Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2009-02-12 22:20
No, can't be true. She's *just sooo cute*! =) Story here. Excerpt:
'A 19-year-old Upper Darby woman who was observed on a store surveillance camera singing, "The fire company is going to be mad at me," was arrested and charged with setting seven fires in the township early yesterday.
Amanda Gessner of the 300 block of Childs Avenue was charged with arson, causing or risking catastrophe, criminal mischief, and related charges.
Upper Darby Police Superintendent Michael Chitwood said he did not believe Gessner was involved in any of the nearly two dozen arsons that have plagued the Coatesville area.
Gessner was seen at previous fire scenes taking pictures with her cell phone, Upper Darby Deputy Fire Chief John Hicks said. A few weeks ago, she gave firefighters a "hard time" at the Garrettford Station on Edmonds Avenue, Hicks said.'
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2009-02-12 22:16
"From Ideology to Inclusion 2009: New Directions in Domestic Violence Research and Intervention
Most presenters serve on the editorial board of the new peer-reviewed journal, Partner Abuse, published quarterly by Springer publishing."
Friday-Sunday, June 26-28, 2009 in Los Angeles, CA.
Conference flier here (.pdf file).
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Submitted by digitalhermit on Thu, 2009-02-12 18:47
"Chris Walker would have searched the world over to find his biological dad. But it turns out his father was sitting right across from him.
An astounding father-son reunion, chronicled in a report by Ann Curry on TODAY Thursday, came together as the result of an unexpected confession from a mother and a bit of detective work from an inquisitive cop in Petersburg, Virgina."
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Submitted by Sheldon on Thu, 2009-02-12 15:04
Article can be read here. Halifax Chronicle Herald columnist Peter Duffy wrote a piece on parental alienation syndrome on Tuesday, recognizing it as a very serious issue and sympathizing with the two men he mentions in his column. It's particularly interesting because it highlights some women's vanity leading up to alienating their children from their fathers, as one of the men mentioned in the article states the "reason" why his partner did this to him: "My partner said to me, 'You're the first man who ever said 'no' to me,'" The article concludes with the important recognition of the children caught in between these vindictive quarrels. Excerpt:
'Welcome to the unbelievable world of parental alienation, a relatively little-known syndrome spawned in the toxic atmosphere of couples who fall out of love.
Essentially, it’s when a bitter parent, usually the one with custody, systematically poisons the minds of the children against the other parent.
What was once considered merely collateral damage during bitter divorce proceedings is now being seen in a new light.
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Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2009-02-11 20:54
Video report here. As I'm sure many of you know, feminist groups have been complaining the stimulus package ignores women. Groups like NOW have been pushing for more money to create jobs in female dominated professions. Guess what -- according to this report, not only is women's unemployment lower, but the job market for health care and teaching is actually growing.
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Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2009-02-11 20:46
Story here. Excerpt:
'IOWA CITY, Iowa - An Iowa state agency said Tuesday it intends to file criminal charges against the party responsible for lodging 21 mentally disabled factory workers in an unsafe, poorly heated building.
The state Department of Inspections and Appeals would file charges of operating a health care facility without a license, but it's unclear who can be charged, said agency spokesman Dave Werning.
"We're pursuing criminal charges," he said. "But the suspects have yet to be determined."'
Ed. note: "Workers" = "men" Funny how they don't use the word "men" in the headline. Funny like a heart attack.
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Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2009-02-11 20:37
Story here.
'NORCROSS, Ga. — A Norcross mother is recovering from severe burns after police said she was deliberately set on fire.
Investigators said the assault occurred Tuesday afternoon at a residence on Langston Road.
Norcross Police Capt. Brian Harr said Na Yong Pak, 31, was booked on an aggravated assault charge.
Harr said Pak allegedly doused the unnamed 50-year-old victim with some type of accelerate and set her ablaze. The woman suffered second and third degree burns. She was taken to Grady Memorial Hospital for treatment. Her condition was not immediately available.
Police said Pak has a prior arrest for domestic violence.'
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Submitted by anthony on Wed, 2009-02-11 20:24
Video here. Apparently the woman 'casually' walked to the lake and threw the baby in the water with the umbilical cord still attached.
