Hitchens on Hillary's nomination

Once again, Mr. H. hits the nail on the head. Read it here. If you read this, even if you are a die-hard 100% feminist, and don't find it very disturbing, then you probably are among the Clinton donors he is talking about. Excerpt:

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Woman sentenced for false rape report

Story here. Excerpt:

'TROY — A Wapakoneta woman will be paying authorities $892 for the overtime detectives used to investigate her false claim of being raped.

Melissa Turner, 40, told the sheriff's office May 19 she was raped on the banks of the Great Miami River, under the Eldean Bridge north of Troy. She admitted May 21 that she had lied, according to court documents.

She pleaded guilty to the felony charge in November and was sentenced Monday, Jan. 12 to community control and order to reimburse the Miami County Sheriff's Office.'

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Man fighting to gain parental rights to toddler he says he fathered with married woman

Article here. Excerpt:

'A father says he's been stripped of his parental rights and now he's taking bold steps to get the word out about his case.

James Rhoades says he fathered a child with a woman he had an affair with. But since she's married to someone else, the courts won't recognize Rhoades as the dad. So now he's putting up billboards asking for help.

In the heart of St Matthews shopping district you'll see a billboard with a toddler looking down at you.

James Rhoades says the toddler is his son and he's doing everything he can to see him again.'

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UK: "Harriet Harman is an ultra-feminist gender warrior trapped in a student radical time-warp"

Article here. Excerpt:

'In a speech this weekend, she will hail this move as a step towards ‘a new social order’.

‘We want to do more than just provide escape routes out of poverty for a talented few. We want to tackle the class divide,’ she will say.

This is but the latest bit of cack-handed injustice from Harman, an ultra-feminist gender warrior who has spent much of her political career trying to institutionalise injustice against men and privilege women on the basis of ‘sexual equality’.

Much is made of Gordon Brown’s unreconstructed redistributive socialism. But in fact Harman is the most conspicuous example of another important characteristic of this government: its state of fossilised adolescence.

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Ms. Magazine Posits Obama as Super-Feminist

Article here. Excerpt:

"Ms. Magazine, the publication founded by Gloria Steinem, is releasing a special inaugural issue with somewhat provocative cover. Its photo-shopped image portrays Barack Obama in an iconic Superman pose: heeding a distress call and pulling open his starched white shirt to reveal a secret identity. In this version of the comic-book send-up, the somewhat misleading layer of business attire conceals not a blue and red leotard, but a black t-shirt that reads, "This is what Feminism looks like".
'When the chair of the Feminist board, Peg Yorkin, and I met with Barack Obama, he immediately offered, "I am a feminist." And better yet, he ran on the strongest platform for women's rights of any major party in American history.'"

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National Car Rental ad pulled due to activism

Recently National Car Rental had an ad showing John McEnroe smashing a tennis ball into a mans' head for trying to take a car he wanted. I protested the commercial because it continues to promote the idea that inflicting pain on a man is funny. I found out today that the commercial has been permanently dropped because of the protests that were received from viewers. I am glad that others found the ad offensive and that national car rental got the message. -- Dave

The ad can be seen here.

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Soldiers and Child Support

MANN received this submission anonymously. While we normally don't publish such lengthy pieces, especially if submitted anonymously, this one is just too well-written and timely not to publish. It also reads like it was written as a letter to a government official and so it has content others may find useful. Big thanks to whomever submitted it!

"I am a long-time Army Family Member, being both the daughter of a retired Sergeant First Class, and the spouse of an Active Duty Sergeant First Class, and the sister-in-law of two retired soldiers, in addition to both my brothers serving in the Army; the Army has been the only life I have led. I am proud of the sacrifice that my family has made for the Army and this grateful nation and as such I have dedicated my time to volunteering to honor the life of public service that has been bestowed upon me. It is on behalf of this and other proud servicemen and women that I compose this letter with a serious concern for the soldiers’ and their families.

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Take Action: Stop the Bailout for Trial Lawyers

Item here. Excerpt:

'Last Friday, in one of its first actions of the 111th Congress, the House of Representatives passed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and the Paycheck Fairness Act. Although the bills purport to ensure equal pay for men and women, in truth they are a stimulus package for trial lawyers and liberal/feminist special-interest groups.

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Minnesota Woman Tried to Set Boyfriend on Fire, Police Say

Story here.

'ST. CLOUD, Minn. — A St. Cloud woman is in jail after police say she tried to set her boyfriend on fire using a lighter and air freshener.

