Woman seeking alimony after common-law marriage

Story here. Excerpt:

'MONTREAL — She is a willowy brunette with supermodel looks. He is a multimillionaire who travels the globe. Their union produced three kids - and their breakup is now poised to test Canadian law.

A Montreal woman turned to a Quebec judge yesterday in a bid to obtain alimony from her wealthy ex. She says she was the man's companion, travel partner, and mother to their children: The only thing she wasn't was his wife.

Now the woman is challenging federal law and seeking $50-million of her ex's fortune, saying she was unfairly penalized because she never tied the knot.'

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Mom allegedly coached girl in sex case

Article here. Excerpt:

'CALGARY - Cops wrongly charged a Calgary dad with sexual abuse after his ex-wife coached their three-year-old daughter's complaint, a $900,000 lawsuit claims.

And the lawyer for the dad says his client has now effectively lost his daughter since the mom has taken her to their native China.

"He may have lost the child forever," lawyer Robb Beeman told the Sun yesterday.

Beeman said police should have done a more thorough investigation before charging his client with sexual assault two years ago.'

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Ohio Mom Charged With Daughters' Bathtub Drownings Heard Voices Urging Her to Kill

Story here. Excerpt:

'CLEVELAND — A defense attorney says an Ohio woman charged with drowning her two young daughters in a bathtub heard voices urging her to kill.

Twenty-three-year-old Amber Hill has pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. During opening statements Tuesday, her defense attorney said Hill had been increasingly troubled and depressed leading up to the deaths of her daughters on Oct. 1, 2007.
The girls' father, Jamie Cintron, rushed home and pulled his daughters from a bathtub filled with water, then called 911.'

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Opinion: Fair pay acts will hamper recovery

Article here. Excerpt:

'Two new ''equal pay'' laws will likely land on President-elect Barak Obama's desk as soon as he is inaugurated

Tuesday. These laws were taken up by the new Congress as its first order of business, along with emergency measures to rescue the economy.
Due to the undeniable progress made towards equity over the past 40 years and the marked diversity of today's workplace, I would argue that rank discrimination is today the least likely of many factors in any woman's compensation.

However, in the burdens they impose -- and the urgency with which their advocates are trying to get them enacted -- both of these new laws seem to assume that discrimination is the most likely.

Existing anti-discrimination laws, with their stiff penalties, already provide strong prohibitions against pay differentials based on race, religion or gender.

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Wendy Murphy: Male abuse victims suffer from crime and stereotype

Article here. Excerpt:

'According to the Department of Justice, females account for 6,000 sexual offenses each year. A total of 1.6 million men and 1.5 million women were sexually abused by women when they were children. The majority of female offenders are between 22 and 33 years old and are not mentally ill. They are typically employed in professional jobs or as managers and a high percentage of their victims are “close” contacts, such as students, family friends and children they advised in some fashion.

When they offend against boys, we either ignore or discount the harm because it seems impossible for a boy’s parts to get, um, tingly if he’s truly being harmed. Truth is, boys suffer terribly, even when their parts are tingling. But because we high-five them as “lucky,” they aren’t free to talk about the experience as painful. This silencing adds to the psychic pain for male victims and so long as we continue to view male sexual abuse through the prism of an orgasm, it will continue.'

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Benard Chapin: The Semi-Declared War on Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'The battle between the sexes has ceased being a battle and has quickly turned into a rout. With women the recipients of state sponsored advantages such as affirmative action, preferential treatment in the courts, and a public educational system uniquely sensitive to the needs of girls, men are like frogs in an aquarium where water is added incrementally at ever-increasing temperatures. The frogs only realize the danger just as they begin to boil to death. This is exact warning that Dr. Richard Hise gives us in his 2004 book, The War Against Men.

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Sweden: Best-selling DV book author accused of fraud

Story here. Excerpt:

'It all started in the year 1995 when journalist Liza Marklund made her debut as an author with the book ‘Gömda : en sann historia’ (Hidden : A true story). In what she claims to be a true story verified by authority documents.
The book Gömda quickly became a success and started a debate about how Swedish authorities do not help a parent who is on the run from an abusive partner.
The book ‘Mia - Sanningen om Gömda’ (Mia – The truth about Hidden), written by freelance journalist Monica Antonsson, is all it has promised to be. The real story about Marklund’s story, that shows what a thin line the celebrated and famous journalist has been walking on when she “documented” how Swedish authorities ignored a mother fleeing from an abusive husband.

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UK: Parents want more men to be school teachers, survey shows

Article here. Excerpt:

'Parents are calling for more men to become teachers because they fear their children lack male role models, research showed yesterday.

Demand is even stronger among single mothers, who told the survey their children had little contact with men in caring roles.

The study found one in six children living with a single mother spends less than two hours a week with a male role model, such as a father figure, relative or teacher.

One in three of these children has such contact for under six hours a week.

