his children and 70 percent of the fathers wanted more time with their kids.'

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More Staten Island dads are waging custody wars

Story here. Excerpt:

'They are among a growing army of well-intentioned fathers who view the system as stacked against them because of their gender, even though New York State law requires judges and magistrates to consider only the best interests of the child in disputes between parents.
An increasing number of dads are stepping up to the legal plate to fight custody and visitation battles against women they claim are dead-beat moms, he said.
On the other side, "There are thousands of guys out there like me," he said. Some men find themselves victims of "moms using the system to send dads into exile from their kids, taking them out of their lives with ease."

Mothers can be vindictive, "hell-bent on destroying you," charged another father who endured a Family Court battle over the custody of his young son. "It's hard. It took me three years to learn how to play the game. It was the worst experience of my entire life."'

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Joint custody helps children

Article here, originally. At the time of posting, though, the article isn't showing up (404 error); the home page of the on-line paper has a notice saying they are having technical problems though, so that could explain it. I did manage to find it in the Google cahce though, here. Excerpt:

'The winner-take-all adversarial divorce system of Judge Meyer and Mr. Cade of routinely awarding custody or ownership of our children of divorce to one parent, usually the mother, and demoting the other parent, usually the father, to the status of a visitor deprives our children of the stability and continuity of having two parents during their developmental years. The system also deprives fathers of their basic right of raising their children.

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New law could make fathers' rights come smoother

Article here. Excerpt:

'Historically, the state's courts have not favored this arrangement because of concerns that shuttling between parents could be disruptive for a child. Custody often went to mothers, who tended to be the primary caregivers. But now, fathers are more involved. "I think in some ways it's a matter of the judicial system catching up with changes in society," says Melissa Froehle, policy and program director at the Minnesota Fathers & Families Network in St. Paul.

Rep. Tim Mahoney (DFL-St. Paul) has made it his mission to change the law. Divorced twice, Mahoney paid through the nose to get joint physical custody. "But I thought everybody did that," Mahoney says. "It wasn't, 'Oh, I'm a wounded divorced father and I feel slighted.'"

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Huffington Post: How About a Super Bowl Sunday Dedicated to Ending Violence?

Article here. Excerpt:

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'One Tree Hill' Aftergasm: Feminism and Half-Naked Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'In today’s society, women are still objectified as sexual playthings. From Hooters to strip clubs and prostitution to Super Bowl ads, depicting women as nothing more than sexual objects is sadly still around

Thankfully, One Tree Hill shines as a beacon of feminism in an otherwise male-dominated society. It might seem odd, but looking back at the history of the series, it’s always been a place where it’s the male stars who are made into sexual objects.
While other shows might focus on the sexy women, stripping them down to bikinis to parade around the screen, One Tree Hill does the same thing with its men. James Lafferty has seemingly spent about half his time on the show without a shirt. Whether he’s playing basketball, walking around the house, or participating in the Boy Toy Auction, the show keeps him as naked as possible as often as possible.'

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Mother of Iraqi women bomber network arrested

Article here. Excerpt:

'A woman accused of helping recruit dozens of female suicide bombers looked into the camera and described the process: trolling society for likely candidates and then patiently converting the women from troubled souls into deadly attackers.

The accounts, in a video released Tuesday by Iraq police, offer a rare glimpse into the networks used to find and train the women bombers who have become one of the insurgents' most effective weapons as they struggle under increasing crackdowns.

In a separate prison interview with The Associated Press, with interrogators nearby, the woman said she was part of a plot in which young women were raped and then sent to her for matronly advice. She said she would try to persuade the victims to become suicide bombers as their only escape from the shame and to reclaim their honor.'

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'Stimulus Plan' includes $1 billion of "incentive funds" for child support collection

Article here. Excerpt:

'Let’s take a look at some of the “investments” in the House Stimulus plan to see if this new pork-laden bill will “lay a solid foundation for future growth.” It includes:
• $1 billion to provide incentive funds for states to collect child support owed to families (stimulus for the state police).'

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Hiding the Truth About the Pay Gap Between Men and Women

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Labor Department’s conclusion was that the gender pay gap was the result of a multitude of factors and that the “raw wage gap should not be used as the basis for [legislative] correction. Indeed, there may be nothing to correct. The differences in raw wages may be almost entirely the result of individual choices being made by both male and female workers.”

The Labor Department’s new report is clearly an important contribution to the debate over pay equity. But where is it? Although it was posted on the Labor Department’s web site just days after it was finalized, it was apparently removed as the transition in power was occurring between former President Bush and President Obama. We don’t know why the report was taken down, but certainly the timing is suspicious.'

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Pakistan: Three women abduct, rape man in Karachi

Story here. Excerpt:

'Karachi police have registered a case against three unidentified women who allegedly abducted a man and raped him over four consecutive days, and later throwing him near Qayyumabad River in an unconscious state.
As he regained consciousness, Khalil found that the women “were forcing themselves onto me”. According to assistant superintendent of police Asad Raza, the women sexually assaulted Khalil for four days, and then threw him near Qayyumabad river. “His condition is really bad ... his genitals are bleeding and he cannot walk properly,” said Raza.

Raza said the women belonged to rich families of Karachi’s Clifton area. “It’s a complicated case ... but we are hoping that we will solve it soon,” he added.'

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UK: Woman gets 21 months in jail after texting-while-driving causes fatal accident

Story here. She killed a man out of sheer buffoonery, and all she gets is a 21 months jail? Would you have given the same punishment to a man, if he killed a woman in exactly the same situation? Excerpt:

'A motorist who sent and received more than 20 text messages before she crashed into another car killing its driver has been jailed for 21 months.
Curtis, who was convicted of causing death by dangerous driving in December, had told Oxford Crown Court she felt there were times when using a phone while driving was acceptable.

During the trial the defendant, a waitress, said she had been "hyper" as she set off on her two-hour journey on 20 November, 2007.

She had made various calls and sent text messages to a number of friends using predictive text.

Shortly after making a call, her car hit Ms McBryde's parked Peugeot 106, then spun into oncoming traffic, hitting two more vehicles.
Judge Hall said he hoped the case would send out a warning to other drivers not to use their phones when behind the wheel.

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Opinion: Young men and violence

Article here. Excerpt:

'Masculinity. Masculinity in our culture is extremely unhealthy. Virtually all of these rage-induced rampages are by males. Though we went through a period of men being encouraged to be more sensitive (largely, thanks to feminism), recent influences have moved men back to a hyper-masculinity that poses serious problems for our society. Through cultural and parental conditioning, media images (tech games but also action films, comic books, graphic novels and advertisements), sports influences (mixed martial arts in particular), peer influences and so on, males today more than ever feel pressure to be hyper-masculine. The end product is a male who doesn't allow for emotional outlets, doesn't express or communicate mental anguish, doesn't show weakness or get help but instead sees violence as a viable option to solving problems.'

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