Woman sought in fatal stabbing of S.F. man

Story here. Excerpt:

'San Francisco police are searching for a woman who they say fatally stabbed an 18-year-old man during a domestic incident in a violence-scarred public housing development in the Western Addition.
Authorities did not identify the suspect in the latest homicide or provide details in what they described as a case of domestic violence. But several neighbors in the Plaza East housing complex said authorities were looking for 27-year-old DeEbony Smith, with whom Pickett had a baby daughter.

The neighbors said Smith lives in an apartment in Plaza East with her mother and three children. They said the fathers of the other two children had also died in recent years, one in a shooting and the other in a car wreck.'

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Another study debunks the two percent false rape canard

Article here. Excerpt:

'Radical feminism has enjoyed almost unchallenged success in convincing lawmakers and university administrators that when it comes to rape, one gender is incapable of telling a lie, while the other is incapable of anything but lying.

From the faulty premise that women do not lie about rape follow the equally faulty but still widely accepted premises that there is no such thing as a false rape claim, and that conviction rates for rape are far too low. To help jack up those rates – or, in the twisted logic that follows from those faulty premises, to help justice be better served – laws and policies are changed to provide rape accusers with special accommodations allowed to no other criminal complainant.'

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India: Wife beats up her husband for divorce

Story here. Excerpt:

'Thirty seven-year old S Babu, who is into construction business, has complained to Madiwala police that his wife Malini Babu was in the habit of popping sleeping pills, and was addicted to alcohol. According to him, she would regularly abuse him, demanding a divorce and Rs 25 lakh.

Interestingly, Malini's father also supporting his daughter, and is keen to see the couple separate. Babu and Malini had married on February 2, 1997, and have two children Nita and Rama. They live in an apartment on Taverekere Main Road.

Police said on December 29, Malini had allegedly beaten up her husband and the children.'

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Australia: Rob Hulls criticised for stand on men-only clubs

Article here. Excerpt:

'ATTORNEY-GENERAL Rob Hulls said this week: "It seems to me that a contemporary, enlightened and diverse world demands that clubs . . . should really change their fossil-like views."

Hulls spoke about the Athenaeum Club excluding female members.
The issue at stake is property rights, not equal opportunity. And making it equal opportunity makes it impossible to design a system that makes everyone happy. Take Fernwood Fitness Centres.

It's a female-only fitness club that believes there's a "need for women to have their own special space -- a comfortable sanctuary to work out and enjoy regular exercise".
The real objective of Hulls's proposed changes isn't equal opportunity, but affirmative action, rooted in "progressive" ideology, to tinker with societal outcomes.'

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"Father-ectomy court is now in session"

Article here. Excerpt:

'What does this Obama administration mean for new and old men and fathers? It means - welcome to family, I mean father-ectomy court, where if you think you are getting custody of your kid(s), think again! It means millions of more dollars funneled in to support CAPTA and VAWA, its constituents, its supporters, and that includes advocacy programs supporting the protection of women and children and what is in their best interests. If you think father custody is now at about 15% wait until 2010 when Obama, et al start to crank up the pressure in support of domestic programs created to ultimately curtail the rights of you guessed it - deadbeats, visitors, high rise condos known as time-sharers in Florida, child molesters and wife beaters; aka fathers.'

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Mother of Florida Girl Caylee Anthony Describes Herself as a Victim in Just-Released Tapes

Story here. Excerpt:

'ORLANDO, Fla. — The Florida mother charged in the killing of her toddler daughter described herself as a victim when talking to her parents during a jailhouse visit last August.

Casey Anthony, 22, told her parents she was just as much a victim as anyone else in the case during the recorded visit at the Orange County Jail in Orlando. Tapes of the visit were released this week.
"This is seriously the first time I've been angry, that I've been frustrated to the point where I can't even think straight at this moment," Casey Anthony said. "The worst part is nobody can see my side and I have to keep my mouth shut."'

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American Businessmen in Hong Kong falling victim to date-rape drug

Article here. Excerpt:

"...It was in Hong Kong, in the pulsating red-light district of Wan Chai. Garcia, a Singapore-based executive for a luxury sports brand, had gone out for Friday-night cocktails with colleagues. "The next thing I knew, it was 2 a.m. on Sunday, and I was lying on my bed, butt-naked," he recalls. "My cell phone, wallet, and $3000 Omega watch were gone." So was all memory of the previous 24 hours...

...Police on the island metropolis say 44 Western businessmen have reported similar date-rape druggings by prostitutes in Wan Chai in the past four years. The real number of victims is higher, they believe, because few men report the crime if they were cheating on their wives or girlfriends at the time. An advisory committee for the U.S. State Department deemed the trend serious enough to issue a warning about it in its 2008 Hong Kong travel report...

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Business Week: Too Much Testosterone on Wall Street?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Finance has always been dominated by men and driven by a testosterone-enhanced culture. If women had been running our banks, might we have avoided the sub-prime mess and the resulting economic meltdown?