Over the past 20 years there has been a dramatic decline in the number of men working in schools and nurseries and a growing trend for children never to be taught by a man.

The slump in male recruitment has been blamed on a perception among men that teaching, especially of young children, is 'women's work' and that they risk false allegations of child abuse.'

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UK: Jealousy no defence for killer husbands, but abused wives can escape a murder charge

Article here. Excerpt:

"Stripping husbands of the right to claim that infidelity was the spur for their actions means they will face a charge of murder, rather than manslaughter.

But women who kill abusive partners in cold blood could escape a murder conviction if they prove they feared more violence.

The most sweeping changes to murder laws in 50 years are part of the Government's controversial Coroners and Justice Bill, to be published today.
The new murder rules follow a report from the Government's legal advisers, the Law Commission, which paid deep attention to the claims of feminists that women who kill violent husbands or boyfriends are too harshly treated.

But Robert Whelan of the Civitas think-tank said: 'The Government is making some people more equal than others before the law. It seems some lives are worth more than others.'

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Glenn Sacks: What Will the Obama Presidency Mean for Fathers?

Article here. Excerpt:

'I'm often asked what I think the Obama presidency will mean for fathers. I think there are some reasons to be optimistic and some reasons to be pessimistic. Below I list a bunch of them, not in any particular order.

Positive: Obama clearly understands the importance of fathers, and has often emphasized it.

Negative: Obama believes, or at least publicly believes, that fatherlessness is caused almost entirely by irresponsible fathers.

Positive: Obama seems to understand that there are systemic problems with the child support system, and that these problems are part of what causes men to fail to pay their child support.

Negative: Obama has said that he wants to beef up child support enforcement against those who he believes, perhaps incorrectly, are capable of paying.'

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Pepto Bismol and Coors Light Run Misandric Commercials

Another member of this site has recently submitted an article nominating two companies for boycott. I have two more to go with them.

Pepto Bismol:
In this ad, a woman is on the phone with an agent from Pepto Bismol's customer questions line, and tells him, "Rex got into everything last night." The agent asks her what he ate. She lists several things, and ends the list off with "and of course dog treats." The agent then tells her that dogs are not covered. She responds, "Charlie is my dog. Rex is my husband."

I don't see how it makes sense to compare half of your customer base to dogs, and expect them to want to buy your product. Perhaps the ad-execs who came up with this should be compared to dogs instead. I would much rather suffer from nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, or diarrhea than use their product.

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"Lost in Castration"

I never thought I'd see it. But anyone who knows even a little of Dirk Benedict's background knows he isn't afraid to tell it like it it. Read it here. Title: "Lost in Castration". Excerpt:

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Dad told to pay for child's birth or wed mom

Story here. Excerpt:

'FLINT, Mich. (AP) - The state of Michigan is giving a father a choice: pay the medical cost of his daughter's birth or marry the girl's mother.

Gary Johnson was billed $3,800 for the birth of his daughter JaeLyn, The Flint Journal reported in Sunday online editions. Johnson is not married to the child's mother, Rebecca Witt.

The Michigan Legislature amended the state's paternity act five years ago to waive birthing costs for a father, if he married the child's mother. A year later, Witt gave birth to JaeLyn. The state paid for the hospital costs because Witt was on Medicaid at the time and is now trying to recover the money.'

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RADAR ALERT: Where IS the Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting?

Recently, an ABC World News Report story by Charlie Gibson was presented as 'Protecting Teens from Teenage Violence'. The more accurate name should have been 'How to Protect Your Daughters From Those Violent Teenage Boys'.

A report issued by Richard L. Davis, MS and MA, "ABC News Report on Domestic Violence Dating: Harmful or Helpful?", shows that the media continues to present an awfully skewed portrayal of domestic abuse, completely ignoring the need to be gender neutral in its evaluation. Davis points to Liz Claiborne, Inc., which developed and distributed its own A Parent's Guide to Teen Dating Violence:

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Smart Mom/Wife-Dumb Dad/Husband commercials

I wish to nominate 2 more businesses for the boycott list.

Vonnage Phone Service: In the commercial, the "Smart Wife" is describing how easy it was to hook up and use the Vonnage system with her computer. Throughout the time, her husband (who is a rotund and rather ridiculous looking "tell-a-tubby" sort) is attempting to do the Michael Jackson Moon Walk. During the "Smart Wife's" description of how easily she connected to Vonnage, she looks over her shoulder at the antics and gives a look indicating that she is indeed a long suffering individual married to a complete idiot.

Home Depot: In one of their recent commercials, the "Smart Wife" talks about the "3 Reasons I'm Heading to the Home Depot this weekend". The reasons include her 3 year old drawing on the wall with crayons and then comparing her husband to the 3-year-old for having put numerous holes in the wall in an effort to hang pictures.


Ed. note: If you have links to the commercials, please post.

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