Investigators say the 49-year-old woman is accused of pouring fingernail polish remover on the victim and the blanket covering him, then trying to light him on fire.

The victim was able to take the air freshener from the woman. Police say she then hit him on the back of the head and bit him several times. As the man tried to call police, the woman allegedly ripped the phone cord out of the wall.

The woman is in the Stearns County Jail on suspicion of domestic assault and interfering with a 911 call.'

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Deployment Used In Battles for Kids

Story here. Excerpt:

'"We are seeing a substantial increase in cases . . . challenging the custody of military parents and the return of custody when they come back from mobilization or deployment, compared to virtually none 10 years ago," said Mark E. Sullivan, a retired Army Reserve judge advocate who practices family law in North Carolina. The increase has been greatest in states with large military populations, such as Virginia and Texas, he added.

Female troops may be particularly at risk, because mothers are more likely to have custody of children after a divorce. "For them to go away for 15 to 18 months, it opens the door to these challenges," said A.J. Balbo, Greer's attorney and a former Army judge advocate.
Diaz gained temporary custody of his daughter, Talia, in February 2002 because her mother was unfit, Diaz said. But when he deployed to Iraq with his engineer battalion in April 2003, he had to delegate joint custody to his mother and Talia's mother. When he came back, Talia's mother refused to return the child.'

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Area girls team continue to practice against the boys

Story here. Excerpt:

'The recent lawsuit by a female high school basketball player who was injured scrimmaging against males has caused area coaches to take notice, but not make changes.

Girls basketball teams at Ross, Lakota West and Madison are among those who regularly practice against boys, but their sessions are structured and the boys are scrutinized.

"It's not like we're just grabbing anyone out of the hallway and saying, 'Come play against our girls,' " Madison coach John Rossi Jr. said. "Most of these guys are friends with the girls, and they're all good-character, straight-A type of kids, and we let them know we're not interested in seeing what the heck you can do."'

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Editorial: Sex charges against female teacher no joking matter

Article here. Excerpt:

'Locker-room humor about the case involving an Abington boy who police say was raped by a female teacher may be good for a laugh in some circles.

But such banter threatens to perpetuate the misguided idea that boys involved are not victims.

Christine McCallum, 29, stands accused of having a 21-month relationship with a boy, starting when he was 13 and involving up to 300 sexual encounters.

She pleaded innocent Friday to seven counts of statutory child rape.

While most people recognize the violation of trust and potential emotional damage inherent in such a crime, others – and you’ll find plenty – see it as a welcome rite of passage.'

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"Lilly Ledbetter Is No Victim"

Article here. Excerpt:

'I have represented many sex discrimination victims. I have won their cases. After 20 years of such efforts, I know a victim when I see one. Let me tell you something: Lilly Ledbetter is no victim. When Ledbetter issued, I reserved judgment as I wished to actually read the opinion first, something knee-jerk liberals rarely do. They are so politically motivated to cry foul that the actual legal merits of the case are of no concern to them.
Here’s another fact ignored in the political rhetoric. Ledbetter, for unexplained reasons, abandoned an Equal Pay Act claim asserted in her suit. The Equal Pay Act does not contain Title VII’s filing limitations, nor does it require plaintiffs to prove intent. It was a much better claim, easier to prove, and it was timely. After abandoning it on appeal, Ledbetter essentially tried to squeeze the EPA claim into Title VII’s framework and she justly failed in the effort.

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Grandmother to climb Kilimanjaro for shared parenting awareness

Very inspring! Story here (.pdf file). Excerpt:

'Charlotte, NC - 70 year old grandmother, Sheila Peltzer, will climb Africa's tallest peak, 19,200' Mount Kilimanjaro raising awareness for Shared Parenting and Familial Dysautonomia. Peltzer, departing January 21, 2009, will make the ten day trek up the western route where sub zero summit temperatures are expected.
Tim McKyer adds; "I'm involved with Sheila to help shine a spotlight on the family courts. At one time my children lived with me and were doing well. Now I have limited access to them and they are falling behind in school and having other problems. The courts are handicapping my kids unnecessarily. What my kids are being subjected to at the hands of the court is beyond absurd."'

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On You Tube: Ann Coulter Discusses Single Mothers On 'The View'

Video here. I realize Ann Coulter is extremely controversial, but she makes some logical observations about motherhood and fatherhood. Notice how the audience roars with applause when Elisabeth Hasselbeck insinuates fathers are not taking responsibility.

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