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2009-02-11 16:34
The Wrong in Women’s Rights
by E. Abdiel
Abortion. A cornerstone in the woman’s movement. It is a cornerstone that claims it is a woman’s sole right to decide the outcome of the unborn child inside her. Yet when this assertion is applied consistently to its end, it contradicts the arguments used to assign equal responsibility to men for the care and support of unplanned children.
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2009-02-11 16:26
Story here Excerpt:
'EDMONTON -- In a bizarre case before the courts, an Edmonton man has been forbidden from going to his own home while his girlfriend - whom he has told to get out - is still living there.
Todd Shandro, 36, went before a judge yesterday to try to resolve the situation, but he was told there were jurisdictional issues and he has to take the matter to civil court.
"It's very sick what is happening here," said a frustrated Shandro. "I am the sole owner of the house. The mortgage and title are in my name and she is essentially a squatter.'
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2009-02-11 16:25
Story here. Excerpt:
'Choking back tears that had been building up for more than four and a half years, a New Jersey father tried to describe the emotions he felt at finally being able to hold and hug his son and tell the boy how much he loved him.
“It was the most beautiful thing I’ve seen since his birth. It was incredible. Amazing. I got to see my son,” David Goldman told TODAY’s Meredith Vieira Tuesday by phone from Brazil.
The previous day, accompanied by U.S. Rep. Chris Smith of New Jersey, Goldman had finally reached the end of a nightmare that began in June 2004 when his wife, Bruna, left with their son, Sean, for a two-week trip to visit family in her native Brazil. She never came back.'
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2009-02-11 16:10
Story here. Excerpt:
'MOUNT PLEASANT, Mich. (AP) - - Central Michigan and its women's basketball coach are being sued by a former player, who claims her heterosexuality was a factor in losing a scholarship after two seasons.
Brooke Heike said she fell out of favor with Sue Guevara immediately after the coach was hired in 2007.
Heike said Guevara told her she wore too much makeup and was not the coach's "type." That meant she wasn't a lesbian, according to a lawsuit filed last week in federal court in Bay City.
The former Romeo High School star lost her scholarship after the 2007-08 season.'
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2009-02-11 16:08
Story here. Excerpt:
'FALMOUTH - Six middle school students could face child porn charges after a boy took a nude photo of his 13-year-old girlfriend and “sexted” it to his pals’ cell phones, cops said.
The six boys, ages 12 to 14, will be summoned to Falmouth District Court for a hearing to determine whether they should be charged with possessing, exhibiting or distributing child porn in the form of a text message photo, according to The Cape Cod Times.
Wendy Murphy, who lectures on sex crimes at the New England School of Law, said “sexting” almost has become an “epidemic.” Murphy said, “I know it seems heavy-handed to bring child porn charges. Law enforcement is using the only tool it has for what has become a huge problem nationwide.”'
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Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 2009-02-10 23:06
There was plenty of coverage on the BBC in the UK today about the scandalous lack of help for male victims of domestic violence. Published just today: 'She'd put cigarettes out on me' Excerpt:
'Men in England and Wales aged between 20 and 24 are just as likely to be abused by their partners as women in the same age group. Campaigners claim not enough is being done by the police, social services and the government to tackle the problem. Read one victim's story.
"She would put cigarettes out on me. She'd send the kids into the back garden to play and then she'd corner me in the front room and just attack me.
"She'd be scratching my face, kicking, punching, spitting in my face. That was a regular thing."
Mark says the physical abuse wasn't that hard to deal with, but the psychological manipulation was the worst part because he had no control over it.
"Some nights maybe she'd go out and go missing, turn her phone off, and then come back and say she'd been with another man. All that was going on."'
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Submitted by anthony on Tue, 2009-02-10 19:43
Article here. Excerpt:
'MONTREAL -- Quebec's Liberal government fought off criticism yesterday that it has failed to rein in the province's soaring high-school dropout rate, which is getting worse despite repeated pledges to fix the problem.
Figures show that nearly 30 per cent of Quebec students quit public secondary schools before getting their diplomas in 2007, an increase of three percentage points since 2000.
Boys are dropping out more than girls, and in some school boards in the province, the rate is reaching levels of more than 40 per cent.
The Opposition Parti Québécois says the Charest government needs to cut teacher-student ratios and invest in after-school activities, along with other measures aimed at helping keep teens in school.'
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