Halla Tomasdottir, a prominent Icelandic financier, answers yes. In a recent BBC interview she shared her outrage at the wild risks male bankers had taken in Iceland, resulting in three banks being nationalized and the country being frozen out of foreign exchange markets. At least two smart women saw it coming—Tomasdottir herself and her partner Kristin Petursdottir, who set up Audur Capital in 2007, recruiting mainly women and exercising risk awareness in their choice of investments. Audur was one of the few Icelandic financial companies to survive the crisis. "Our ground rule was simple, we didn't invest in anything we couldn't understand," says Tomasdottir. In early 2008 she published a report warning Prime Minister Geir Haarde that Iceland's financial model was unsustainable.

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Women safer from the unemployment line than men?

Article here. Excerpt:

'In these tough times, the unemployment line is getting longer and longer, and it looks like you have a better chance of standing in it if you are a man.

A new study shows women seem to be holding on to their jobs more than men.

Since the recession began, the jobless rate for men rose from 4.4% to 7.2%. The jobless rate for women went from 4.3% to 5.9%. Why the discrepancy? Experts say the kind of jobs women tend to hold offer more stability. About 75% of the people who work in health care and education are women. Those jobs certainly aren't going away right now.

Women are more likely to work part-time than men. That means they make less money than the full-timers and probably don't get benefits.'

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Mother to face trial in toddler's poisoning

Story here. Excerpt:

'A young mother who authorities said deliberately mixed drain cleaner with her toddler's apple juice must face trial for child abuse and other charges, a judge ruled Wednesday.

Christina Noel Howell has pleaded not guilty to a charge of aggravated mayhem in the alleged poisoning of her 22-month-old son with caustic chemicals. If she is convicted, she could face up to life in prison.

The 22-year-old also has pleaded not guilty to two counts of child abuse and two counts of poisoning.

Deputy District Attorney Keith Watanabe said Howell told authorities the child's ingestion of caustic chemicals, once on May 25 and again on May 28, was accidental. Watanabe maintained the Warner Springs woman purposely served the poison to the toddler.

Howell's son suffered internal damage so severe he risks choking every time he drinks water, according to the child's doctor, who testified at a key pretrial hearing for Howell on Tuesday.'

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Book helps turn young boys into lifelong readers

Article here. Excerpt:

'A new book co-authored by an Arizona State University faculty member tackles head-on the fact that, in general, boys in the United States read less often and less well than girls. “Bright Beginnings for Boys: Engaging Young Boys in Active Literacy” offers practical advice and strategies for teachers, parents and anyone with an interest in boys’ literacy development.
“‘Bright Beginnings for Boys’ offers alternatives to repetitive drilling on basic skills, which can lead to boredom, inattention and behavioral problems,” Zambo says. “We believe this book will benefit teachers, caregivers, and anyone else who wants to help young boys learn basic skills in a way that is active and connects to their interests. Beyond that, we want adults to use books to help young boys find positive visions of themselves.”'

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"After School": Teacher-student sex documentary released

Article here. Excerpt:

'Collingswood, NJ (PRWEB) January 16, 2009 -- RollingStone.com has teamed up with Powerhouse Pictures Entertainment to premiere an exclusive interview from the upcoming documentary feature film, After School, directed by Chris Barrett. After School examines the disturbing nature of teacher student sexual relationships.
...Director Barrett goes on to say, "After School will delve more deeply into the topic of teacher student sex than any other media outlet has."'


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New Zealand: Author Believes False Rape Allegations Need Help Not Prosecution

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women who make false rape allegations need help not prosecution, says a rape victim counsellor.
Of more concern was the number of sexual abuse assaults not reported to police, with only 9 per cent of sexual assault cases reported.
Police should be finding help for these women, she said.

"I would recommend some form of therapeutic intervention rather than charging them."

She said someone needed to be "pretty distressed" to make a false allegation of sexual assault but there were several reasons someone would. A young woman may have had sex against her parent's wishes and told her parents she has been raped. Dr McGregor said the parents complain to police but when the woman was interviewed she would then say she had lied.'

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Fox Forum: "Obama, the Feminist?"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Feminists need to realize that if we want truly equal treatment for women, we have to stop demanding preferential treatment, in the form of senate seats, anti-men legislation and the conventient revision of history. And they need to remember that real American women — in San Francisco, Topeka, and Anchorage — are not defined by only one issue.

Ms. magazine has offended a lot of women in the past — both by glorifying and, in fact, celebrating abortion as an act of defiance against men, and by appearing anti-Semitic in refusing to run an ad honoring Israeli women. If the election of Barack Obama is opening feminists’ eyes to the realities of the world — that men are valuable and important, and shouldn’t be excluded from our fight for equality — then I am now a huge supporter of Barack Obama. Here’s hoping the new feminist mantra can be “I Am Man, Hear Me Roar.”

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"Bad males" want sex on date #1

Open misandry to be found here. Tell me, a girl who wants to have sex on the first date-- is she a "bad female"? Excerpt:

"A woman increases her chances of getting a 'good' man by not sleeping with partners on a first date, mathematicians have found.

They used a numerical model to show that better partners were willing to date for a longer time before having sex, whereas 'bad' men were more reluctant to hang around.
By delaying mating, the female is able to reduce the chance that she will mate with a bad male.

'A male's willingness to court for a long time is a signal that he is likely to be a good male.

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